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This field experiment, was conducted to investigate a comparison of two methods for harvesting potatoes: mechanical and handy when using moldboard and chisel plow for primary tillage and three different distances for planting tubers in the rows 15, 25, and 35 cm in silt clay loam soil south of Baghdad. The factorial experiment followed a randomized complete block design with three replications using L.S.D. 5 % and 1 %. Mechanical harvest recorded the best valid potato tubers at 88.78 %, marketable yield of 31.74 ton. ha-1, efficiency lifted 95.68 %, tubers damage index 28.41, speeding up the harvesting process and reducing time and effort. Handy harvest gave the least damage to potato tubers, 6.02 %, and unlifted potato tubers, 4.32 %. However, this method requires effort and more specialized labor, whether from men or young women, and leaded to delays in the harvesting process. Regarding planting distance of 15 cm between one tuber and another gave the highest total productivity, 46.92 ton. ha-1 and the greatest number of plants, but most of the tubers were small in size. A planting distance 25 cm produced good quality in size of potatoes with yield of 36.19 ton. ha-1, 90.99 % best valid tubers, 5.43 % least total damage tubers, 3.57 % least unlifted potato, 96.42 % best efficiency lifting, and least tuber damage index 22.39. Most interaction among the treatments was significant. The most influential factor in the experiment traits was the planting distances of potatoes in the rows. The shape of the potatoes was Spheroid. Mechanical potato harvesting saves effort saves effort, time, harvest speed, reduce the labors and increasing efficiency.
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- Abo-Hababa, M. M., & Al-Yahya, S. A. (2000). Agricultural Machinery Practices. Oxford University Press, Al-Mansoura, Egypt. (In Arabic). 420pp.
- Alansari, B. M. (2020). Development of antioxidant activity of potato starch edible films incorporating with rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis L. oil and using it in packaging beef pattis. Basrah Journal Agricultural Science, 33(2), 67-79.
- Al-Bayati, H. J. M., & Ali, K. R. (2019). Effect of planting depth and zinc sulphate spraying on growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Basrah Journal Agricultural Science, 32(Special Issue), 90-97.
- Al-Dosary, N. M. N. (2005). Effect of operating variables of potato harvester on tuber damage. M. Sc. Thesis. Saud King University. 129pp.
- Al-Dosary, N. M. N. (2016). Potato harvest performance on tuber damage at the eastern of Saudi Arabia. International Commission of Agricultural Engineering CIGR Journal, 18(2), 32-42.
- Al-Jorany, R. S., Yousif, A. H., & Sadik, F. H. (2016). Population density and susceptibility of some varieties of potato to infested by aphid and thrips on spring plantation in the middle of Iraq. Baghdad Science Journal, 13(2), 234-239.
- Al-Hashami, I. S. A., Al-Bahadely, F. H. N., & Jbara, O. K. (2020). Measuring the technical efficiency of potato production and its determinates (sic) in Iraq (Baghdad Province as case). Iraqi Journal of Agri-cultural Sciences, 51(6), 1634-1643.
- Al-Rubaie, A. H. Sh., & Al-Jubouri, K. D. H. (2023). Response of growth and yield of industrial potatoes to soil improvement and spraying with tocopherol and trehalose under water stress. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 54(4), 963-978.
- Altinawi, E. A., Albiski, F., Faddoul, I. (2023). Effect of fusaric acid (FA) bio-stress on certain morphological parameters for potato (Solanum tuberosum. L) cultivars in vitro. Iraqi Journal of Science, 64(4), 1635-1650.
- Al-Zaidi, M. A. H., & Al-Jumaili, M. A. H. (2022). Impact safe nutrients in raising production and chemical contents of potato. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 53(6), 1397-1406.
- Amare, D., Kidanemariam, G., Endalew, W., & Yilma, S. (2015). Potato harvester for smallholder producers. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications, 3(6), 103-108.
- Ati, A. S., Iydam, A. D., Najim, S. M. (2012). Water use efficiency of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under different irrigation methods and potassium fertilizer rates. Annals of Agricultural Science, 57(2), 939-103.
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- Bubenickova, A., Simeonovova, J., Kumbar, V., Juzl, M., & Nedomova, S. (2011). Mathmatical descriptive characteristics of potato tubers’ shape. ACTA University Agricultural Et Silvicultura Mendelianae Brunensis, 59(6), 63-68.
