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The increase in aluminum ion concentration resulting from chemical coagulants in water treatment causes human health problems, including damage to brain cells and Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, numerous countries sought to find alternative coagulants extracted from natural, environmentally friendly organic sources for use in water treatment. The research included preparing an aqueous extract from orange peel, extracting luffa mucilage, as well as, calculating the yield, estimating the size of mucilage particles, and using them as plant coagulants to purify turbid water. Moreover, the optimum conditions were set for it, represented by the concentration of coagulants and the pH to give the highest efficiency in purifying turbid water. As well as using them as coagulation aids with alum to reduce the concentration of alum used in water purification. The results indicated that the optimum concentrations of natural coagulants ranged 40-50 ppm, where the orange peel coagulant exceeded the luffa coagulant with a significant difference in the turbidity removal, as it was 87 and 71% respectively, at pH values of 5 and 10. Likewise, there were significant differences in the reduction of heavy elements by using coagulants in water treatment. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the percentages of turbidity removal between the mixing ratio 1:0.5 and 1:0.25 (coagulant aid: Alum). Conversely, the use of the optimum concentration of orange peel coagulant with half the alum concentration gave turbidity removal percentages close to the use of alum alone in purifying water. It can be concluded from the study the possibility of using the extracted plant coagulants to reduce the concentration of alum used in purifying turbid water. The results reveled the highest significant decrease in the concentration of all heavy elements using luffa fruit coagulant and orange peel coagulant, compared to their concentration in turbid water before purification, which was 0.4 ppm.
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Al-Snafi, A. E. (2019). Constituents and pharmacology of Luffa cylindrica- A review. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR), 9(9), 68-79.
Arguello, J. P., Diaz, J. J., Roberth, J. P., & José, L. M. (2015). Sinú river raw water treatment by natural coagulants. Universidad de Antioquia, 76, 90-98.
Baghvand, A., Zand, A. D., Mehrdadi, N., & Karbassi, A. (2010). Optimizing coagulation process for low to high turbidity waters using aluminum and iron salts. American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 6(5), 442-448.
Binayke, R. A., & Jadhav, M. V. (2013). Application of natural coagulants in water purification. International Journal of Advanced Technology in Civil Engineering, 2(1), 65-70.
Bustillos, L. G., Sandra, C. U., & Carlos, O. (2013). Production and characterization of (Opuntia ficus-indica) mucilage and its use as coagulant-flocculant aid for industrial wastewaters. International Journal of Biotechnology Research, 1(3), 38-45.
Cuerda-Correa, E. M., Alexandre-Franco, M. F., & Fernández-González, C. (2020). Advanced oxidation processes for the removal of antibiotics from water. An overview. Water, 12, 102.
Díaz, J. J., Arguello, J. P., & Ribon, G. E. (2016). Behavior of turbidity, pH, alkalinity and color in sinú river raw water treated by natural. Chemical Engineering Journal, 78, 119-128.
Gotmare, S., & Gade, J. (2018). Orange peel: A potential source of phytochemical compounds. International Journal of ChemTech. Research, 11(2), 240-243.
Gupte, A., Karjikar, M., & Nair, J. (2012). Biosorption of copper using mucilaginous seeds of (Ocimum basilicum). Association for the Advancement of Biodiversity Science, 1(1), 113-119.
Hayder, G., & Rahim, A. A. (2018). Effect of mixing natural coagulant with alum on water treatment. The 3rd National Graduate Conference, University of Tenaga National, Putrajaya Campus, 10(4), 206-209.
Jadhav, M. V., & Mahajan, Y. S. (2013). A comparative study of natural coagulant in flocculation of local clay suspensions of varied turbidity. Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 1(1), 26-39.
Jangdey, M. S., Gupta, A., Kaur, C. D., & Saraf, S. (2016). Assessment of utilization, value addition and characterization of tamarind: a natural gum of Chhattisgarh. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Allied Sciences, 5(2), 323-334.
Jouki, M., Mortazavi, S. A., Yazdi, F. T., & Koocheki, A. (2014). Optimization of extraction, antioxidant activity and functional properties of quince seed mucilage by RSM. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 66, 113-124.
Khader, E. H., Mohammed, T.H. J., & Mirghaffari, N. (2018). Use of natural coagulants for removal of COD, oil and turbidity from produced waters in the petroleum industry. Journal of Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology, 9(3), 1-7.
Kumar, V., Othman, N., & Asharuddin, S. (2017). Applications of natural coagulants to treat wastewater - A review. MATEC Web of Conferences, 103, 6016.
Lee, C. S., Robinson, J., & Chonga, M. F. (2014). A review on application of flocculants in wastewater treatment. Journal Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 20, 437.
Mohd-Salleh, S. N. A., Mohd-Zin, N., & Othman, N. (2019). A review of wastewater treatment using natural material and its potential as aid and composite coagulant. Sains Malaysiana, 48(1), 155-164.
Nharingo, T., Zivurawa, M. T., & Guyo, U. (2015). Exploring the use of cactus (Opuntia ficus indica) in the biocoagulation–flocculation of Pb (II) ions from wastewaters. International Journal Environment Science Technology, 12, 3791-3802.
Pais, Y. (2011). Fabrication and characterization of electrospun cactus mucilage nanofibers. M.Sc. Thesis, University of South Florida, College of Engineering. 57pp.
Partap, S., Kumar, A., Sharma, N. K., & Jha, K. K. (2012). Luffa cylindrica: An important medicinal plant. Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources, 2(1), 127-134.
Pichler, T., Kevin, Y., & Norma, A. (2012). Eliminating turbidity in drinking water using the mucilage of a common cactus. Water Science and Technology, 12, 179-186.
Rebah, F. B. & Siddeeg, S. M. (2017). Cactus an eco-friendly material for wastewater treatment: A review. Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences, 8(5), 1770-1782.
Renault, F., Sancey, B., Badot, P. M., & Crini, G. (2009). Chitosan for coagulation/flocculation processes an eco-friendly approach. European. Polymer Journal, 45,1337-1348.
Shamsnejatia, S., Chaibakhshb, N., Reza, A., & Pendashtehc, S. H. (2015). Mucilaginous seed of (Ocimum basilicum) as a natural coagulant for textile wastewater treatment. Industrial Crops and Products, 69, 40-47.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (2017). American Public Health Association, 23 edition, The American Water Work Association.
Sulaymon, A. H., Abdul-Ahad, M. Y., & Mahmood, R. A. (2013). Removal of water turbidity by different coagulants. Journal of Engineering, 12(19), 1566-1575.
WHO: World Health Organization (2017). Guidelines for drinking water quality. Fourth edition incorporation the first addendum. 541pp.
Yerou, K. O., Ibri, K., Bouhadi, D., Hariri, A., Meddah, B., & Tir Touil, A. (2017). The use of orange (Citrus sinensis) peel as antimicrobial and anti-oxidant agents. Journal Fundamental Applied Science, 9(3), 1351-1357.