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- Abdulkhaliq, A., Swaileh, K. M., Hussein, R. M., & Matani, M. (2012). Levels of metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, and Fe) in cow’s milk, dairy products, and hen’s eggs from the West Bank, Palestine. International Food Research Journal, 19, 1089-1094.
- Abdullah, A. M., & Hashim, M. G. (2019). Corn cobs efficiency in adsorption of Cadmium ions (Cd+2) from its aquatic solutions. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32, 135-139. https://doi:10.21276/basjas.
- Arenas, E. H., & Trinidad, T. P. (2017). Heavy metal and microbiological profiles of defatted pili (canarium ovatum, Engl.) pulp meal residue and acute oral toxicity of its ethanolic extract in mice. International Food Research Journal, 24, 1763-1770.
- Ahmad, I., Zaman, A., Samad, N., Ayaz, M. M., Rukh, S., Akbar A., & Ullah, N. (2017). Atomic absorption spectrophotometry detection of heavy metals in milk of camel, cattle, buffalo and goat from various areas of khyber- pakhtunkhwa (KPK). Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Bio analytical Techniques, l, 1-6. https://doi:10.4172/2155-9872.1000367
- Akele, M. L., Abebe, D. Z., Alemu, A. K., Assefa, A. G., Madhusudhan, A., & de Oliveira, R. R. (2017). Analysis of trace metal concentrations in raw cow's milk from three dairy farms in North Gondar, Ethiopia: Chemometric approach. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189, 1-12. https://doi:10.1007/s10661-017-6203-0
- Al-Dabbagh, A. S. (2013). Estimation of lead and copper levels in milk. Rafidain Journal Sciences, 24, 24-34.
- Al-Halfy, B. A., & Al-Tamimi, H. J. (2013). Lead forms in some Basrah soils. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26, 29-50.
- Al-Hassen, S. I., Raheem, N. A. A., Al-Rubaiay, D. J. & Al-Saad, H. T. (2013). Chemical properties of selected contaminated soils in Basrah city, southern Iraq. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26, 1-12.
- Al-Manhal, A. J. A. (2013). Study of microbial, chemical content of Iraqi white soft cheese in Basrah markets. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26, 100-109.
- Anastasio, A., Caggiano, R., Macchiato, M., Paolo, C., Ragosta, M., Paino, S., & Cortesi, M. L. (2006). Heavy metal concentrations in dairy products from sheep milk collected in two regions of Southern Italy. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 47, 69-73. https://doi:10.1186/1751-0147-47-69
- Arianejad, M., Alizadeh, M., Bahrami, A., & Arefhoseini, S. R. (2015). Levels of some heavy metals in raw cow's milk from selected milk production sites in Iran: Is there any health concern. Health Promotion Perspectives, 5, 176-182. https://doi:10.15171/hpp.2015.021
- Belete, T., Hussen, A., & Rao, V. M. (2014). Determination of concentrations of selected heavy metals in cow’s milk: Borena Zone, Ethiopian Journal of Health Science, 4, 105-112. https://doi:10.5923/
- Cadar, O., Miclean, M., Cadar, S., Tanaselia, C., Senila, L. & Senila, M. (2015). Assessment of heavy metals in cow's milk in Rodney mountain area, Romania. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 14, 2523-2528. https://doi:10.30638/eemj.2015.269
- El-Ansary, M. & El-Leboudy, A. (2015). Levels of cadmium and lead in raw cow and buffalo's milk samples collected from local markets of El-Behera Governorate. Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 47, 129-133. https://doi:10.5455/ajvs.199860
- Enb, A., Abou Donia, M. A., Abd-Rabou, N. S., Abou-Arab, A. A. K. & El-Senaity, M. H. (2009). Chemical composition of raw milk and heavy metals behavior during processing of milk products. Global Veterinaria, 3, 268-275.
- Iqbal, Z., Abbas, F., Ibrahim, M., Ayyaz, M. M., Ali, S. & Mahmood, A. (2019). Surveillance of heavy metals in maize grown with wastewater and their impacts on animal health in Periurban Areas of Multan, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 56, 321-328. https://doi:10.21162/PAKJAS/19.8133
- Levkov, V., Stafilov, T., Pacinovski, N., Andonovska, K.B., Mateva, N., Gjorgovska, N., Eftimova, E. & Kostadinov, T. (2017). The Content of macro and trace elements in curd and traditional white brined cheese. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika, 75, 36-42.
