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Samples of frozen fish available in Kirkuk markets Shad Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton), Mackerel Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus), Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) and striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophtholmus (Sauvage). They collected for the period 1st May 2015o 30th January 2016 at weights average between 650-1250 g. The results showed many of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic hydrocarbons compounds; Rainbow trout contained seven and nine of hydrocarbons compounds in the extracts of hexane and ethanol respectively, among them, there were five carcinogenic hydrocarbons in the ethanol extract and three in the hexane, their values ranged between 0.234-19.707 and 0.419-2.972 ng.g-1 dry weight respectively. Numbers of the hydrocarbons ranged between 4-6 in other fish species. This may due to the differences of nature of feeding among the fish species and the differences in their fat content. In Shad fish, the results have recorded one carcinogenic compound in the ethanol and five in the hexane, the concentration of Benzo (a) pyrene reached 24.23 ng.g-1 dry weight which is the most dangerous component among carcinogenic compound. Mackerel containsive compounds of hydrocarbons in the hexane; Four of them belong to the non-carcinogenic group and sixn ethanol, ive of them are non- carcinogenic. This study showed that differences in the numbers and concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons in the studied fish. This is due to several reasons such as occurrences of fish near to the sources of hydrocarbons pollution the nature of fish feeding and living.
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- Al-Abdul-Nebi, S.A.S.; Yesser, A.K.T. & Al-Taee, M.A.J. (2013). Extraction and estimation of some polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in muscles of imported frozen and canned fish species. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 26(Spec. Issue 2): 98-113.
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- Al-Saad, H.T.; Shamshoom, S.M. & Abaychi, J.K. (1997). Hydrocarbons in fishes from Shatt Al-Arab and N.W. Arabian Gulf Oil spill of 1991. Mar. Mesopot., 12(2): 213-231.
- Al-Saleh, I. & Al-Doush, I. (2002). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometric determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in five species of fish from three sites in the Arabian Gulf. Int. J. Environ. Heal. Res., 12: 193-200.
- APHA (2005) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 21st. ed., American Public Health Association/American Water Works Association/Water Environm-ent Federation, Washington D.C. :541pp.
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- Bordajandi, L.R.; Gomez, G.; Abad, E.; Rivera, J.; del Mar Fernandez-Baston, M.D.M.; Blasco, J. & Gonzalez, M.J. (2004). Survey of persistent organochlorine contaminants (PCBs, PCDD/Fs, and PAHs), heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb, and Hg), and arsenic in food samples from Huelva Spain: levels and health implications. J Agric. Food Chem., 52: 992-1001.
- Grimalt, J.O. & Olive, J. (1993). Source input elucidation in aquatic systems by factor and principal component analysis of molecular marker data. Anal. Chim. Acta, 278:159-176. DOI:10.1016/0003-2670(93)80094-2.
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- Rahimi, E.; Hajisalehi, M.; Kazemeini, H.R.; Chakeri, A.; Khodabakhsh, A.; Derakhshesh, M.; Mirdamadi, M.; Ebadi, A.G.; Rezvani, S.A, & Kashkahi, M.F. (2010). Analysis and determination of mercury, cadmium and lead in canned tuna fish marketed in Iran. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 9(31): 4938-4941.
- Sándor, Z.; Gy. Papp, Z. ; Csengeri, I. & Jeney, Z. (2011). Fish meat quality and safety. Tehnol. Mesa, 52(1): 97-105.
- Verbeke, W.; Sioen, I.; Brunsø, K.; De Henauw, S. & Camp, J.V. (2007). Consumer perception versus scientific evidence of farmed and wild fish: exploratory insights from Belgium. Aquacult. Int., 15: 121-136.
- Webster, L.; Russell, M.; Hussy, I.; Packer, G.; Dalgarno, E.J.; Craig, A.; Moore, D.C.; Jaspars, M. & Moffat, C.F. (2012). Environmental assessm- ent of the Elgin gas field incident. Report 5, fish and sediment update, Marine Scotland Sci. Rep. 17/12: 1-13.
Al-Abdul-Nebi, S.A.S.; Yesser, A.K.T. & Al-Taee, M.A.J. (2013). Extraction and estimation of some polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in muscles of imported frozen and canned fish species. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 26(Spec. Issue 2): 98-113.
Alomirah, H.; Al-Zenki, S.; Husain, A.; Ahmed, N.; Al-Rashdan, A.; Gevao, B. & Sawaya, W. (2009). Dietary exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from commercially important seafood of the Arabian Gulf. J. Food Agric. Environ., 7(1): 9-15.
Al-Saad, H.T. (1995). Distribution and source of hydrocarbons in Shatt Al-Arab Estuary and North-West Arabian Gulf. Ph. D. Thesis, Coll. Sci., Univ. Basrah: 186pp.
