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The study aims at improving the quality characteristics of low-fat beef burgers. This is done by adding rice bran due to its high fibre content, which reached 40.27%. The burger was prepared using four treatments: the first treatment was a control treatment, the second treatment was through adding rice bran by 10%, the third treatment by 20%, and the fourth treatment by 30%. The chemical content of the product was thoroughly studied. The product was stored in the freezer (-18 ±2) for 90 days. during which some qualitative characteristics were monitored, including moisture, protein, fat, ash, carbohydrates, fibre, and cholesterol. As well as the physical characteristics, which included water holding capacity, loss by dissolving, loss by cooking, shrinkage by diameter, cooking yield, retained moisture, and retained fat. Chemical indicators included thiobarbituric acid and sensory characteristics, as well as color, flavor, tenderness, juiciness, and general acceptability. The results brought to light an increase in the fibre content in the burger prepared by increasing the addition of rice bran. It increased from 10.52% when 10% rice bran to 14.12% and 18.88% when rise adding rice bran to 20% and 30% respectively. The concentration of cholesterol decreased from 68.96 in control to 64.57, 61.86 and 57.43 mg.100-1 gm-1 when adding 10%, 20% and 30% rice bran respectively. Thiobarbituric acid decreased from 0.48 in control to 0.28 when adding 30%. The loss after thawing, the cooking, and the shrinkage in diameter was also decreased with adding rice bran. The ability to hold water, the cooking yield, the percentage of retained moisture, and retained fat also increased. The duration of storage also had a significant (p<0.05) effect on the studied traits. The treatments to which rice bran was added also obtained acceptable evaluation scores, close to the evaluation scores of the control treatment. Especially the treatments to which 20% rice bran was added. The results disclosed that the addition of rice bran improved all quality characteristics of the product.
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- Al-Baidhani, A. M.S, & Al-Mossawi, A. E. B. H. (2019). Chemical Indicators of Ostrich Struthio camelus Linnaeus, 1758 Meat Burger Prepared by Adding Different Fat Levels During Frozen Storage. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32(2), 16-22.
- Al-Baidhani, A. M., Al-Shatty, S. M., Al-Hilphy, A. R., & Gavahian, M. (2024). Valorization of Melissa Pomegranate Peels and Seeds Waste to Obtain Extracts for Increasing the Shelf-Life of Chicken Patties During Cold Storage. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 1-14.
- Al-Temimi, W.K.A. ., Aziz, S.N. ., & Khalaf, A.A. .(2023). Production of Partially Purified Collagenase from Bacillus licheniformis and Its Use to Tenderize Aged Buffalo Meat, Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 36(1): 75-89.
- Abdel Hassan, K.H., Eskander, M.Z., & Al-Rubaiy ,H.H.M. (2022). Effect of Adding Different Concentrations Cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) on Phyicochemical and Sensory Propeties of Chicken, Basrah Journal of Agricultural sciences, 35(2): 223-231.
- Akbarmehr,A.; Peighambardoust, S.H.; Ghanbarzadeh,B. & Sarabandi,K.(2023). Physicochemical, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and in vitro cytotoxic activities of corn pollen protein hydrolysates obtained by different peptidases. Food Science and Nutrition. 1-15.
- Aksu, M.L., Kaya, M. & Ockerman, H.W. (2005). Effect of modified atmosphere packaging and temperature on the sheif life of sliced pastirma produced from frozen/thawed meat. Journal of Muscle foods. 16(3): 192-206.
- Alakali, J. S.; Irtwange, S. V. & Mzer, M. T. (2010). Quality evaluation of beef patties formulated with bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean L.) seed flour. Meat Science. 85(2): 215–223.
- Barone, A.M., Banovic, M., Asioli, D., Wallace, E., Ruiz-Capillas, C., & Grasso, S. (2021). The usual suspect: How to co-create healthier meat products, Food Research International .143: Article 110304.
- Bis-Souza, C.V.; Henck, J.M.M. & Barretto, A.C.S. (2018). Performance of low-fat beef burger with added soluble and insoluble dietary fibres. Food Science and Technology. Campinas 38(3): 522–529.
