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This study was conducted in the animal field of the Al-Kafeel Company from November 2019 till May 2020 to investigate the possible association between growth hormone (GH) and thyroxine (T4) with the growth traits in Awassi and Karakul sheep. The total number of animals which used in the study was 60 lambs, 28 (13 males and 15 females) from Karakul and 32 (18 males and 14 females) from Awassi. Blood samples were collected at birth, weaning, and six months of age, and both GH and T4 concentrations were measured. Results showed higher values of T4 for Karakul as compared with Awassi at birth and weaning. Karakul breed was also exhibited significantly higher values of GH over Awassi breed only at weaning, while, no significant differences were observed at birth and six months of age. Karakul lambs showed higher weights as compared with Awassi lambs at all studied periods. A highly significant (p < 0.01) positive correlation was observed between T4 concentration and the weight of lambs at most studied periods. Whereas, GH did not exhibit any correlation with growth traits measured in both breeds. The elevated T4 might be one of the reasons for superiority of Karakul over Awassi breed in live body weights. This high correlation between T4 and growth traits could be used in the early selection of lambs to improve the weights of sheep at marketing.
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- Abdel-Fattah, M., Hashem, A., Shaker, Y., Ellamei, A., & Amer, H. (2013). Effect of weaning age on productive performance and some plasma biochemical parameters of Barki lambs in Siwa Oasis, Egypt. Global Veterinaria, 10, 189-202.
- Ajam, I. K., Al-Jubouri, T. R., & Ghayyib, Q. H. (2019). TGF-B super family correlation with the fertility of Iraqi Awassi Ewes. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32, 26-32.
- Aljubouri, T. R., & Al-Shuhaib, M. B. S. (2021). Genotyping of mitochondrial D-loop sequences in three breeds of sheep. Biologia, 76, 203-211.
- Aljubouri, T. R., Hassan, A. F., & Al-Shuhaib, M. B. S. (2020a). Exhibition of different hormonal regulations in Awassi and Karakul breeds at sexual maturity. Plant Archives, 20, 5937-5940.
- Aljubouri, T. R., Al-Shuhaib, M. B. S., & Javadmaneshb, A. (2020c). HMGA2 gene polymorphisms and their effects on main growth traits indices in Awassi and Karakul sheep. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 54, 587-594.
- Aljubouri, T. R., Hassan, A. F., Al-Shuhaib, M. B. S., & Mahyari, S. A. (2020b). Association of GnRH1 gene with growth traits in two breeds of sheep. Agricultural Research, 10, 285–293.
- Almahdawi, M. K., & Altalib, A. A. (2020). Impact of using dried bread residue as substitution of energy source for cereals on milk production and its ingredients of Awassi ewes. Eurasian Journal of Biosciences, 14, 407-416.
- Al-Shuhaib, M. B. S., Al-Thuwaini, T. M., Fadhil, I. A., & Aljubouri, T. R. (2019). GHRL gene-based genotyping of ovine and caprine breeds reveals highly polymorphic intronic sequences in Awassi sheep with several RNA motifs. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 17, 1.8.
- Al-Thuwaini, T.M., Al-Shuhaib, M.B.S., Lepretre, F. & Mahdi, Z.A. (2020). Co-inherited novel SNPs of the LIPE gene associated with increased carcass dressing and decreased fat-tail weight in Awassi breed. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 52, 3631-3638.
- Binabaj, F. B., Farhangfar, S. H., & Jafari, M. (2021). Inbreeding affected differently on observations distribution of a growth trait in Iranian Baluchi sheep. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 34, 506-515.
- Blum, J., Gingins, M., Vitins, P., & Bickel, H. (1980). Thyroid hormone levels related to energy and nitrogen balance during weight loss and regain in adult sheep. European Journal of Endocrinology, 93, 440-447.
- Caldeira, R., Belo, A., Santos, C., Vazques, M., & Portugal, A. (2007). The effect of body condition score on blood metabolites and hormonal profiles in ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 68, 233-241.
