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Field experiment was conducted in Mohajaran region, Abu-Al-Khaseeb district, Basrah province during the growing season 2018. The study was aimed to evaluate the effect of integration of chemical fertilizer (triple superphosphate) with manure (cattle residue) and/ or biofertilizer (Aspergillus niger) on some soil properties and phosphorus availability to sunflower during growing season. Samples were collected at seedling, vegetative growth, flowering and post-harvest stage. pH, EC, moisture content and available P were determined. Results showed that application of chemical fertilizer significantly affected soil pH, EC, and available P, but showed no effect on soil moisture content. Soil pH decreased and EC increased at seedling stage, while EC was decreased at harvest. Available P values were increased at all growing stages. Incorporation of manure at rate of 30 Mg ha-1 considerably decreased the soil pH and increased EC at seedling stage, soil moisture, and available P at all growing stages.. Inoculation the seeds with A. niger showed no significant effect on soil pH, EC, and soil moisture but significantly increased available P, at vegetative growth and flowing stages . Results showed that the effect of biofertilizer on available P was in bar with the application of manure at rate of 15 Mg ha-1 .Highest value of available P was associated with combination of 120 Kg P ha-1 + 30 Mg ha-1 + inoculation with fungus.
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- Ahamad, F.H.; Jber, A.S. & Salman, A.D. (2006). Effect of phosphate fertilizer, soil texture and irrigation water source on some chemical properties of soil. Iraqi J. Agri. Sci., 37(3): 13-20. (In Arabic).
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- Al-Delfi, H.F. (2013). Effect of water salinity on soil properties' and growth and yield of corn treated with different types and levels of organic residues. M. Sc. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 214pp. (In Arabic).
- Alkhader, A.M.F. & Abo Rayyan, A.A.M. (2015). The impact of phosphorus fertilizers on nutrients content and uptake in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and on selected chemical properties of a calcareous soil. Jordan J. Agri. Sci., 11(4): 1021-1035.
- Al-Maliky, L.A. (2010). Effect of composting manures on some soil properties and physical chemical and yield characteristics of date palm fruits Phoenix dactylifera L. C.V. Hillawi. M. Sc. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 163pp. (In Arabic).
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- Amruth, B.; Thippeshappa, G.N. & Chandea, B.C. (2017). Effect of Phosphorus levels through Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Packages on different parameters of groundnut crop. Phar. Life Sci., 6(1): 107-112.
- Ann, P.J. (2010). Re-evaluation of the report of the A2 mating type of Phytophothora infestans on tomato in Taiwan. Bot. Stud., 51: 203-207.
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- Berecz, K.; Kismanyoky, T. & Debreczeni, K. (2005). Effect of organic matter recycling in long-term fertilization trials and model pot experiments. Common. Soil Sci. Plan, 36: 191- 202.
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- Chaichi, M.R.; Shabani, G. & Noori, F. (2015). Response of berseem clover (Trifolzium alexandrinum L.) to chemical, biological and integrated use of fertilizers. Agronomic in Moldova, 48(1): 67-77.
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- Dambale, A.S.; Ghotmukale, A.K.; Khandekar, S.D.; Suryawanshi, S.B.; Suryararshi, V.P. & Shinde, R.S. (2018). influence of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield, quality and economics of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Int. J. Curr. Micro Appl., 6: 1226-1233.
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- Fincheira-Robles, P.; Martinez-Slgado, M.M.; Ortega-Blu, R. & Janssens, M. (2016). Compost and humic substance effects on soil parameters of Vitis vinifera cv Thompson seedless. Sci. Agropecuaria, 7(3): 291-296.
- Foerster, B.H. (1984). Contributions to the mobilization of phosphorus by soil microorganisms 2nd communication influence of thermal sterilizations, microbial colonization, and growth of young wheat plants on phosphorus content of soil and plants. Zentralbl. Mikrobiol., 8: 591-599.
