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Using 32 hens from two turkey lines; broad-breasted bronze (BBB) and bourbon red (BR), this study assessed how plumage colour affects egg production and physiological functions during (26-40) weeks of observation. A total of 32 hens, namely 16 hens from the BBB line and 16 hens from the BR line, were bred from 26 weeks up to 40 weeks of age. According to our results, BBB line significantly (p≤0.05) outperformed BR line in terms of body weight at first egg production, feed intake, and yolk diameter during the study period. A significantly (p≤0.05) higher feed conversion ratio, an increased egg mass, a higher production rate of hen-day eggs, and a higher rate of albumen was achieved by the BR line. It is, however, noteworthy that the age at first egg production, the egg weight, the egg mass, the yolk weight, the yolk percentage, the albumen weight, the shell weight percentage, the egg shell thickness, width, and length, the shape index, yolk height and yolk index were not significantly (p≥0.05) different between the two lines at 24 and 36 weeks of age. The levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were not significantly (p≥0.05) different between the two lines at 24 and 36 weeks of age when eggs were produced. Both turkey lines presented in the current study can potentially be raised in Iraq, as well as used as hens to produce hatching eggs and for genetic improvement.
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- Adeyeye, E. I. (2009). Comparative study on the characteristics of egg shells of some bird species. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 23(2), 159-166.
- Adikari, A. M. J. B., Nayananjalie, W. A. D., Xu, J., & Smith, E. J. (2016). Phenotypic variations of growth and reproductive performances among Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo). Asian Journal of Poultry Science, 10, 86-95. https://
- Al-Janabi, Y. A. M., Khafaji, S. S., ALjanabi, T. K., Altaie, S. M. S., & Al-Nedawi, A. M. (2019). Comparative study to evaluate productive performance of Iraqi Turkey female strains. Earth and Environmental Science, 388, The 4th International Conference on Agricultural Sciences, University of Kerbela City, Iraq.
- Amao, O. J., Ayorinde, K. L., & Fayeye, T. R. (2016). Egg production and egg quality traits and their association with hen body weight in Nigerian Local, Nicholas white and crossbred turkeys. Wayamba Journal of Animal Science, 8, 1312-1320.
- Anandh, M. A., Jagatheesan, P .N. R., Kumar, P. S., Paramasivam, A., & Rajarajan, G. (2012). Effect of rearing systems on reproductive performance of Turkey. Journal of Veterinary World, 5, 226-229.
- Anang, A., Mielenz, N. & Schuler, L. (2002). Monthly model for genetic evaluation of laying hens II. Random regression. British of Poultry Science, 43(3), 384-390.
- Applegate, T. J., Kharcher, D. M., & Lilburn, M. S (2005). Comparative development of the small intestine in the turkey poult and pekin. Poultry Science, 84(3), 426-31.
- Bacon, W. L., Vizcarra, J. A., Morgan, J. L. M., Yang, J., Liu, H. K., Long, D. W., & Kirby, J. D. (2002). Changes in plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone, progesterone, and estradiol-17β in peripubertal Turkey hens under constant or diurnal lighting. Biology of reproduction, 67, 591-598. biolreprod67.2.591
- Barros, J. S., Barros, T. A., Sartor, K., Raimundo, J. A., & Rossi, L. A. (2020). The effect of linear lighting systems on the productive performance and egg quality of laying hens. Journal of Poultry Sciences, 99(3), 1369–1378.
- Bayyari, G. R., Huff, W. E., Rath, N. C., Balog, J. M., Newberry, L. A., Villines, J. D., Skeels, J. K., Anthony, N. B., & Nestor, K. E. (1997). Effect of the genetic selection of Turkey for increased body weight and egg production on immune and physiological responses. Poultry Science, 76, 289-296.
- Begli, H. E., Schaeffer, L. R., Abdallah, E. A., Lozada-Soto, E. A., Harlander-Matauschek, A., Wood, B. J. & Baes, C. F. (2021). Genetic analysis of egg production traits in turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) using a single-step genomic random regression model. Genetic Selection Evolution, 53, 61.
- Brady, K., Liu, H.C., Hicks, J.A., Long, J.A. & Porter, T. E. (2021). Transcriptome analysis during follicle development in turkey hens with low and high egg production. Front Genetics, 18, 619196.
- Brady, K., Long, J. A., Liu, H. C., & Porter, T. E. (2020). Differences in vitro responses of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal hormonal axis between low- and high-egg producing turkey hens. Journal of Poultry Science, 99, 6221-6232.