- Candelotti, E., De Vito, P., G Ahmed, R., Luly, P., J Davis, P., Z Pedersen, J., Yun, H., & Incerpi, S. (2015). Thyroid hormones crosstalk with growth factors: Old facts and new hypotheses. Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents; in Medicinal Chemistry (Formerly Current Medicinal Chemistry-Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents), 15, 71-85.
- Carlos, M., Leite, J., Chaves, D., Vale, A., Facanha, D., Melo, M., & Soto-Blanco, B. (2015). Blood parameters in the Morada Nova sheep: influence of age, sex and body condition score. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 25, 950-955.
- Duncan, D. B. (1955). Multiple Rang and Multiple F-test. Biometrics. 11, 4-42.
- Ekambaram, B., Alexander, G., & Kalyana Chakravarthi, M. (2013). Performance of Nellore sheep (Jodipi) under farm conditions. Indian Veterinary Journal, 90(12): 35-37.
- Eshratkhah, B., Sadaghian, M., Eshratkhah, S., Pourrabbi, S., & Najafian, K. (2010). Relationship between the blood thyroid hormones and lipid profile in Moghani sheep; influence of age and sex. Comparative clinical Pathology, 19, 15-20.
- Everett-Hincks, J., & Dodds, K. (2008). Management of maternal-offspring behavior to improve lamb survival in easy care sheep systems. Journal of Animal Science, 86, E259-E270.
- Ferro, M., Tedeschi, L. O., & Atzori, A. (2017). The comparison of the lactation and milk yield and composition of selected breeds of sheep and goats. Translational Animal Science, 1, 498-506.
- Ganesan, R., Dhanavanthan, P., Balasubramanyam, D., & Kumarasamy, P. (2013). Estimates of genetic parameters of growth traits in Madras Red sheep. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, 3, 69-73.
- Gowane, G. R., Chopra, A., Prince, L., Mishra, A., & Arora, A. (2011). Genetic analysis for growth traits of prolific Garole× Malpura (GM) sheep. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 43, 299-303.
- Haddad, S., Nasr, R., & Muwalla, M. (2001). Optimum dietary crude protein level for finishing Awassi lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 39, 41-46.
- Halil, E., & Özbeyaz, C. (2020). Investigating various performance traits of Karakul sheep. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 67, 113-120.
- Hama Khan, K., Al-Barzinji, Y., & Maarof, N. (2019). A study of body weight and milk traits of Karadi Ewes–Sulaimani Governorate, Iraq. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17, 14025-14038.
- Imran, F. S., Al-Thuwaini, T. M., Al-Shuhaib, M. B. S., & Lepretre, F. (2021). A novel missense single nucleotide polymorphism in the GREM1 gene is highly associated with higher reproductive traits in Awassi sheep. Biochemical Genetics, 59, 422-436.
- Jawasreh, K. I., Al-Amareen, A. H., & Aad, P. Y. (2019). Relationships between Hha1 calpastatin Gene Polymorph- ism, growth Performance, and meat characteristics of Awassi sheep. Animals, 9, 667.
- Karmakar, P., Behera, R., & Mandal, A. (2018). Growth performance and effect of non-genetic factors affecting growth traits in Garole sheep. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88, 117-119.
- Karakuş, K., Comba, B., Taş, A., Sancak, T., Comba, A., Sarıpınar Aksu, D., & Tariq, M. M. (2017). The effect of chemical and surgical castration on the live weight gain and some hormones of male Norduz sheep. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 49, 1835-1840.
- Karsenty, G., & Olson, E. N. (2016). Bone and muscle endocrine functions: unexpected paradigms of inter-organ communication. Cell, 164(6), 1248-56.
- Koluman, N., & Daskiran, I. (2011). Effects of ventilation of the sheep house on heat stress, growth and thyroid hormones of lambs. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 43, 1123-1127.