- Licata, P., Bella, G. D., Potortì, A. G., Turco, V. L., Salvo, A. & Dugo, G.M. (2012). Determination of trace elements in goat and ovine milk from Calabria (Italy) by ICP-AES. Food Additives and Contaminants, 5, 268-271. https://doi:10.1080/19393210.2012.705335
- Malhat, F., Hagag, M., Saber, A. & Fayz, A. E. (2012). Contamination of cow’s milk by heavy metal in Egypt. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 88, 611-613. https://doi:10.1007/s00128-012-0550-x
- Meshref, A. M. S., Moselhy, W. A. & Hassan, N. E.-H. Y. (2014). Heavy metals and trace elements levels in milk and milk products. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 8, 381-388. https://doi:10.1007/s11694-014-9203-6
- Minor, T., Lasher, A., Klontz, K., Brown, B., Nardinelli, C. & Zorn, D. (2015). The per case and total annual costs of foodborne illness in the United States. Risk Analysis, 35, 1125-1139. https://doi:10.1111/risa.12316
- Najarnezhad, V. & Akbarabadi, M. (2013). Heavy metals in raw cow and ewe milk from north-east Iran. Food Additives and Contaminants, 6, 158-162. https://doi:10.1080/19393210.2013.777799
- Najarnezhad, V.,Jalilzadeh-Amin, G., Anassori, E. & Zeinali, V. (2015). Lead and cadmium in raw buffalo, cow and ewe milk from west Azerbaijan, Iran. Food Additives and Contaminants, 8, 123-127. https://doi:10.1080/19393210.2015.1007396.
- Noori, N., Noudoost, B., & Nia, M. H. (2016). The assessment of lead pollution in milk collected from all dairy farms in Lorestan province, Iran. Toxin Reviews, 35, 196-200.
- Ogabiela, E. E., Udiba, U. U., Adesina, O. B., Hammuel, C., Ade-Ajayi, F. A., Yebpella, G. G., Mmereole, U. J., & Abdullahi, M. (2011). Assessment of metal levels in the fresh milk from cows grazed around challawa industrial Estate of Kano, Nigeria. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 1, 533-538.,%201(7)533-538,%202011.pdf
- Ojezele, O. J., Ojezele, M. O. & Onyeaghala, A. (2017). Nutrition evaluation and heavy metal analysis of commonly consumed fruit and milk drinks in South-West Nigeria. Biokemistri, 29, 132-139.
- Perez-Carrera, A. L., Arellano, F. E. & Fernandez-Cirelli, A. (2016). The concentration of trace elements in raw milk from cows in the southeast of Cordoba province, Argentina. Dairy Science and Technology, 96, 591-602. https://doi:10.1007/s13594-016-0290-5
- Paz, S., Hardison, A., Guerra, N., Gutierrez, A. J., Gonzalez-Weller, D., Fresno, M. R., Capote, J., Revert, C. & Rubio, C. (2018). Exposure to metals from artisanal cheeses made with goat’s milk. Journal of Food Protection, 81, 1950-1955. https://doi:10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-18-127
- Scharff, R. L. (2012). Economic burden from health losses due to foodborne illness in the United States. Journal of Food Protection,75 , 123-131. https://doi:10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-11-058
- Scharff, R. L. (2015). State Estimates for the annual cost of foodborne illness. Journal of Food Protection, 78 , 1064-1071. https://doi:10.4315/0362-028x.JFP-14-505
- Temiz, H. & Soylu, A. (2012). Heavy metal concentrations in raw milk collected from different regions of Samsun, Turkey. International Journal of Dairy Technology ,65, 516-522. https://doi:10.1111/j.1471-0307.2012.00846.x
- Tona, G. O., Adetunji, V. O., Ameen, S. A. & Ibikunle, A. O. (2013). Evaluation of lead and cadmium heavy metal residues in milk and milk products sold in Ogbomoso, Southwestern Nigeria. Pakistan Journal Nutrition, 12, 168-171. https://doi:10.3923/pjn.2013.168.171
- World Health Organization (WHO) Food safety key facts. June (2019). Retrieved on August 31(2019) WHO website:
- Ziarati, P., Shirkhan, F., Mostafidi, M., & Zahedi, M. T. (2018). An overview of the heavy metal contamination in milk and dairy products. Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2, 8-21.