- Hassan, W.B. (2018). Effect of Emulsified oil dripper discharge under different moisture levels in some soil physical properties and growth and yield of sunflower crop (Helianthus annuus L.). Ph. D. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 188pp. (In Arabic).
- Kundu, B.S.; Nehra, K.; Yadav, R. & Tomar, M. (2009). Biodiversity of phosphate solubilizing bacteria in Rhizosphere of chickpea mustard and wheat grown in different regions of Haryana. Indian J. Microbiol., 49(2): 120-127.
- Lakhdar, A.; Scelza, R.; Scotti, R.; Rao, M.A.; Jedidi, N.; Gaianfreda, L. & Abdelly, C. (2010). The effect of compost and sewage sludge on soil biologic activities in salt affected soil. R. C. Suelo Nutr. Veg., 10: 40-47.
- Mansoor, M.H. (2014). Effect of phosphate organic and Biofertilization on soil P availability and maize productivity. M. Sc. Thesis Coll. Agri. Univ. Baghdad (In Arabic). 105pp.
- Mengel, K. & Kirkby, E.A. (2001). Principles of Plant Nutrition. 5th ed. Int. Potash Inst., Bern: 687pp.
- Mohammed, E.J. (2013). Evaluation the effect of organic and mineral fertilizer on some soil property growth and yield of shake cucumber (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus nauds). M. Sc. Thesis. Coll. Agri. Univ. Basrah. 173pp. (In Arabic).
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- Ouda, B.A. & Mahadeen, A.Y. (2008). Effect of fertilizers on growth, yield, yield components, quality and certain nutrient contents in broccoli (Brassica oleracea). Int. J. Agri. Biol.,10: 627-632.
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- Patil, S.L. & Sheelavantar, M.N. (2000). Effect of moisture conservation practices, organic sources and nitrogen levels on yield, water use and root development of rabi sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.)] in the vertisols of semiarid tropics. Ann. Agric. Res., 21(21): 32-36.
- Prasad, R. & Power, J.F. (1997). Soil Fertility Management for Sub Stainable Agriculture. Lewis Pub. CRC Press LLC. 243pp.
- Rathore, D.S.; Purohit, H.S.; Yadav, B.L. & Sharma, S.R. (2011). Effect of integrated nutrient management on soil properties and crop yield under black gram-wheat cropping system in a Typic Haplustept. Ann. Arid Zone, 50(1): 21-26.
- Richards, A. (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. Agris. Hand book No. 60. US. Dept. Agric.:154pp.
- Rosen, C. J. & Eliason, R. (2002). Nutrient management for commercial fruit and vegetable crops in Minnesota. Univ. Minnesota. Stangev, L.; FIGF, F.; Kurbanov, S.; Mattiv, Y. & Tanif, G. (1990). Agricultural Chemistry. Recently Published Translation by: Nadim, M. I. & Khalil, I.M.A. Fac. Agric., Univ. Baghdad: 40pp. (In Arabic).
- Stangev, L.; Velchev, E.; Gorbanov, S.; Matev, E. & Tanev, Z. (1990). Agroz-chemestry. Zimazadat Pub. Sofya: 496pp. (In Arabic).
- Stevenson, F.J. (1982). Humus Chemistry : Genesis, Composition, Reactions, John Wiley and Sons, New York: 443pp.
- Sumalatha, G. & Jebarathnam, T.G. (2018). Integrated nutrient management in sunflower with apiary farming system. J. Adv. Stud. Agric. Biol. Environ. Sci., 5(2): 1-6.
- Tisdale, S.L. & Nelson, W.L. (1975). Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. 3rd. ed. New York, Macmillan Publishing Comp.: 528pp.
Ahamad, F.H.; Jber, A.S. & Salman, A.D. (2006). Effect of phosphate fertilizer, soil texture and irrigation water source on some chemical properties of soil. Iraqi J. Agri. Sci., 37(3): 13-20. (In Arabic).
