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Composted cow manure sample was collected from filed of college of Agriculture, University of Basrah. Its properties were identified. Humic acid was extracted from cow manure and diagnosed according to elemental analysis (CHN), spectral study (E4/E6), infra-red spectrum (IR), in addition to chemical composition of functional groups. Two types of humic acid were prepared, one of them humic acid with fermented plant residue (HA1-N) and other humic acid with zeolite (HA2-N). A laboratory experiment was carried out to study the amount of ammonia volatile from two prepared chelate fertilizers (HA1-N and HA2-N) and urea fertilizer by incubation two types of soils (sandy soil and clay loam soil) at 35°C with four rates of nitrogen (0, 125, 250 and 500 mg N kg-1 soil) and with five incubation time (3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 days). The study found that increasing rate of nitrogen and incubation time increased ammonia volatilization, and the highest value was at the rate 500 mg N kg-1 soil and at 48 days of incubation to reach a 21.427 and 9.736 mg N-NH3 Kg-1 soil for sandy soil and clay loam soil, respectively. Application of two prepared chelate fertilizers (HA1-N and HA2-N) at rate 500 mg N Kg -1 reduced ammonia volatilization to 99.30 % and 98.62 % for sandy soil and 98.96 % and 97.77 % for clay loam soil comparing with urea fertilizer . Fertilizers were took the following order in reducing ammonia volatilization : HA1-N > HA2-N > Urea.
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- Al-Tameemi, H.J.; Ashoor, N.I. & Al-Auqbi, S.J. (2014). Effect of humic acid on ammonia volatilization from some calcareous soils. Int. J. Bioflux Soc., 6(3): 163-168.
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- Black, C.A. (1965). Methods of soil analysis. American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Pub. Madison, Wisconsin: 1572pp.
- Bremner, J.M. (1982). Regular Kjeldahl Methods. 11-33. In: Page, A.L.; Miller, R.H. & Keeney, D.R. (Eds.). Methods of soil analysis Part (2). 2nd ed. ASA. Inc. Madison, Wisconsin: 1158pp.
- Bundick, H.; Bruulsema, T.; Hunter, M.; Lawrence, J.; Czymmek, K. & Ketterings, Q. (2009). Enhanced efficiency nitrogen sources. Agronomy Fact Sheet Series (Fact Sheet 45). 2pp.
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- Eshwar, M.; Srilatha, M.; Rekha, K.B. & Sharma, H.K. (2017). Characterization of humic substances by functional groups and spectroscopic methods. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 6(10): 1768-1774.
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- Ma, B.L.; Wu, T.Y.; Tremblay, N.; Deen, W.; McLaughlin, N.B.; Morrison, M.J. & Stewart, G. (2010). On-farm assessment of the amount and timing of nitrogen fertilizer on ammonia volatilization. Agronomy J., 102(1): 134-144.
- Madhavi, P. (2014). Effect of biochar and humic acid of fertilizer use and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) in alfisols of southern Telangana region of andhrapradesh. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric. Univ. Rajendranagar, Hyderabad: 366pp.
- Page, A.L.; Miller, R.H. & Keeney, D.R. (1982). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, 2nd edn. Agron. 9, Pub. Madison Wisconsin: 1158pp.
- Papanicolaou, E.P. (1976). Determination of cation exchange capacity of calcareous soils and their percent base saturation. Soil Sci., 121: 65 -71.
- Peters, C.D.; Zion, M.S. & Wood, E.F. (1973). A soil vegetation atmosphere transfer scheme for modeling spatially variable water and energy balance processes. J. Geophys. Res., 102: 4303-4324.
- Prasad, R. & Power, J.F. (1997). Soil Fertility Management for Sustainable Agriculture. Boca Raton. New York: 384pp.
- Richards, L.A. (1954). Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils. Agric. Handbook No. 60. U. S. Dept. Agric. Washington D. C.: 160pp.
- Schnitzer, M. (1977). Recent findings on the characterization of humic substances extracted from soils from widely differing climatic zones. In Soil Org. Matter Stud.. Int. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, II: 117-132.
- Schnitzer, M. (1986). Organic Matter Characterization. 581- 594. In: Page A.L.; Miller, R.H. & Keeney, D.R. (Eds.). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. 2nd edn. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Madison: 1158pp.
- Schnitzer, M. & Khan, S.U. (1972). Humic substances in the environment. Marcel Dekker, New York.: 327pp.
- Stevenson, F.J. (1982). Humus Chemistry. Genesis. John Wiley & Sons, New York: 512/ 443pp.
- Tan, K.H. (2003). Humic Matter in Soil and Environment. Principles and Controversies, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York: 495pp.
Abdulkareem, M.A. (2006). Role of some plant extracts on urease activity, urea transformations in soils, and barley growth. Ph. D. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah: 211pp.
Ahmed, O.H.; Aminuddin, H. & Husni, M.H.A. (2006). Effects of urea, humic acid and phosphate interactions in fertilizer microsites on ammonia volatilization and soil ammonium and nitrate contents. Int. J. Agric. Res., 1(1): 25-31.