- Buchanan, S., Robertson, G. W., & Hocking, P. M. (2000). Development of the reproductive system in turkeys with a high or low susceptibility to prolapse of the oviduct. Poultry Science, 79(10), 1491-1498.
- Chapman, D. P., Bacon, W. L., Long, D. W., Kurima, K., & Burke, W. H. (1994). Photostimulation changes the pattern of luteiniing hormone (LH) secretion in turkey hens. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 96(1), 63-74. S0016648084711592
- Crawford, R. D. (1992). Introduction to Europe and diffusion of domesticated turkeys from the Americans. Biology Archivos de Zootecnia, 41, 307- 314.
- Cui, Y. M., Wang, J., Hai-Jun, Z., Feng, J., Wu, S. G., & Qi, G. H. (2019). Effect of photoperiod on ovarian morphology, reproductive hormone secretion, and hormone receptor mRNA expression in layer ducks during the pullet phase. Poultry Science, 98(6), 2439–2447.
- Das, S. C., Yahya, M., Hasan, M. S., Hossain, M. A., Akter, T., & Sultana, M. (2018). Growth performance of white, black and bronze color heritage turkeys under semi-intensive system. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 16(3), 471-477. 10.3329/jbau.v16i3.39419
- Dodamani, S., NaveenKumar, G. S., Rudrappa, S. M., Vidyasagar, Hombegowda, G. P., Meenaxi, Bhatambre P., & Karthikeyan A. (2021). Association between plumage colour and body weight in native chickens. Journal of Animal Research, 11(3), 567-569.
- Du, Y., Liu, L., He, Y., Dou, T., Jia, J., & Ge, C. (2020). Endocrine and genetic factors affecting egg laying performance in chickens: A review. British Poultry Science, 61(5), 538–549.
- Isidahomen, C. E., Njidda, A. A., & Adeniji, A. A. (2014). The effects of genotype on internal and external egg quality traits, egg proximate composition and lipid profile characteristics of three strains of layer turkeys. International Journal of Agricultural and Biosciences, 3, 65-69.
- Lewis, P. D., & Morris, T. R. (1998). A comparison of the effects of age at photostimulation on sexual maturity and egg production in domestic fowl, turkeys, partridges and quail. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 54, 119–128.
- Li, J., & Hsieh, Y. P. (2004). Traditional Chinese food technology and cuisine. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 13(2), 147-155. 155.
- Liu, H. -K., Nestor, K. E., Long, D. W., & Bacon, W. L. (2001). Frequency of luteinizing hormone surges and egg production rate in Turkey hens. Biology of Reproduction, 64, 1769-1775.
- Mroz, E., Stepinska, M., & Krawczyk, M. (2014). Morphology and chemical composition of turkey eggs. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 23, 196-203.
- NRC (National Research Council) (1994). Nutrient Requirement of Poultry. 9th revised Edition. National Academy Press, Washington, D. C., 155.
- Owens, C. M., & Sams, A. R. (2000). The influence of transportation on turkey meat quality. Poultry Science, 79, 1204-1207.
- Özçelik, M., Ekmen, F., & Elmaz, Ö. (2009). Effect of location of eggs in the incubator on hatchability of eggs from Bronze turkey breeders of different ages. South African Journal of Animal Science, 39(3), 432-436. 10.4314/sajas.v39i3.49155
- Peebles, E. D., & McDaniel, C. D. (2004). A practical manual for understanding the shell structure of broiler hatching eggs and measurements of their quality. Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station, Bulletin, 1139. 16.
- Pogodaev, V., Sheplyakov, A., Shinkarenko L., Baidikov K. & Bezgubova, M. (2020). Description of productive qualities of Russian selection turkeys. XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “State and Prospects for the Development of Agribusiness – INTERAGROMASH 2020, 175, 04006(2020).
- Popoola, M. A., Alemede, C. I., Aremu, A., & Ola, S. I. (2015). Morphometric parameters of whole egg and egg yolk of five Nigerian domesticated avian species. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 8, 41-45.
- Prastiya, R. A., Madyawati, S. P., Sari, S. Y., & Nugroho, A. P. (2022). Effect of follicle- stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels on egg – laying frequency in hens. Veterinary World, 15(12), 2890-2895.
- Reidy, T. R., Atkinson, J. L., & Leeson, S. (1994). Strain comparison of turkey egg components. Poultry Science, 73, 388-395.