Alam, S.; Khalil, S.; Ayub, N. & Rashid, M. (2002). In vitro solubilization of inorganic phosphate by phosphate solubilizing microorganisms (PSM) from maize rhizosphere. Int. J Agri. Biol., 4(4): 454-458.
Al-Atab, S.M.S. (2008). Variation of soil properties and classification in some area of Basrah governorate. Ph. D. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 210pp. (In Arabic).
Al-Delfi, H.F. (2013). Effect of water salinity on soil properties' and growth and yield of corn treated with different types and levels of organic residues. M. Sc. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 214pp. (In Arabic).
Alkhader, A.M.F. & Abo Rayyan, A.A.M. (2015). The impact of phosphorus fertilizers on nutrients content and uptake in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and on selected chemical properties of a calcareous soil. Jordan J. Agri. Sci., 11(4): 1021-1035.
Al-Maliky, L.A. (2010). Effect of composting manures on some soil properties and physical chemical and yield characteristics of date palm fruits Phoenix dactylifera L. C.V. Hillawi. M. Sc. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 163pp. (In Arabic).
Al-Tamimi, H.; Ashoor, N.I. & Yassen, H.A. (2009). Effect of sodium pyrophosphate on concentrated super phosphate fertilizer reactions in some calcareous soils. Basrah. J. Agric. Sci., 22(1): 41-51.
Amruth, B.; Thippeshappa, G.N. & Chandea, B.C. (2017). Effect of Phosphorus levels through Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Packages on different parameters of groundnut crop. Phar. Life Sci., 6(1): 107-112.
Ann, P.J. (2010). Re-evaluation of the report of the A2 mating type of Phytophothora infestans on tomato in Taiwan. Bot. Stud., 51: 203-207.
Barker, A.V. & Pilbeam, D.J. (2007). Handbook of Plant Nutrition. CRC Press: 773pp.
Berecz, K.; Kismanyoky, T. & Debreczeni, K. (2005). Effect of organic matter recycling in long-term fertilization trials and model pot experiments. Common. Soil Sci. Plan, 36: 191- 202.
Black, C.A. (1965). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Chemical and microbiological properties Am. Soc. Agron., Inc. Madison Wisconsin: 770pp
Chaichi, M.R.; Shabani, G. & Noori, F. (2015). Response of berseem clover (Trifolzium alexandrinum L.) to chemical, biological and integrated use of fertilizers. Agronomic in Moldova, 48(1): 67-77.
Czarnecki, S. & During, R.A. (2015). Influence of long-term mineral fertilization on metal contents and properties of soil samples taken from different location in Hesse, Germany. Soil J., 1: 23-33.
Dambale, A.S.; Ghotmukale, A.K.; Khandekar, S.D.; Suryawanshi, S.B.; Suryararshi, V.P. & Shinde, R.S. (2018). influence of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield, quality and economics of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Int. J. Curr. Micro Appl., 6: 1226-1233.
Fakirah, A.A. & Alshabi, G. (2015). Effect of different levels of Biofertilizer and plant population on the grain yield and yield components of conn (Zea mays L.). Jordan J. Agri. Sci., 11(2): 565-581. (In Arabic).
Fincheira-Robles, P.; Martinez-Slgado, M.M.; Ortega-Blu, R. & Janssens, M. (2016). Compost and humic substance effects on soil parameters of Vitis vinifera cv Thompson seedless. Sci. Agropecuaria, 7(3): 291-296.
Foerster, B.H. (1984). Contributions to the mobilization of phosphorus by soil microorganisms 2nd communication influence of thermal sterilizations, microbial colonization, and growth of young wheat plants on phosphorus content of soil and plants. Zentralbl. Mikrobiol., 8: 591-599.
Hassan, W.B. (2018). Effect of Emulsified oil dripper discharge under different moisture levels in some soil physical properties and growth and yield of sunflower crop (Helianthus annuus L.). Ph. D. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 188pp. (In Arabic).