Al-Saad, H.T. & Al-Asadi, M.K. (1989). Petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in fishes from Shatt AL-Arab river. Mar. Mesopot., 4(2): 233-242.
Al-Saad, H.T.; Shamshoom, S.M. & Abaychi, J.K. (1997). Hydrocarbons in fishes from Shatt Al-Arab and N.W. Arabian Gulf Oil spill of 1991. Mar. Mesopot., 12(2): 213-231.
Al-Saleh, I. & Al-Doush, I. (2002). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometric determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in five species of fish from three sites in the Arabian Gulf. Int. J. Environ. Heal. Res., 12: 193-200.
APHA (2005) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 21st. ed., American Public Health Association/American Water Works Association/Water Environm-ent Federation, Washington D.C. :541pp.
Al-Ali, B.; Al-Bidhani, M.F.; Al-Khion, D.D.; Al-Nagar, G.A.; Al-Saad. H.T.; Khwadem, A.A.; Zeidan, A.M.; Mahdi, S. & Hantoush, A.A. (2016). Environmental Assessment of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in fish species from North-West Arabian Gulf. J. Pharm. Chem. Biol. Sci., 4(2): 126-134.
Blahova, J.; Kruzikova, K.; Kasiková, B.; Stierand, P.; Jurcikova, J.; Ocelka, T. and Svobodova, Z. (2010). 1-Hydroxypyrene–A Biochemical marker for PAH pollution assessment of aquatic ecosystem, Sensors, 10: 203-217.
Bligh, E.G. & Dyer, W.J. (1959). A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Can. J. Biochem. Physiol., 37(8): 911-917.
Boadi, N.O.; Twumasi, S.K.; Badu, M. & Osei, I. (2011). Heavy metal contamination in canned fish marketed in Ghana. AJSIR, 2(6): 877-882.
Bordajandi, L.R.; Gomez, G.; Abad, E.; Rivera, J.; del Mar Fernandez-Baston, M.D.M.; Blasco, J. & Gonzalez, M.J. (2004). Survey of persistent organochlorine contaminants (PCBs, PCDD/Fs, and PAHs), heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb, and Hg), and arsenic in food samples from Huelva Spain: levels and health implications. J Agric. Food Chem., 52: 992-1001.
Grimalt, J.O. & Olive, J. (1993). Source input elucidation in aquatic systems by factor and principal component analysis of molecular marker data. Anal. Chim. Acta, 278:159-176. DOI:10.1016/0003-2670(93)80094-2.
Hajeb, P.; Jinap, S.; Ismail, A.; Fatimah, A.B.; Jamilah, B & Abdul Rahim, M. (2009). Assessment of mercury level in commonly consumed marine fishes in Malaysia, Food Control, 20: 79-84.
Hindi, M.J.; Sharifi, H.R. & Shatti, S.M. (2001). Specific criteria for fresh carp and Shad fish. Change of chemical directories. during ice storage (4°c). J. Arab Agric. Res., 5(1): 177-169.
Hantoush, A.A.; Al-Imarah F.J. & Abdullah S.B. (2001). Seasonal variation of petroleum hydrocarbon concentration in fish water and marine fishes from Shatt Al-Arab river and N.W. Arabian Gulf. Mar. Mesopot., 16(2): 441-451.
Haritash, A.K. & Kaushik C.P. (2009). Biodegradation aspects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): A review. J. Hazard Mater., 169: 1-15.
Lobet, J.M.; Falco, G.; Bocio, A. & Domingo, J.L. (2006). Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons through consumption of edible marine species in Catalonia, Spain. J. Food Protec., 69(10): 2493-2499.
Rahimi, E.; Hajisalehi, M.; Kazemeini, H.R.; Chakeri, A.; Khodabakhsh, A.; Derakhshesh, M.; Mirdamadi, M.; Ebadi, A.G.; Rezvani, S.A, & Kashkahi, M.F. (2010). Analysis and determination of mercury, cadmium and lead in canned tuna fish marketed in Iran. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 9(31): 4938-4941.
Sándor, Z.; Gy. Papp, Z. ; Csengeri, I. & Jeney, Z. (2011). Fish meat quality and safety. Tehnol. Mesa, 52(1): 97-105.
Verbeke, W.; Sioen, I.; Brunsø, K.; De Henauw, S. & Camp, J.V. (2007). Consumer perception versus scientific evidence of farmed and wild fish: exploratory insights from Belgium. Aquacult. Int., 15: 121-136.
Webster, L.; Russell, M.; Hussy, I.; Packer, G.; Dalgarno, E.J.; Craig, A.; Moore, D.C.; Jaspars, M. & Moffat, C.F. (2012). Environmental assessm- ent of the Elgin gas field incident. Report 5, fish and sediment update, Marine Scotland Sci. Rep. 17/12: 1-13.