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Maymunah Horticulture Station, Agriculture Directorate of Maysan. The experiment included 24 treatments of possible combinations between three sowing dates (T1=15/12, T2=31/12 and T3=15/1), two soil mulching treatments (M2=mulching the soil by black polyethylene, M1=Without mulching) and four concentrations of calcium fertilizer (Ca) (0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 ml.l-1), to study its effect on the quantitative yield characteristics of Okra plant cultivar "btayrh". The results showed that cultivated plants at date (15/1) showed significant increase in number of pods per plant, weight of pod, length and diameter of pod, the yield per plant and early yield compared to plants of dates (15/12 and 31/12). The cultivated plants in mulching soil were significantly higher in all studied quantitative yield characteristics. The sprayed plants with calcium (1ml.l-1) were superior in all studied quantitative yield characteristics. The interactions between the studied factors were significant in all the quantitative yield characteristics. The cultivated plants at date (15/1) with mulching and the sprayed by calcium fertilizer (1 ml.l-1) gave the highest values of length & weight of pod, the yield per plant and early yield per plastic house (6.31cm, 4.08g, 81.32g and 0.180 Kg.m-2) respectively. While the cultivated plants at (15/12) and un mulching soil and unfertilized gave the lowest values (2.49cm, 3.58g, 38.50g and 0.085 Kg.m-2) respectively. In conclusion the present study indicated that growth and yield of okra cultivar increased by the addition of 1ml.l-1 calcium which planting on 15 January and mulching soil.
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- Saifulla, M. & Rabbani, M.G. (2009): Evaluation and characterization of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench.) genotypes. SAARC J. Agric., 7: 92-99.
- Singh, H.M.; Mishra, U.S. & Mishra, T.S. (2018). Effect sowing time and plant spacing on seed production in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) in Madhya Pradesh, J. Krishi Vigyan, 6(2): 78-80.
- Singh, M.; Prabhukumar, S. & Saifam, C.V. (2010). Integrated weed management in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench). Ann. Plant Protect. Sci., 18(2): 481-483.
- Sonu, J.P.S.; Nathlram, R. & Kaushik, H. (2013). Effect of sowing dates and plant geometry on growth and yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L) cultivar" parbhani kranti and pusaa-4" Asian J. Hort., 8(2): 772-774.
- Zidan, G.J. ; Burhanuddin, A.R.H. & Ayed, Q.Y. (2018). Evaluation of some of the varieties of okra ( Albamoschus esculentus L. Moench) cultivated on different dates under the conditions of the non-heated plastic house, Univ. Tikrit J. Agri. Sci., 18 (23): 69-76. (In Arabic).
Abd El-Kader, A.A.; Shaaban, S.M. & Abd El-Fattah, M.S. (2010). Effect of irrigation levels and organic compost on okra plants (Abelmoschus esculentus L) grown in sandy calcareous soil. Agric. Biol. J. North America, 1: 225-231.
Abdulla, A.A.; Hajji, J.H. & Rassen, A.Z. (2017). Response of okra plants (Abelmoschus esculentus L) cultivated under low plastic tunnels to mulch soil and spray with licorice root extract and the growing top earring process, Univ. Karbala J. Sci., 15(3): 105-113. (In Arabic).
Abo EI-Hamd, A.S.A. & Abd EI -Wahed, A. H.M. (2018). Improving the growth and yield of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) using Lithovit fertilizer, Academic J. Agri. Res., 6 (5): 65-71.
Abu Dahi, Y.M. & Al Yunis, M.A. (1988). Plant Nutrition Directory, Min. High. Educ. Sci. Res., Univ. Baghdad: 411pp. (In Arabic).
AI-Sahaf, F.H. (1989). Applied Plant Nutrition, Dar Al Hekmah Press, Min. High. Educ. and Sci. Res., Iraq: 258pp. (In Arabic).
Al-Dajwi, A. (1996). Technology of Growing and Producing Vegetables, Madbouli Library. City: 448pp. (In Arabic).
Al-Rawi, K.M. & Khalaf Allah, A.M. (1980). Designing and Analyzing Agricultural Experiments, Dar Al Kuttab foundation and Publishing Corporation, Univ. Mosul: 448 pp. (In Arabic).
Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (2016). The Year Book for Agricultural Statistics, vol. 36: 468pp. (In Arabic).
Atallah, S.Y. (2016). Performance of five Okra cultivars (Abelmoschus esculentus L) sown on different dates under Assiut environmental conditions, Assiut J. Agric. Sci., 47(6-1): 217-224.
David, J.P. (2007). Handbook Of Plant Nutrition–Philips. Morley Wight Salads Ltd. United Kingdom: 773pp.
El-Waraky, Y.B. (2014). Effect of sowing date, plant density and phosphorus fertilization on seed yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L). Alex. J. Agri. Res., 59(1): 27?41.
Firoz, Z.A. ; Islam, M.A.; Mohiuddin, M. & Rahman, M.M. (2007). Yield and yield attributes of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L) as influenced by planting time and plant spacing in hill slope condition. Progress. Agric., 18(2): 67-73.
Ghodia, R.H.A.; Gomau, S.S. & Elsagan, M.A.M. (2015). Early Production of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Fruits under sima oasis conditions. Int. J. Adv. Res., 3(12): 210-216.
Mahmood, M.M.; Farooq, K.; Hussain, A. & Sher, R. (2002). Effect of mulching on growth and yield of potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L(.. Asian J. Plant Sci., 1(2): 132-133.
Marscher, P. (2012). Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. Elsevier, Ltd: 410pp.
Matlub, A.N.; Sultan, E.E. & Abdoul, K.S. (1989). Production of Vegetables, Part 2, Univ. Mosul, Coll. Agric. Forestry, Univ. Mosul Publ.: 337pp. (In Arabic).
McCraw, B.D. (2003). Value of mulching soils easy gardening mulching, Texas Agricultural Extension Services. 4 pp.
Menegel, K.; Ernestand, E. & Appel, O. (2001). Principles of Plant Nutrition, Kluwer Academic Publ.: 335 pp.
Ministry of Agriculture (2012). Directorate General of Planning and Follow-up, Agricultural Statistics Department-Iraq: 53pp. (In Arabic).
Mohammed, G.H. & Saeid, A.I. (2017). Effect Of topping, humic acid, mulching color and their interactions on vegetative growth and seed yield of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.). J. Univ. Duhok, 20(1): 41-49.
Saifulla, M. & Rabbani, M.G. (2009): Evaluation and characterization of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench.) genotypes. SAARC J. Agric., 7: 92-99.
Singh, H.M.; Mishra, U.S. & Mishra, T.S. (2018). Effect sowing time and plant spacing on seed production in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) in Madhya Pradesh, J. Krishi Vigyan, 6(2): 78-80.
Singh, M.; Prabhukumar, S. & Saifam, C.V. (2010). Integrated weed management in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench). Ann. Plant Protect. Sci., 18(2): 481-483.
Sonu, J.P.S.; Nathlram, R. & Kaushik, H. (2013). Effect of sowing dates and plant geometry on growth and yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L) cultivar" parbhani kranti and pusaa-4" Asian J. Hort., 8(2): 772-774.
Zidan, G.J. ; Burhanuddin, A.R.H. & Ayed, Q.Y. (2018). Evaluation of some of the varieties of okra ( Albamoschus esculentus L. Moench) cultivated on different dates under the conditions of the non-heated plastic house, Univ. Tikrit J. Agri. Sci., 18 (23): 69-76. (In Arabic).