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The present work is to assess the fish structure and diversity status in the Tigris River, northeast of Basrah province from October 2015 to September 2016 in relation to some ecological factors. Three stations were selected; first station was located at the north of the east Qurna city in Al-Jewber village, the second station was located at a distance of 7 km after the first station in the Abu Aran village and the third station was in Qurna city. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity and total alkalinity were measured from the study areas. Several fishing methods were adopted to collect fishes, electric fishing and gill nets. Twenty- seven fish species were collected belonging to 25 genera and 12 families. A total of 9400 individual fishes were collected. Fishes were classified into three categories, common, seasonal and occasional species which were formed 98.04, 1.08 and 0. 88%, respectively of the total number of species. The value of the Shannon and Weaver diversity index (H), Evenness (E) and Margalef richness (D) were calculated according to months and stations. The mean value and standard deviations of Shannon and Weaver in the three stations were 1.53 ± 0.499, 1.841± 0.259 and 2.432± 0.767 respectively. The average value and standard deviations of Evenness (E) in these stations were 0.695 ± 0.087, 0.741± 0.101 and 0.725± 0.101 in the same order. Mean values and standard deviations of Margalef richness (D) in these stations were 2.010 ± 0.898, 2.299 ± 0.851 and 2.893 ± 0.667, respectively. The dominance (D3) value of the main three abundant species was 59.24%.
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- Abdullah, S.A. (2015). A comparative ecological study to the impact of Mudayna district barrier at the lower reaches of Euphrates River. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah.: 127pp. (In Arabic).
- Alkam, F.M. & Abdulmunem, I.A. (2011). Effect of the main eastern drainage on the some physical and chemical characteristics in Euphrates river in the city of Al- Samawa, Iraq J. Orok. Sci., 1(4): 67-75.
- Al-Noor, S.S.; Mohamed, A.R.M. & Faris, R.A.K. (2009). Structure of the fishery of the lower Euphrates river, Qurna, Iraq. Iraqi J. Agric., (Special Issue) 14(8): 157- 169.
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- Carpenter, K.E.; Krupp, F.; Jones, D.A. & Zajonz, U. (1997). Living marine resources of Kuwait, eastern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates F.A.O. species identification field guide for fishery puposes, F.A.O. Rome: viii+ XVIIpls.
- Coad, B.W. (2010). Freshwater fishes of Iraq. Peoft Publ. Sofia:. 294 pp.+ 16pls.
- Coad, B.W. (2017). Freshwater fishes of Iraq:. Check list. (downloaded 22 April 2015).
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- Fisher, S. J. & Willis, D. W. (2000). Seasonal dynamics of aquatic fauna and habitat parameters in a perched upper Missouri river wetland. Wetlans, 20: 470-478.
- Hossain, M. S.; Das, N.G.; Sarker, S. & Rahaman, M. Z. (2012). Fish diversity and habitat relationship with environmental variables at Meghna river estuary Banglades. Egypt J. Aquat. Rese., 38: 213- 226.
- Hussain, N.A. (2014). Biotopes of Iraqi marshlands, Difaf publ. Beirut:. 432pp.(In Arabic).
- Hussain, N.A.; Ali, A.H. & Lazem, L.F. (2012). Ecological indices of key biological groups in southern Iraq marshland during 2005-2007. Mesopot. J. Mar. Sci., 27(2): 112-125.
- Hussain, N. A.; Mohamed, A.R.M.; Al-Noor, S.S.; Mutlak, F.M.; Abed, I.M. & Coad, B. W. (2009). Structure and ecological indices of fish assemblages of the recently restored Hammar marsh, southern Iraq .BioRisk, 3: 173-186.
- Hussein, S.A. & Fahad, K.K. (2008). Seasonal variations in abiotic ecological conditions in A araf canal one of the main branches to Tigris river Thi-Qar province, Iraq. Basrah J. Sci., B, 26(1): 38-47.