- Cunha, J. P. A., Martins, D. H, & Cunha, W. G. (2011). Operational performance of the mechanized and semi-mechanized potato harvest. Engineering. Agricultural Jaboticabal, 31(4), 826-834.
- Dowad, S. S., & Jasim, A. A. (2023). Evaluation of the performance of locally developed combine equipment used for several agricultural operations at once. Diyala Agricultural Sciences Journal, 15(1), 93-103.
- Gamea, G. R., Abd, El-Maksoud, M. A., Abd El-Gawad, A. M. (2009). Physical characteristics and chemical properties of potato tubers under different storage system. Misr Journal Agricultural Engineering, 26(1), 385-408.
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- Hamid, A. A. A., & Alsabbagh, A. R. A. (2023). Effect of moldboard types, two depths of tillage and two speeds of tractor in some physical properties and pulverization of soil. Kufa journal for Agricultural Science, 15(1), 105-116.
- International Organization for Standards. (IOS) (1981). Agriculture Machinery, Equipment for planting potato planters and method of testing. Handbook.
- Jebur, H. A., & Al-Halfi, K. M. (2022). Studying some technical indicators of the local manufactured machine and its effect on the wheat crop "Tamuz cultivar". In I.O.P. Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 106(1), 18-25.
- Limeneh, D. F., Mengistu, F. G., Tilahun, G. W., Galalcha, D. T., Zeleke, A. A., & Hundie, N. F. (2021). Effects of plant spacing and time of harvesting on yield and tuber size distribution of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) variety southeast Ethiopia. American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 9(1), 1-7.
- Mahood, E. A., Saleh, H. A. A., & Hameed, A. A. (2011). The effect of Bacillus thuringiensis in Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepetoptera: Gelechiidae). Baghdad Science Journal, 8(1), 7-12.
- Masood, T. K., Ati, A. S., & Hammadi, Q. O. (2023). Effect of water stress and levels of bio-organic fertilizers on water productivity and potato Solanum tuberosum L. yield. Basrah Journal Agricultural Sciences, 36(2), 134-143.
- Mcgechan, M. B. (1977). An investigation into the relative effectiveness of various riddling motions for removal of soil from potatoes. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 22(3), 229-245.
- Muhammad, Y., Mehmood, A. M., & Rehman R. (2003). Design development and performance evaluation of rotary potato digger. AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 34(2), 43-46.
- Oliveira, R. C., da Silva, J. R. R., Lana, R. M. Q., de Azevedo Pereira, A. I., Castoldi, R., de Camargo, R., & Luz, J. M. Q. (2021). Fertilizer application levels in potato crops and the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS). Agronomy, 11(1), 1-13.
- Rex, B. L., & Russell, W. A. (1987). The effect of spacing of seed species on yields quality and economic value for processing of Shepody potato in Manitoba. American Potato Journal, 64(4), 177-189.
- Salim, S., Ati, A. S., & Ali. A. (2023). Sustainability of agricultural productivity of potato crop in
- desert soils and evaluation of water productivity under drip irrigation system with future climate changes. Earth and Environmental Science. 1222, 012029, 1-11.
- Sedeeq, A., Tofeq, O. M., & Ali, S. S. (2022). An investigation into the effect of using different harvesting methods on the indicators of potato loss. Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture, 50(3), 19-26.
- Sedeeq, A. M. A., & Al-Tahan, Y. H. (2011). Potato production costs calculation for mechanization by different areas in Nineveh Gov. Journal of Kirkuk University for Agricultural Sciences, 2(1), 94-107.
- Singh, S. (2006). Design, development and field testing of multipurpose potato digger. Potato Journal, 33(3-4), 134-138.
- Tesfaye, G., Derbew, B., & Solomon, T. (2013). Combined effects of plant spacing and time of earthing up on tuber quality parameters of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) at Degem district, North Showa zone of Oromia regional state. Asian Jouurnal of Crop Science, 5(1), 24-32.
- Tofeq, O. M. (2023). Study of the effect of potato lifter line on some properties at different depths and varieties of potatoes crop. Acta Technologica Agriculturae, 2, 108-114.
- Umar, I. A., Yusuf, M. A., Ahmed, M., Mohammed, M. U., & Adamu, G. K. (2016). Soil N.P.K. requirements for Irish potatoes under fadama irrigation management in Rugu Tudun Wada local government area of Kano State, Nigeria. International Journal Agricultural Environment Sciences, 1(1), 1-7.
