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Feeding on white or black whole barley grain and fattening period’s effect on the body weight and measurements, as well as carcass quality of Karadi male lambs was investigated in this study. A total of sixty Karadi male lambs aged six month-old was randomly allocated to two feeding systems (white or black barley grain) for four periods of experimental fattening trial (each period was one month). Body weights as well as total body gain for lambs fed white barley were significantly (P<0.05) higher than lambs fed black barley during experimental periods. Feeding white barley significantly (P<0.05) increased body length at eight-month (second period), nine month (third period) and final weight (fourth period) compared to black barley. Moreover, height at withers and heart girth showed significant differences at the final period (age of 10th months). Result showed a high interaction between fattening periods and feeding regimes on the length of body, wither height and the girth of heart. This may indicate that lambs at different experimental periods responded differently to type of barley. It is concluded that body weights, total body gain and body measurements for lambs fed white barley were significantly higher than lambs fed black barley.
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- Abbasi, M A. & Ghafouri-Kesbi, F. (2011). Genetic (Co) variance components for body weight and body measurements in Makooei Sheep. Karaj, Iran. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 24 (6): 739 -743.
- Abdel-Moneim, A.Y. (2009). Body and carcass characteristics of Ossimi, Barki and Rahmani ram lambs raised under intensive production system. J. Sheep Goat Sci., 4(2):1 -16.
- Addinsoft. XLSTAT Pro version (2014). 5.03. http: // www. Agaviezor, B.O.; Peters, S.O.; Adefenwa, M.A.; Yakubu, A.; Onasanya, G.O.; Donato, M.D.; Ilori, B.M.; Kizilkaya, K. & Imumorin, I.G. (2012). Morphological and microsatellite DNA diversity of Nigerian indigenous Sheep. J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol., 3(38): 1-16.
- Balci, F. & Karaka?, E. (2007). The effect of different slaughter weights on the fattening performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics of male Karayaka lambs. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 31(1): 25-31.
- Bickerstaffe, R.; Gately, K. & Morton, J.D. (2009). The association between polymorphic variations in calpain 3 with the yield and tenderness of retail lamb meat cuts. Agriculture & Life Sciences Division, Lincoln Univ., Canterbury, New Zealand. 1-4.
- Bingöl. M.; Aygün, T.; Gökdal, O. & Ayhan,Y. (2005). The effects of docking on fattening performance and carcass characteristics in fat-tailed Norduz male lambs. Small Ruminant Res., 64: 101-106.
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- Cam, M.A.; Olfaz, M. & Soydan, E. (2010b). Possibilities of using morphometric characteristics as a tool for body weight production in Turkish hair goats (Kilkeci). Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 5(1): 52-59.
- Carter, R.C.; Carman, G.M. & McClaugherty,F.S. (1973). Genotype-environment interaction in sheep. III. Lamb carcass traits. J. Anim. Sci., 36: 617-621.
- Dosky, K.N.; N.H. Sulaiman; & Hidayet,H.M. (2014). Fattening and some carcass characteristics of Karadi lambs raised on concentrate or pasture. J. Biol. Agric. Healthcare, 4 (11): 1-4.
- Garcia, I.F.F.; Almeida, A.K.; Costa, T.I.R.; Júnior, I.L.; Ribeiro, J.S. & Souza, A. (2012). Carcass characteristics and cuts of Santa Inês lambs fed different roughage proportions and fat source. R. Bras. Zootec. 39 (6): 1322-1327.
- Gökdal, O.; Aygun, T.; Bingol, M. & Karaku?, F. (2003). The effect of docking on performance and carcass characteristics of male Karakas lambs. S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci., 33 185-192.
- Handiwirawan, E.; Noor, R.R.; Sumantri, C. & Subandriyo, S. (2011). The differentiation of sheep breeds based on the body measurements". J. the Indonesian Trop. Anim. Agri., 36 (1): 1-8.
- Idahor, K.O. (2013). Sheep and goats slaughtered at Keffi Abattoir: health status, carcass yield and Foetal deaths. J. Anim. Sci. Adv., 3(6): 276-283.
- Juma, K.H. & Alkass, J.E. (2000). Sheep in Iraq. ACSAD, Damascus, Syria. ACSAD/AS: 232pp.