- Hussein, S.A.; Al-Sabochi, A.A. & Fahad, K.K. (2008). Ecological characteristics of the southern sector of Euphrates river at Al-Nasiryia city. II. Seasonal variations in nutrients. J. Univ. Thiq., 4(3): 121-126.
- Jørgeson, S.E.; Xu, F.-L.; Salas, F. & Marques, J.C. (2005). Application of indicators for the assessment of ecosystem health. Pp: 5-65 In Jørgensen, S. E.; Costanza, R. &. Xu F.-.L. (Eds.). Handbook of ecological indicators for assessment of ecosystem. health. C.R.C Press. Baco Raton, Florida: 577pp.
- Korsbrekke, K.; Mehl, S.; Nakken, O. & Pennington, M. (2001). A survey -based assessment of the Northeast Arctic cod stock. ICESJ. Mar. Sci., 58(4): 763-769.
- Kwak, T.J. & Peterson, J. T. (2007). Community indices, parameters and comparisons. Pp: 663-677 In Brown, M.& Guy, C. (Eds.). Analysis and interpretation of freshwater fisheries data Am. Fish. Soc., Bethesda.
- Lazem, L.F. (2009). Composition structure of fish community assemblage and their connection to the prevailing abiotic conditions in Garmat Ali River Southern Iraq. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 90pp. (In Arabic).
- Lind, O.T. (1979). Handbook of common methods in Limnology. C. V. Mosby, St. Louis: 199pp.
- Magurran, A.E. (1988). Ecological diversity and its measurement. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton. 179pp.
- Margalef, R. (1968). Perspectives in Ecology. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago: 111pp.
- Mohamed, A.R.M.; Al-Noor, S.S. & Faris, R.A.K. (2006). Analytical study of the fisheries in the lower reaches of the Tigris river, north Qurna, Basrah. Iraq. Iraqi J. Aquacult., 1: 57-73.
- Mohamed, A.R.M.; Hussein, S.A. & Lazem, L.F. (2013). Spatiotemporal variability of fish assemblage in the Shatt Al-Arab River, Iraq. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 26(1): 43-59.
- Mohamed, A.R.M.; Hussain, N.A.; Al-Noor, S.S.; Coad, B.W. & Mutlak, F.M. (2009).
- Status of diadromous fish species in the restored East Hammar Marsh in Southern Iraq. Am. Fish. Soc., 69: 577-588.
- Mohamed, A.R.M.; Hussain, N.A.; Al-Noor, S.S.; Mutlak, F.M.; Al- Sudani, I.M. & Mojer, A. (2012). Ecological and biological aspects of fish assemblage in the Chybayish marsh, Southern Iraq. Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol., 12(1): 65-74.
- Odum, W. A. (1970). Insidious alternation the estuarine environment. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 99: 836-847.
- Partow, H. (2001).The mesopotamian marshlands: Demise of an ecosystem. Division of early warning and assessment. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya: 46pp.
- Pauly, D.; Christensen, V.; Guénette, S.; Pitcher, T.J.; Sumaila, U.R.; Walters, C.J.; Wastson, R. & Zeller, D. (2002). Towards sustainability in world fisheries. Nature, 418: 689-695.
- Peterson, J.T. & Rabeni, C.F. (2001). The relation of fish assemblages to channel units in an Ozark stream. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 130(5): 911-926.
- Pielou, E.C. (1977). Mathematical ecology. John Wiley & Sons, New York: 385pp.
- Reid, G. & Wood, R.D. (1961). Ecology of inland waters and estuaries. Reinhold Publ., New York: 375pp.
- Sargaonkar, A. & Deshpande, V. (2003). Development of an overall index of pollution for surface water based on a general classification scheme in Indian context. Environ. Monit. Assess., 89(1): 43-67.
- Shannon, C.E. & Weaver, W. (1964). The mathematical theory of communication. Univ. Illinois. Press, Urbane. 125pp.
