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Basal Stem Rot (BSR) is the most destructive disease instigated by a white wood rotting fungus called Ganoderma boninense, which cause great economic setback in oil palm productivity. It attacks the basal stem of oil palm trees, causing them to slowly rot. It also affects the xylem tissues that eventually interrupt water transportation to the upper part of the oil palm, turning the leaves at the frond become yellow. This problem should be prevented during nursery stage by separating between healthy and BSR-infected seedling. Therefore, this study focuses on the potential use of thermal imaging for detecting BSR in oil palm at seedling. Thermal images of oil palm seedling from healthy and BSR-infected were captured and processed to extract several thermal properties of the seedling, i.e., maximum, minimum, mean, and standard deviation of pixel intensity value. These values were then undergone statistical analysis to identify its significant different in differentiating healthy and BSR-infected seedling. Several classification models were tested including Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and k-Nearest Neighbour (kNN). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset. The results demonstrated that the highest accuracy achieved at 80.0 % using SVM (fine gaussian) classification model with PC1 and PC3 as the input parameter. This summarizes the potential of thermal imaging in detecting BSR-infected oil palm trees at seedling stage.
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- Abdul Razak, N. E. (2015). Detection of basal stem rot in oil palm tree using thermal imaging. Bachelor Thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
- Abu Seman, I., Mohd Su’ud, M., Loonis, P., & Wahid, M. B. (2010). GanoSken for early detection of Ganoderma infection in oil palm. MPOB Information Series, 3–6.
- Azuan, N. H., Khairunniza-Bejo, S., Abdullah, A. F., Kassim, M. S. M., & Ahmad, D. (2019). Analysis of changes in oil palm canopy architecture from basal stem rot using terrestrial laser scanner. Plant Disease, 103, 3218-3225.
- Corley, R.H.V. & Tinker, P.B. (2004). The oil palm (Elaeisguineensis Jacq). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 4th edition. 592 pp.
- Flood, J., Hasan, Y., Turner, P. D., & O’Grady, E. B. (2000). The spread of Ganoderma from infective sources in the field and its implications for management of the disease in oil palm. In J. Flood, J., Bridge, P. D., & Holderness, M. (Eds.), Ganoderma Diseases of Perennial Crops, 101-112.
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- Khairunniza-Bejo, S., Yusoff, Y., Nik Yusoff, N. S., Abu Seman, I., & Anuar, M. I. (2015). Identification of healthy and BSR-infected oil palm trees using color indices. International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering, 9, 876–879.
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- Liaghat, S., Mansor, S., Ehsani, R., Shafri, H. Z. M., Meon, S., & Sankaran, S. (2014). Mid-infrared spectroscopy for early detection of basal stem rot disease in oil palm. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 101, 48–54.
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- Mohamad Anuar, I., Abu Seman, I., Nor Maris, N., & Bahrom, E. (2015). Spectral based analysis of airborne hyperspectral remote sensing image for detection of Ganoderma disease in oil palm. International Conference on Biological and Environmental Science (BIOES 2015), 13–20. Corpus ID: 29661453.
- Mohamad Anuar, I., Abu Seman, I., Wahid, M. B., Mohd Noor, N., & Mohd Shafri, H. Z. (2012). Field spectroscopy for detection of Ganoderma disease in oil palm. MPOB Information Series, (MPOB TT No 532).
- Naidu, Y.; Siddiqui, Y.; Rafii, M. Y.; Saud, H. M. & Idris, A. S. (2018). Inoculation of oil palm seedlings in Malaysia with white rot hymenomycetes: Assessment of pathogenicity and vegetative growth. Crop Protection, 110, 146-154.
- DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2018.02.018
- Oerke, E.-C., Steiner, U., Dehne, H.-W., & Lindenthal, M. (2006). Thermal imaging of cucumber leaves affected by downy mildew and environmental conditions. Experimental Botany, 57, 2121-2132.
- Otsu, N., (1979). A threshold selection method from gray-level histograms. IEEE Trans. Sys. Man. Cyber. 9 (1), 62–66.
- Panigadaa, C., Rossinia, M., Meronia, M., Ciliaa, C., Busettoa, L., Amaduccid, S., et al. (2014). Fluorescence, PRI and Canopy Temperature for Water Stress Detection in Cereal Crops. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 30, 167-178.
- Rees, R. W., Flood, J., Hasan, Y., Wills, M. A., & Cooper, R. M. (2012). Ganoderma boninense basidiospores in oil palm plantations: Evaluation of their possible role in stem rots of Elaeis guineensis. Plant Pathology, 61, 567–578.
- Roslan, A., & Idris, A.S. (2012). Economic impact of Ganoderma incidence on Malaysian oil palm plantation – A case study in Johor in oil palm. Industry Economic Journal, 12, 24-30.
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- Santoso, H., Gunawan, T., Jatmiko, R. H., Darmosarkoro, W., & Minasny, B. (2011). Mapping and identifying basal stem rot disease in oil palms in North Sumatra with QuickBird imagery. Precision Agriculture, 12, 233–248.
- Turner, P. D., & Gillbank, R. A. (1974). Oil palm cultivation and management. Incorporated Society of Planters. University Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 672pp.
- Urrestarazu, M. (2013) Infrared Thermography Used to Diagnose the Effects of Salinity in a Soilless Culture. Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal, 10, 1-8.
Abdul Razak, N. E. (2015). Detection of basal stem rot in oil palm tree using thermal imaging. Bachelor Thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Abu Seman, I., Mohd Su’ud, M., Loonis, P., & Wahid, M. B. (2010). GanoSken for early detection of Ganoderma infection in oil palm. MPOB Information Series, 3–6.
