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The experiment was carried out during the winter season 2019-2018 in Al-Hartha district, Basrah Governorate to study the effects of fish by-product prepared by Alcalase and Flavourzyme enzyme as a foliar application on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) yield and quality grown under salinity conditions. Fish by-product protein hydrolysate was spray-applied (3 and 6ml. L-1) additional to control treatment (spraying with water) referred to (T0-T4) at four (S4), six(S6) times after 20 days transplanting at10-day intervals. Randomized Complete Block Design (R.C.B.D.) was used as factorial experiment. Treatment means were compared by using Least Significant Differences (L.S.D.) at a probability of 0.05. The results showed that spraying with protein hydrolysates had a significant effect on most studied characters compared to control treatment. Results showed that foliar application with (T2) significantly increased the total leaves number, leaves area, carbohydrate ,proline, shoot fresh weight of plant, dry matter, total soluble solids (TSS %) and total yield additional to significantly decreased in nitrate contents, while foliar application with (T4) significantly increased in the plant height and stem height. The results showed that spraying six times (S6) were significant increases in these growth characters comparing with four sprays (S4). The interaction between treatments and spraying number show significantly increased in some characters, the (T2 S6) had the highest value shoot fresh weight 762.5g and total yield 17.899 tone.donum-1.
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- AOAC. (2012). Association of Official Analytical Chemistry. 19. ed. Gaithersburg: :3000pp.
- Bates, L.S.; Waldren, R.P. & Teare, I.D. (1973). Rapid determination of free proline for water stress studies. Plant Soil, 39: 205-207.
- Ben-Dor, E. & Banin, A. (1989). Determination of organic matter content in arid zone soils using a simple “Loss-on-Ignition” method. Communications Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 20: 1675-1695.
- Cataldo, D.A.; Maroon, M. & Schrader, L.E. (1975). Rapid colorimetric determination of nitrate in plant-tissue by nitration of salicylic-acid. Commun. Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 6(1): 71-80.
- Cavani, L.; Ter- Halle, A.; Richar, D. C. & Ciavatta, C. (2006). Photosensitizing properties of protein hydrolysate-based fertilizers. J. Agric. Food Chem., 54: 9160- 9167.
- Chojnacka, K.; Michalak, I.; Dmytryk, A.; Wilk, R. & Gorecki, H. (2015). Innovative natural plant growth biostimulants. 451–489. In Sinha, S.; Pant, K.K.; Bajpai S. & Govil, J.N. (Eds.). Fertilizer Technology: II Biofertilizer. Houston, TX: Studium Press LLC: 268pp.
- Chotikachinda, R.; Tantikitti, C.; Benjakul, S. & Rustad, T. (2018). Tuna viscera hydrolysate products prepared by different enzyme preparations improve the feed intake and growth of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer, fed total fishmeal replacement diets. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 40(1): 167-177.
- Colla, G.; Rouphael, Y.; Canaguier, R.; Svecova, E. & Cardarelli, M. (2014). Biostimulant action of a plant-derived protein hydrolysate produced through enzymatic hydrolysis. Front Plant Sci., 5(448): 1–6.
- Colla, G.; Nardi, S.; Cardarelli, M.; Ertani, A.; Lucini,L.; Canaguier, R. & Rouphael, Y. (2015). Protein hydrolysates as biostimulants in horticulture. Scientia Horticulturae, 196: 28-38.
- Colla, G.; Hoagland, L.; Ruzzi, M.; Cardarelli, M.; Bonini, P.; Canaguier, R. & Rouphael, Y. (2017) .Biostimulant action of protein hydrolysates: Unraveling their effects on plant physiology and microbiome. Front. Plant Sci., 8: 2202. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017. 02202.
- Dubois, M.K.; Crilles, K.A.; Hamilor, J.K.; Rebers, D.A. & Smith, F.(1956). Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and related substances. Anal. Chem., 28: 350-365.
- Genc, E. & Atici, O. (2019). Chicken feather protein hydrolysate as a biostimulant improves the growth of wheat seedlings by affecting biochemical and physiological parameters. Turkish J. Bot., 43: 67-79.