- Thirumala, B.R.K.; Kiran, B.R.& Kantaraj, G.S. (2011). Fish diversity in relation to physicol- chemical characteristics of Bhandra reservoir of Karnataka, India,” Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(5): 34-47.
- Tyler, A.V. (1971). Periodic and resident components in communities of Atlantic fishes. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., 28(7): 935- 946.
- Weherly, K.E. & Wiley, M.J. (2003). Classifying regional variation in thermal regime based on stream fish community patterns. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 132: 18- 38.
Abdullah, S.A. (2015). A comparative ecological study to the impact of Mudayna district barrier at the lower reaches of Euphrates River. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah.: 127pp. (In Arabic).
Alkam, F.M. & Abdulmunem, I.A. (2011). Effect of the main eastern drainage on the some physical and chemical characteristics in Euphrates river in the city of Al- Samawa, Iraq J. Orok. Sci., 1(4): 67-75.
Al-Noor, S.S.; Mohamed, A.R.M. & Faris, R.A.K. (2009). Structure of the fishery of the lower Euphrates river, Qurna, Iraq. Iraqi J. Agric., (Special Issue) 14(8): 157- 169.
A.P.H.A (American Public Health Association). (2005). Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water. 21th ed. Washington. D.C.: 1193pp.
Bu, H.; Tan, X.; Li, S. & Zhang, Q. (2010). Temporal and spatial variation of water quality in the Jinshui river of the south Qinling Mts. China. Ecotoxicol.Environm. Saf., 73(5): 907-913.
Carpenter, K.E.; Krupp, F.; Jones, D.A. & Zajonz, U. (1997). Living marine resources of Kuwait, eastern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates F.A.O. species identification field guide for fishery puposes, F.A.O. Rome: viii+ XVIIpls.
Coad, B.W. (2010). Freshwater fishes of Iraq. Peoft Publ. Sofia:. 294 pp.+ 16pls.
Coad, B.W. (2017). Freshwater fishes of Iraq:. Check list. (downloaded 22 April 2015).
Durmishi, B.H.; Ismaili, M.; Shabani, A.; Jusufi, S.; fejzuli, X.; Kostovska, M. & Abduli, S. (2008). The physical, physical- chemical and chemical parameters determination of river water Shkumbini (Pena) (part A). Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 27(31): 1-11.
Fisher, S. J. & Willis, D. W. (2000). Seasonal dynamics of aquatic fauna and habitat parameters in a perched upper Missouri river wetland. Wetlans, 20: 470-478.
Hossain, M. S.; Das, N.G.; Sarker, S. & Rahaman, M. Z. (2012). Fish diversity and habitat relationship with environmental variables at Meghna river estuary Banglades. Egypt J. Aquat. Rese., 38: 213- 226.
Hussain, N.A. (2014). Biotopes of Iraqi marshlands, Difaf publ. Beirut:. 432pp.(In Arabic).
Hussain, N.A.; Ali, A.H. & Lazem, L.F. (2012). Ecological indices of key biological groups in southern Iraq marshland during 2005-2007. Mesopot. J. Mar. Sci., 27(2): 112-125.
Hussain, N. A.; Mohamed, A.R.M.; Al-Noor, S.S.; Mutlak, F.M.; Abed, I.M. & Coad, B. W. (2009). Structure and ecological indices of fish assemblages of the recently restored Hammar marsh, southern Iraq .BioRisk, 3: 173-186.
Hussein, S.A. & Fahad, K.K. (2008). Seasonal variations in abiotic ecological conditions in A araf canal one of the main branches to Tigris river Thi-Qar province, Iraq. Basrah J. Sci., B, 26(1): 38-47.
Hussein, S.A.; Al-Sabochi, A.A. & Fahad, K.K. (2008). Ecological characteristics of the southern sector of Euphrates river at Al-Nasiryia city. II. Seasonal variations in nutrients. J. Univ. Thiq., 4(3): 121-126.