Azuan, N. H., Khairunniza-Bejo, S., Abdullah, A. F., Kassim, M. S. M., & Ahmad, D. (2019). Analysis of changes in oil palm canopy architecture from basal stem rot using terrestrial laser scanner. Plant Disease, 103, 3218-3225.
Corley, R.H.V. & Tinker, P.B. (2004). The oil palm (Elaeisguineensis Jacq). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 4th edition. 592 pp.
Flood, J., Hasan, Y., Turner, P. D., & O’Grady, E. B. (2000). The spread of Ganoderma from infective sources in the field and its implications for management of the disease in oil palm. In J. Flood, J., Bridge, P. D., & Holderness, M. (Eds.), Ganoderma Diseases of Perennial Crops, 101-112.
Gonçalves, B. J., Giarola, T. M. de O., Pereira, D. F., Vilas Boas, E. V. de B., & de Resende, J. V. (2016). Using infrared thermography to evaluate the injuries of cold-stored guava. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53, 1063–1070.
Hamidon, N. A., & Mukhlisin, M. (2014). A review of application of computed on early detection of basal stem rot tomography disease. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering), 70, 45–47
Hu, Z.-F., Zhang, L.-D., Wang, Y.-X., Shamaila, Z., Zeng, A.-J., Song, J.-L., Liu, Y.-J., Wolfram, S., Joachim, M., He, X.-K. (2013). Application of BP neural network in predicting winter wheat yield based on thermography technology. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 33, 1587-1592.
Jafari, M., Minaei, S., & Safaie, N. (2017). Detection of pre-symptomatic rose powdery mildewand gray-mold diseases based on thermal vision. Infrared Physics and Technology, 85, 170–183.
Khairunniza-Bejo, S., & Vong, C. N. (2014). Detection of basal stem rot infected oil palm tree using laser scanning data. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 2, 156–164.
Khairunniza-Bejo, S., Yusoff, Y., Nik Yusoff, N. S., Abu Seman, I., & Anuar, M. I. (2015). Identification of healthy and BSR-infected oil palm trees using color indices. International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering, 9, 876–879.
Kim, G., Kim, G.-H., Park, J., Kim, D.-Y., & Cho, B.-K. (2014). Application of infrared lock-in thermography for the quantitative evaluation of bruises on pears. Infrared Physics & Technology, 63, 133-139.
Kranner, I., Kastbergerb, G., Hartbauerb, M. & Pritcharda, H. W. (2010). Noninvasive diagnosis of seed viability using infrared thermography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, 3912-3917.
Liaghat, S., Mansor, S., Ehsani, R., Shafri, H. Z. M., Meon, S., & Sankaran, S. (2014). Mid-infrared spectroscopy for early detection of basal stem rot disease in oil palm. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 101, 48–54.
Markom, M. A., Shakaff, A. Y. M., Adom, A. H., Ahmad, M. N., Hidayat, W.,Abdullah, A. H., & Fikri, N. A. (2009). Intelligent electronic nose system for basal stem rot disease. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 66, 140–146.
Mohamad Anuar, I., Abu Seman, I., Nor Maris, N., & Bahrom, E. (2015). Spectral based analysis of airborne hyperspectral remote sensing image for detection of Ganoderma disease in oil palm. International Conference on Biological and Environmental Science (BIOES 2015), 13–20. Corpus ID: 29661453.
Mohamad Anuar, I., Abu Seman, I., Wahid, M. B., Mohd Noor, N., & Mohd Shafri, H. Z. (2012). Field spectroscopy for detection of Ganoderma disease in oil palm. MPOB Information Series, (MPOB TT No 532).
Naidu, Y.; Siddiqui, Y.; Rafii, M. Y.; Saud, H. M. & Idris, A. S. (2018). Inoculation of oil palm seedlings in Malaysia with white rot hymenomycetes: Assessment of pathogenicity and vegetative growth. Crop Protection, 110, 146-154.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2018.02.018
Oerke, E.-C., Steiner, U., Dehne, H.-W., & Lindenthal, M. (2006). Thermal imaging of cucumber leaves affected by downy mildew and environmental conditions. Experimental Botany, 57, 2121-2132.
Otsu, N., (1979). A threshold selection method from gray-level histograms. IEEE Trans. Sys. Man. Cyber. 9 (1), 62–66.
Panigadaa, C., Rossinia, M., Meronia, M., Ciliaa, C., Busettoa, L., Amaduccid, S., et al. (2014). Fluorescence, PRI and Canopy Temperature for Water Stress Detection in Cereal Crops. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 30, 167-178.
Rees, R. W., Flood, J., Hasan, Y., Wills, M. A., & Cooper, R. M. (2012). Ganoderma boninense basidiospores in oil palm plantations: Evaluation of their possible role in stem rots of Elaeis guineensis. Plant Pathology, 61, 567–578.
Roslan, A., & Idris, A.S. (2012). Economic impact of Ganoderma incidence on Malaysian oil palm plantation – A case study in Johor in oil palm. Industry Economic Journal, 12, 24-30.
Sankaran, S., Maja, J. M., Buchanon, S., & Ehsani, R. (2013). Huanglongbing(Citrus Greening) detection using visible near infrared and thermal imaging techniques.Sensors,
Santoso, H., Gunawan, T., Jatmiko, R. H., Darmosarkoro, W., & Minasny, B. (2011). Mapping and identifying basal stem rot disease in oil palms in North Sumatra with QuickBird imagery. Precision Agriculture, 12, 233–248.
Turner, P. D., & Gillbank, R. A. (1974). Oil palm cultivation and management. Incorporated Society of Planters. University Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 672pp.
Urrestarazu, M. (2013) Infrared Thermography Used to Diagnose the Effects of Salinity in a Soilless Culture. Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal, 10, 1-8.