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Antimicrobial proteins (AMP) from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seeds were isolated and purified using the saturation of (NH4)2So4 by 80% and gel filtration through Sephacryl S-200, the inhibition zone of the separated peak was 24, and 22 mm for growth of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium respectively. The molecular mass was 28385 Da estimated through Sephacryl S-200. The optimum pH for activity was 5.5. It was stable at 4.5-7.5, while it lost 21.07 and 55.65% from its activity at pH 3 and 8 respectively, the optimum temperature for activity was 35°C and it was stable at 35°C for 60 min, while it lost all inhibitory activity at 65°C for the same time. The use of AMP at 100 mg resulted in an inhibition zone of 37± 2.92, 35±1.68, 32±2.33, and 33±2.09 mm, with a significant difference at (P≤0.05) against E. coli and S. Typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus cereus, respectively. The use of AMP to extend the shelf life of beef patties at 100 resulted in a decrease in the total count of bacteria, as it reached 7.4×102±0.18, 4.6×102±0.22 and 2.8×102±0.19 CFU.g-1, while it was 7.4×102±0.23, 8.2×102±0.31, and 9.5×102±0.27 CFU.g-1 in the control sample during a storage period of 0, 3, and 6 d at 4°C. It was observed that there was no significant difference in the control treatment and AMP added on 0 d, while a significant difference was observed at (P≤0.05) for treatments at a storage period of 3 and 6 d at 4°C.
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Aljazy, N. A., Al-Mossawi, A. E.-B. H. J., & Al-Rikabi, A. K. (2019). Study of antibacterial activity of some date seed extracts. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32, 247–257.
Al Akeel, R., Mateen, A., Alharbi, K. K., Alyousef, A. A., Al-Mandeel, H. M., & Syed, R. (2018). Purification and MIC analysis of antimicrobial proteins from Cucumis sativus L. seeds. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 18, 121.
Al-Sahlany, S. T. G. (2017). Production of biodegradable film from soy protein and essential oil of lemon peel and use it as cheese preservative. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30(2), 27-35.
Al-Soufi, M. A. (2015). Extending the storage life of some fruits by using pullulan produced from locally isolate Aureobasidium pullulans. Iraqi Journal of Market Research and Consumer Protection, 7(1), 179-198.
Alsoufi, M. A., & Aziz, R. A. (2017). Extending shelf life of fruits by using some microorganisms biological products. International Journal of Molecular Biology, 2(5), 00032.
Alsoufi, M. A., & Aziz, R. A. (2019). Use of some plants extracts and pullulan for extending shelf life of apples. Journal of College of Basic Education, 104(25), 653-672.
Alsoufi, M. A., & Aziz, R. A. (2021). Extending the shelf life of food using some biological products. Biochemical and Cellular Archives, 21(2), 4641-4645.
Alsoufi, M. A., & Aziz, R. A. (2022). Use of biopreservation technique to increase shelf life for some types of meat. Bioscience Research, 19(2), 1133-1138
Alsoufi, M.A., Aziz, M. A., Al-Bayati, S. I., & Abbas, S. F. (2016). Purification of red wasp Vespa orientalis and yellow wasp Polistes olivaceaus toxin and estimating some of its biological characteristics. Iraqi Journal of Science, 57(2A), 854-843.
Bradford, M. M. (1976). A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry, 72, 248-254.
Brink, I., Šipailienė, A., & Leskauskaitė, D. (2019). Antimicrobial properties of chitosan and whey protein films applied on fresh cut turkey pieces. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 130, 810-817.
Chen, C., Li, X., Li, J., Xu, Y., Jing, X., Wu, S., Liu, X., & Zhang, X. (2018). Purification and characterization of an antimicrobial protein from Gastrodia elata Blume tubers. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 17(9), 1717-1723.
Epand, R. F., Maloy, W. L., Ramamoorthy, A., & Epand, R. M. (2010). Probing the charge cluster mechanism in amphipathic helical cationic antimicrobial peptides. Biochemistry, 49, 4076-4084.
Galvez, A., Lopez, R. L., Pulido, R. P., & Burges, G. M. J. (2014). Natural Antimicrobials for Food Preservation. Pp, 3-14. In: Galvez, A., Burges, G. M. J., Lopez, R. L., & Pulido, R. P. (Editors). Food Biopreservation. Springer, New York, 118pp.
Gupta, D., Dubey, J., & Kumar, M. (2016). Phytochemical analysis and antimicrobial activity of some medicinal plants against selected common human pathogenic microorganisms. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 6(1), 15-20.
Kumar, S., Kapoor, V., Gill, K., Singh, K., Xess, I., Das, S. N., & Dey, Sh. (2014). Antifungal and antiproliferative protein from Cicer arietinum: A bioactive compound against emerging pathogens. BioMed Research International, Article ID 387203.
Muhammad, S. M., Sabo, I. A., Gumel, A. M., & Alkali, F. I. (2019). Extraction and purification of antimicrobial proteins from Datura stramonium seed. Journal of Advances in Biotechnology, 18, 1073-1077.
Ningappa, M. B., Dhananjaya, B. L., Dinesha, R., Harsha, R., & Srinivas, L. (2010). Potent antibacterial property of APC protein from curry leaves (Murraya koenigii L.). Food Chemistry, 118, 747-750.
Przybylski, R., Firdaous, L., Châtaigné, G., Dhulster, P., & Nedjar, N. (2016). Production of an antimicrobial peptide derived from slaughterhouse byproduct and its potential application on meat as preservative. Food Chemistry, 211, 306-313.
Rai, M., Pandit, R., Gaikwad, S., & Kövics, G. (2016). Antimicrobial peptides as natural bio-preservative to enhance the shelf-life of food. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(9), 3381-3394.
Sakthivel, M. & Palani, P. (2016). Isolation, purification and characterization of antimicrobial protein from seedlings of Bauhinia purpurea L. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 86, 390-401.
SAS. (2018). Statistical Analysis System, User's Guide. Statistical. Version 9.6th ed. SAS. Inst. Inc. Cary. N.C.
Silva, H. C., Pinto, L. D. S., Teixeira, E. H., Nascimento, K. S., Cavada, B. S. & Silva, A. L. C. (2014). A novel lectin from Bauhinia ungulata L. seeds with fungi static and antiproliferative activities. Process Biochemistry, 49(3), 203-209.
Silva, M. C. C., Santanaa, L. A., Mentelee, R., Ferreiraa, R. S., de Miranda, A., Silva-Luccac, R. A., Sampaioa, M. U., Correia, M. T. S., & Oliva, M. L. V. (2012). Purification, primary structure and potential functions of a novel lectin from Bauhinia forficata seeds. Process Biochemistry, 47, 1049-1059.
Thapliyal, M., Bisht, A., & Singh, A. (2016). Isolation of antibacterial protein/peptide from Ficus glomerata leaf. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, 8(4), 24-27.
Zheng, S., Liu, Q., Zhang, G., Wang, H., & Ng, T. B. (2010). Purification and characterization of an antibacterial protein from dried fruiting bodies of the wild mushroom Clitocybe sinopica. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 57(1), 43-48.