- Kumar, A., Shekhar, S., & Dhole, B. (2014). Thyroid and male reproduction. Indian Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 18, 23-31.
- Lalit, Z., Dalal, D., Dahiya, S., Patil, C., & Dahiya, R. (2016). Genetic analysis of growth traits in Harnali sheep. Veterinary World, 9, 128. https:// doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2016.128-132
- Lopez-Rodriguez, M. F., Cymbaluk, N., Epp, T., Laarveld, B., Recalde, E. C. S., Simko, E., & Card, C. (2020). Effects of the glucosinolate sinigrin in combination with a noniodine supplemented diet on serum iodine and thyroid hormone concentrations in nonpregnant mares. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 91, 103110.
- Mirhoseini, S. Z., Zare, J., Hossein-Zadeh, N. G., Khanzadeh, H., Seidavi, A., Laudadio, V., Dario, C., Tufarelli, V., & Selvaggi, M. (2015). Estimation of genetic parameters for body weight traits and pelt quality score in Iranian Karakul sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 132, 67-71.
- Oberbauer, A. M. (2015). Developmental programming: the role of growth hormone. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 6, 1-7.
- Pehlivan, E., Kaliber, M., Konca, Y., & Dellal, G. (2020). Effect of shearing on some physiological and hormonal parameters in Akkaraman sheep. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 33, 848.
- SAS, J. (2012). Statistical Analysis System, v. 10.0. 2. Cary, North Carolina. USA.
- Sharma, N., Nehra, K., & Gahlot, G. (2016). Genetic Evaluation of Karakul and Marwari Sheep in Arid Zone of Rajasthan: Body Weights. Veterinary Practitioner, 17, 265-267.
- Singh, S. P., Dass, G., Natesan, R., Kushwah, Y., Sharma, N., & Kumar, A. (2018). Endocrine and hematobiochemical profile of lambs raised in a semiarid region with different growth potentials during the postweaning period. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 42, 120-129.
- Todini, L., Malfatti, A., Valbonesi, A., Trabalza-Marinucci, M., & Debenedetti, A. (2007). Plasma total T3 and T4 concentrations in goats at different physiological stages, as affected by the energy intake. Small Ruminant Research, 68, 285-290.
- Zhao, H., He, S., Zhu, Y., Cao, X., Luo, R., Cai, Y., Xu, H., & Sun, X. (2017). A novel 29 bp insertion/deletion (indel) variant of the LHX3 gene and its influence on growth traits in four sheep breeds of various fecundity. Archiv fuer Tierzucht, 60, 79.
Abdel-Fattah, M., Hashem, A., Shaker, Y., Ellamei, A., & Amer, H. (2013). Effect of weaning age on productive performance and some plasma biochemical parameters of Barki lambs in Siwa Oasis, Egypt. Global Veterinaria, 10, 189-202.
Ajam, I. K., Al-Jubouri, T. R., & Ghayyib, Q. H. (2019). TGF-B super family correlation with the fertility of Iraqi Awassi Ewes. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32, 26-32.
Aljubouri, T. R., & Al-Shuhaib, M. B. S. (2021). Genotyping of mitochondrial D-loop sequences in three breeds of sheep. Biologia, 76, 203-211.
Aljubouri, T. R., Hassan, A. F., & Al-Shuhaib, M. B. S. (2020a). Exhibition of different hormonal regulations in Awassi and Karakul breeds at sexual maturity. Plant Archives, 20, 5937-5940.
Aljubouri, T. R., Al-Shuhaib, M. B. S., & Javadmaneshb, A. (2020c). HMGA2 gene polymorphisms and their effects on main growth traits indices in Awassi and Karakul sheep. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 54, 587-594.
Aljubouri, T. R., Hassan, A. F., Al-Shuhaib, M. B. S., & Mahyari, S. A. (2020b). Association of GnRH1 gene with growth traits in two breeds of sheep. Agricultural Research, 10, 285–293.