- Gridling, M.; Popescu. B.; Kopp, B.; Wagner, K.H.; Krenn, L. & Krupitza, G. (2010). Anti-leukaemic effects of two extract types of Lactuca sativa correlate with the activation of Chk2, induction of p21, down regulation of cyclin D1 and acetylation of alpha-tubulin. Oncol. Rep., 23(4): 1145-1151.
- Guerard, F.; Guimas, L. & Binet, A. (2002). Production of tuna waste hydrolysates by a commercial neutral protease preparation. J. Mol. Catalysis B: Enzym., 19: 489-498.
- Klomklao1, S. & Benjakul, S. (2018). Protein hydrolysates prepared from the viscera of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelmamis): Antioxidative activity and functional properties. Turkish J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 18: 69-79.
- Koukounaras, A.; Tsouvaltzis, P. & Siomos, A. (2013). Effect of root and foliar application of amino acids on the growth and yield of greenhouse tomato in different fertilization levels. J. Food Agric. Environ., 11(2): 644-648.
- Levin, S. & Grushka, E. (1985). Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic separation of amino acids with aqueous mobile phases containing copper ions and alkylsulfonates. Anal. Chem., 57: 1830-1835.
- Liu, X.Q.; Chen, H.Y.; Ni, Q.X. & Lee, K.S. (2008a). Evaluation of the role of mixed amino acids in nitrate uptake and assimilation in leafy radish by using 15N-labeled nitrate. Agric. Sci. Chin., 7: 1196-1202 .
- Liu, X.Q.; Ko, K.Y.; Kim, S.H. & Lee, K.S. (2008b). Effect of amino acid fertilization on nitrate assimilation of leafy radish and soil chemical properties in high nitrate soil. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 39: 269-281.
- Lucini, L.; Rouphael, Y.; Cardarelli, M.; Canguier, R.; Kumar, P. & Colla G. (2015). The effect of a plant-derived biostimulant on metabolic profiling and crop performance of lettuce grown under saline conditions. Sci. Hortic., 182: 124-133.
- Munns, R. & Tester, M. (2008). Mechanisms of salinity tolerance. Ann. Rev. Plant Biol., 59: 651-681.
- Nardi, S.; Pizzeghello, D.; Shiavon, M. & Ertani, A. (2016). Plant biostimulants :Physiological responses induced by protein hydrolyzed–based products and humic substances in plant metabolism. Sci. Agric., 73: 18-23.
- Polo, J. & Mata, P. (2018). Evaluation of a biostimulant (Pepton) based in enzymatic hydrolyzed animal protein in comparison to seaweed extracts on root development, vegetative growth, flowering, and yield of gold cherry tomatoes grown under low stress Ambient Field Conditions. Front. Plant Sci., 8: 2261: 1-8.
- Qi, J.; Yokoyama, W.; Masamba, K.G.; Majeed, H.; Zhong, F. & Li, Y. (2015). Structural and physicochemical properties of insoluble rice bran fiber fiberi effect of acid –base induced modifications. J. RSC. Adv., 97(5): 79915-79923.
- Rouphael, Y.; Cardarelli, M.; Bonini, P. & Colla, G. (2017). Synergistic action of a microbial-based biostimulant and a plant derived-protein hydrolysate enhances lettuce tolerance to alkalinity and salinity. Front. Plant Sci., 8: 131.
- Schaafsma, G. (2009). Safety of protein hydrolysates, fractions thereof and bioactive peptides in human nutrition. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr., 63(10): 1161-1168.
- Tarantino, E.; Disciglio, G.; Frabboni, L.; Libutti, A.; Gatta, G.; Gagliaridi, A. & Tarantino, A. (2015). Effects of biostimulant application on quali-quantitative characteristics of cauliflower, pepper and fennel crops under organic and conventional fertilization. Int. J. Agric. Biosys. Eng., 9(7): 734-738.
- Tsouvaltzis, P.; Koukounaras, A. & Siomos, A.S. (2014). Application of amino acids improves lettuce crop uniformity and inhibits nitrate accumulation induced by the supplemental inorganic nitrogen fertilization. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 16: 951-955.