- Renema, R. A., Melnychuk, V. L., Robinson, F. E., Classen, H. L., & Crawford, R. D. (1998). Reproductive organ morphology and carcass traits in unselected naturally mating female bronze turkeys at onset of lay. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 78(2), 181-187.
- Siopes, T. D. (2010). Initiation of egg production by turkey breeder hens: Sexual maturation and age at lighting. Journal of Poultry Science, 89(7), 1490–1496.
- SPSS. (2012). SPSS Users Guide Statics Version 19. Copyright IBM, SPSS Inc., USA.
- Stadelman, W. J. (1995). Chapter 3, Quality identification of shell eggs. Pp, 39-66. In: Stadelman, W. J. & Cotterill, O. J. (Editors). Egg Science and Technology, Boca Raton, CRC Press. 608pp.
- Travel, A., Nys, Y., & Lopes, E. (2010). Physiological and environmental factors influencing egg production and quality. Inra Productions Animales, 23(2), 155–166. (In French).
- Tumová, E., & Gous, R.M. (2012). Interaction of hen production type, age, and temperature on laying pattern and egg quality. Poultry Science, 91(5), 1269–1275.
- Waibel, P. E., Carlson, C. W., Brannon, J. A., & Noll, S. L. (2000). Limiting amino acids after methionine and lysine with growing turkey fed low-protein diets. Poultry science, 79(9), 1290-1298.
- Willems, O. (2014). Evaluation methods and technologies for improving feed efficiency in the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). Ph.D Thesis, The University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
- Yahaya, H. K., Olutunmogun, A. K., Mohammed, Y. B. & Shettima, M. M. (2021). Evaluation of egg quality characteristics of two strains of local turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) in Zaria, Kaduna State. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 48(1), 1-11.
- Yang, C. W., Ran, J. S., Yu, C. L., Qiu, M. H., Zhang, Z. R., Du, H. R., & Jiang, X. S. (2019). Polymorphism in MCIR, TYR and ASIP genes in different colored feather chickens. Biotechnology, 9(5), 1-8.
- Yang, J., Long, D. W., & Bacon, W. L. (1999). Ontogeny of luteinizing hormone and estradiol secretion in turkey hens exposed to different photoperiods from hatch to sixty weeks of age. Poultry Science, 78, 1611–1618.
- Yang, J., Morgan, J. L., Kirby, J. D., Long, D. W. & Bacon, W.L. (2000). Circadian rhythm of the pre-ovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone and its relationship to rhythms of body temperature and locomotor activity in turkey hens. Biology of Reproduction, 62(5), 1452–1458.
- Yasmeen, F., Mahmood, S., Hassan, M., Akhtar, N., & Yaseen, M. (2008). Comparative productive performance and egg quality characteristics of pullets and spent layers. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 28(1), 5-8.
- Yenice, G., Kaynar, O., Ileriturk, M., Hira, F., & Hayirli, A. (2016). Quality of eggs in different production system. Czech Journal of Food Science, 34, 370-376.
Adeyeye, E. I. (2009). Comparative study on the characteristics of egg shells of some bird species. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 23(2), 159-166.
Adikari, A. M. J. B., Nayananjalie, W. A. D., Xu, J., & Smith, E. J. (2016). Phenotypic variations of growth and reproductive performances among Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo). Asian Journal of Poultry Science, 10, 86-95. https://
Al-Janabi, Y. A. M., Khafaji, S. S., ALjanabi, T. K., Altaie, S. M. S., & Al-Nedawi, A. M. (2019). Comparative study to evaluate productive performance of Iraqi Turkey female strains. Earth and Environmental Science, 388, The 4th International Conference on Agricultural Sciences, University of Kerbela City, Iraq.
Amao, O. J., Ayorinde, K. L., & Fayeye, T. R. (2016). Egg production and egg quality traits and their association with hen body weight in Nigerian Local, Nicholas white and crossbred turkeys. Wayamba Journal of Animal Science, 8, 1312-1320.
Anandh, M. A., Jagatheesan, P .N. R., Kumar, P. S., Paramasivam, A., & Rajarajan, G. (2012). Effect of rearing systems on reproductive performance of Turkey. Journal of Veterinary World, 5, 226-229.
Anang, A., Mielenz, N. & Schuler, L. (2002). Monthly model for genetic evaluation of laying hens II. Random regression. British of Poultry Science, 43(3), 384-390.
Applegate, T. J., Kharcher, D. M., & Lilburn, M. S (2005). Comparative development of the small intestine in the turkey poult and pekin. Poultry Science, 84(3), 426-31.