Almahdawi, M. K., & Altalib, A. A. (2020). Impact of using dried bread residue as substitution of energy source for cereals on milk production and its ingredients of Awassi ewes. Eurasian Journal of Biosciences, 14, 407-416.
Al-Shuhaib, M. B. S., Al-Thuwaini, T. M., Fadhil, I. A., & Aljubouri, T. R. (2019). GHRL gene-based genotyping of ovine and caprine breeds reveals highly polymorphic intronic sequences in Awassi sheep with several RNA motifs. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 17, 1.8.
Al-Thuwaini, T.M., Al-Shuhaib, M.B.S., Lepretre, F. & Mahdi, Z.A. (2020). Co-inherited novel SNPs of the LIPE gene associated with increased carcass dressing and decreased fat-tail weight in Awassi breed. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 52, 3631-3638.
Binabaj, F. B., Farhangfar, S. H., & Jafari, M. (2021). Inbreeding affected differently on observations distribution of a growth trait in Iranian Baluchi sheep. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 34, 506-515.
Blum, J., Gingins, M., Vitins, P., & Bickel, H. (1980). Thyroid hormone levels related to energy and nitrogen balance during weight loss and regain in adult sheep. European Journal of Endocrinology, 93, 440-447.
Caldeira, R., Belo, A., Santos, C., Vazques, M., & Portugal, A. (2007). The effect of body condition score on blood metabolites and hormonal profiles in ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 68, 233-241.
Candelotti, E., De Vito, P., G Ahmed, R., Luly, P., J Davis, P., Z Pedersen, J., Yun, H., & Incerpi, S. (2015). Thyroid hormones crosstalk with growth factors: Old facts and new hypotheses. Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents; in Medicinal Chemistry (Formerly Current Medicinal Chemistry-Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents), 15, 71-85.
Carlos, M., Leite, J., Chaves, D., Vale, A., Facanha, D., Melo, M., & Soto-Blanco, B. (2015). Blood parameters in the Morada Nova sheep: influence of age, sex and body condition score. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 25, 950-955.
Duncan, D. B. (1955). Multiple Rang and Multiple F-test. Biometrics. 11, 4-42.
Ekambaram, B., Alexander, G., & Kalyana Chakravarthi, M. (2013). Performance of Nellore sheep (Jodipi) under farm conditions. Indian Veterinary Journal, 90(12): 35-37.
Eshratkhah, B., Sadaghian, M., Eshratkhah, S., Pourrabbi, S., & Najafian, K. (2010). Relationship between the blood thyroid hormones and lipid profile in Moghani sheep; influence of age and sex. Comparative clinical Pathology, 19, 15-20.
Everett-Hincks, J., & Dodds, K. (2008). Management of maternal-offspring behavior to improve lamb survival in easy care sheep systems. Journal of Animal Science, 86, E259-E270.
Ferro, M., Tedeschi, L. O., & Atzori, A. (2017). The comparison of the lactation and milk yield and composition of selected breeds of sheep and goats. Translational Animal Science, 1, 498-506.
Ganesan, R., Dhanavanthan, P., Balasubramanyam, D., & Kumarasamy, P. (2013). Estimates of genetic parameters of growth traits in Madras Red sheep. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, 3, 69-73.
Gowane, G. R., Chopra, A., Prince, L., Mishra, A., & Arora, A. (2011). Genetic analysis for growth traits of prolific Garole× Malpura (GM) sheep. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 43, 299-303.
Haddad, S., Nasr, R., & Muwalla, M. (2001). Optimum dietary crude protein level for finishing Awassi lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 39, 41-46.
Halil, E., & Özbeyaz, C. (2020). Investigating various performance traits of Karakul sheep. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 67, 113-120.
Hama Khan, K., Al-Barzinji, Y., & Maarof, N. (2019). A study of body weight and milk traits of Karadi Ewes–Sulaimani Governorate, Iraq. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17, 14025-14038.