Alberto, C.C.B.; Mota, E.P.; Souza, S.C.H.; Cardoso, R.D. & Oliviera, P.P.A. (2010). Ammonia volatilization, dry matter yield and nitrogen levels of Italian ryegrass fertilized with urea and zeolite. 19th World Congress of Soil Sci., Soil Solutions for a Changing World. 1-6 August, Brisbane, Australia.
Al-Tameemi, H.J. (1997). The chemical behavior of artificial trace elements chelate producing from humic acids and common fertilizers and their efficiency in some calcareous soils. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah: 203pp.
Al-Tameemi, H.J.; Ashoor, N.I. & Al-Auqbi, S.J. (2014). Effect of humic acid on ammonia volatilization from some calcareous soils. Int. J. Bioflux Soc., 6(3): 163-168.
Barker, A.V. & Bryson, G.M. (2007). Nitrogen. 21-50. In: Barker, A.V. & Pilbeam, D.J. (Eds.). Handbook of Plant Nutrition. CRC Press. 773pp.
Black, C.A. (1965). Methods of soil analysis. American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Pub. Madison, Wisconsin: 1572pp.
Bremner, J.M. (1982). Regular Kjeldahl Methods. 11-33. In: Page, A.L.; Miller, R.H. & Keeney, D.R. (Eds.). Methods of soil analysis Part (2). 2nd ed. ASA. Inc. Madison, Wisconsin: 1158pp.
Bundick, H.; Bruulsema, T.; Hunter, M.; Lawrence, J.; Czymmek, K. & Ketterings, Q. (2009). Enhanced efficiency nitrogen sources. Agronomy Fact Sheet Series (Fact Sheet 45). 2pp.
Cresser, M.S. & Parsons, J.W. (1979). Sulfuric -perchloric acid digestion of plant material for the determination of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Anal. Chim. Acta, 109(2): 431-436.
Eshwar, M.; Srilatha, M.; Rekha, K.B. & Sharma, H.K. (2017). Characterization of humic substances by functional groups and spectroscopic methods. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 6(10): 1768-1774.
Fan, M.X. & Mackenzie, A.F. (1993). Urea and phosphate interactions in fertilizer microsites: Ammonia volatilization and pH changes. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 57: 839-845.
Ferrara, G. & Brunetti, G. (2008). Influence of foliar applications of humic acids on yield and fruit quality of table grape cv. Italia. J. Int. des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin, 42(2): 79-87.
Gamble, S.D. (1988). Atrazine hydrolysis in aqueous suspensions of humic acid at 25.0 C. Can. J. Chem., 66(10): 2605 - 2617.
Jackson, M.L. (1973). Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice. Hall of Indian Private limited, New Delhi: 214pp.
Kumada K. (1987). Chemistry of Soil Organic Matter. Elsevier, 17: 240pp.
Ma, B.L.; Wu, T.Y.; Tremblay, N.; Deen, W.; McLaughlin, N.B.; Morrison, M.J. & Stewart, G. (2010). On-farm assessment of the amount and timing of nitrogen fertilizer on ammonia volatilization. Agronomy J., 102(1): 134-144.
Madhavi, P. (2014). Effect of biochar and humic acid of fertilizer use and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) in alfisols of southern Telangana region of andhrapradesh. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric. Univ. Rajendranagar, Hyderabad: 366pp.
Page, A.L.; Miller, R.H. & Keeney, D.R. (1982). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2, 2nd edn. Agron. 9, Pub. Madison Wisconsin: 1158pp.
Papanicolaou, E.P. (1976). Determination of cation exchange capacity of calcareous soils and their percent base saturation. Soil Sci., 121: 65 -71.
Peters, C.D.; Zion, M.S. & Wood, E.F. (1973). A soil vegetation atmosphere transfer scheme for modeling spatially variable water and energy balance processes. J. Geophys. Res., 102: 4303-4324.
Prasad, R. & Power, J.F. (1997). Soil Fertility Management for Sustainable Agriculture. Boca Raton. New York: 384pp.
Richards, L.A. (1954). Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils. Agric. Handbook No. 60. U. S. Dept. Agric. Washington D. C.: 160pp.
Schnitzer, M. (1977). Recent findings on the characterization of humic substances extracted from soils from widely differing climatic zones. In Soil Org. Matter Stud.. Int. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, II: 117-132.
Schnitzer, M. (1986). Organic Matter Characterization. 581- 594. In: Page A.L.; Miller, R.H. & Keeney, D.R. (Eds.). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. 2nd edn. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Madison: 1158pp.
Schnitzer, M. & Khan, S.U. (1972). Humic substances in the environment. Marcel Dekker, New York.: 327pp.
Stevenson, F.J. (1982). Humus Chemistry. Genesis. John Wiley & Sons, New York: 512/ 443pp.
Tan, K.H. (2003). Humic Matter in Soil and Environment. Principles and Controversies, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York: 495pp.