Bacon, W. L., Vizcarra, J. A., Morgan, J. L. M., Yang, J., Liu, H. K., Long, D. W., & Kirby, J. D. (2002). Changes in plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone, progesterone, and estradiol-17β in peripubertal Turkey hens under constant or diurnal lighting. Biology of reproduction, 67, 591-598. biolreprod67.2.591
Barros, J. S., Barros, T. A., Sartor, K., Raimundo, J. A., & Rossi, L. A. (2020). The effect of linear lighting systems on the productive performance and egg quality of laying hens. Journal of Poultry Sciences, 99(3), 1369–1378.
Bayyari, G. R., Huff, W. E., Rath, N. C., Balog, J. M., Newberry, L. A., Villines, J. D., Skeels, J. K., Anthony, N. B., & Nestor, K. E. (1997). Effect of the genetic selection of Turkey for increased body weight and egg production on immune and physiological responses. Poultry Science, 76, 289-296.
Begli, H. E., Schaeffer, L. R., Abdallah, E. A., Lozada-Soto, E. A., Harlander-Matauschek, A., Wood, B. J. & Baes, C. F. (2021). Genetic analysis of egg production traits in turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) using a single-step genomic random regression model. Genetic Selection Evolution, 53, 61.
Brady, K., Liu, H.C., Hicks, J.A., Long, J.A. & Porter, T. E. (2021). Transcriptome analysis during follicle development in turkey hens with low and high egg production. Front Genetics, 18, 619196.
Brady, K., Long, J. A., Liu, H. C., & Porter, T. E. (2020). Differences in vitro responses of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal hormonal axis between low- and high-egg producing turkey hens. Journal of Poultry Science, 99, 6221-6232.
Buchanan, S., Robertson, G. W., & Hocking, P. M. (2000). Development of the reproductive system in turkeys with a high or low susceptibility to prolapse of the oviduct. Poultry Science, 79(10), 1491-1498.
Chapman, D. P., Bacon, W. L., Long, D. W., Kurima, K., & Burke, W. H. (1994). Photostimulation changes the pattern of luteiniing hormone (LH) secretion in turkey hens. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 96(1), 63-74. S0016648084711592
Crawford, R. D. (1992). Introduction to Europe and diffusion of domesticated turkeys from the Americans. Biology Archivos de Zootecnia, 41, 307- 314.
Cui, Y. M., Wang, J., Hai-Jun, Z., Feng, J., Wu, S. G., & Qi, G. H. (2019). Effect of photoperiod on ovarian morphology, reproductive hormone secretion, and hormone receptor mRNA expression in layer ducks during the pullet phase. Poultry Science, 98(6), 2439–2447.
Das, S. C., Yahya, M., Hasan, M. S., Hossain, M. A., Akter, T., & Sultana, M. (2018). Growth performance of white, black and bronze color heritage turkeys under semi-intensive system. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 16(3), 471-477. 10.3329/jbau.v16i3.39419
Dodamani, S., NaveenKumar, G. S., Rudrappa, S. M., Vidyasagar, Hombegowda, G. P., Meenaxi, Bhatambre P., & Karthikeyan A. (2021). Association between plumage colour and body weight in native chickens. Journal of Animal Research, 11(3), 567-569.
Du, Y., Liu, L., He, Y., Dou, T., Jia, J., & Ge, C. (2020). Endocrine and genetic factors affecting egg laying performance in chickens: A review. British Poultry Science, 61(5), 538–549.
Isidahomen, C. E., Njidda, A. A., & Adeniji, A. A. (2014). The effects of genotype on internal and external egg quality traits, egg proximate composition and lipid profile characteristics of three strains of layer turkeys. International Journal of Agricultural and Biosciences, 3, 65-69.
Lewis, P. D., & Morris, T. R. (1998). A comparison of the effects of age at photostimulation on sexual maturity and egg production in domestic fowl, turkeys, partridges and quail. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 54, 119–128.
Li, J., & Hsieh, Y. P. (2004). Traditional Chinese food technology and cuisine. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 13(2), 147-155. 155.
Liu, H. -K., Nestor, K. E., Long, D. W., & Bacon, W. L. (2001). Frequency of luteinizing hormone surges and egg production rate in Turkey hens. Biology of Reproduction, 64, 1769-1775.
Mroz, E., Stepinska, M., & Krawczyk, M. (2014). Morphology and chemical composition of turkey eggs. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 23, 196-203.
