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Myostatin, or growth and differentiation factor-8(GDF-8) is a member of the transforming growth factor (TGF)-ß superfamily. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between genetic polymorphism of the myostatin gene with the body-weight of Iraqi local ducks by DNA sequence analysis. The results of DNA sequence showed nitrogen base change (G?A) at 129 base pair sites of the exon1 of MSTN gene. Therefore, two alleles, G and A and two patterns of genotypes, GG, AG were observed. The observed numbers of GG and AG genotypes were 25 and 6, respectively. The G allele was of the highest frequency (0.9) while A allele showed the lowest frequency (0.1). The GG genotype showed the highest frequency (80.65%) and AG genotype showed the lowest frequency (19.35%). Additionally, the percentages of observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.19 and 0.17 respectively. Moreover, the percentages of observed and expected homozygosity were 0.80 and 0.82, respectively. The average heterozygosity was 0.17. The results revealed no significant (P?0.05) effect of the MSTN gene on body weight.
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- Gong, P.; Yang, Y.;Yang, Y.; Ye, S.; Deng, B.; Wang, L.; Yu, T.; Qian, Y. & Gong, Y. (2014). Effects of polymorphisms and haplotypes within the MSTN gene on duck growth trait. Brit. Poult. Sci., 55(1): 37-43.
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- SPSS (2016). Statistical Package for Social Science, User,s Guide for statistics Version 24, copyright IBM, SPSS Inc.,USA.
- Tries, R.S.; Chen, T.; DaVies, M.V.; Tomkinson, K.N.; Pearson, A.A.; Shakey, Q.A. & Wolfman, N.M. (2001). GDF-8 propeptide binds to GDF-8 and antagonizes biological activity by inhibiting GDF-8 receptor binding. Growth Factors, 18(4): 251-259.
- Wolfman, N. M.; McPherron, A.C.; Pappano, W.N.; Davies, M.V; Song, K.; Tomkinson, K.N.; Wright, J.F.; Zhao, L.; Sebald, S.M. & Greenspan, D.S. (2003). Activation of latent myostatin by the BMP-1/tolloid family of metalloproteinases. P. Natl. Acad. Sci., 100(26): 15842-15846.
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- Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Yulin, B.; Tang, B.; Wang, M.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, W.; Jin, J.; Li, T. & Zhao, R. (2019). CRISPR/Cas9?mediated sheep MSTN gene knockout and promote sSMSCs differentiation. J. Cell Biochem., 120(2): 1794-1806.
- Zhao, Z. H.; Li, H.; Yi, H. J. & Peng, B. X. (2016). The correlation between polymorphisms of the MSTN Gene and slaughter traits in Sansui Ducks. Pak. J. Zool., 48(5): 1283-1290.
Gong, P.; Yang, Y.;Yang, Y.; Ye, S.; Deng, B.; Wang, L.; Yu, T.; Qian, Y. & Gong, Y. (2014). Effects of polymorphisms and haplotypes within the MSTN gene on duck growth trait. Brit. Poult. Sci., 55(1): 37-43.
Hall, T.A. (1999). BioEdit: A user-friendly biological sequence alignment editor and analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT. In Nucleic acids Symp. Ser., 41: 95-98.
Langley, B.; Thomas, M.; Bishop, A.; Sharma, M.;Gilmour, S.; Kambadur, R. (2002). Myostatin inhibits myoblast differentiation by down-regulating MyoDexpression. J. Biol. Chem., 277: 49831-49840.
Lee, S.J. & McPherron, A.C. (2001). Regulation of myostatin activity and muscle growth. P. Natl. Acad. Sci., 98(16): 9306-9311.
Lu, J.; Hou, S.; Huang, W.; Yu, J. & Wang, W. (2011). Polymorphisms in the myostatin gene and their association with growth and carcass traits in duck. Afr. J. Biotechnol., 10(54): 11309-11312 .
Mcfarland, D.C.; Velleman, S.G.; Pessall, J.E & Liu, C. (2007). The role of myostatin in chicken (Gallus domesticus) myogenic satellite cell proliferation and differentation. Genet. Endocrinol., 151(3): 351-357.
Nandedkar, P.; Saxena, V.; Saxena, M., Ahmed, K.; Kumar, S., Singh, R.; Jain, P.; Jawale, M. & Nehete, S. (2016). PCR-RFLP-gene study in musculoskeletal deformed birds. Indiaz Res. J. Exten. Educ., 14(4): 78-81.
NRC (National Research Council). (1994). Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 9th Rev. ed. National Academy Press. Washington, D.C.: 176pp.
Paswan, C.; Bhattacharya, T.; Nagaraj, C.; Chaterjee, R. & Jayashankar, M. (2014). SNPs in minimal promoter of myostatin (GDF-8) gene and its association with body weight in broiler chicken. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 42(3): 304-309.
Sabir, J.; Mutwakel, M.; El-Hanafy, A.; Al-Hejin, A.; Abdel Sadek, M.; Abou-Alsoud, M.; Qureshi, M.; Saini, K. & Ahmed, M. (2014). Applying molecular tools for improving livestock performance: from DNA markers to next generation sequencing technologies. J. Food Agr. Environ., 12(2): 541-553.
Saxena, V.; Sachdev, A.; Gopal, R. & Pramod, A. (2009). Roles of important candidate genes on broiler meat quality. World's Poult. Sci. J., 65(1): 37-50.
SPSS (2016). Statistical Package for Social Science, User,s Guide for statistics Version 24, copyright IBM, SPSS Inc.,USA.
Tries, R.S.; Chen, T.; DaVies, M.V.; Tomkinson, K.N.; Pearson, A.A.; Shakey, Q.A. & Wolfman, N.M. (2001). GDF-8 propeptide binds to GDF-8 and antagonizes biological activity by inhibiting GDF-8 receptor binding. Growth Factors, 18(4): 251-259.
Wolfman, N. M.; McPherron, A.C.; Pappano, W.N.; Davies, M.V; Song, K.; Tomkinson, K.N.; Wright, J.F.; Zhao, L.; Sebald, S.M. & Greenspan, D.S. (2003). Activation of latent myostatin by the BMP-1/tolloid family of metalloproteinases. P. Natl. Acad. Sci., 100(26): 15842-15846.
Xu, T.; Gu, L.; Zhang, X.; Ye, B.; Liu, X. & Hou, S. (2013). Characterization of myostatin gene (MSTN) of Pekin duck and the association of its polymorphism with breast muscle traits. Genet. Mol. Res., 12(3): 3166-3177.
Zhang, G.; Ding, F.; Wang, J.; Dai, G.; Xie, K.; Zhang, L.; Wang, W. & Zhou, S. (2011). Polymorphism in exons of the myostatin gene and its relationship with body weight traits in the Bian chicken. Biochem. Genet., 49(1-2): 9-19.
Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Yulin, B.; Tang, B.; Wang, M.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, W.; Jin, J.; Li, T. & Zhao, R. (2019). CRISPR/Cas9?mediated sheep MSTN gene knockout and promote sSMSCs differentiation. J. Cell Biochem., 120(2): 1794-1806.
Zhao, Z. H.; Li, H.; Yi, H. J. & Peng, B. X. (2016). The correlation between polymorphisms of the MSTN Gene and slaughter traits in Sansui Ducks. Pak. J. Zool., 48(5): 1283-1290.