- Júnior, E.L.S.; Sousa, W.H.; Filho, E.C.P.;Neto, S.G.; Cartaxo, F.Q.; Cezar, M.F.; Cunha, M.G.G. & Filho, J.M.P. (2013).
- Effect of frame size on performance and carcass traits of Santa Inês lambs finished in a feedlot. R. Bras. Zootec., 42 (4): 284-
- Karim, S.A.; Santra, A.; & Verma, D.L. (2001). Growth, feed conversion efficiency and carcass characteristics of Malpura and Malpura × Awassi crossbred lambs in a hot semi-arid environment. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 15(3): 377-381.
- Karim, S.A.; Tripathi, M.K. & Singh, V.K. (2007). Effect of varying levels of concentrate supplementation on growth performance and carcass traits of finisher lambs. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 19(11): 173-181.
- Lardy, G.P. & Redden, R. (2013). Feeding Barley to Sheep. AS1624. NDSU Extension Service. 7- 8.
- Melesse, A.; Banerjee, S.; Lakew, A.; Mersha, F.; Hailemariam, F.; Tsegaye, S. & Makebo, T. (2013). Variations in linear body measurements and establishing prediction equations for live weight of indigenous sheep populations of southern Ethiopia. Sci. J. Anim. Sci., 2(1): 15-25.
- Murray, P.J.; Sumarmono, J.; Pratiwi,N.M.W. & Taylor, D.G. (2001). Growth of goats for meat production: effect of breed and castration. Proc. Nut. Soc. Australia 25. AJC; 10(4): S44.
- Osaiyuwu, O.H.; Akinyemi, M.O. & Salako,A.E. (2010). Factor analysis of the morphostructure of mature Balami sheep. Res. J. Anim. Sci., 4 (2): 63-65.
- Peraza-Mercado, G.; Jaramillo-Lopez, E & Alarcon-Rojo, A.D. (2010). Feed effect upon carcass characteristics and meat quality of pelibuey and polypay Rambouillet lambs. American - Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 8(5) 508- 513.
- Petrovi?, M.P.; Caro, V.; Ruži? Musli?, D.; Ili?, Z.; Spasi?, Z.; Stojkovi?, J. & Milenkovi?, M. (2012). Genetic and phenotypic aspects of the body measured traits in mernolandschaf breed of sheep. Biotechnol. Anim. Husb., 28(4): 733-741.
- Ramírez-Retamal, J.; Morales, R.; Martínez,M.E. & Barra, R. (2013). Effect of breed and feeding on the carcass characteristics of the Chilote breed lamb. Chilean J. Agric. Res., 73(1): 48 – 54.
- Rouse, G.H.; Topel, D.G.; Vetter, R.L.; Rust,R.E. & Wickersham, T.W. (1970). Carcass composition of lamb at different stage of development. J. Anim. Sci., 31(5): 846- 855.
- Salako, A.E. (2006). Principal component factor analysis of the morphostructure of immature Uda sheep. Int. J. Morphol., 24(4): 571-574.
- Ugur, Sen.; Kuran, M. & Ensoy, U. (2013). Growth performance, carcass and meat quality of Karayaka female lambs born in different seasons. Arch. Anim. Breed., 56: 315-327.
- Shahrbabak, M.S.; Rozbahan, Y.; Shahrbabak, M.M. & Shahrbabak, H.M. (2009). Influence of different levels of digestible un degradable protein on the carcass characteristic of Kermani male lambs in Iran. Int. J. Agri. Biol., 11: 643- 646.
- Teixeira, V.; Cadavez, V.; Delf, R. & Bueno,M.S. (2004). Carcass conformation and joints composition of Churra Galega Bragançana and crossbred lambs by Suffolk and Merino Precoce sire breeds. Spanish J. Agri. Res., 2(2): 217-225.
- Tilki, M.; Saatci, M.; Aksoy, A.R.; & Kirmizibayrak, T. (2010). Effect of tail docking on growth performance and carcass traits in Turkish Tuj lambs. J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 9(15): 2094-2097.
- Van Niekerk, W.A. & Casey, N.H. (1988). The Boer goat. II. growth, nutrient requirements, carcass and meat quality. Small Rumin. Res., 1: 355-368.
