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This study aimed to investigate the effect of interaction between Trichoderma harzianum and the fungicide Topsin-M on root rot disease that infected okra in the field. Three fungi were isolated from the root of okra that infected with root rot disease: Fusarium solani, Rhizoctonia solani and Macrophomina phaseolina. The pathogenicity of these fungi was tested and found to be they cause root rot disease on okra, the disease severity was 41.7, 6.7 and 31.7% respectively. The laboratorial experiments showed that T. harzianum had a high antagonism ability with degrees of 1 and 2 against the pathogenic fungi M. phaseolina, F. solani and R. solani respectively. Also, it was found that the fungicide Topsin –M inhibited the growth of all pathogenic fungi with a percent of 100%, while it inhibited the bioagent fungus growth with a percent of 50.4 %, therefore it be recommended for the interaction experiments. The field results showed that using of bioagent T. harzianum and fungicide topsin-M significantly reduced the infection percentage and severity disease of the pathogenic fungi F. solani, R. solani and M. phaseolina to 65.3, 21.20, 13.20, 46.20, 25.70 and 18.20% respectively, compared to each pathogenic fungus alone which were 71.00, 60.20, 60.20, 66.80, 80.20 and 60.20% respectively. The interaction between the bioagent T. harzianum and topsin-M led to increase the plant height, fresh and dry weight of shoot and root systems and the fruit productivity of the examined okra plants .
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- Abbott, W.S. (1925). A method of computing the effectiveness of insecticides. J. Econ. Entomol., 18: 265-267. (C.F. Shaaban & Al-Mallah,1993).
- Abd-El-Kader, M.M.; El-Mougy, N.S.; Aly, M.D.E. & Lashin, S.M. (2010). First report of ashy stem blight caused by Macrophomina phaseolina on Aeonium canariense in Egypt. J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol., 1: 1-11.
- Aghighi, S.; Shahidi–Bongjar, G. H.; Rawashdeh, R.; Batayneh, S. & Saadoun, I. (2004). First report of antifungal spectra of activity of Iranian Actinomycetes strains against Alternaria strains, Alternaria alternata, Fusarium solani, Phytophthora megasperma, Verticillium dahlia and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Asian J. Plant Sci., 3(4) : 463-471.
- Al-Adel, K.M. (2006). The pesticides, essential concepts and their role in the agriculture and health. Coll. Agric. Univ. Baghdad. 442pp. (In Arabic).
- Al-Fadhl, F. & Al-Janabi, M.M. (2017). Assessment the effect of some bio agents and Topsin-M in controlling root-rot disease on Petunia plants. Kufa J. Agric. Sci., 9(1): 393-404. (In Arabic).
- Al-Hasnawy, E.M. (2017). Evaluation of using some biological control factors of control seeds rot and damping-off disease on okra plant caused by Fusarium solani and Rhizoctonia solani. Karbala J. Agric. Sci., 5(4): 250-260. (In Arabic).
- Al-Juboory, H.H.; Hassan, A.K. & El-Humairy, Y.N. (2018). Effect of some bio inducers in controlling the pathogen M. phaseolina causing root and stem charcoal rot of strawberry. Arab J. Plant Prot., 36(2): 154-163. (In Arabic).
- Al-Kaabi, A.N.K.; Al-Shagiri, A. & Salih, A.M. (2009). Effect of some fungicides and bioagent fungi in controlling the seed rot disease and damping- off of tomato caused by pathogenic fungi Rhizoctonia solani Kühn, Fusarium solani Marti. Qadisiyah J. Pure Sci., 14(3): 46-56. (In Arabic).
- Al-Maarich, E.R.M. (2015). A study of bare patch disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn on wheat in fields at North of Basrah and its biological and chemical control. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah. 115pp. (In Arabic).
- Al-Murad, N.Y. & Al-Taei, A.K.M. (2006). Biological control of root rot of beans. The 9th Arab Conf. Plant Prot.: 214. (Abst.). (In Arabic).
- Al-Musawy, M.A.; Lahouf, A.A. & Jafar, O.H. (2017). Isolation and identification of the pathogens causing seed decay and damping-off disease on wheat and control by using some biological and chemical factors. J. Karbala Univ. Sci., 4(1): 112-132. (In Arabic).
