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This study was conducted in the plastic house at the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design - College of Agriculture and Forestry - University of Mosul, Iraq. For the period from 1/2/2013 until 1/8/2013. To study the effect of three dates of cutting collection from 1st February to 1st April monthly intervals, and soaking the cuttings in four concentrations of IBA solution 0, 2000, 3000, 4000mg.l-1 seconds on the rooting ability and subsequent growth of semi-hard wood cuttings of two olive varieties Gordal Sevillano and Tanche. The results were showed the cuttings were collected on the 1st of March resulted into the highest of rooted cutting, survival %, carbohydrate content, carbohydrate to nitrogen (C/N ratio) in the basal cuttings. Rooting increased proportionately with increasing of IBA concentrations principally the cuttings were soaked in 4000mg.l-1. Gordal Sevillano cuttings gave a significantly increase of rooting and the basal cuttings gave a significantly increased of carbohydrates content than Tanche variety. The best rooting percentage were get from interaction between Gordal Sevillano which collected on the 1st of March treated with 4000 mg.l-1 were gave 66.67%. Highest rate of survival (80.0%) of control treatment of Tanche olive variety were taken on 1st of February. The highest content of carbohydrate (18.10) were obtained in Gordal Sevillano basal cuttings were taken on 1st of March. Higher percentage of Nitrogen (1.58%) were obtained from interaction between basal cutting of Gordal Sevillano variety. were taken on 1st of March. The highest percentage of C/N ration were got by interaction of Gordal Sevillano which collected on 1st of March.
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Al-Dolaemi, Sh.Y.A. (2012). Effect of cuttings collection dates, indol-butyric acid (IBA) and Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in olive cuttings rooting. M.Sc. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Al-Anbar: 96pp.
Al-Imam, N.M.A (2011). Effect of some factors on rooting percentage and subsequent growth of "manzanillo" olive cuttings. Mesopotamia J. of Agric., 39(2): 9-19.
Alsahaf, F.H. (1989). Applied Plant Nutrition. Bait Alhikma, Univ. Baghdad, Min. High. Educ. Sci. Res.: 259pp.
Barcelo, A.M.; Encina, C.L. & Perez, E.S. (1999). Micropropagation of adult olive. PI. Cell Tissue Organ, Cult., 36(3): 321-326.
Dubois, M.; Gills, K.A.; Hamilton, J.K..; Robers, P.A. & Smith, F. (1956). Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and related substance. Anal. Chem., 28(3): 350-356.
Garcia, M.L.G.; Romero, C.S.; Munoz, A.B.; Heredia, A. & Pliego-Al Faro, F. (1994). Levels of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid and indole-3-butyric acid during adventitious rooting in avocado micro cuttings. J. Exp. Bot., 45(6): 865-870.
Hartmann, H.T.; Kester, D.E.; Davis, F.T. & Geneve, R.L. (2014). Plant propagation, principles and practices, 8th ed. Prentice upper saddle river -Hall, lac,. New Jersey: 927pp.
Hechmi, M.; Khaled, M.; Abed, S.; El-Hassen, A.; Faiez, R. & Mhamed, A. (2013). Performance of olive cuttings (Olea europaea L.) of different cultivars growing in the agro-climatic conditions of Al-Jouf (Saudia Arabia). Am. J. Plant Physiol., 8(1): 41-49.
Hopkins, W.G. & Hüner, N.P.A. (2004). Introduction of plant physiology. 3rd ed. John Wiley and sons, Inc.: 523pp.
Jindia, H. (2003). Fruit Trees Physiology. Arabic Pub. House. Egypt: 471pp.
Ling, W.X. & Zhong, Z. (2012). Seasonal variation in rooting of the cuttings from tetraploid Locust in relation to nutrients and endogenous plant hormones of the shoot. Turk. J. Agric., 36: 257-266.
Maghsudlu. M.; Afshari, H. & Faraji, A. (2013) The evaluation of the effect of different IBA (indole-3 butyric acid) hormone concentrations and different kinds of cutting on rooting of two compatible olive cultivars cuttings in Golestan Province. Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., 2(6): 82- 88.
Roger M. R.N.C. & Hasted, A.M. (2003). Statistical Methods in Agriculture and Experimental Biology. Chapman. 3rd ed. Hall, A CRC Press Co., Washington, D. C. 488pp.
Ruiz, G. & Loreto, A. (1998). Effect of the application of IBA and date of collection on the rooting of semi-hardwood cutting of olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivar “Sevillano”. Olivae.,74: 58-61.
Souidan, A.A.; Zaued, M.M & Dessouky, M.T.A. (1995). A study on improving the rooting of Ficus elastica L. var. decora stem cuttings .I .The effect of some auxin treatments .Ann. Agric. Sci. Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo, 40(2): 821-829.
Ullah, E.; Awan, A.A.; Abbas, S.J.; Masroor, F.S. & Khan, O. (2012). Growth response of various Olive cultivars to different cutting lenghs. Pak. J. Bot., 44(2): 683-686.
Wiesman, Z. & Lavee, S. (1995). Enhancement of IBA stimulatory effect on rooting of olive cultivar stem cuttings. Sci. Hortic., 62: 189-198.
Wynne, J. & Mcdonald, M.S. (2002). Adventitious root formation in woody plant tissue: The influence of light and indole-3-butyric acid. In Vitro Cell Dev. Biol. Plant., 38(2): 210-212.