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Breeding, preserving, and successfully rearing young animals resistant to various environmental influences is one of the main parameters of effective livestock management. The study aimed to study the indicators of natural resistance and the growth rate of calves under the influence of dietary supplements. The studies were carried out on four groups of black-and-white calves, 10 heads each, at the age of 2-5 months. The dairy calves of the control group were fed according to the ration adopted on the farm (basic ration, including cereal-legume hay, whole milk, milk replacer, concentrates, chalk, salt). In addition to the main diet, the animals of the experimental groups were given a dietary supplement. At 2-3, 3-4, and 4-5, months of age, calves were given 12-23, 19-38, and 23-47 g.head-1 of dietary supplement per day, respectively. The article deals with the effect of a forest biomass supplement on the morphophysiological parameters of calves. Biochemical blood analysis and the features of metabolic processes in the bodies of animals are studied. The results indicated that the use of a dietary supplement at a dosage of 30 g/head of cattle per day contributes to the highest increase (9.9%) in live weight gain of experimental animals and an improvement in natural resistance parameters (bactericidal activity of blood serum, phagocytic activity of neutrophils). Based on the data of biochemical and haematological blood tests, the authors conclude that the inclusion of a dietary supplement in the diet of calves has a positive effect on the indices of natural resistance and the course of nitrogen metabolism.
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Bukharin, O. V. (1971). Certificate No. 23 for a rationalization proposal: "A calculation table for determining the amount of lysozyme in blood serum using the turbidometric method". OGMI.
Bukharin, O. V., & Sozykin, V. L. (1979). Photonephelometric method for determining the bactericidal activity of blood. In Bukharin, O.V. (Ed.). Factors of natural immunity. Orenburg (in Russian), p. 43-45.
Council of Europe. (1986). European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental or Other Scientific Purposes (ETS n 123). Strasbourg.
Gorelik, A. S., & Barashkin, M. I. (2016). Povysheniye immuniteta telyat v molochnyy period putem primeneniya biotekhnologicheskogo preparata "Al'bit-Bio" [Increasing the immunity of calves during the preweaning period by using the "ALBIT-BIO" biotechnological product]. Agrarnyi vestnik Urala, 11, 17-22 (in Russian).
Ivanov, A. I., & Chukhlovin, B. V. (1967). The method of determining the absorption and digestion capacity of neutrophils. Laboratornoye delo, 10, 610-613 (In Russian).
Karamaeva, A. S., & Zaitsev, V. V. (2010). Dinamika pokazateley yestestvennoy rezistentnosti telyat raznykh porod s vozrastom [Dynamics of natural resistance parameters in calves of different breeds with age]. Izvestiya Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta, 3, 195-197 (in Russian).
Kiselenko, P. S. (2020). Izucheniye vliyaniya ekstrakta kornya eleuterokokka zhidkogo na nekotoryye immunobiokhimicheskiye pokazateli krovi telyat [A study of the effect of the liquid Eleutherococcus root extract on some immunobiochemical parameters of calves’ blood]. In Theory and practice of modern agricultural science. Collection of the 3rd national (all-Russian) scientific conference with international participation pp. 553-555. ITS NGAU “Zolotoy kolos”.
Kochish, I. I., Nesterov, V. V., Volchkova, L. A., Konovalova, E. M., Safarova, M. I., & Kashkovskaya, L. M. (2019). Innovative approaches to stimulate natural resistance in calves. Veterinariya, zootekhniya i biotekhnologiya, 9, 27-34.
Koryakina, L. P., & Borisov, N. I. (2016). Sostoyaniye obmena veshchestv i yestestvennoy rezistentnosti v organizme novorozhdennykh telyat хThe state of metabolism and natural resistance in the body of newborn calves. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK, 30, 62-65.
Loretts, O. G., Gorelik, A. S., Gorelik, O. V., & Neverova, O. P. (2019). Increasing the natural resistance and safety of calves during the preweaning period. Nauchno-prakticheskie rekomendatsii. Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg.
Topuriya, L. Yu., & Belyaeva, E. V. (2019). The use of immunostimulants to increase the resistance and safety of young calves. In Theory and practice of modern agricultural science. Collection of the 2nd national (all-Russian) scientific conference (pp. 431-433). ITS NGAU “Zolotoy kolos”.
Zaytsev, V. V. (2019). [Physiological activity of hemostasis parameters in piglets that underwent an episode of overheating and received catosal]. Nauchnoye obozreniye. Biologicheskiye nauki [Scientific Review. Biological science], 3, 22-26.
Zemlyanukhina, T. N. (2016). Blood morphological parameters and natural resistance of calves with different methods of rearing. Vestnik Altaiskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta, 1(135), 117-120.