- Al-Rawi, K.M. & Khalaf Allah, A.M. (1980). Design and analysis of Agricultural experiments. College of Agriculture and Forestry Publishing. Univ. Mosul: 486pp. (In Arabic).
- Altomare, C.; Novell, W.A.; Bjorkman, T. & Harman, G.E. (1999). Solubilization of phosphates and micro nutrients by the plant growth promoting and biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum Rifai 1295-22. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 65(7): 2926-2933.
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- Bell, D.K.; Wells, H.D. & Markham, C.R. (1982). In vitro antagonism of Trichoderma species against six fungal plant pathogens. Phytopathology, 72: 379-382.
- Bolkan, H.H. & Butler, E.E. (1974). Studies on heterokaryosis virulence of Rhizoctoni solani . Phytopathology, 64: 513-522.
- Dewan, M.M. (1989) . Identity and frequency of occurrence of fungi in root of wheat and rye grass and their effect on take-all and host growth . Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Western Australia. 210pp.
- El-Habbaa, G.M.; Abdou, M.M.; Mahdy, F.; Mohamed, G. & El-Shaery, S.A. (2016(. Biological and chemical control of grapevine die-back disease and their effect on defence related enzymes. Int. J. Sci. Eng. Res., 7(3): 201-212.
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- Farah, S. & Sahera, N. (2016) . Antifungal activity of Pseudomonas aeuroginosa and Bacillus subtilis against pathogens of cucurbitaceous fruits. Int. J. Innov. Res. Sci. Eng. Tech., 5: 1-5.
- Fayyadh, M.A. (1997). Response of different genotypes of sunflower Helianthus annus L. for infection by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid and the role of some biological methods for control. Ph.D. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Baghdad. 106pp. (In Arabic).
- Gajera, H.P.; Bambharolia, R.P.; Patel, S.V.; Khatrani, T.J. & Goalkiya, B.A. (2012). Antagonism of Trichoderma spp. against Macrophomina phaseolina: Evaluation of coiling and cell wall degrading enzymatic activities. J. Plant Pathol. Microb., 3: 7. DOI: 10.4172/2157-7471.1000149
- Ghisalberti, E.L.; Narbey, M.J.; Dewan, M.M. & Sivasithamparam, K. (1990). Variability among strains of Trichoderma harzianum in their ability to reduce take-all and to produce pyrones. Plant Soil, 121: 287-291.
- Juber, K.S. (1996). Pathogenic complex between nematode Melodogyne javanica and fungi Fusarium solani and their biological control. Ph.D. Thesis, Coll. Agric. Univ. Baghdad. 79 pp. (In Arabic).
- Jasim, N.S. (2007). A study of root and stem bases rot disease of the beans caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Basrah province and its biological and chemical control . Ph.D Thesis, Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah. 123pp. (In Arabic).
- Jasim, N.S. & Al-Qurani, J.T.A. (2012). Effect of Salicylic acid (SA) against the fungus Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid and development of charcoal rot disease on sunflower Helainthus annus L. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 25(2): 58-71. (In Arabic).
- Leslie, J.F. & Summerell, B.A. (2006). The Fusarium laboratory manual photographs. Suzanne Bullock: 388pp.
- Limon, M.C.; Pintor-Toro, J.A. & Benitez, T. (1999). Increased antifungal activity of Trichoderma harzianum transformants that overexpress a 33-kDa chitinase. Phytopathology, 89: 254-261.
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- Matrood, A.A. (2015). Induction of systemic resistance in sunflower against fungus Macrophomina phaseolina the causal agent of charcoal rot disease using Glomus sp. and some species of Trichoderma. Ph.D. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Kufa. 127 pp. (In Arabic).
- Matrood, A.A. (2018). Biological control of eggplant leaf spot disease caused by Cladosporium cladosporioides. Arab J. Plant Protec., 36(3): 192-198. (In Arabic).
- Mickenny, H.H. (1923). Influence of soil temperature and moisture on infection of wheat seedling by Helminthosporium sativum. Agric. Res., 26: 195-217. (C.F. Al-Waily, D.S.A., 2004).
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- Parmeter, J.R. & Whitney, H.S. (1970). Taxonomy and nomencleature of the imperfect stage. In: Parmeter, J.R. (Ed.), Univ. California Barkley. Los Angeles. 255pp.