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) (2019). National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release.:
- Wisuthiphaet, N. & Kongruang, S. (2015). Production of fish protein hydrolysates by acid and enzymatic hydrolysis. J. Med. Bioeng., 4(6): 466-470.
- Xu, C. & Mou, B. (2017). Drench application of fish-derived protein hydrolsates affects lettuce growth, chlorophyll content and gas exchange. Hort. Technol., 27(4): 539-543.
- Zhao, Y. (2014). Auxin biosynthesis. Arabidopsis Book Am. Soc. Plant Biol., 12: e 0173. 10.1199/tab.0173.
AOAC. (2012). Association of Official Analytical Chemistry. 19. ed. Gaithersburg: :3000pp.
Bates, L.S.; Waldren, R.P. & Teare, I.D. (1973). Rapid determination of free proline for water stress studies. Plant Soil, 39: 205-207.
Ben-Dor, E. & Banin, A. (1989). Determination of organic matter content in arid zone soils using a simple “Loss-on-Ignition” method. Communications Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 20: 1675-1695.
Cataldo, D.A.; Maroon, M. & Schrader, L.E. (1975). Rapid colorimetric determination of nitrate in plant-tissue by nitration of salicylic-acid. Commun. Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 6(1): 71-80.
Cavani, L.; Ter- Halle, A.; Richar, D. C. & Ciavatta, C. (2006). Photosensitizing properties of protein hydrolysate-based fertilizers. J. Agric. Food Chem., 54: 9160- 9167.
Chojnacka, K.; Michalak, I.; Dmytryk, A.; Wilk, R. & Gorecki, H. (2015). Innovative natural plant growth biostimulants. 451–489. In Sinha, S.; Pant, K.K.; Bajpai S. & Govil, J.N. (Eds.). Fertilizer Technology: II Biofertilizer. Houston, TX: Studium Press LLC: 268pp.
Chotikachinda, R.; Tantikitti, C.; Benjakul, S. & Rustad, T. (2018). Tuna viscera hydrolysate products prepared by different enzyme preparations improve the feed intake and growth of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer, fed total fishmeal replacement diets. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 40(1): 167-177.
Colla, G.; Rouphael, Y.; Canaguier, R.; Svecova, E. & Cardarelli, M. (2014). Biostimulant action of a plant-derived protein hydrolysate produced through enzymatic hydrolysis. Front Plant Sci., 5(448): 1–6.
Colla, G.; Nardi, S.; Cardarelli, M.; Ertani, A.; Lucini,L.; Canaguier, R. & Rouphael, Y. (2015). Protein hydrolysates as biostimulants in horticulture. Scientia Horticulturae, 196: 28-38.
Colla, G.; Hoagland, L.; Ruzzi, M.; Cardarelli, M.; Bonini, P.; Canaguier, R. & Rouphael, Y. (2017) .Biostimulant action of protein hydrolysates: Unraveling their effects on plant physiology and microbiome. Front. Plant Sci., 8: 2202. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017. 02202.
Dubois, M.K.; Crilles, K.A.; Hamilor, J.K.; Rebers, D.A. & Smith, F.(1956). Colorimetric method for determination of sugars and related substances. Anal. Chem., 28: 350-365.
Genc, E. & Atici, O. (2019). Chicken feather protein hydrolysate as a biostimulant improves the growth of wheat seedlings by affecting biochemical and physiological parameters. Turkish J. Bot., 43: 67-79.
Gridling, M.; Popescu. B.; Kopp, B.; Wagner, K.H.; Krenn, L. & Krupitza, G. (2010). Anti-leukaemic effects of two extract types of Lactuca sativa correlate with the activation of Chk2, induction of p21, down regulation of cyclin D1 and acetylation of alpha-tubulin. Oncol. Rep., 23(4): 1145-1151.
Guerard, F.; Guimas, L. & Binet, A. (2002). Production of tuna waste hydrolysates by a commercial neutral protease preparation. J. Mol. Catalysis B: Enzym., 19: 489-498.