- Elmastas, M.; Cinkilic, S. & Aboul-Enein, H.Y.(2015). Antioxidant Capacity and Determination of Total Phenolic Compounds in Daisy (Matricaria Chamomilla, Fam. Asteraceae). World Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 3:9-14.
- El-zeny, T.; Essa,R.Y.; Bisar, B.A.; & Metwalli, S.M. (2019). effect of root powder as a fat REPLACER ON beef burger quality. Food Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt .509-14.
- Elleuch, M.; Bedigian, D.; Roiseux, O.; Besbes, S.; Blecker, C., & Attia, H. (2011). Dietary fibre and fibre-rich by-products of food processing: Characterisation, technological functionality, and commercial applications: A review. Food Chemistry. 124(2): 411 421.
- Essa, R.Y.; and Elsebaie, E.M. (2018). Effect of using date pits powder as a fat replacer and anti- oxidative agent on beef burger quality. J. food and dairy sciences. 9 (2): 91-96.
- Fuller, S.; Beck, E.; Salman, H. & Tapsell, L. (2016). New Horizons for the Study of Dietary Fibre and Health: A Review. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition.71:1–12.
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- Hu, G.H. & Yu, W.J. ( 2015). Effect of hemicellulose from rice bran on low-fat meatballs chemical and functional properties. Food Chemistry .186: 239–243.
- Ibrahim, M. H.; Hassan, M. I. & Hamed, A. M. A.(2018). Application of Lemon & Orange Peels in Meat Products: Quality and Safety .International Journal of current Microbiology and Applied. Science. 7(4): 2703-2723.
- Lavanya, M.N.; Venkatachalapathy, N.; & Manickavasagan, A. (2017). Chapter 5—Physicochemical characteristics of rice bran. In Brown Rice; Manickavasagan, A.; Santhakumar, C.; Venkatachalapathy, N.; Eds.; Springer: Cham, Switzerland. 79–90.
- Paula, M. M. D. O.; Silva, J. R. G.; Oliveira, K. L. D.; Massingue, A. A.; Ramos, E. M.; Benevenuto, A. A.; & Silva, V. R. O. (2019).Technological & sensory characteristics of hamburgers added with chia seed as fat replacer. Ciência Rural. 49(8): e20190090.
- Soliman, G.A. (2019). Dietary fibre, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease. Nutrients. 11(5):1155.
- Sapwarobol, S., Saphyakhajorn, W., & Astina, J. (2021). Biological functions and activities of rice bran as a functional ingredient: A review. Nutrition and metabolic insights, 14, 11786388211058559.
- Tan, B.L.; & Norhaizan, M.E. (2017). Scientific evidence of rice by-products for cancer prevention: Chemopreventive properties of waste products from rice milling on carcinogenesis in vitro and in vivo. BioMedecl Research Internalional. 9017902.
- Tan, B. L., & Norhaizan, M. E. (2020). Rice by-products: Phytochemicals and food products application. Springer International Publishing. Cham, Switzerland. Chapter: 2, 3, 4.
- Tlay, R. H., Al-Baidhani, A. M.S, & Abouyounes, A. E. (2024). A Study of the Physical, Chemical, and Biologically Active Properties of Avocado Pulp (Persea americana), and Its Use in the Preparation of Some Functional Dairy Products. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 37(1), 164-182.
- Wang, Z.; Tu, J.; Zhou, H.; Lu, A., & Xu, B. (2021). A comprehensive insight into the effects of microbial spoilage, myoglobin autoxidation, lipid oxidation, and protein oxidation on the discoloration of rabbit meat during retail display. Meat science. 172: 108359.
- Yadav, U.; Arora, S.; and Kaushik, I. (2021). Rice (Oryza sativa) Bran. In Oilseeds: Health Attributes & Food Applications; Tanwar, B., Goyal, A., Eds.; Springer: Singaporepp. 397–426.
- Yadav, S.; Pathera, A.K.; Ul Islam, R.; Malik, A.K. & Sharma, D.P.(2018). Effect of Wheat bran & dried carrot pomace addition on quality characteristics of chicken sausage. Asian – Australas. Australian Journal of Animal science. 31 (5): 729-737.