- Planning & follow-up. (2018). Basrah Agriculture Directorate. Basrah province-Iraq. (In Arabic).
- Radhi, K.H.; Kadhem, Z.K. & Rashed, Y.D. (2016). Biological control of root rot disease of eggplant caused by Fusarium solani. Karbala J. Agric. Sci., 3(1): 99-115. (In Arabic).
- Rahim, S. & Dawar, S. (2015). Seed borne mycoflora associated with okra Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench. Pakistan J. Bot., 47: 747-751.
- Saad, N.A. (2001). Interference between root knot nematodes Meloidogyny javanica and Rhizoctonia solani in eggplant and biological control. M.Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Baghdad. 87pp. (In Arabic).
- Salih, Y.A. & Al-Maarich, E. R. M. (2016). Effect of interaction between bioagent Trichoderma harzianum and fungicide Moncut on wheat bare patch disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Basrah Northern. Babylon J. Pure Sci., 4(24): 968-984. (In Arabic).
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- Sivan, A. & Chet, I. (1989). The possible role competition between Trichoderma harzianum and Rhizoctonia solani on rhizosphere colonization. Phytopathology, 79(2): 198-203.
- Smiley, R. W.; Wilkins, D. E. & Klepper, E. L. (1990). Impact of fungicide seed treatments on Rhizoctonia root rot, take-all, eyespot and growth of winter wheat. Plant Disease, 74: 782-787.
- Wannas, R.A. (2001). Isolation and identification of the pathogenic fungi associated with root rot of cowpea and integration in resistance. M.Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric. Univ. Kufa. 106pp. (In Arabic).
- Watanabe, T. & Shiyomi, M. (1975). Hyphal morphology of Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn and related fungi isolated from sugarcane in Taiwan. Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan, 16: 253-263.
- Zeilinger, S. & Omann, M. (2007). Trichoderma biocontrol signal transduction pathways involved in host sensing and mycoparasitism. Vienna Univ. Technol., 227-234.
Abbott, W.S. (1925). A method of computing the effectiveness of insecticides. J. Econ. Entomol., 18: 265-267. (C.F. Shaaban & Al-Mallah,1993).
Abd-El-Kader, M.M.; El-Mougy, N.S.; Aly, M.D.E. & Lashin, S.M. (2010). First report of ashy stem blight caused by Macrophomina phaseolina on Aeonium canariense in Egypt. J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol., 1: 1-11.
Aghighi, S.; Shahidi–Bongjar, G. H.; Rawashdeh, R.; Batayneh, S. & Saadoun, I. (2004). First report of antifungal spectra of activity of Iranian Actinomycetes strains against Alternaria strains, Alternaria alternata, Fusarium solani, Phytophthora megasperma, Verticillium dahlia and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Asian J. Plant Sci., 3(4) : 463-471.
Al-Adel, K.M. (2006). The pesticides, essential concepts and their role in the agriculture and health. Coll. Agric. Univ. Baghdad. 442pp. (In Arabic).
Al-Fadhl, F. & Al-Janabi, M.M. (2017). Assessment the effect of some bio agents and Topsin-M in controlling root-rot disease on Petunia plants. Kufa J. Agric. Sci., 9(1): 393-404. (In Arabic).
Al-Hasnawy, E.M. (2017). Evaluation of using some biological control factors of control seeds rot and damping-off disease on okra plant caused by Fusarium solani and Rhizoctonia solani. Karbala J. Agric. Sci., 5(4): 250-260. (In Arabic).
Al-Juboory, H.H.; Hassan, A.K. & El-Humairy, Y.N. (2018). Effect of some bio inducers in controlling the pathogen M. phaseolina causing root and stem charcoal rot of strawberry. Arab J. Plant Prot., 36(2): 154-163. (In Arabic).
Al-Kaabi, A.N.K.; Al-Shagiri, A. & Salih, A.M. (2009). Effect of some fungicides and bioagent fungi in controlling the seed rot disease and damping- off of tomato caused by pathogenic fungi Rhizoctonia solani Kühn, Fusarium solani Marti. Qadisiyah J. Pure Sci., 14(3): 46-56. (In Arabic).
Al-Maarich, E.R.M. (2015). A study of bare patch disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn on wheat in fields at North of Basrah and its biological and chemical control. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah. 115pp. (In Arabic).