Abdulkhaliq, A., Swaileh, K. M., Hussein, R. M., & Matani, M. (2012). Levels of metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, and Fe) in cow’s milk, dairy products, and hen’s eggs from the West Bank, Palestine. International Food Research Journal, 19, 1089-1094.
Abdullah, A. M., & Hashim, M. G. (2019). Corn cobs efficiency in adsorption of Cadmium ions (Cd+2) from its aquatic solutions. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32, 135-139. https://doi:10.21276/basjas.
Arenas, E. H., & Trinidad, T. P. (2017). Heavy metal and microbiological profiles of defatted pili (canarium ovatum, Engl.) pulp meal residue and acute oral toxicity of its ethanolic extract in mice. International Food Research Journal, 24, 1763-1770.
Ahmad, I., Zaman, A., Samad, N., Ayaz, M. M., Rukh, S., Akbar A., & Ullah, N. (2017). Atomic absorption spectrophotometry detection of heavy metals in milk of camel, cattle, buffalo and goat from various areas of khyber- pakhtunkhwa (KPK). Pakistan Journal of Analytical and Bio analytical Techniques, l, 1-6. https://doi:10.4172/2155-9872.1000367
Akele, M. L., Abebe, D. Z., Alemu, A. K., Assefa, A. G., Madhusudhan, A., & de Oliveira, R. R. (2017). Analysis of trace metal concentrations in raw cow's milk from three dairy farms in North Gondar, Ethiopia: Chemometric approach. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189, 1-12. https://doi:10.1007/s10661-017-6203-0
Al-Dabbagh, A. S. (2013). Estimation of lead and copper levels in milk. Rafidain Journal Sciences, 24, 24-34.
Al-Halfy, B. A., & Al-Tamimi, H. J. (2013). Lead forms in some Basrah soils. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26, 29-50.
Al-Hassen, S. I., Raheem, N. A. A., Al-Rubaiay, D. J. & Al-Saad, H. T. (2013). Chemical properties of selected contaminated soils in Basrah city, southern Iraq. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26, 1-12.
Al-Manhal, A. J. A. (2013). Study of microbial, chemical content of Iraqi white soft cheese in Basrah markets. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26, 100-109.
Anastasio, A., Caggiano, R., Macchiato, M., Paolo, C., Ragosta, M., Paino, S., & Cortesi, M. L. (2006). Heavy metal concentrations in dairy products from sheep milk collected in two regions of Southern Italy. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 47, 69-73. https://doi:10.1186/1751-0147-47-69
Arianejad, M., Alizadeh, M., Bahrami, A., & Arefhoseini, S. R. (2015). Levels of some heavy metals in raw cow's milk from selected milk production sites in Iran: Is there any health concern. Health Promotion Perspectives, 5, 176-182. https://doi:10.15171/hpp.2015.021
Belete, T., Hussen, A., & Rao, V. M. (2014). Determination of concentrations of selected heavy metals in cow’s milk: Borena Zone, Ethiopian Journal of Health Science, 4, 105-112. https://doi:10.5923/
Cadar, O., Miclean, M., Cadar, S., Tanaselia, C., Senila, L. & Senila, M. (2015). Assessment of heavy metals in cow's milk in Rodney mountain area, Romania. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 14, 2523-2528. https://doi:10.30638/eemj.2015.269
El-Ansary, M. & El-Leboudy, A. (2015). Levels of cadmium and lead in raw cow and buffalo's milk samples collected from local markets of El-Behera Governorate. Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 47, 129-133. https://doi:10.5455/ajvs.199860
Enb, A., Abou Donia, M. A., Abd-Rabou, N. S., Abou-Arab, A. A. K. & El-Senaity, M. H. (2009). Chemical composition of raw milk and heavy metals behavior during processing of milk products. Global Veterinaria, 3, 268-275.
Iqbal, Z., Abbas, F., Ibrahim, M., Ayyaz, M. M., Ali, S. & Mahmood, A. (2019). Surveillance of heavy metals in maize grown with wastewater and their impacts on animal health in Periurban Areas of Multan, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 56, 321-328. https://doi:10.21162/PAKJAS/19.8133
Levkov, V., Stafilov, T., Pacinovski, N., Andonovska, K.B., Mateva, N., Gjorgovska, N., Eftimova, E. & Kostadinov, T. (2017). The Content of macro and trace elements in curd and traditional white brined cheese. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika, 75, 36-42.