- World Potato Congress (WPC), (2022). The changing world of the potato. The 11th world Potato Congress. 30th May- 2nd June. Dublin, Ireland.
- Yaroson, A. Y., Henry, U. I., Adeniyi, T. O., Ibrahim, I., & Adam, D. (2019). Effect of different tillage Practices on the performance of potato (Solanum tuberosum) on the Jos Plateau. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 9(2), 618-625.
- Zaen, A. S., Dhedan, R. M., & Sharma, L. K. (2023). An application for smart phonesand computers to diagnose and control potatoes insects. Iraqi Journal of Science, 64(8), 4302-4311.
- Zainaldeen, M. A., & Abdul Rasool. I. J. (2023). Response of growth and yield of true potato seed plants to foliar application with organic nutrients. Earth and Environmental Science, 1158, 042047, 1-6.
Abo-Hababa, M. M., & Al-Yahya, S. A. (2000). Agricultural Machinery Practices. Oxford University Press, Al-Mansoura, Egypt. (In Arabic). 420pp.
Alansari, B. M. (2020). Development of antioxidant activity of potato starch edible films incorporating with rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis L. oil and using it in packaging beef pattis. Basrah Journal Agricultural Science, 33(2), 67-79.
Al-Bayati, H. J. M., & Ali, K. R. (2019). Effect of planting depth and zinc sulphate spraying on growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Basrah Journal Agricultural Science, 32(Special Issue), 90-97.
Al-Dosary, N. M. N. (2005). Effect of operating variables of potato harvester on tuber damage. M. Sc. Thesis. Saud King University. 129pp.
Al-Dosary, N. M. N. (2016). Potato harvest performance on tuber damage at the eastern of Saudi Arabia. International Commission of Agricultural Engineering CIGR Journal, 18(2), 32-42.
Al-Jorany, R. S., Yousif, A. H., & Sadik, F. H. (2016). Population density and susceptibility of some varieties of potato to infested by aphid and thrips on spring plantation in the middle of Iraq. Baghdad Science Journal, 13(2), 234-239.
Al-Hashami, I. S. A., Al-Bahadely, F. H. N., & Jbara, O. K. (2020). Measuring the technical efficiency of potato production and its determinates (sic) in Iraq (Baghdad Province as case). Iraqi Journal of Agri-cultural Sciences, 51(6), 1634-1643.
Al-Rubaie, A. H. Sh., & Al-Jubouri, K. D. H. (2023). Response of growth and yield of industrial potatoes to soil improvement and spraying with tocopherol and trehalose under water stress. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 54(4), 963-978.
Altinawi, E. A., Albiski, F., Faddoul, I. (2023). Effect of fusaric acid (FA) bio-stress on certain morphological parameters for potato (Solanum tuberosum. L) cultivars in vitro. Iraqi Journal of Science, 64(4), 1635-1650.
Al-Zaidi, M. A. H., & Al-Jumaili, M. A. H. (2022). Impact safe nutrients in raising production and chemical contents of potato. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 53(6), 1397-1406.
Amare, D., Kidanemariam, G., Endalew, W., & Yilma, S. (2015). Potato harvester for smallholder producers. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications, 3(6), 103-108.
Ati, A. S., Iydam, A. D., Najim, S. M. (2012). Water use efficiency of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under different irrigation methods and potassium fertilizer rates. Annals of Agricultural Science, 57(2), 939-103.
Bubenickova, A., Simeonovova, J., Kumbar, V., Juzl, M., & Nedomova, S. (2011). Mathmatical descriptive characteristics of potato tubers’ shape. ACTA University Agricultural Et Silvicultura Mendelianae Brunensis, 59(6), 63-68.
Cunha, J. P. A., Martins, D. H, & Cunha, W. G. (2011). Operational performance of the mechanized and semi-mechanized potato harvest. Engineering. Agricultural Jaboticabal, 31(4), 826-834.
Dowad, S. S., & Jasim, A. A. (2023). Evaluation of the performance of locally developed combine equipment used for several agricultural operations at once. Diyala Agricultural Sciences Journal, 15(1), 93-103.
Gamea, G. R., Abd, El-Maksoud, M. A., Abd El-Gawad, A. M. (2009). Physical characteristics and chemical properties of potato tubers under different storage system. Misr Journal Agricultural Engineering, 26(1), 385-408.
Hamid, A. A. A., & Alsabbagh, A. R. A. (2023). Effect of moldboard types, two depths of tillage and two speeds of tractor in some physical properties and pulverization of soil. Kufa journal for Agricultural Science, 15(1), 105-116.
