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Obtaining highly productive and stable varieties through different environments is one of the most important goals sought by plant breeders. A field experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of different nitrogen fertilizer levels on the stability of growth and grain yield in eight cultivars of bread wheat during two growing seasons (2020-2021 and 2021-2022), using split plot arrangement in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The results showed that there was a significant response of some genotypes to the levels of nitrogen fertilizer for grain yield and its components during the two growing seasons. The Iba99 genotype was characterized by the highest mean of grain yield, number of grains. spike-1 and spike length, followed by the Baghdad2 genotype. The genotypes under study differed in the stability of traits in different environments. Baghdad2 showed the highest stability for important traits such as grain yield, weight of 1000 grains, number of grains spike-1 and spike length, while unstable and responded to different environments for plant height and a number of spikes.m-2. Whereas, Iba99 showed good stability for the spike length and the number of spikes.m-2, with its response to the environments for the other traits under study. Both stability phenotypic and genotypic resultant method and the stability triangle method showed very similar results with Eberhart and Russell method, therefore it is possible to rely on these two methods to estimate the stability of genotypes due to their lower complexity. Consequently, the stable genotypes traits in different environments can be selected and introduced directly into future breeding programs for the purpose of adopting new varieties. Although other genotypes showed superior characteristics of grain yield and its important components, they suffer by responding to different environments, thus they can be included in hybridization breeding programs with local varieties to transfer their desirable traits.
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- Abdul Rahman, T. F., Osamah, K. J. & Bilal, N. J. (2023). Impact of improved seeds and some modern technologies on increasing the supply of wheat crop in Iraq for the agricultural season 2019-2020. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 54(1), 176-188.
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- Kumar, A., Chand, P., Thapa, R. S. & Singh, T. (2021). Assessment of stability performance and G × E interaction for yield and its attributing characters in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 12(1), 235-241.
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- Naheed, H., & Rahman, H. U. (2021). Stability analysis of bread wheat lines using regression models. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 37(4), 1450-1457.
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- Said, A., Motawea, M., Hassan, M. & Roshdy, R. (2020). Mean performance and stability parameters for comparing bread wheat cultivars under different environmental conditions. SVU-International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2(2), 484-497.
- Singh, C., Gupta, A., Kumar, P., Sendhil, R., Gopalareddy, K., Gupta, V., Singh, S. K., Sharma, A. K., Tyagi, B. S., Singh, G., Chatrath, R., & Singh, G. P. (2020). Multi-environment analysis of grain yield in a diverse set of bread wheat genotypes. Journal of Cereal Research, 12(1), 29-39.
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- - grain- production-by-type /
- Wang, Y., Wang, D. Tao, Z., Yang, Y., Gao, Z. Zhao, G., & Chang, X. (2021). Impacts of nitrogen deficiency on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain during the medium filling stage: Transcriptomic and metabolomic comparisons. Frontiers in Plant Science (12) article 674433.
Abdul Rahman, T. F., Osamah, K. J. & Bilal, N. J. (2023). Impact of improved seeds and some modern technologies on increasing the supply of wheat crop in Iraq for the agricultural season 2019-2020. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 54(1), 176-188.
Al-Falahi, M.A.H., Dawod, K.M. & Omer, F.A. (2021). Yield stability evaluation for bread wheat genotypes under environmental variations. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 52(6), 1449–1460.
Ali, M. (2017). Stability analysis of bread wheat genotypes under different nitrogen fertilizer levels, Journal of Plant Production, 8(2), 261–275.
Barnes, J. (2022). Staple Security, Buke University Press, p.320.
Bassi, F.M., & Sanchez-Garcia, M. (2017). Adaptation and stability analysis of ICARDA durum wheat elites across 18 countries. Crop Science, 57(5), 2419 -2430.
Bhargava, A. & Srivastava, S. (2019). Participatory Plant Breeding: Concept and Applications. Springer; Singapore, p. 255.
Bouchareb, R. & Guendouz, A. (2022). Grain yield stability analysis of some durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes growing under sub-huid conditions. Agricultural Science Digest, (42), 48-52.
Brasier, K., Oakes, J., Balota, M., Reiter, M., Jones, N., Pitman, R., Sneller, C., Thomason, W. & Griffey, C. (2020). Genotypic variation and stability for nitrogen use efficiency in winter wheat. Crop Science, 60(1), 32-46.
Bandar, S. J., & Al-Hilfy, I. H. (2022). Effect of brassinolide on some growth traits and biological yield of bread wheat. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 53(2), 322–328.
Central Statistical Organization (2022). Wheat and Barely production. Directorate of Agricultural Statistics, Ministry of Planning, Iraq – Baghdad. (in Arabic).
