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Seven cultivars of grapevine were chosen in one location from governmental vineyard Kanipanka research station, Sulaimani, Iraq included Khoshnaw, Soorssinaee, Sursnay Jafaran, Hautbar, Ashqarbasha, Shekh-Nuradeen and Black-Sadany, during growing season of 2018 to investigate the differences of vegetative growth and berries quality. The chosen vines were 15 years old, grown in a silty-clay soil, spaced at 2 x 3 meters apart, and irrigated by the drip irrigation system; the vines were trained by bilateral horizontal cordon on T-Trellis system. Results showed that grapevine cultivars grown in Kanipanka recorded the highest values of leaf area, petiole length and internod length in Hautbar cultivar (129.228 cm2, 9.611 cm and 8.444 cm ) respectively, Khoshnaw gave the highest Leaf chlorophyll concentration (38.713 SPAD), the highest leaf dry weight and leaf fresh weight was recorded from Ashqar basha cultivar (1.283 g.Leaf-1 and 2.933 g.Leaf-1, Black -Sadany gave the highest shoot length which was 137.667 cm. Comparison the yield characteristics of some grape varieties the highest cluster weight ,cluster diameter, cluster length and number of berry/cluster (219.778 g, 15.667 cm, 27.167 cm and 109.667) respectively was obtained in Sursnay Jafaran. While, all the cultivars have no significant difference in terms of number of seed per berry and cluster weight. For the physical characteristics of berries; results showed that Hautbar cultivar superior other cultivars in term of size of 100 berries, weight of 100 berries, berry length, berry diameter and weight of 100 seeds, (411.3 cm3, 434.36 g, 19.953 mm, 17.133 mm, 40.23g) respectively. Soorssinaee and Sursnay Jafaran gave the highest berry diameter too (21.439 and 19.542 mm). Concerning the comparison of chemical characteristics between some local grape varieties in Kanipanka, results illustrate that total acidity was the highest at Black -Sadany which was (1.47 %). Soorssinaee and Hautbar gave the highest total sugar (72.18 and 73.20 %) respectively. The highest TSS recorded from Shekh Nuradeen (18 %), whereas, there is no significant difference between cultivars in terms of juice% and Anthocyanin.
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- Al- Atrushy, Sh.M. & Zibari, S.M. (2012). Effect of foliar spray of sulfur on growth, yield and quality of grapevine cv. Rash-Mew and Zark under non-irrigated conditions. J. Duhok Univ., 15(1): 56-63.
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- Camargo, U.; Mandelli, F.; Conceicão, M.A.F. & Tonietto, J. (2012). Grapevine performance and production strategies in tropical climates. As. J. Food Agro-Ind., 5(4): 257-269.
- Eryüce, N. & Püskülcü, G. (1995). Mineral nutrition and some quality characteristics of the main olive cultivars of western Turkey. Int. Symp. Quality Fruit Veg.: Influence of pre- and post-harvest factors and Technology, Chania, Greece, 20-24 Sep. 1993. Acta Hortic., 379: 193-198.
- F.D.A. (2006). Food and Drug Administration. Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Encapsulated Botanical Herbs. Arcadia Herbs and alternatives. Morris ville, P.A.: 278pp.
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- Martin, T.I.T.; Georgescu, N. & Martin, D. (1968) Cura de struguri Simust. Ed. Agro-Silvica. Bucuresti, Romannia: 176pp.
- Nielsen, J.A. & Lovell, P.H. (2000). Value of morphological characters for cultivar identification in strawberry (Fragaria & Ananassa). New Zealand J. Crop Hortic. Sci., 28: 89-96.
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- SAS Institute. (2003) Statistical Analysis System Procedures Guice, Ver. 9, 3rd ed. Institute Inc. Cary.
- Seccia A.; Santeramo, F.G. & Nardone, G. (2015). Trade competitiveness in table grape: Aglobal view. Outlook Agric. 44: 127-134. doi: 10-5367/oa.2015-0205.
- Spayed, S.E. & Morris, J.R. (1978). Influence of irrigation, pruning severity and nitrogen on yield and quality of "Concord" grapes in Arkansas. J. Amer. Hort. Sc., 103(2): 211-216.
Abdul-Qader, S.M. & Alsaidi, I.H. (2006). Effect of training system, canopy management and dates on the yield and quality of Grapevines cv. Taifi ‘(Vitis vinifera L.) under non irrigated condition. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric. Univ. Duhok: 125pp
Al- Atrushy, Sh.M. & Zibari, S.M. (2012). Effect of foliar spray of sulfur on growth, yield and quality of grapevine cv. Rash-Mew and Zark under non-irrigated conditions. J. Duhok Univ., 15(1): 56-63.