International Organization for Standards. (IOS) (1981). Agriculture Machinery, Equipment for planting potato planters and method of testing. Handbook.
Jebur, H. A., & Al-Halfi, K. M. (2022). Studying some technical indicators of the local manufactured machine and its effect on the wheat crop "Tamuz cultivar". In I.O.P. Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 106(1), 18-25.
Limeneh, D. F., Mengistu, F. G., Tilahun, G. W., Galalcha, D. T., Zeleke, A. A., & Hundie, N. F. (2021). Effects of plant spacing and time of harvesting on yield and tuber size distribution of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) variety southeast Ethiopia. American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 9(1), 1-7.
Mahood, E. A., Saleh, H. A. A., & Hameed, A. A. (2011). The effect of Bacillus thuringiensis in Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepetoptera: Gelechiidae). Baghdad Science Journal, 8(1), 7-12.
Masood, T. K., Ati, A. S., & Hammadi, Q. O. (2023). Effect of water stress and levels of bio-organic fertilizers on water productivity and potato Solanum tuberosum L. yield. Basrah Journal Agricultural Sciences, 36(2), 134-143.
Mcgechan, M. B. (1977). An investigation into the relative effectiveness of various riddling motions for removal of soil from potatoes. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 22(3), 229-245.
Muhammad, Y., Mehmood, A. M., & Rehman R. (2003). Design development and performance evaluation of rotary potato digger. AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 34(2), 43-46.
Oliveira, R. C., da Silva, J. R. R., Lana, R. M. Q., de Azevedo Pereira, A. I., Castoldi, R., de Camargo, R., & Luz, J. M. Q. (2021). Fertilizer application levels in potato crops and the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS). Agronomy, 11(1), 1-13.
Rex, B. L., & Russell, W. A. (1987). The effect of spacing of seed species on yields quality and economic value for processing of Shepody potato in Manitoba. American Potato Journal, 64(4), 177-189.
Salim, S., Ati, A. S., & Ali. A. (2023). Sustainability of agricultural productivity of potato crop in
desert soils and evaluation of water productivity under drip irrigation system with future climate changes. Earth and Environmental Science. 1222, 012029, 1-11.
Sedeeq, A., Tofeq, O. M., & Ali, S. S. (2022). An investigation into the effect of using different harvesting methods on the indicators of potato loss. Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture, 50(3), 19-26.
Sedeeq, A. M. A., & Al-Tahan, Y. H. (2011). Potato production costs calculation for mechanization by different areas in Nineveh Gov. Journal of Kirkuk University for Agricultural Sciences, 2(1), 94-107.
Singh, S. (2006). Design, development and field testing of multipurpose potato digger. Potato Journal, 33(3-4), 134-138.
Tesfaye, G., Derbew, B., & Solomon, T. (2013). Combined effects of plant spacing and time of earthing up on tuber quality parameters of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) at Degem district, North Showa zone of Oromia regional state. Asian Jouurnal of Crop Science, 5(1), 24-32.
Tofeq, O. M. (2023). Study of the effect of potato lifter line on some properties at different depths and varieties of potatoes crop. Acta Technologica Agriculturae, 2, 108-114.
Umar, I. A., Yusuf, M. A., Ahmed, M., Mohammed, M. U., & Adamu, G. K. (2016). Soil N.P.K. requirements for Irish potatoes under fadama irrigation management in Rugu Tudun Wada local government area of Kano State, Nigeria. International Journal Agricultural Environment Sciences, 1(1), 1-7.
World Potato Congress (WPC), (2022). The changing world of the potato. The 11th world Potato Congress. 30th May- 2nd June. Dublin, Ireland.
Yaroson, A. Y., Henry, U. I., Adeniyi, T. O., Ibrahim, I., & Adam, D. (2019). Effect of different tillage Practices on the performance of potato (Solanum tuberosum) on the Jos Plateau. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 9(2), 618-625.
Zaen, A. S., Dhedan, R. M., & Sharma, L. K. (2023). An application for smart phonesand computers to diagnose and control potatoes insects. Iraqi Journal of Science, 64(8), 4302-4311.
Zainaldeen, M. A., & Abdul Rasool. I. J. (2023). Response of growth and yield of true potato seed plants to foliar application with organic nutrients. Earth and Environmental Science, 1158, 042047, 1-6.