- Younas, U.; Abdullah, M.; Bhatti, J.A.; Pasha, T.N.; Ahmad, N.; Nasir, M. & Hussain, A. (2013). Interrelationship of body weight with linear body measurements in Hissardale sheep at different stages of life. J. Anim. Plant. Sci, 23(1): 40-44.
Abbasi, M A. & Ghafouri-Kesbi, F. (2011). Genetic (Co) variance components for body weight and body measurements in Makooei Sheep. Karaj, Iran. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 24 (6): 739 -743.
Abdel-Moneim, A.Y. (2009). Body and carcass characteristics of Ossimi, Barki and Rahmani ram lambs raised under intensive production system. J. Sheep Goat Sci., 4(2):1 -16.
Addinsoft. XLSTAT Pro version (2014). 5.03. http: // www. Agaviezor, B.O.; Peters, S.O.; Adefenwa, M.A.; Yakubu, A.; Onasanya, G.O.; Donato, M.D.; Ilori, B.M.; Kizilkaya, K. & Imumorin, I.G. (2012). Morphological and microsatellite DNA diversity of Nigerian indigenous Sheep. J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol., 3(38): 1-16.
Balci, F. & Karaka?, E. (2007). The effect of different slaughter weights on the fattening performance, slaughter and carcass characteristics of male Karayaka lambs. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 31(1): 25-31.
Bickerstaffe, R.; Gately, K. & Morton, J.D. (2009). The association between polymorphic variations in calpain 3 with the yield and tenderness of retail lamb meat cuts. Agriculture & Life Sciences Division, Lincoln Univ., Canterbury, New Zealand. 1-4.
Bingöl. M.; Aygün, T.; Gökdal, O. & Ayhan,Y. (2005). The effects of docking on fattening performance and carcass characteristics in fat-tailed Norduz male lambs. Small Ruminant Res., 64: 101-106.
Cam, M.A.; Olfaz, M. & Soydan, E. (2010a). Body measurements reflect body weights and carcass yields in Karayaka sheep. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 5: 120-127.
Cam, M.A.; Olfaz, M. & Soydan, E. (2010b). Possibilities of using morphometric characteristics as a tool for body weight production in Turkish hair goats (Kilkeci). Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 5(1): 52-59.
Carter, R.C.; Carman, G.M. & McClaugherty,F.S. (1973). Genotype-environment interaction in sheep. III. Lamb carcass traits. J. Anim. Sci., 36: 617-621.
Dosky, K.N.; N.H. Sulaiman; & Hidayet,H.M. (2014). Fattening and some carcass characteristics of Karadi lambs raised on concentrate or pasture. J. Biol. Agric. Healthcare, 4 (11): 1-4.
Garcia, I.F.F.; Almeida, A.K.; Costa, T.I.R.; Júnior, I.L.; Ribeiro, J.S. & Souza, A. (2012). Carcass characteristics and cuts of Santa Inês lambs fed different roughage proportions and fat source. R. Bras. Zootec. 39 (6): 1322-1327.
Gökdal, O.; Aygun, T.; Bingol, M. & Karaku?, F. (2003). The effect of docking on performance and carcass characteristics of male Karakas lambs. S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci., 33 185-192.
Handiwirawan, E.; Noor, R.R.; Sumantri, C. & Subandriyo, S. (2011). The differentiation of sheep breeds based on the body measurements". J. the Indonesian Trop. Anim. Agri., 36 (1): 1-8.
Idahor, K.O. (2013). Sheep and goats slaughtered at Keffi Abattoir: health status, carcass yield and Foetal deaths. J. Anim. Sci. Adv., 3(6): 276-283.
Juma, K.H. & Alkass, J.E. (2000). Sheep in Iraq. ACSAD, Damascus, Syria. ACSAD/AS: 232pp.
Júnior, E.L.S.; Sousa, W.H.; Filho, E.C.P.;Neto, S.G.; Cartaxo, F.Q.; Cezar, M.F.; Cunha, M.G.G. & Filho, J.M.P. (2013).