- Zinina, O.; Merekova, S.; Tazeddinova, D.; Rebezov, M.; Stuart, M.; Okuskhanova, E.; Yessimbekov, Z.h. & Baryshnikova, N. (2019). Enrichment of meat products with dietary fibres., 76(4): 1808-1822.
- Zhao, Y.; Hou, Q.; Zhuang, X.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, G.; and Zhang, W. (2018). Effect of regenerated cellulose fibre on the physicochemical properties & sensory characteristics of fat-reduced emulsified sausage. Lwt. 97(January): 157–163.
- Zhao, D.; Guo, C.; Liu, X., & Xiao, C. (2021). Effects of insoluble dietary fibre from kiwi fruit pomace on the physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics of low-fat pork meatballs. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 58(4): 1524-1537.
Al-Baidhani, A. M.S, & Al-Mossawi, A. E. B. H. (2019). Chemical Indicators of Ostrich Struthio camelus Linnaeus, 1758 Meat Burger Prepared by Adding Different Fat Levels During Frozen Storage. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32(2), 16-22.
Al-Baidhani, A. M., Al-Shatty, S. M., Al-Hilphy, A. R., & Gavahian, M. (2024). Valorization of Melissa Pomegranate Peels and Seeds Waste to Obtain Extracts for Increasing the Shelf-Life of Chicken Patties During Cold Storage. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 1-14.
Al-Temimi, W.K.A. ., Aziz, S.N. ., & Khalaf, A.A. .(2023). Production of Partially Purified Collagenase from Bacillus licheniformis and Its Use to Tenderize Aged Buffalo Meat, Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 36(1): 75-89.
Abdel Hassan, K.H., Eskander, M.Z., & Al-Rubaiy ,H.H.M. (2022). Effect of Adding Different Concentrations Cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) on Phyicochemical and Sensory Propeties of Chicken, Basrah Journal of Agricultural sciences, 35(2): 223-231.
Akbarmehr,A.; Peighambardoust, S.H.; Ghanbarzadeh,B. & Sarabandi,K.(2023). Physicochemical, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and in vitro cytotoxic activities of corn pollen protein hydrolysates obtained by different peptidases. Food Science and Nutrition. 1-15.
Aksu, M.L., Kaya, M. & Ockerman, H.W. (2005). Effect of modified atmosphere packaging and temperature on the sheif life of sliced pastirma produced from frozen/thawed meat. Journal of Muscle foods. 16(3): 192-206.
Alakali, J. S.; Irtwange, S. V. & Mzer, M. T. (2010). Quality evaluation of beef patties formulated with bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean L.) seed flour. Meat Science. 85(2): 215–223.
Barone, A.M., Banovic, M., Asioli, D., Wallace, E., Ruiz-Capillas, C., & Grasso, S. (2021). The usual suspect: How to co-create healthier meat products, Food Research International .143: Article 110304.
Bis-Souza, C.V.; Henck, J.M.M. & Barretto, A.C.S. (2018). Performance of low-fat beef burger with added soluble and insoluble dietary fibres. Food Science and Technology. Campinas 38(3): 522–529.
Elmastas, M.; Cinkilic, S. & Aboul-Enein, H.Y.(2015). Antioxidant Capacity and Determination of Total Phenolic Compounds in Daisy (Matricaria Chamomilla, Fam. Asteraceae). World Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 3:9-14.
El-zeny, T.; Essa,R.Y.; Bisar, B.A.; & Metwalli, S.M. (2019). effect of root powder as a fat REPLACER ON beef burger quality. Food Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt .509-14.
Elleuch, M.; Bedigian, D.; Roiseux, O.; Besbes, S.; Blecker, C., & Attia, H. (2011). Dietary fibre and fibre-rich by-products of food processing: Characterisation, technological functionality, and commercial applications: A review. Food Chemistry. 124(2): 411 421.
Essa, R.Y.; and Elsebaie, E.M. (2018). Effect of using date pits powder as a fat replacer and anti- oxidative agent on beef burger quality. J. food and dairy sciences. 9 (2): 91-96.
