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Land suitability assessment is essential for planned land management strategies aimed at preserving soil and increasing productivity while ensuring sustainable agricultural production. Land degradation resulting from poor land management and fallowing practices typically leads to low land productivity in Iraq. To maintain agricultural productivity in the targeted area, agricultural requirements must align with available resources through land suitability analysis. In the northern region of Basrah Governorate in Iraq, the study focused on integrating GIS-based land suitability analysis with the fuzzy-analytical hierarchy process (F-AHP) approach. The analysis revealed varying suitability categories throughout the study area, with the largest proportion of unsuitable areas found in category N2, covering 31,202.36 hectares (37.76%), and category N1, currently unsuitable, covering an area of 19,956.24 hectares (24.15%). On the other hand, the moderately suitable category (S3) covered 8,297.26 hectares (10.04%), while the moderately suitable category (S2) covered 23,177.79 hectares (28.05%) of the total study area. No highly suitable lands were identified. The key determining factors for the suitability of lands for wheat cultivation were high values of electrical conductivity, carbonate minerals, bulk density, and low organic carbon content. Most agricultural lands are being used in a manner that contradicts their suitable potentials in the study area. Therefore, the pattern of agricultural land use needs to be adjusted based on their current potentials to reduce soil degradation.
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Al-Atab, S., Kadhim, M. A., & Saadoun, J. M. (2021). Study the spatial distribution of soil properties and their relationship to the spectral indices computed form the satellite image data. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Science, 17(1), 1149-1158.
Black, C. A., Evans. D., White, L. L., Ensminger, L. E., & Clark, F. E. (1965). Method of soil analysis. Part 1. In Agronomy Series (9). Am. Soc. Agron., 1572pp.
Buckley, J. J. (1985). Fuzzy hierarchical analysis. Fuzzy sets and systems, 17(3), 233-247.
Chang, D. Y. (1996). Applications of the extent analysis method on fuzzy AHP. European Journal of Operational Research, 95(3), 649 655.
Chen, M. F., Tzeng, G. H., & Ding, C. G., (2008). Combining fuzzy AHP with MDS in identifying the preference similarity of alternatives. Applied Soft Computing, 8(1), 110 117.
FAO (2005). Fertilizer use by Crop in Islamic Republic of Iran. Food and Agriculture Organization of the united nations, Rome.FAO (2007). Land Evaluation - Towards a revised framework. Soil and water discussion paper 6.pp:108.
Al Jaberi, A. J., & Al-Atab, S. M. (2020). Assessment of land suitability for agricultural purposes using remote sensing and gis of alsalam district in Maysan governorate, Iraq. Plant Archives, 20(1), 357-361.,%20SUPP-1,2020.html
Kadhim, M. A., Al-Atab, S., and Saadoun, J. M. (2020). Monitor changes in the spectral indices values of soil surface and their spatial distribution using remote sensing data. International Journal of Agricultural & Statistical Sciences, 16(Supplementary 1), 1987-2020.
Kilic, O. M., Ersayın, K., Gunal, H., Khalofah, A., & Alsubeie, M. S. (2022). Combination of fuzzy-AHP and GIS techniques in land suitability assessment for wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivation. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 29(4), 2634-2644.
Kuzman, B., Petković, B., Denić, N., Petković, D., Ćirković, B., Stojanović, J., & Milić, M. (2021). Estimation of optimal fertilizers for optimal crop yield by adaptive neuro fuzzy logic. Rhizosphere, 18, 100358
Page, A. L., Miller, R. H., & Kenncy, D. R. (1982). Method of soil analysis. Part 2 Agronomy 9, 1159pp.
Romeijn, H., Faggian, R., Diogo, V., & Sposito, V. (2016). Evaluation of deterministic and complex analytical hierarchy process methods for agricultural land suitability analysis in a changing climate. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 5(6), 99.
Saleh, S. M., Al-Atab, S. M., and Dheyab, A. H. (2020). Study of morphological, chemical and physical properties of soil affected by salts using the techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system in Basrah governorate. Plant Archives, 20(2), 91-101.
Saleh, S. M., Sultan, S. M., & Dheyab, A. H. (2019). Study of morphological, physical and chemical characteristics of salt affected soils using remote sensing technologies at Basrah Province. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32(Special Issue 2), 105-125.
Sys, C., Van Ranst, E., Debaveye, J., and Beernaert, F. (1993). Land Evaluation. Part III: crop requirements. Agricultural Publications n 7, GADC, Brussels, 191pp.
Tashayo, B., Honarbakhsh, A., Azma, A., & Akbari, M. (2020). Combined fuzzy AHP GIS for agricultural land suitability modeling for a watershed in southern Iran. Environmental Management, 66, 364-376.
Zhang, J., Su, Y., Wu, J., and Liang, H. (2015). GIS based land suitability assessment for tobacco production using AHP and fuzzy set in Shandong province of China. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 114, 202 211.
Van Benthem, E. (2013). Land evaluation for rain fed agriculture in the Mediterranean Peyne area, Southern France. M. Sc. Thesis, Utrecht University Faculty of Geosciences.