Cormier, F., Foulkes, J., Hirel, B., Gouache, D., Moënne-Loccoz, Y., & Le Gouis, J. (2016). Breeding for increased nitrogen-use efficiency: A review for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Breeding, 135(3), 255-278.
Dror, Y., Rimon, E., & Vaida, R. (2020). The whole-wheat bread. 1-20. In Dror, Y., Rimon, E., & Vaida, R. (Editors). Whole-Wheat Bread for Human Health, Springer, Cham.
Eberhart, S.A. & Russell, W.A. (1966). Stability parameters for comparing varieties 1,” Crop Science, 6(1), 36–40.
Elsahookie, M. M. (1985). Homeostasis estimation for crop germplasm adaptation. Journal of Agriculture and Water Resources Research, 4(2), 1-15.
Finlay, K. W., & Wilkinson, G. N. (1963). The analysis of adaptation in a plant-breeding programme. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 14(6), 742-754.
Hatfield, J., & Walthall, C. (2015). Meeting global food needs: Realizing the potential via genetics × environment × management interactions. Agronomy Journal, 107(4), 1215-1226.
Happ, M. M., Graef, G. L., Wang, H., Howard, R., Posadas, L., & Hyten, D. L. (2021). Comparing a mixed model approach to traditional stability estimators for mapping genotype by environment interactions and yield stability in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, 630175.
Hitz, K., Clark, A. J., & Van Sanford, D. A. (2017). Identifying nitrogen-use efficient soft red winter wheat lines in high and low nitrogen environments. Field Crops Research, 200, 1-9.
Ibrahim, K., & Said, A. (2020). Grain yield stability of new bread wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) under normal and heat stress conditions. Egyptian Journal of Agronomy, 42(2), 171-184.
Ireland, C. R. (2010). Experimental Statistics for Agriculture and Horticulture. Modular texts, CAB International, British Library, London.
Knapp, S., Brabant, C., Oberforster, M., Grausgruber, H., & Hiltbrunner, J. (2017). Quality traits in winter wheat: Comparison of stability parameters and correlations between traits regarding their stability. Journal of Cereal Science, 77, 186-193.
Krupal, S. M., Rathod, S. T. & Kamble, B. G. (2018). Stability analysis for yield and quality traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9(1), 160-168.
Kumar, A., Chand, P., Thapa, R. S. & Singh, T. (2021). Assessment of stability performance and G × E interaction for yield and its attributing characters in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 12(1), 235-241.
Megahed, E. M. A, Awaad, H. A., Ramadan, I. E., Abdul-Hamid, M. I. E, Sweelam, A. A., El-Naggar, D. R., & Mansour, E. (2022). Assessing performance and stability of yellow rust resistance, heat tolerance, and agronomic performance in diverse bread wheat genotypes for enhancing resilience to climate change under Egyptian conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 1014824.
Naheed, H., & Rahman, H. U. (2021). Stability analysis of bread wheat lines using regression models. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 37(4), 1450-1457.
Nyol, S., Swami, P., & Munjal, R. (2020). Selection of wheat genotypes under variable sowing conditions based on stability analysis. Journal of Cereal Research, 12(2).
Ray, D., Gerber, J., MacDonald, G., & West, P. (2015). Climate Variation Explains a Third of Global Crop Yield Variability. Nature Communications, 6, 5989.
Russell, K., Lee, C. & Van Sanford, D. (2017). Interaction of genetics, environment, and management in determining soft red winter wheat yields. Agronomy Journal, 109(6), 2463-2473.
Said, A., Motawea, M., Hassan, M. & Roshdy, R. (2020). Mean performance and stability parameters for comparing bread wheat cultivars under different environmental conditions. SVU-International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2(2), 484-497.
Singh, C., Gupta, A., Kumar, P., Sendhil, R., Gopalareddy, K., Gupta, V., Singh, S. K., Sharma, A. K., Tyagi, B. S., Singh, G., Chatrath, R., & Singh, G. P. (2020). Multi-environment analysis of grain yield in a diverse set of bread wheat genotypes. Journal of Cereal Research, 12(1), 29-39.
Singh, R. K., & Chaudhary, B. D. (1978). Biometrical methods in quantitative genetic analysis. Kalyani, Ludhiana, 304pp.
STATISTA (2022). Grain production worldwide by type, food and agricultural organization of the United Nations. (Accessed: 23/12/2022). - grain- production-by-type /
Wang, Y., Wang, D. Tao, Z., Yang, Y., Gao, Z. Zhao, G., & Chang, X. (2021). Impacts of nitrogen deficiency on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain during the medium filling stage: Transcriptomic and metabolomic comparisons. Frontiers in Plant Science (12) article 674433.