Imran, F. S., Al-Thuwaini, T. M., Al-Shuhaib, M. B. S., & Lepretre, F. (2021). A novel missense single nucleotide polymorphism in the GREM1 gene is highly associated with higher reproductive traits in Awassi sheep. Biochemical Genetics, 59, 422-436.
Jawasreh, K. I., Al-Amareen, A. H., & Aad, P. Y. (2019). Relationships between Hha1 calpastatin Gene Polymorph- ism, growth Performance, and meat characteristics of Awassi sheep. Animals, 9, 667.
Karmakar, P., Behera, R., & Mandal, A. (2018). Growth performance and effect of non-genetic factors affecting growth traits in Garole sheep. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88, 117-119.
Karakuş, K., Comba, B., Taş, A., Sancak, T., Comba, A., Sarıpınar Aksu, D., & Tariq, M. M. (2017). The effect of chemical and surgical castration on the live weight gain and some hormones of male Norduz sheep. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 49, 1835-1840.
Karsenty, G., & Olson, E. N. (2016). Bone and muscle endocrine functions: unexpected paradigms of inter-organ communication. Cell, 164(6), 1248-56.
Koluman, N., & Daskiran, I. (2011). Effects of ventilation of the sheep house on heat stress, growth and thyroid hormones of lambs. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 43, 1123-1127.
Kumar, A., Shekhar, S., & Dhole, B. (2014). Thyroid and male reproduction. Indian Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 18, 23-31.
Lalit, Z., Dalal, D., Dahiya, S., Patil, C., & Dahiya, R. (2016). Genetic analysis of growth traits in Harnali sheep. Veterinary World, 9, 128. https:// doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2016.128-132
Lopez-Rodriguez, M. F., Cymbaluk, N., Epp, T., Laarveld, B., Recalde, E. C. S., Simko, E., & Card, C. (2020). Effects of the glucosinolate sinigrin in combination with a noniodine supplemented diet on serum iodine and thyroid hormone concentrations in nonpregnant mares. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 91, 103110.
Mirhoseini, S. Z., Zare, J., Hossein-Zadeh, N. G., Khanzadeh, H., Seidavi, A., Laudadio, V., Dario, C., Tufarelli, V., & Selvaggi, M. (2015). Estimation of genetic parameters for body weight traits and pelt quality score in Iranian Karakul sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 132, 67-71.
Oberbauer, A. M. (2015). Developmental programming: the role of growth hormone. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 6, 1-7.
Pehlivan, E., Kaliber, M., Konca, Y., & Dellal, G. (2020). Effect of shearing on some physiological and hormonal parameters in Akkaraman sheep. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 33, 848.
SAS, J. (2012). Statistical Analysis System, v. 10.0. 2. Cary, North Carolina. USA.
Sharma, N., Nehra, K., & Gahlot, G. (2016). Genetic Evaluation of Karakul and Marwari Sheep in Arid Zone of Rajasthan: Body Weights. Veterinary Practitioner, 17, 265-267.
Singh, S. P., Dass, G., Natesan, R., Kushwah, Y., Sharma, N., & Kumar, A. (2018). Endocrine and hematobiochemical profile of lambs raised in a semiarid region with different growth potentials during the postweaning period. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 42, 120-129.
Todini, L., Malfatti, A., Valbonesi, A., Trabalza-Marinucci, M., & Debenedetti, A. (2007). Plasma total T3 and T4 concentrations in goats at different physiological stages, as affected by the energy intake. Small Ruminant Research, 68, 285-290.
Zhao, H., He, S., Zhu, Y., Cao, X., Luo, R., Cai, Y., Xu, H., & Sun, X. (2017). A novel 29 bp insertion/deletion (indel) variant of the LHX3 gene and its influence on growth traits in four sheep breeds of various fecundity. Archiv fuer Tierzucht, 60, 79.