NRC (National Research Council) (1994). Nutrient Requirement of Poultry. 9th revised Edition. National Academy Press, Washington, D. C., 155.
Owens, C. M., & Sams, A. R. (2000). The influence of transportation on turkey meat quality. Poultry Science, 79, 1204-1207.
Özçelik, M., Ekmen, F., & Elmaz, Ö. (2009). Effect of location of eggs in the incubator on hatchability of eggs from Bronze turkey breeders of different ages. South African Journal of Animal Science, 39(3), 432-436. 10.4314/sajas.v39i3.49155
Peebles, E. D., & McDaniel, C. D. (2004). A practical manual for understanding the shell structure of broiler hatching eggs and measurements of their quality. Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station, Bulletin, 1139. 16.
Pogodaev, V., Sheplyakov, A., Shinkarenko L., Baidikov K. & Bezgubova, M. (2020). Description of productive qualities of Russian selection turkeys. XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “State and Prospects for the Development of Agribusiness – INTERAGROMASH 2020, 175, 04006(2020).
Popoola, M. A., Alemede, C. I., Aremu, A., & Ola, S. I. (2015). Morphometric parameters of whole egg and egg yolk of five Nigerian domesticated avian species. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 8, 41-45.
Prastiya, R. A., Madyawati, S. P., Sari, S. Y., & Nugroho, A. P. (2022). Effect of follicle- stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels on egg – laying frequency in hens. Veterinary World, 15(12), 2890-2895.
Reidy, T. R., Atkinson, J. L., & Leeson, S. (1994). Strain comparison of turkey egg components. Poultry Science, 73, 388-395.
Renema, R. A., Melnychuk, V. L., Robinson, F. E., Classen, H. L., & Crawford, R. D. (1998). Reproductive organ morphology and carcass traits in unselected naturally mating female bronze turkeys at onset of lay. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 78(2), 181-187.
Siopes, T. D. (2010). Initiation of egg production by turkey breeder hens: Sexual maturation and age at lighting. Journal of Poultry Science, 89(7), 1490–1496.
SPSS. (2012). SPSS Users Guide Statics Version 19. Copyright IBM, SPSS Inc., USA.
Stadelman, W. J. (1995). Chapter 3, Quality identification of shell eggs. Pp, 39-66. In: Stadelman, W. J. & Cotterill, O. J. (Editors). Egg Science and Technology, Boca Raton, CRC Press. 608pp.
Travel, A., Nys, Y., & Lopes, E. (2010). Physiological and environmental factors influencing egg production and quality. Inra Productions Animales, 23(2), 155–166. (In French).
Tumová, E., & Gous, R.M. (2012). Interaction of hen production type, age, and temperature on laying pattern and egg quality. Poultry Science, 91(5), 1269–1275.
Waibel, P. E., Carlson, C. W., Brannon, J. A., & Noll, S. L. (2000). Limiting amino acids after methionine and lysine with growing turkey fed low-protein diets. Poultry science, 79(9), 1290-1298.
Willems, O. (2014). Evaluation methods and technologies for improving feed efficiency in the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). Ph.D Thesis, The University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Yahaya, H. K., Olutunmogun, A. K., Mohammed, Y. B. & Shettima, M. M. (2021). Evaluation of egg quality characteristics of two strains of local turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) in Zaria, Kaduna State. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 48(1), 1-11.
Yang, C. W., Ran, J. S., Yu, C. L., Qiu, M. H., Zhang, Z. R., Du, H. R., & Jiang, X. S. (2019). Polymorphism in MCIR, TYR and ASIP genes in different colored feather chickens. Biotechnology, 9(5), 1-8.
Yang, J., Long, D. W., & Bacon, W. L. (1999). Ontogeny of luteinizing hormone and estradiol secretion in turkey hens exposed to different photoperiods from hatch to sixty weeks of age. Poultry Science, 78, 1611–1618.
Yang, J., Morgan, J. L., Kirby, J. D., Long, D. W. & Bacon, W.L. (2000). Circadian rhythm of the pre-ovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone and its relationship to rhythms of body temperature and locomotor activity in turkey hens. Biology of Reproduction, 62(5), 1452–1458.
Yasmeen, F., Mahmood, S., Hassan, M., Akhtar, N., & Yaseen, M. (2008). Comparative productive performance and egg quality characteristics of pullets and spent layers. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 28(1), 5-8.
Yenice, G., Kaynar, O., Ileriturk, M., Hira, F., & Hayirli, A. (2016). Quality of eggs in different production system. Czech Journal of Food Science, 34, 370-376.