Jørgeson, S.E.; Xu, F.-L.; Salas, F. & Marques, J.C. (2005). Application of indicators for the assessment of ecosystem health. Pp: 5-65 In Jørgensen, S. E.; Costanza, R. &. Xu F.-.L. (Eds.). Handbook of ecological indicators for assessment of ecosystem. health. C.R.C Press. Baco Raton, Florida: 577pp.
Korsbrekke, K.; Mehl, S.; Nakken, O. & Pennington, M. (2001). A survey -based assessment of the Northeast Arctic cod stock. ICESJ. Mar. Sci., 58(4): 763-769.
Kwak, T.J. & Peterson, J. T. (2007). Community indices, parameters and comparisons. Pp: 663-677 In Brown, M.& Guy, C. (Eds.). Analysis and interpretation of freshwater fisheries data Am. Fish. Soc., Bethesda.
Lazem, L.F. (2009). Composition structure of fish community assemblage and their connection to the prevailing abiotic conditions in Garmat Ali River Southern Iraq. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 90pp. (In Arabic).
Lind, O.T. (1979). Handbook of common methods in Limnology. C. V. Mosby, St. Louis: 199pp.
Magurran, A.E. (1988). Ecological diversity and its measurement. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton. 179pp.
Margalef, R. (1968). Perspectives in Ecology. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago: 111pp.
Mohamed, A.R.M.; Al-Noor, S.S. & Faris, R.A.K. (2006). Analytical study of the fisheries in the lower reaches of the Tigris river, north Qurna, Basrah. Iraq. Iraqi J. Aquacult., 1: 57-73.
Mohamed, A.R.M.; Hussein, S.A. & Lazem, L.F. (2013). Spatiotemporal variability of fish assemblage in the Shatt Al-Arab River, Iraq. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 26(1): 43-59.
Mohamed, A.R.M.; Hussain, N.A.; Al-Noor, S.S.; Coad, B.W. & Mutlak, F.M. (2009).
Status of diadromous fish species in the restored East Hammar Marsh in Southern Iraq. Am. Fish. Soc., 69: 577-588.
Mohamed, A.R.M.; Hussain, N.A.; Al-Noor, S.S.; Mutlak, F.M.; Al- Sudani, I.M. & Mojer, A. (2012). Ecological and biological aspects of fish assemblage in the Chybayish marsh, Southern Iraq. Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol., 12(1): 65-74.
Odum, W. A. (1970). Insidious alternation the estuarine environment. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 99: 836-847.
Partow, H. (2001).The mesopotamian marshlands: Demise of an ecosystem. Division of early warning and assessment. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya: 46pp.
Pauly, D.; Christensen, V.; Guénette, S.; Pitcher, T.J.; Sumaila, U.R.; Walters, C.J.; Wastson, R. & Zeller, D. (2002). Towards sustainability in world fisheries. Nature, 418: 689-695.
Peterson, J.T. & Rabeni, C.F. (2001). The relation of fish assemblages to channel units in an Ozark stream. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 130(5): 911-926.
Pielou, E.C. (1977). Mathematical ecology. John Wiley & Sons, New York: 385pp.
Reid, G. & Wood, R.D. (1961). Ecology of inland waters and estuaries. Reinhold Publ., New York: 375pp.
Sargaonkar, A. & Deshpande, V. (2003). Development of an overall index of pollution for surface water based on a general classification scheme in Indian context. Environ. Monit. Assess., 89(1): 43-67.
Shannon, C.E. & Weaver, W. (1964). The mathematical theory of communication. Univ. Illinois. Press, Urbane. 125pp.
Thirumala, B.R.K.; Kiran, B.R.& Kantaraj, G.S. (2011). Fish diversity in relation to physicol- chemical characteristics of Bhandra reservoir of Karnataka, India,” Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2(5): 34-47.
Tyler, A.V. (1971). Periodic and resident components in communities of Atlantic fishes. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can., 28(7): 935- 946.
Weherly, K.E. & Wiley, M.J. (2003). Classifying regional variation in thermal regime based on stream fish community patterns. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 132: 18- 38.