Licata, P., Bella, G. D., Potortì, A. G., Turco, V. L., Salvo, A. & Dugo, G.M. (2012). Determination of trace elements in goat and ovine milk from Calabria (Italy) by ICP-AES. Food Additives and Contaminants, 5, 268-271. https://doi:10.1080/19393210.2012.705335
Malhat, F., Hagag, M., Saber, A. & Fayz, A. E. (2012). Contamination of cow’s milk by heavy metal in Egypt. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 88, 611-613. https://doi:10.1007/s00128-012-0550-x
Meshref, A. M. S., Moselhy, W. A. & Hassan, N. E.-H. Y. (2014). Heavy metals and trace elements levels in milk and milk products. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 8, 381-388. https://doi:10.1007/s11694-014-9203-6
Minor, T., Lasher, A., Klontz, K., Brown, B., Nardinelli, C. & Zorn, D. (2015). The per case and total annual costs of foodborne illness in the United States. Risk Analysis, 35, 1125-1139. https://doi:10.1111/risa.12316
Najarnezhad, V. & Akbarabadi, M. (2013). Heavy metals in raw cow and ewe milk from north-east Iran. Food Additives and Contaminants, 6, 158-162. https://doi:10.1080/19393210.2013.777799
Najarnezhad, V.,Jalilzadeh-Amin, G., Anassori, E. & Zeinali, V. (2015). Lead and cadmium in raw buffalo, cow and ewe milk from west Azerbaijan, Iran. Food Additives and Contaminants, 8, 123-127. https://doi:10.1080/19393210.2015.1007396.
Noori, N., Noudoost, B., & Nia, M. H. (2016). The assessment of lead pollution in milk collected from all dairy farms in Lorestan province, Iran. Toxin Reviews, 35, 196-200.
Ogabiela, E. E., Udiba, U. U., Adesina, O. B., Hammuel, C., Ade-Ajayi, F. A., Yebpella, G. G., Mmereole, U. J., & Abdullahi, M. (2011). Assessment of metal levels in the fresh milk from cows grazed around challawa industrial Estate of Kano, Nigeria. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 1, 533-538.,%201(7)533-538,%202011.pdf
Ojezele, O. J., Ojezele, M. O. & Onyeaghala, A. (2017). Nutrition evaluation and heavy metal analysis of commonly consumed fruit and milk drinks in South-West Nigeria. Biokemistri, 29, 132-139.
Perez-Carrera, A. L., Arellano, F. E. & Fernandez-Cirelli, A. (2016). The concentration of trace elements in raw milk from cows in the southeast of Cordoba province, Argentina. Dairy Science and Technology, 96, 591-602. https://doi:10.1007/s13594-016-0290-5
Paz, S., Hardison, A., Guerra, N., Gutierrez, A. J., Gonzalez-Weller, D., Fresno, M. R., Capote, J., Revert, C. & Rubio, C. (2018). Exposure to metals from artisanal cheeses made with goat’s milk. Journal of Food Protection, 81, 1950-1955. https://doi:10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-18-127
Scharff, R. L. (2012). Economic burden from health losses due to foodborne illness in the United States. Journal of Food Protection,75 , 123-131. https://doi:10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-11-058
Scharff, R. L. (2015). State Estimates for the annual cost of foodborne illness. Journal of Food Protection, 78 , 1064-1071. https://doi:10.4315/0362-028x.JFP-14-505
Temiz, H. & Soylu, A. (2012). Heavy metal concentrations in raw milk collected from different regions of Samsun, Turkey. International Journal of Dairy Technology ,65, 516-522. https://doi:10.1111/j.1471-0307.2012.00846.x
Tona, G. O., Adetunji, V. O., Ameen, S. A. & Ibikunle, A. O. (2013). Evaluation of lead and cadmium heavy metal residues in milk and milk products sold in Ogbomoso, Southwestern Nigeria. Pakistan Journal Nutrition, 12, 168-171. https://doi:10.3923/pjn.2013.168.171
World Health Organization (WHO) Food safety key facts. June (2019). Retrieved on August 31(2019) WHO website:
Ziarati, P., Shirkhan, F., Mostafidi, M., & Zahedi, M. T. (2018). An overview of the heavy metal contamination in milk and dairy products. Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2, 8-21.