Fuller, S.; Beck, E.; Salman, H. & Tapsell, L. (2016). New Horizons for the Study of Dietary Fibre and Health: A Review. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition.71:1–12.
Han, M., & Bertram, H.C. (2017). Designing healthier comminuted meat products: Effect of dietary fibres on water distribution and texture of a fat-reduced meat model system. Meat science. 133(July): 159-165.
Hu, G.H. & Yu, W.J. ( 2015). Effect of hemicellulose from rice bran on low-fat meatballs chemical and functional properties. Food Chemistry .186: 239–243.
Ibrahim, M. H.; Hassan, M. I. & Hamed, A. M. A.(2018). Application of Lemon & Orange Peels in Meat Products: Quality and Safety .International Journal of current Microbiology and Applied. Science. 7(4): 2703-2723.
Lavanya, M.N.; Venkatachalapathy, N.; & Manickavasagan, A. (2017). Chapter 5—Physicochemical characteristics of rice bran. In Brown Rice; Manickavasagan, A.; Santhakumar, C.; Venkatachalapathy, N.; Eds.; Springer: Cham, Switzerland. 79–90.
Paula, M. M. D. O.; Silva, J. R. G.; Oliveira, K. L. D.; Massingue, A. A.; Ramos, E. M.; Benevenuto, A. A.; & Silva, V. R. O. (2019).Technological & sensory characteristics of hamburgers added with chia seed as fat replacer. Ciência Rural. 49(8): e20190090.
Soliman, G.A. (2019). Dietary fibre, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease. Nutrients. 11(5):1155.
Sapwarobol, S., Saphyakhajorn, W., & Astina, J. (2021). Biological functions and activities of rice bran as a functional ingredient: A review. Nutrition and metabolic insights, 14, 11786388211058559.
Tan, B.L.; & Norhaizan, M.E. (2017). Scientific evidence of rice by-products for cancer prevention: Chemopreventive properties of waste products from rice milling on carcinogenesis in vitro and in vivo. BioMedecl Research Internalional. 9017902.
Tan, B. L., & Norhaizan, M. E. (2020). Rice by-products: Phytochemicals and food products application. Springer International Publishing. Cham, Switzerland. Chapter: 2, 3, 4.
Tlay, R. H., Al-Baidhani, A. M.S, & Abouyounes, A. E. (2024). A Study of the Physical, Chemical, and Biologically Active Properties of Avocado Pulp (Persea americana), and Its Use in the Preparation of Some Functional Dairy Products. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 37(1), 164-182.
Wang, Z.; Tu, J.; Zhou, H.; Lu, A., & Xu, B. (2021). A comprehensive insight into the effects of microbial spoilage, myoglobin autoxidation, lipid oxidation, and protein oxidation on the discoloration of rabbit meat during retail display. Meat science. 172: 108359.
Yadav, U.; Arora, S.; and Kaushik, I. (2021). Rice (Oryza sativa) Bran. In Oilseeds: Health Attributes & Food Applications; Tanwar, B., Goyal, A., Eds.; Springer: Singaporepp. 397–426.
Yadav, S.; Pathera, A.K.; Ul Islam, R.; Malik, A.K. & Sharma, D.P.(2018). Effect of Wheat bran & dried carrot pomace addition on quality characteristics of chicken sausage. Asian – Australas. Australian Journal of Animal science. 31 (5): 729-737.
Zinina, O.; Merekova, S.; Tazeddinova, D.; Rebezov, M.; Stuart, M.; Okuskhanova, E.; Yessimbekov, Z.h. & Baryshnikova, N. (2019). Enrichment of meat products with dietary fibres., 76(4): 1808-1822.
Zhao, Y.; Hou, Q.; Zhuang, X.; Wang, Y.; Zhou, G.; and Zhang, W. (2018). Effect of regenerated cellulose fibre on the physicochemical properties & sensory characteristics of fat-reduced emulsified sausage. Lwt. 97(January): 157–163.
Zhao, D.; Guo, C.; Liu, X., & Xiao, C. (2021). Effects of insoluble dietary fibre from kiwi fruit pomace on the physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics of low-fat pork meatballs. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 58(4): 1524-1537.