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The current study was conducted during the agricultural season (2019-2020) in the lath house that (covered with Saran and cloth) belonging to the Agricultural Research and Experiment Station at the College of Agriculture, University of Basrah, We sprayed Geranium Pelargonium hortorum L. with three a concentrations (0, 50, 100) mg. L-1 of the organic fertilizer humic acid as well as three concentrations (0, 40, 80) mg. L-1 of vitamin B3 nicotine amide. Then, we investigated the response of Geranium plant for two treatments in n the vegetative ,flowering and root growth after three sprays of each treatment fertilizer humic acid and nicotine amide at (100 and 80) mg. L-1 respectively caused led to the improvement of flowering and root growth indicators, which included (flowering date, the length stalk of inflorescence, percentage of dry matter in inflorescences, length of main roots, number of main roots, percentage of dry matter in the root system). The present study indicated the important role of humic acid and nicotine amide in the amelioration of flowering and root growth of geranium plant.
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Abbass, J.A.; AL-Zurfi, M.T.H. & Bader, K.S.M. (2018). Effect of spraying activated dry yeast extract and vitamin B3 on growth characteristics of stock plant Mathiola incana L. Acad. J. Agric. Res., 6(5): 142-147.
Abd El-Aziz, N.G.; El-Quesni, F.E.M.& Farahat, M.M. (2007). Response of vegetative growth and some chemical constituents of Syngonium podophyllum L. to foliar application of thiamine, ascorbic acid and kinetin at Nubaria. world J. Agric. Sci, 3(3): 301-305.Abu Dahab, M.A.
(1992). Production of ornamental plants. Almiriykh Publishing House, Al-Riyadh: 608.
Adams, P.M.A. & Winsor, G.W. (1979). Some effects of boron, nitrogen and liming on the bloom production and quality of glass house carnation . J. Hortscience, 54(2): 149-154.
Al-Ali, F.A.A. (2011). Effect of pinching and spraying with vitamin C and B3 and iron and zinc elements on Dahlia variabilis L. Ph. D. Thesis Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 186pp. (In Arabic).
Al-Ani, T.A. (1987). Physiology of plant growth and composition. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Univ. Baghdad: 211pp. (In Arabic).
Al-Ghitani, M.Y. (1958). Flowers, ornamental plants and landscaping. 4th ed. Egyptian Universities House, Cairo,. 717pp. (In Arabic).
Al-Jubouri, Z.K.M.K. (2014). Effect of humic acid and cycocell on growth and flowering of geranium plant Pelargonium hortorum L. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Mosul: 147pp. (In Arabic).
Al-Katib, Y.M. (2000). Classification of Seed Plants. 2nd ed. Dar Al-Kutub Publ. Press: Univ. Mosul: 584pp.
Al-Rawi, K. M. & Khalaf Allah, A.M. (1980). Design and Analysis of Agricultural Experiments. Univ. Mosul Press: 488pp. (in Arabic).
AlSahaf, F.H. (1994). Effect of the number of times sprayed with liquid nutrient solution (Nahrain) on growth and yield of potatoes. Journal of Iraqi Agricultural Sciences. 25(1): 95-100.
AlSultan, S.M.; Chalabi, T.M. & Al-Atraqji, A. (1994). Effect of gibberlic acid on the growth and flowering of geranium plant. Mesopotamia J.Cul, 26(2): 37-48.
Al-Zarfi, M.T.H. (2017). Effect of spraying nutrient solution Tecamin and vitamin B3 on growth and flowering indicators of Gladiolus hybrid. Euphrates J. Agric. Sci, 9(4): 1064-1072.
Amin, M.A. & Ismail, M.A. (2015). Effect of indole butyric, arginine, cyanocobalamine (B12), ascorbic acid and their interactions on growth, yield and some metabolic constituents of sunflower plants. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci., 2(12): 154-162.
Amin, E.R.M. (2018). Effect of spraying with chelated iron and organic fertilizer (ALGIDEX) and their interaction on vegetative and flowering growth and oil yield of Gardania jasminoides L. M. Sc Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 88pp. (In Arabic).
Arteca, E.N. (1996). Plant Growth Substances: Principles applications. Chapman and Hall, Now York: 332pp.
Bearder, I.R. )1980(. Plant hormones and other growth substances. Their back ground, structure and occurrence in hormonal regulation and development. Pp: 9-112 In: Mac Millan, J. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, New Series, Springer-verlag Berlin Heidelberg: 674pp.
Bertin, R.I. (2001). Life circle, demography and reproduction biology of Geranium Pelargonium robertionum. Rhadora, 103(39): 96-116.
Devlin, R.M. & Witham, H.W. (1985). Plant Physiology, Translated by Hamid, M.F.A.; Sharaqi, M.; Khedr, A.H.; Kamel, N. & Salama, A.S.E. Arab Publ. Distr. House: 205pp.
Elena, Q.V. & Lucian, G. (2010). Evolution of antioxidant capacity of Geranium Pelagonium robertianum extract. Acad. Aro. J., 55(6): 321-325.
Fathy, M.A.; Gabr, M. & El Shall, S.A. (2010). Effect of humic acid treatments on’Canino’ apricot growth, yield and fruit quality. New York Sci. J., 3(12): 109-115.
Florent, J. (1986). Vitamins 115-158. In: Pape, H. & Rehm, H.J. (Eds.). Biotechnology. ume 4 VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim: 629pp.
Halhout, T.A.; Shetawi, S.A. & Khallal, S.M. (1993). Effect of mode of application of some growth regulators on physiology of Tomato plants. III. Effect of Nicotinamide on morphology growth, metabolism and productivity. Egypt. J. Physiol. Sci., 17(2): 183-200.
Larson, R.A & Fonterno, W.C. )1992(. Introduction to Floriculture. San Diego. 2nd edn. Academic press: 636pp.
Menhnett, H.R. (1979). Effect of growth retardant gibberellic acid and Indol-3-acetic acid on stem extension and flower development in pot chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Ann. Bot., 43: 305-318.
Morard, P.; Boris, E.; Marie, M. & Jerome, S. (2011). Direct effects of humic-like substance on growth, water, and mineral nutrition of various species. J. Plant. Nutr. 34: 46-59.
Nardi, S.; Pizzeghello, D.; Muscolo, A. & Vianello, A. (2002). Physiological effects of humic substances on higher plants. Soil. Biol. & Biochem., 34: 1527- 1536.
Piccolo, A.; Nardi, S. & Concheri, G. (1992). Structural characteristics of humus and biological activity .Soil. Biol. & Biochem., 24: 273- 380.
San, J.S. & Ota, Y. (1977). Plant growth regulating activities of nicotin amide. II. Effect of nicotine amide on growth of several crops. Japan. J. Crop Sci., 46: 8-12.
Senesi, N. (1992). Metal- humic substances complexes In the environment molecular and mechanistic aspects by multiple spectroscopic approach. Lewis Pub. Co., New York: 292pp.
Van der Walt, J.J.A.; Vorster, P.J. & Ward-Hilhorst, E. (1977). Pelargonium of Southern Africa. Parnell and Sons, S. A. Limited, Cape Town: 149pp.