Al-Murad, N.Y. & Al-Taei, A.K.M. (2006). Biological control of root rot of beans. The 9th Arab Conf. Plant Prot.: 214. (Abst.). (In Arabic).
Al-Musawy, M.A.; Lahouf, A.A. & Jafar, O.H. (2017). Isolation and identification of the pathogens causing seed decay and damping-off disease on wheat and control by using some biological and chemical factors. J. Karbala Univ. Sci., 4(1): 112-132. (In Arabic).
Al-Rawi, K.M. & Khalaf Allah, A.M. (1980). Design and analysis of Agricultural experiments. College of Agriculture and Forestry Publishing. Univ. Mosul: 486pp. (In Arabic).
Altomare, C.; Novell, W.A.; Bjorkman, T. & Harman, G.E. (1999). Solubilization of phosphates and micro nutrients by the plant growth promoting and biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum Rifai 1295-22. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 65(7): 2926-2933.
Al-Waily, D.S.A. (2004). Studies on tomato damping-off and its integrated control in Zubair and Safwan farms. Ph.D. Thesis, Coll. Sci., Univ. Basrah. 110pp. (In Arabic).
Alwan, K.F. (2014). Activity of some bioagents against Fusarium solani and Macrophomina phaseolina causing cucumber root rot disease in Babylon Province. Al-Mouthana J. Agric. Sci., 2: 20-27. (In Arabic).
Bell, D.K.; Wells, H.D. & Markham, C.R. (1982). In vitro antagonism of Trichoderma species against six fungal plant pathogens. Phytopathology, 72: 379-382.
Bolkan, H.H. & Butler, E.E. (1974). Studies on heterokaryosis virulence of Rhizoctoni solani . Phytopathology, 64: 513-522.
Dewan, M.M. (1989) . Identity and frequency of occurrence of fungi in root of wheat and rye grass and their effect on take-all and host growth . Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Western Australia. 210pp.
El-Habbaa, G.M.; Abdou, M.M.; Mahdy, F.; Mohamed, G. & El-Shaery, S.A. (2016(. Biological and chemical control of grapevine die-back disease and their effect on defence related enzymes. Int. J. Sci. Eng. Res., 7(3): 201-212.
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). (2014): FAOSTAT,
Farah, S. & Sahera, N. (2016) . Antifungal activity of Pseudomonas aeuroginosa and Bacillus subtilis against pathogens of cucurbitaceous fruits. Int. J. Innov. Res. Sci. Eng. Tech., 5: 1-5.
Fayyadh, M.A. (1997). Response of different genotypes of sunflower Helianthus annus L. for infection by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid and the role of some biological methods for control. Ph.D. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Baghdad. 106pp. (In Arabic).
Gajera, H.P.; Bambharolia, R.P.; Patel, S.V.; Khatrani, T.J. & Goalkiya, B.A. (2012). Antagonism of Trichoderma spp. against Macrophomina phaseolina: Evaluation of coiling and cell wall degrading enzymatic activities. J. Plant Pathol. Microb., 3: 7. DOI: 10.4172/2157-7471.1000149
Ghisalberti, E.L.; Narbey, M.J.; Dewan, M.M. & Sivasithamparam, K. (1990). Variability among strains of Trichoderma harzianum in their ability to reduce take-all and to produce pyrones. Plant Soil, 121: 287-291.
Juber, K.S. (1996). Pathogenic complex between nematode Melodogyne javanica and fungi Fusarium solani and their biological control. Ph.D. Thesis, Coll. Agric. Univ. Baghdad. 79 pp. (In Arabic).
Jasim, N.S. (2007). A study of root and stem bases rot disease of the beans caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Basrah province and its biological and chemical control . Ph.D Thesis, Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah. 123pp. (In Arabic).
Jasim, N.S. & Al-Qurani, J.T.A. (2012). Effect of Salicylic acid (SA) against the fungus Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid and development of charcoal rot disease on sunflower Helainthus annus L. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 25(2): 58-71. (In Arabic).
Leslie, J.F. & Summerell, B.A. (2006). The Fusarium laboratory manual photographs. Suzanne Bullock: 388pp.
