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A field experiment was conducted in Qurnah district, Basrah province on clay soil to study the effect of six treatments of emulsifying petroleum derivatives with irrigation water by using emulsifying agent adding directly to soil surface, gas oil with two ratios of 0.3% (g3) and 0.5% (g5) w/w of soil dry weight, two admixture treatments of fuel oil and gas oil (1:1) with two ratio 0.3%(go3) and 0.5% (go5), fuel oil 0.3% (o3) and control treatment 0% (c) without any addition. The effect of water deficit factor also studied with two levels 0.85 (w1) and 0.65 (w2) of available water by using drip irrigation with two emitters; low discharge 5 Lhr-1 (Ld) and high discharge 15Lhr-1(Hd). The results showed that all emulsified derivative conditioners significantly increased dry weight, grain yield and water use efficiency calculated for dry weight WUE (d) and grain WUE (g) of sunflower compared with control treatment, especially at g5 and go5 treatments which recorded the highest values. Soil capability for saving water and available water increased as a result of the addition of emulsified oil derivatives, which contributed to increase the interval time between irrigation periods and reduce the quantity of irrigation water with less value appearing at g5 and go5 under 65% water deficit treatment by using 15 Lhr-1 emitter discharge. Increasing emitter discharge from 5 to 15 L hr -1, and increasing irrigation deficit from 0.65 to 0.85 led to increasing all growth parameters, except water use efficiency.
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- Al-Atab, S.M.S. (2008). Variation of soil properties and classification of soils in Basrah government. Ph. D. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 209pp.
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- Al-Damey, B.A.H. & Al-Sammak, Q.H.A. (2013). Interaction study between different levels of water stress and potassium on shoot growth of wheat plant (Triticum aestivum L.) at elongation stage. Sci. J. Karbala Univ., 11(2): 74-81.
- Al-Ibraheemi, M.S.B. (2014). Effect of irrigation levels and alternation of emitters discharge in the once or irrigation cycle on and physical properties in clay soil and growth of corn plant (Zea mays L.). Ph. D. Thesis. Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah: 157pp.
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- Al-Mayahi, H.A. (2010). The Effect of Emitters discharge and alternation of Irrigation water salinity on some soil properties and growth of corn plant (Zea mays L.). M. Sc., Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah: 150pp.
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- English, M. (1990). Deficit irrigation. 1. Analytical framework. J. Irrig. Drain. Eng., 116: 399-412.
- Fatih, M.K.; Yasemin, U.S. & Kuslu, T.T. (2009). Determining water yield relationship, water use efficiency, crop and pan coefficients for silage Maize in a semiarid region. Irrig. Sci., 27: 129-137.
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- Kazemeini, S.A.; Edalat, M. & Shekoofa, A. (2009). Interaction effects of deficit irrigation and row spacing on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) growth, seed yield, and oil yield. African J. Agric. Res., 4(11): 1165-1170.
- Khan, A.S.; Ul-Allah, S. & Sajjad, S. (2010). Genetic variability and correlation among seedling traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under water stress. Int. J. Agric. & Biol., 12(2): 247-250.
- Mahmoud, A.M. & Ahmed, T.A. (2016). Water use efficiency of sunflower genotype under drip irrigation. African J. Agric. Res., 11(11): 925-929.
- Mohammed, A.M.; Al-Duliami, M.A. & Al- Jumili, N.M.F. (2015). Influence of deficit irrigation on some growth and yield parameters and water use of maize under drip system. Crop production and water use efficiency. Al-Anbar J. Agric. Sci., 13(2): 11-20.
- Nidewe, D.R. & Salih, S.M. (2012). The effect of irrigation interval and alternation of irrigation water salinity on some soil properties and growth of corn plant (Zea mays L.). 2- Soil bulk density and plant growth. 2nd Sci. Conf., Coll. Agric., Univ. Karbala. 10-11 December, 2012.
- Page, A.L.; Miller, R.H. & Keeney, D.R. (1982). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part (2) 2nd Agronomy 9. Petroleum Industry. Leaching ton, D. C., Am. Chem. Soc.: 1143pp.
- Pragna, G.; Manoj, K.G. & Shiva, Sh.M. (2016). Effect of dripper discharge rates and irrigation schedules on yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var capitate). Intr. J. Life Sci., 4(4): 554-562.
- Saeed, A.M. & El-Nadi, A.H. (1998). Irrigation effects on growth, yield and water use efficiency of alfalfa. Irrig. Sci., 17: 63-68.
- Shabib, Y.J. (2016). Emulsification of oil derivatives and their effects on soil physical properties of soil, growth and corn productivity (Zea mays L.) by using strip irrigation application. Ph. D. Thesis. Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah: 145pp.
- Stikic, R.; Popovic, S.; Srdic, M.; Savic, D. & Jovanovic, Z. (2003). Partial root drying (PRD): A new technique for growing plant that saves water and improves the quality of fruit. Bulg. J. Plant Physiol., 2003: 164- 171.
- Sweeney, D.W.; Kirkham, M.K. & Sisson, J.B. (2006). Crop and soil response to wheel-Track compaction of claypan soil. Agron. J., 98: 633-643.
- USAID-Inma (2012). Irrigation Guidelines. United States Agency for International Development. 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D. C., 20523: 34pp.
Abd-Ulameer, O.K. & Ahmed, Sh.A. (2013). Effect of water stress and potassium on yield components and water use efficiency in sunflower. The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 44(5): 588-599.
Ahmed, Sh.A.H. (2012). Effect of water stress and hill spacing on seed yield and some growth traits of the sunflower. Iraqi J. Agric. Sci., 43(4): 43-72.
Al-Atab, S.M.S. (2008). Variation of soil properties and classification of soils in Basrah government. Ph. D. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah: 209pp.