Effect of frame size on performance and carcass traits of Santa Inês lambs finished in a feedlot. R. Bras. Zootec., 42 (4): 284-
Karim, S.A.; Santra, A.; & Verma, D.L. (2001). Growth, feed conversion efficiency and carcass characteristics of Malpura and Malpura × Awassi crossbred lambs in a hot semi-arid environment. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 15(3): 377-381.
Karim, S.A.; Tripathi, M.K. & Singh, V.K. (2007). Effect of varying levels of concentrate supplementation on growth performance and carcass traits of finisher lambs. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 19(11): 173-181.
Lardy, G.P. & Redden, R. (2013). Feeding Barley to Sheep. AS1624. NDSU Extension Service. 7- 8.
Melesse, A.; Banerjee, S.; Lakew, A.; Mersha, F.; Hailemariam, F.; Tsegaye, S. & Makebo, T. (2013). Variations in linear body measurements and establishing prediction equations for live weight of indigenous sheep populations of southern Ethiopia. Sci. J. Anim. Sci., 2(1): 15-25.
Murray, P.J.; Sumarmono, J.; Pratiwi,N.M.W. & Taylor, D.G. (2001). Growth of goats for meat production: effect of breed and castration. Proc. Nut. Soc. Australia 25. AJC; 10(4): S44.
Osaiyuwu, O.H.; Akinyemi, M.O. & Salako,A.E. (2010). Factor analysis of the morphostructure of mature Balami sheep. Res. J. Anim. Sci., 4 (2): 63-65.
Peraza-Mercado, G.; Jaramillo-Lopez, E & Alarcon-Rojo, A.D. (2010). Feed effect upon carcass characteristics and meat quality of pelibuey and polypay Rambouillet lambs. American - Eurasian J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 8(5) 508- 513.
Petrovi?, M.P.; Caro, V.; Ruži? Musli?, D.; Ili?, Z.; Spasi?, Z.; Stojkovi?, J. & Milenkovi?, M. (2012). Genetic and phenotypic aspects of the body measured traits in mernolandschaf breed of sheep. Biotechnol. Anim. Husb., 28(4): 733-741.
Ramírez-Retamal, J.; Morales, R.; Martínez,M.E. & Barra, R. (2013). Effect of breed and feeding on the carcass characteristics of the Chilote breed lamb. Chilean J. Agric. Res., 73(1): 48 – 54.
Rouse, G.H.; Topel, D.G.; Vetter, R.L.; Rust,R.E. & Wickersham, T.W. (1970). Carcass composition of lamb at different stage of development. J. Anim. Sci., 31(5): 846- 855.
Salako, A.E. (2006). Principal component factor analysis of the morphostructure of immature Uda sheep. Int. J. Morphol., 24(4): 571-574.
Ugur, Sen.; Kuran, M. & Ensoy, U. (2013). Growth performance, carcass and meat quality of Karayaka female lambs born in different seasons. Arch. Anim. Breed., 56: 315-327.
Shahrbabak, M.S.; Rozbahan, Y.; Shahrbabak, M.M. & Shahrbabak, H.M. (2009). Influence of different levels of digestible un degradable protein on the carcass characteristic of Kermani male lambs in Iran. Int. J. Agri. Biol., 11: 643- 646.
Teixeira, V.; Cadavez, V.; Delf, R. & Bueno,M.S. (2004). Carcass conformation and joints composition of Churra Galega Bragançana and crossbred lambs by Suffolk and Merino Precoce sire breeds. Spanish J. Agri. Res., 2(2): 217-225.
Tilki, M.; Saatci, M.; Aksoy, A.R.; & Kirmizibayrak, T. (2010). Effect of tail docking on growth performance and carcass traits in Turkish Tuj lambs. J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 9(15): 2094-2097.
Van Niekerk, W.A. & Casey, N.H. (1988). The Boer goat. II. growth, nutrient requirements, carcass and meat quality. Small Rumin. Res., 1: 355-368.
Younas, U.; Abdullah, M.; Bhatti, J.A.; Pasha, T.N.; Ahmad, N.; Nasir, M. & Hussain, A. (2013). Interrelationship of body weight with linear body measurements in Hissardale sheep at different stages of life. J. Anim. Plant. Sci, 23(1): 40-44.