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This study was undertaken at special sheep farm in Missan province. The study began at the 1st of September 2016 and ended at the 29th of December 2016. Sixteen female Arabi lambs, with an average age 210±5 days, and average body weight (23.88) Kg, were randomly divided into four groups as follows:. T1 as a control group, T2 treated with a dose of 0.5g genistein.head-1, T3 treated with a dose of 1g genistein.head-1. T4 treated with a dose of 2g genistein.head-1. All treatments were given genistein orally three times a week to investigate the effect of genistein treatment on sex hormones and reproductive organ development. The results showed significant (P<0.05) increase in concentrations of sex hormones (FSH, LH and estrogen) in female lambs treated 1g genistein for three times a week compared with control, T2 and T4 during the whole study period. The weights of the uterus, right ovary and ovary duct length of T3 group increased significantly (P<0.05) in comparison with TI group. There were no significant (P<0.05) differences observed between treated groups in left ovary weight. Treated of Arabi female lambs with different levels of genistein improved the development of uterus during puberty.


Fertility traits Polymorphism sheep TGF-B gene

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How to Cite
Al-Rsitmawi, M. M. A. ., & Kassim, W. Y. . (2019). The Effectiveness of Genistein on Early Puberty of the Arabi Female Lambs: The Concentration of Sex Hormones and Development of Reproductive Organs. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32, 1–7.


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