Al-Dagestani, S.R. & Audafa, A. H. (1998). Effect of different crude oil levels on some soil characteristics and barley growth. Iraqi Agric. J., 3(2): 51-61.
Al-Damey, B.A.H. & Al-Sammak, Q.H.A. (2013). Interaction study between different levels of water stress and potassium on shoot growth of wheat plant (Triticum aestivum L.) at elongation stage. Sci. J. Karbala Univ., 11(2): 74-81.
Al-Ibraheemi, M.S.B. (2014). Effect of irrigation levels and alternation of emitters discharge in the once or irrigation cycle on and physical properties in clay soil and growth of corn plant (Zea mays L.). Ph. D. Thesis. Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah: 157pp.
Al-Maleky, S.M.J. (2005). Effect of fuel oil and urea fertilizer on some physical properties of gypsiferous soils and growth of corn plant (Zea mays L.). M. Sc. Coll. Agric., Univ. Baghdad: 71pp.
Al-Mayahi, H.A. (2010). The Effect of Emitters discharge and alternation of Irrigation water salinity on some soil properties and growth of corn plant (Zea mays L.). M. Sc., Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah: 150pp.
Al-Omran, A.M.; Al-Harbi, A.R. & Wahb- Allah, M.A (2010). Impact of irrigation water quality, irrigation systems, irrigation rates and soil amendments on tomato production in sandy calcareous soil. Turk. J. Agric., 34: 59-73.
Black, C. A.; Evans, D.D.; White, L.L.; Ensminger, L.E. & Clark, F.E. (1965). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1, No. 9. Am. Soc. Agron. Madison, Wisconsin: 840pp.
Bouwer, H. (1994). Irrigation and global water outlook. Agric. Water Manag., 25: 221-231.
Camillia, Y.E.; Moursy, KH. S. & El-Aila, H.I. (2006). Effect of matter on the release and availability of phosphorus and their effects on Spanish and radish plants. J. Agric. Biol. Sci., 2(3): 103-108.
Celebi, M. (2014). The effect of water stress on tomato under different emitter discharges and semi-arid climate condition. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 20(5): 1151-1157.
Dheyab, A.H. (2017). Influence of crude and emulsified crude oil on some properties of clay soil. Meri Res. J. Agric. Sci. Soil Sci., 5(2): 14-23.
English, M. (1990). Deficit irrigation. 1. Analytical framework. J. Irrig. Drain. Eng., 116: 399-412.
Fatih, M.K.; Yasemin, U.S. & Kuslu, T.T. (2009). Determining water yield relationship, water use efficiency, crop and pan coefficients for silage Maize in a semiarid region. Irrig. Sci., 27: 129-137.
Hajim, A.Y. & Yasin, H.E. (1992). Engineering of Field Irrigation Systems. Univ. Al-Mosul, Iraq: 484pp.
Hermann, N.; Hemar, Y.; Lemarechal, P. & McClements, D.J. (2001). Probing particle- particle interaction in flocculated oil-in- water emulsion using ultrasonic attenuation spectrometry. Eur. Phys. J. E., 5: 183-188.
Kazemeini, S.A.; Edalat, M. & Shekoofa, A. (2009). Interaction effects of deficit irrigation and row spacing on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) growth, seed yield, and oil yield. African J. Agric. Res., 4(11): 1165-1170.
Khan, A.S.; Ul-Allah, S. & Sajjad, S. (2010). Genetic variability and correlation among seedling traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under water stress. Int. J. Agric. & Biol., 12(2): 247-250.
Mahmoud, A.M. & Ahmed, T.A. (2016). Water use efficiency of sunflower genotype under drip irrigation. African J. Agric. Res., 11(11): 925-929.
Mohammed, A.M.; Al-Duliami, M.A. & Al- Jumili, N.M.F. (2015). Influence of deficit irrigation on some growth and yield parameters and water use of maize under drip system. Crop production and water use efficiency. Al-Anbar J. Agric. Sci., 13(2): 11-20.
Nidewe, D.R. & Salih, S.M. (2012). The effect of irrigation interval and alternation of irrigation water salinity on some soil properties and growth of corn plant (Zea mays L.). 2- Soil bulk density and plant growth. 2nd Sci. Conf., Coll. Agric., Univ. Karbala. 10-11 December, 2012.
Page, A.L.; Miller, R.H. & Keeney, D.R. (1982). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part (2) 2nd Agronomy 9. Petroleum Industry. Leaching ton, D. C., Am. Chem. Soc.: 1143pp.
Pragna, G.; Manoj, K.G. & Shiva, Sh.M. (2016). Effect of dripper discharge rates and irrigation schedules on yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var capitate). Intr. J. Life Sci., 4(4): 554-562.
Saeed, A.M. & El-Nadi, A.H. (1998). Irrigation effects on growth, yield and water use efficiency of alfalfa. Irrig. Sci., 17: 63-68.
Shabib, Y.J. (2016). Emulsification of oil derivatives and their effects on soil physical properties of soil, growth and corn productivity (Zea mays L.) by using strip irrigation application. Ph. D. Thesis. Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah: 145pp.
Stikic, R.; Popovic, S.; Srdic, M.; Savic, D. & Jovanovic, Z. (2003). Partial root drying (PRD): A new technique for growing plant that saves water and improves the quality of fruit. Bulg. J. Plant Physiol., 2003: 164- 171.
Sweeney, D.W.; Kirkham, M.K. & Sisson, J.B. (2006). Crop and soil response to wheel-Track compaction of claypan soil. Agron. J., 98: 633-643.
USAID-Inma (2012). Irrigation Guidelines. United States Agency for International Development. 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D. C., 20523: 34pp.