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An outdoor pots experiment was conducted at agricultural research station, University of Basrah, southern Iraq (30°34'4.80" N 47°44'56.40" E) during winter season of 2021-2022. The study was carried to reveal the effect of Nano phosphate fertilizer compared to superphosphate fertilizer on growth parameters of two wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.). Superphosphate fertilizer was added at rates of 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg p ha-1, while, Nano phosphate source was applied at 0, 3, and 6 kg P. ha-1. Two wheat cultivars (Jad and Adina) were used. Both P sources were mixed with pot soils at planting time. Wheat plants were grown for 70 days period. Plant parameters: tillers numbers, plant high, leaves number, flag leaf area, dry weight, P concentration were obtained at harvest time. Phosphorus uptake was calculated at same time. Results of the study showed that there was no significant differences in all studied growth parameters between superphosphate and Nano phosphate sources, even though the rate of applied Nano phosphate source were much lower than that of superphosphate source. The results also indicated that, irrespective of the origin of phosphorus, higher rates of applied phosphorus led to an increase in all the growth parameters examined. When comparing the two phosphorus sources and their application rates, most growth parameters for the Adina cultivar exceeded those of the Jad cultivar at both phosphorus sources applied rates. Additionally, the results highlighted a significant interaction among treatments for all the investigated growth parameters.
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- Zulfiqar, F., Navarro, M., Ashraf, M., Akram, N. A., & Munné-Bosch, S., (2019). Nanofertilizer use for sustainable agriculture: Advantages and limitations. Journal of Plant Science, 289, 110270.
Abdel-Aziz, H., Hasaneen, M. N., & Omar, A. (2018). Effect of foliar application of nano chitosan NPK fertilizer on the chemical composition of wheat grains. Egyptian Journal of Botany 58, 87-95.
Al-Murshidy, H. Y. J., Al-Ansari, A.-M. S., & Sciences, B. (2022). Response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in calcareous soils to Nano-phosphate and triple super phosphate fertilizers. Texas Journal of Agriculture 9, 1-8.
AlShammari, A.J., Al-Ansari, A.-M.S., (2021). Response growth and productivity of cultivars wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) to fertilization by nano and mineral nitrogen. International Journal of Health Sciences,, 6(S1), 8205-8216.
Assuero, S., Mollier, A., & Pellerin, S., (2004). The decrease in growth of phosphorus‐deficient maize leaves is related to a lower cell production. Journal of Plant Cell Environment 27, 887-895.
Astaneh, N., Bazrafshan, F., Zare, M., Amiri, B., & Bahrani, A., (2021). Nano-fertilizer prevents environmental pollution and improves physiological traits of wheat grown under drought stress conditions. Journal of Scientia Agropecuaria, 12, 41-47.
Benzon, H. R. L., Rubenecia, M. R. U., Ultra Jr, V. U., & Lee, S. C., (2015). Nano-fertilizer affects the growth, development, and chemical properties of rice. International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research, 7, 105-117.
Chiera, J., Thomas, J., & Rufty, T., (2002). Leaf initiation and development in soybean under phosphorus stress. Journal of Experimental Botany, 53, 473-481.
Cresser, M., Parsons, J., (1979). Sulphuric-Perchloric acid digestion of plant material for the determination of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Journal of Analytica Chimica Acta, 109, 431-436.
Davari, M., Bayat Kazazi, S., & Akbarzadeh Pivehzhani, O., (2017). Nanomaterials: implications on agroecosystem. Journal of Nanotechnology: An Agricultural Paradigm, 59-71.
Elsahookie, M. M., Cheyed, S. H., & Dawood, A.A., (2021). Characteristics of whole wheat grain bread quality. Journal of Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 12(1), 593-597.
Fleischer, A., O'Neill, M. A., & Ehwald, R., (1999). The pore size of non-graminaceous plant cell walls is rapidly decreased by borate ester cross-linking of the pectic polysaccharide rhamnogalacturonan II. Journal of Plant Physiology, 121, 829-838.
IPADS, (2022). World Agricultural Production (WAP) Briefs - Middle East and Turkey. International production assessment divesion.
Iqbal, M. A.,(2019). Nano-fertilizers for sustainable crop production under changing climate: A global perspective. Sustainable Crop Production, 8, 1-13.