Al-Atrushy, S.M. (2009). Effect of eyes number and foliar spray of Potassium and Copper on the vegetative growth, productivity and quality of Grape (Vitis viniferaL.) cv. Zark under non-irrigated condition. Ph. D. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Forestry, Univ. Mosul: 176pp.
Alimam, N.M.A. & Al-Saidi, I.H. (2003). Effect of foliar application of iron and NPK fertilization on flowering, setting and vegetative growth of Halwani lubnan and Kamali grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.). J. Damascus Univ. Agric. Sci., 19(2): 131-149.
Alleweldt, G.; Spiegel-Roy, P. & Reisch, B. (1990). Grapes (Vitis) Genetic resources of temperate fruit and nut crop. Acta Horticulture, 290: 289-329.
Al-Rawi, K. M. and Khalafalla, A. (2000). Analysis of Experimental Agriculture Design. Dar Al-Kutub Print. Pub., Univ. Mosul: 448 pp. (In Arabic).
Al-Sahaf, F.H. (1989). Practical Plant Nutrition. Beat Al-Hekma for Publishing, Translation and Distribution. Baghdad Univ. : 258 pp. (In Arabic).
Alsaidi, I.H. (2000).Grape Production. Mosul University Press. Iraq: 784pp.
Alsaidi, I.H. (2013) Grape Classification. Dar Al-Wathah Publisher: 503pp.
Al-Tuhafi, S.A. (2004). Effect of foamy Sulfate and foliar spray by micronutrients solution on the vegetative characteristics and productivity of Grapes varieties Kamali and Halwani (Vitis vinifera L.). Ph. D. Thesis. Col. Agric. Univ. Baghdad: 173pp (In Arabic).
AOAC, (2004). Official Methods for Analysis of Association officials of analysis chemists. 11th ed. Washington. D.C. : 375pp.
Camargo, U.; Mandelli, F.; Conceicão, M.A.F. & Tonietto, J. (2012). Grapevine performance and production strategies in tropical climates. As. J. Food Agro-Ind., 5(4): 257-269.
Eryüce, N. & Püskülcü, G. (1995). Mineral nutrition and some quality characteristics of the main olive cultivars of western Turkey. Int. Symp. Quality Fruit Veg.: Influence of pre- and post-harvest factors and Technology, Chania, Greece, 20-24 Sep. 1993. Acta Hortic., 379: 193-198.
F.D.A. (2006). Food and Drug Administration. Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Encapsulated Botanical Herbs. Arcadia Herbs and alternatives. Morris ville, P.A.: 278pp.
F.A.O. (2008). Food and Agriculture Organization. The United Nations Production year book. Vol. 8. Rome: 128pp.
F.A.O. (2010). Food and Agriculture Organization. The United Nations, October 29: 160pp.
F.A.O. (2012). FAOSTAT. Rome, Italy, Food and Agriculture Organization. 182pp.
Glen, L.C. & Creasy, L.L. (2009). Grapes. British Library, London: 304pp.
Gobara, A.A. (1998). Response of ‘Le-Conte’ pear trees to foliar applications of some nutrients. Egypt. J. Hort., 25(1): 55-70.
Guest, E. (1966). Flora of Iraq. Min. Agric. Republic of Iraq. 65pp.
Hulme, A.C. (1971). The Biochemistry of Fruits and Their Products, Vol. 2. Academic Press. London: 788 pp.
Joslyn, M.A. (1970). Analitico: Methods in Food Analysis Acad. Press, London: 845pp.
Khalifa, GH. F. H. (2007). Effect of planting date and on growth and yield characteristics of two variety of strawberry (Fragaria & Ananassa Duch). M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric. Forestry, Univ. Mosul, Iraq: 125pp.
Martin, T.I.T.; Georgescu, N. & Martin, D. (1968) Cura de struguri Simust. Ed. Agro-Silvica. Bucuresti, Romannia: 176pp.
Nielsen, J.A. & Lovell, P.H. (2000). Value of morphological characters for cultivar identification in strawberry (Fragaria & Ananassa). New Zealand J. Crop Hortic. Sci., 28: 89-96.
Plaster, E.J. (1997). Soil science and management. 3rd rd. Int. Thomson publ. Comp. In Hand Book of Soil Science. CRC Press. Boca. Raton. 2000: 234pp.
SAS Institute. (2003) Statistical Analysis System Procedures Guice, Ver. 9, 3rd ed. Institute Inc. Cary.
Seccia A.; Santeramo, F.G. & Nardone, G. (2015). Trade competitiveness in table grape: Aglobal view. Outlook Agric. 44: 127-134. doi: 10-5367/oa.2015-0205.
Spayed, S.E. & Morris, J.R. (1978). Influence of irrigation, pruning severity and nitrogen on yield and quality of "Concord" grapes in Arkansas. J. Amer. Hort. Sc., 103(2): 211-216.