Limon, M.C.; Pintor-Toro, J.A. & Benitez, T. (1999). Increased antifungal activity of Trichoderma harzianum transformants that overexpress a 33-kDa chitinase. Phytopathology, 89: 254-261.
Matloob, A.N.; Ezdeen, S.M. & Kareem, S.A. (1989). Vegetable Production. Mosul Univ. Publ., Iraq. 337pp. (In Arabic).
Matrood, A.A. (2015). Induction of systemic resistance in sunflower against fungus Macrophomina phaseolina the causal agent of charcoal rot disease using Glomus sp. and some species of Trichoderma. Ph.D. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Kufa. 127 pp. (In Arabic).
Matrood, A.A. (2018). Biological control of eggplant leaf spot disease caused by Cladosporium cladosporioides. Arab J. Plant Protec., 36(3): 192-198. (In Arabic).
Mickenny, H.H. (1923). Influence of soil temperature and moisture on infection of wheat seedling by Helminthosporium sativum. Agric. Res., 26: 195-217. (C.F. Al-Waily, D.S.A., 2004).
Mohammad, S.Y. (2012). Chemical and biological control of damping–off and root rot disease of bean caused by Rhizoctoni solani. J. Rafidain Agric., 40(4): 206-216. (In Arabic).
Mukhtar, I. (2008). Influence of Trichoderma species on seed germination in okra. Mycopathology, 6: 47-50.
Neergaard, P. (1997). Seed Pathology. Vol. I and II. McMillan Press. London. 1187pp.
Parmeter, J.R. & Whitney, H.S. (1970). Taxonomy and nomencleature of the imperfect stage. In: Parmeter, J.R. (Ed.), Univ. California Barkley. Los Angeles. 255pp.
Planning & follow-up. (2018). Basrah Agriculture Directorate. Basrah province-Iraq. (In Arabic).
Radhi, K.H.; Kadhem, Z.K. & Rashed, Y.D. (2016). Biological control of root rot disease of eggplant caused by Fusarium solani. Karbala J. Agric. Sci., 3(1): 99-115. (In Arabic).
Rahim, S. & Dawar, S. (2015). Seed borne mycoflora associated with okra Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench. Pakistan J. Bot., 47: 747-751.
Saad, N.A. (2001). Interference between root knot nematodes Meloidogyny javanica and Rhizoctonia solani in eggplant and biological control. M.Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Baghdad. 87pp. (In Arabic).
Salih, Y.A. & Al-Maarich, E. R. M. (2016). Effect of interaction between bioagent Trichoderma harzianum and fungicide Moncut on wheat bare patch disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Basrah Northern. Babylon J. Pure Sci., 4(24): 968-984. (In Arabic).
SCO (Central Statistical Organization Iraq). (2016). Production Report of Vegetables and Secondary Crops by Provinces for Year 2015, Baghdad: 56pp.
Shaaban, A. & Al-Mallah, N.M. (1993). Pesticides. Mosul Univ. Publ., Mosul, Iraq. 520pp. (In Arabic).
Shailbala, A. & Kumar, A. (2017). Effect of thiophanate methyl on red rot disease (Colletotrichum falcatum) and yield attributes of sugarcane. J. Pharmacogn. Phytochem.,1: 163-167.
Sinclair, J.B. (1982). Compendium of Soybean Disease. 2nd ed. American Phytopathol. Soc. St. Paul. MN. 104pp.
Sivan, A. & Chet, I. (1989). The possible role competition between Trichoderma harzianum and Rhizoctonia solani on rhizosphere colonization. Phytopathology, 79(2): 198-203.
Smiley, R. W.; Wilkins, D. E. & Klepper, E. L. (1990). Impact of fungicide seed treatments on Rhizoctonia root rot, take-all, eyespot and growth of winter wheat. Plant Disease, 74: 782-787.
Wannas, R.A. (2001). Isolation and identification of the pathogenic fungi associated with root rot of cowpea and integration in resistance. M.Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric. Univ. Kufa. 106pp. (In Arabic).
Watanabe, T. & Shiyomi, M. (1975). Hyphal morphology of Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn and related fungi isolated from sugarcane in Taiwan. Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan, 16: 253-263.
Zeilinger, S. & Omann, M. (2007). Trichoderma biocontrol signal transduction pathways involved in host sensing and mycoparasitism. Vienna Univ. Technol., 227-234.