Kundu, B.S.; Nehra, K.; Yadav, R. & Tomar, M. (2009). Biodiversity of phosphate solubilizing bacteria in Rhizosphere of chickpea mustard and wheat grown in different regions of Haryana. Indian J. Microbiol., 49(2): 120-127.
Lakhdar, A.; Scelza, R.; Scotti, R.; Rao, M.A.; Jedidi, N.; Gaianfreda, L. & Abdelly, C. (2010). The effect of compost and sewage sludge on soil biologic activities in salt affected soil. R. C. Suelo Nutr. Veg., 10: 40-47.
Mansoor, M.H. (2014). Effect of phosphate organic and Biofertilization on soil P availability and maize productivity. M. Sc. Thesis Coll. Agri. Univ. Baghdad (In Arabic). 105pp.
Mengel, K. & Kirkby, E.A. (2001). Principles of Plant Nutrition. 5th ed. Int. Potash Inst., Bern: 687pp.
Mohammed, E.J. (2013). Evaluation the effect of organic and mineral fertilizer on some soil property growth and yield of shake cucumber (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus nauds). M. Sc. Thesis. Coll. Agri. Univ. Basrah. 173pp. (In Arabic).
Murphy, T. & Riley, J.R. (1962). A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Anal. Chem. Acta, 27: 31-36.
Ouda, B.A. & Mahadeen, A.Y. (2008). Effect of fertilizers on growth, yield, yield components, quality and certain nutrient contents in broccoli (Brassica oleracea). Int. J. Agri. Biol.,10: 627-632.
Page, A.L.; Miller, R.H. & Kenney, D.R. (1982). Methods of soil analysis. Part 2 chemical and biological properties. Amer. Soc. Agron. Inc. Publisher, Madison. Wisconsin: 1158pp.
Patil, S.L. & Sheelavantar, M.N. (2000). Effect of moisture conservation practices, organic sources and nitrogen levels on yield, water use and root development of rabi sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.)] in the vertisols of semiarid tropics. Ann. Agric. Res., 21(21): 32-36.
Prasad, R. & Power, J.F. (1997). Soil Fertility Management for Sub Stainable Agriculture. Lewis Pub. CRC Press LLC. 243pp.
Rathore, D.S.; Purohit, H.S.; Yadav, B.L. & Sharma, S.R. (2011). Effect of integrated nutrient management on soil properties and crop yield under black gram-wheat cropping system in a Typic Haplustept. Ann. Arid Zone, 50(1): 21-26.
Richards, A. (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. Agris. Hand book No. 60. US. Dept. Agric.:154pp.
Rosen, C. J. & Eliason, R. (2002). Nutrient management for commercial fruit and vegetable crops in Minnesota. Univ. Minnesota. Stangev, L.; FIGF, F.; Kurbanov, S.; Mattiv, Y. & Tanif, G. (1990). Agricultural Chemistry. Recently Published Translation by: Nadim, M. I. & Khalil, I.M.A. Fac. Agric., Univ. Baghdad: 40pp. (In Arabic).
Stangev, L.; Velchev, E.; Gorbanov, S.; Matev, E. & Tanev, Z. (1990). Agroz-chemestry. Zimazadat Pub. Sofya: 496pp. (In Arabic).
Stevenson, F.J. (1982). Humus Chemistry : Genesis, Composition, Reactions, John Wiley and Sons, New York: 443pp.
Sumalatha, G. & Jebarathnam, T.G. (2018). Integrated nutrient management in sunflower with apiary farming system. J. Adv. Stud. Agric. Biol. Environ. Sci., 5(2): 1-6.
Tisdale, S.L. & Nelson, W.L. (1975). Soil Fertility and Fertilizers. 3rd. ed. New York, Macmillan Publishing Comp.: 528pp.