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This study was conducted in one of the private orchards in Al-Haritha region, Northern Basra city to study the effect of spraying antioxidants with three concentrations of (0, 3 and 6) ml.L-1 on two cultivars of jujube trees, Alarmouti and Altfahic. The physical traits of the stages of fruit growth were studied, starting from 50 days after flowering to the final maturity 120 days after of flowering. The results of the study recorded It is too complicated. The progress of the growth and development fruits for all the traits. The study revealed that the Alarmouti cultivar significantly excelled in most of the studied traits at all different growth stages, where the highest values were recorded in the traits of size, length, diameter, and fruit weight (11.07 cm3, 35.99 mm, 27.40 mm, and 21.97 g) respectively. It also excelled in chemical traits during growth stages. The study also showed that the antioxidant concentration of 6 ml.L-1 significantly excelled in most of the studied physical and chemical traits. The bi-interaction also had a significant effect on the studied traits, while the fresh weight of the seed was not significant different between cultivars, concentrations, and their -interaction.
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Abd, A. M., Altemimy, I. H. H., & Altemimy. H. M. A. (2020) Evaluation of the effect of nano-fertilization and disper osmotic in treating the salinity of irrigation water on the chemical and mineral properties of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 33(1), 68-88.
A.O.A.C. (2016). Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. 20th Edition, Washington D.C., 3172pp.
Al-Abdoulhadi, I. A., Dinar, H. A., Ebert, G., & Buuml, C. (2012). Influence of salinity stress on photosynthesis and chlorophyll content in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(22), 3314-3319.
Al-Juburi, H. J., & Maroff, A. (2007). The growth and mineral composition of hatamy date palm seedlings as affected by sea water and growth regulators. Acta Horticulturae, 736(1), 161-176.
Al-Hasnawi, A. N., Cheradziahi, C. M. Z., Kadhimi, Isahak, A. A., A., Mohamad, A., & Yusoff, W. M. W. (2016). Enhancement of antioxidant enzyme activities in rice callus by ascorbic acid under salinity stress. Biologia Plantarum, 60(4), 783-787.
Al-Miahy, M. Z. S., & Abbas, M. F. (2006). Effect of CaCl2 by Spraying on some chemical and physiological characters of jujube fruits cv.zaitoni and bambawi. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 19(2), 12-23.
Al-Rawi, K. M., & Khalaf Allah, A.M. (2000). Design and Analysis of Agricultural Experiments. Dar Al Kutub Printing & Publishing Est. 2nd ed. University of Mosul, Iraq, 488pp. (In Arabic).
Altemimy, H. M. A, Altemimy, I. H. H., & Abd, A. M. (2019). Evaluation the efficacy of nano-fertilization and Disper osmotic in treating salinity of irrigation water in quality and productivity properties of date palm Phoenix dactylifera L. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 388. https://doi:10.1088/1755-1315/388/1/012072
Davarpanaha, S., Tehranifar, A., Davaryneijad, Gh., Abadía, J., & Khorasani. R. (2016). Effects of foliar applications of zinc and boron nano-fertilizers onpomegranate (Punica granatum cv. Ardestani) fruit yield and quality. Scientia Horticulturae, 210, 57-64.
Goodwin, T. W. (1976). Chemistry and Biochemistry of Plant Pigment. 2nd ed. Academic Press, New York., 373pp.
Hernández-Muñoz, P., Almenar, E., Ocio, M. J., & Gavara, R. (2006). Effect of calcium dips and chitosan coatings on postharvest life of strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa). Postharvest Biology and Technology, 39, 247-253.
Jain, V. K. (2017). Fundamentals of Plant Physiology. 19th ed. S. Chand and Company Ltd, Rom Nagar, 736pp.
Kamiab, F., & Bahramabadi, E. Z. (2016). The effect of foliar application of nano-chelate super plus zfm on fruit set and some quantitative and qualitative traits of almond commercial cultivars. Journal of Nuts, 7(1), 9-20.
Majumder, I., Sau, S., Ghosh, B., Kundu, S., Roy, D., & Sarkar, S. (2017). Response of growth regulators and micronutrients on yield and physico-chemical quality of Ber (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk) cv. BAU Kul-1. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(4), 2404-2409.
McClellan, C. A., & Chang, C. (2008). The role of protein turnover in ethylene biosynthesis and response. Plant Science, 175(1-2), 24-31.
Nasri-Ayachi, M. B., & Nabli, M. A. (2008). Floral biology study of Ziziphus lotus L. In International Jujube Symposium, 840, 337-342.
Obeed, R. S., Harhash, M. M., & Abdel-Mawgood, A. L. (2008). Fruit properties and genetic diversity of five ber (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk) cultivars. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 11(6), 888-893.
Pinton, R., Cakmak, I., & Marschner, H. (1994). Zinc deficiency enhanced NAD (P) H-dependent superoxider radical production in plasma membrane vesicles isolated from roots of bean plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 45(1), 45-50.
Sabir, S., Arshad, M., & Chaudhari, S. K. (2014). Zinc oxide nanoparticles for revolutionizing agriculture: Synthesis and applications. Scientific World Journal Pakistan. 2014, Article ID 925494.
Saied, A. S., Gebauer, J., Hammer, K., & Buerkert, A. (2008). Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Willd.: A multipurpose fruit tree. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 55(7), 929-937.
Shi, Q., Zhang, Z., Su, J., Zhou, J., & Li, X. (2018). Comparative analysis of pigments, phenolics, and antioxidant activity of Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) during fruit development. Molecules, 23(8).1917.
Soliman, A. Sh., El-fek, S. A., & Darwish, E. (2015) Alleviation of salt stress on (Moringa peregrine) using foliar application of nanofertilizers. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, 7(2), 36-47.
Zagzog, O. A., & Gad, M. M. (2017). Improving growth, flowering, fruiting and resistance of malformation of mango trees using nano-zinc. Middle East Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(3), 673-681