Liu, R., & Lal, R., (2014). Synthetic apatite nanoparticles as a phosphorus fertilizer for soybean (Glycine max). Journal of Scientific Reports, 4, 5686.
Liu, Y., Tong, Z., Prud'homme, R. K., (2008). Stabilized polymeric nanoparticles for controlled and efficient release of bifenthrin. Journal of Pest Management Science: Formerly Pesticide Science, 64, 808-812.
Manikandan, A., & Subramanian, K., (2016). Evaluation of zeolite based nitrogen nano-fertilizers on maize growth, yield and quality on inceptisols and alfisols. International Journal of Plant, 9, 1-9.
Meng, X., Chen, W.-W., Wang, Y.-Y., Huang, Z.-R., Ye, X., Chen, L.-S., Yang, L.-T.J.P.O., (2021). Effects of phosphorus deficiency on the absorption of mineral nutrients, photosynthetic system performance and antioxidant metabolism in Citrus grandis.
Nair, R., Varghese, S. H., Nair, B.G., Maekawa, T., Yoshida, Y., Kumar, D. S., (2010). Nanoparticulate material delivery to plants. Journal of Plant Science, 179, 154-163.
Page, A., Miller, R., Keeney, D., (1982). Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological properties. Journal of American Soc. of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, 1159pp.
Periakaruppan, R., Romanovski, V., Thirumalaisamy, S. K., Palanimuthu, V., Sampath, M. P., Anilkumar, A., Sivaraj, D. K., Ahamed, N. A. N., Murugesan, S., Chandrasekar, D., (2023). Innovations in modern nanotechnology for the sustainable production of agriculture. journal of ChemEngineering 7(4), 61.
Rawat, M., Yadukrishnan, P., & Kumar, N., (2021). Mechanisms of action of nanoparticles in living systems. Research Anthology on Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Nanomaterials. IGI Global, pp. 1555-1571.
Rico, C. M., Majumdar, S., Duarte-Gardea, M., Peralta-Videa, J. R., & Gardea-Torresdey, J. L., (2011). Interaction of nanoparticles with edible plants and their possible implications in the food chain. Journal of agricultural food Chemistry, 59, 3485-3498.
Roberts, T. L., & Johnston, A. E., (2015). Phosphorus use efficiency and management in agriculture. Journal of Resources, Conservation Recycling, 105, 275- 281.
Urrutia, O., Guardado, I., Erro, J., Mandado, M., & García‐Mina, J. M., (2013). Theoretical chemical characterization of phosphate‐metal–humic complexes and relationships with their effects on both phosphorus soil fixation and phosphorus availability for plants. Journal of the Science of Food Agriculture, 93, 293-303.
USDA, (2022). World Agricultural production. Foreign Agricultural service, U.S. department of Agriculture.
Xiao, Q., Zhang, F., Wang, Y., Zhang, J., & Zhang, S., (2008). Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizers felted and coated by nano-materials on nitrogen recovery and loss of crops. Journal of Plant Nutrition Fertilizer Science, 14, 951-955.
Zebarth, B., Drury, C., Tremblay, N., & Cambouris, A., (2009). Opportunities for improved fertilizer nitrogen management in production of arable crops in eastern Canada: A review. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 89, 113-132.
Zhang, Z., He, X., Zhang, H., Ma, Y., Zhang, P., Ding, Y., & Zhao, Y., (2011). Uptake and distribution of ceria nanoparticles in cucumber plants. Journal of Metallomics, 3, 816-822.
Zhu, H., Han, J., Xiao, J. Q., & Jin, Y., (2008). Uptake, translocation, and accumulation of manufactured iron oxide nanoparticles by pumpkin plants. Journal of Environmental monitoring 10, 713-717.
Zhu, J., Li, M., & Whelan, M., (2018). Phosphorus activators contribute to legacy phosphorus availability in agricultural soils: A review. Jornal of Science of the Total Environment, 612, 522-537.
Zulfiqar, F., Navarro, M., Ashraf, M., Akram, N. A., & Munné-Bosch, S., (2019). Nanofertilizer use for sustainable agriculture: Advantages and limitations. Journal of Plant Science, 289, 110270.