Klomklao1, S. & Benjakul, S. (2018). Protein hydrolysates prepared from the viscera of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelmamis): Antioxidative activity and functional properties. Turkish J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 18: 69-79.
Koukounaras, A.; Tsouvaltzis, P. & Siomos, A. (2013). Effect of root and foliar application of amino acids on the growth and yield of greenhouse tomato in different fertilization levels. J. Food Agric. Environ., 11(2): 644-648.
Levin, S. & Grushka, E. (1985). Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic separation of amino acids with aqueous mobile phases containing copper ions and alkylsulfonates. Anal. Chem., 57: 1830-1835.
Liu, X.Q.; Chen, H.Y.; Ni, Q.X. & Lee, K.S. (2008a). Evaluation of the role of mixed amino acids in nitrate uptake and assimilation in leafy radish by using 15N-labeled nitrate. Agric. Sci. Chin., 7: 1196-1202 .
Liu, X.Q.; Ko, K.Y.; Kim, S.H. & Lee, K.S. (2008b). Effect of amino acid fertilization on nitrate assimilation of leafy radish and soil chemical properties in high nitrate soil. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 39: 269-281.
Lucini, L.; Rouphael, Y.; Cardarelli, M.; Canguier, R.; Kumar, P. & Colla G. (2015). The effect of a plant-derived biostimulant on metabolic profiling and crop performance of lettuce grown under saline conditions. Sci. Hortic., 182: 124-133.
Munns, R. & Tester, M. (2008). Mechanisms of salinity tolerance. Ann. Rev. Plant Biol., 59: 651-681.
Nardi, S.; Pizzeghello, D.; Shiavon, M. & Ertani, A. (2016). Plant biostimulants :Physiological responses induced by protein hydrolyzed–based products and humic substances in plant metabolism. Sci. Agric., 73: 18-23.
Polo, J. & Mata, P. (2018). Evaluation of a biostimulant (Pepton) based in enzymatic hydrolyzed animal protein in comparison to seaweed extracts on root development, vegetative growth, flowering, and yield of gold cherry tomatoes grown under low stress Ambient Field Conditions. Front. Plant Sci., 8: 2261: 1-8.
Qi, J.; Yokoyama, W.; Masamba, K.G.; Majeed, H.; Zhong, F. & Li, Y. (2015). Structural and physicochemical properties of insoluble rice bran fiber fiberi effect of acid –base induced modifications. J. RSC. Adv., 97(5): 79915-79923.
Rouphael, Y.; Cardarelli, M.; Bonini, P. & Colla, G. (2017). Synergistic action of a microbial-based biostimulant and a plant derived-protein hydrolysate enhances lettuce tolerance to alkalinity and salinity. Front. Plant Sci., 8: 131.
Schaafsma, G. (2009). Safety of protein hydrolysates, fractions thereof and bioactive peptides in human nutrition. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr., 63(10): 1161-1168.
Tarantino, E.; Disciglio, G.; Frabboni, L.; Libutti, A.; Gatta, G.; Gagliaridi, A. & Tarantino, A. (2015). Effects of biostimulant application on quali-quantitative characteristics of cauliflower, pepper and fennel crops under organic and conventional fertilization. Int. J. Agric. Biosys. Eng., 9(7): 734-738.
Tsouvaltzis, P.; Koukounaras, A. & Siomos, A.S. (2014). Application of amino acids improves lettuce crop uniformity and inhibits nitrate accumulation induced by the supplemental inorganic nitrogen fertilization. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 16: 951-955.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) (2019). National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release.:
Wisuthiphaet, N. & Kongruang, S. (2015). Production of fish protein hydrolysates by acid and enzymatic hydrolysis. J. Med. Bioeng., 4(6): 466-470.
Xu, C. & Mou, B. (2017). Drench application of fish-derived protein hydrolsates affects lettuce growth, chlorophyll content and gas exchange. Hort. Technol., 27(4): 539-543.
Zhao, Y. (2014). Auxin biosynthesis. Arabidopsis Book Am. Soc. Plant Biol., 12: e 0173. 10.1199/tab.0173.