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This study evaluated the effects of soil and hydroponic cultivation on the growth, yield, and quality parameters of Hana strawberry plants (Fragaria vesca L.). In the hydroponics method, four nutrient solutions were used: an inorganic Hydro Umat F solution, two types of organic solutions (fish-based soluble fertilizer and Vermicompost soluble fertilizer), and a combination of organic and inorganic nutrients (Hydro Umat F solution and Banana soluble fertilizer in a 1:1 ratio). TN1 substrate was combined with additional fertilization of fish- based soluble fertilizer, which was used in the experiment of growing plants in soil. The results showed that hydroponic cultivation using the Hydro Umat F solution promoted better growth than the other three nutrient solutions, and soil. Specifically, strawberry plants grown in the Hydro Umat F solution had the highest number of leaves per plant, stolons per plant and the largest leaflet size in the experimental groups. Conversely, soil cultivation resulted in higher yield and quality of Hana strawberries, as indicated by parameters such as the number of flowers per plant (29.67) flowers, the number of fruits per plant (20.08) fruits, fruiting rate (67.69)%, fresh weight of fruit (16.25 g), vitamin C content (66.7) mg.100g-1 fresh weigh, total organic acid content (159.31) mg.100g-1 fresh weight and sweetness index (11.08) oBrix. The results also showed that hydroponic cultivation with organic solutions reduced the growth and yield of Hana strawberry plants compared to inorganic solutions.
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- Ahmed, Z.F.R.; Alnuaimi, A.K.H.; Askri, A. & Tzortzakis, N. (2021). Evaluation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) production under hydroponic system: Nutrient solution derived from fish waste vs. inorganic nutrient solution. Horticulturae, 7 (9): 292.
- Antunes, L. E. C., Ristow, N. C., Krolo w, A. C. R., Carpenedo, S., & Reisser Júnior, C. (2010). Yield and quality of strawberry cultivars. Horticultura Brasileira, 28(2): 222-226.
- Arancon, N. Q., Owens, J. D., & Converse, C. (2019). The effects of vermicompost tea on the growth and yield of lettuce and tomato in a non-circulating hydroponics system. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 42(19): 2447–2458.
- Bidabadi, S.S., Afazel, M. & Poodeh, S.D. (2016). The effect of vermicompost leachate on morphological, physiological and biochemical indices of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni in a soilless culture system. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 5(3): 251-262.
- Boonyakiat, D., Chuamuangphan, C., Maniwara, P., & Seehanam, P. (2016). Comparison of physico-chemical quality of different strawberry cultivars at three maturity stages. International Food Research Journal, 23(6): 2405–2412.
- Ezziddine, M., Liltved, H., & Seljåsen, R. (2021). Hydroponic lettuce cultivation using organic nutrient solution from aerobic digested aquacultural sludge. Agronomy, 11: 1484.
- Fernandez-Cabanas, V., Delgado, A., Lobillo-Eguíbar, J., & Perez U., L.. (2022). Early production of strawberry in aquaponic systems using commercial hydroponic bands. Aquacultural Engineering, 97: 102242.
- Giampieri, F., Tulipani, S., Alvarez-Suarez, J.M., Quiles, J.L., Mezzetti, B., & Battino, M. (2012). The strawberry: composition, nutritional quality, and impact on human health. Nutrition, 28(1): 9-19.
- Jan, S., Rashid, Z., Ahngar, T.A., Iqbal, S., Naikoo, M.A., Majeed, S., Bhat, T.A., Gul, R. & Nazir, I., (2020). Hydroponics – A Review. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 9(8): 1779-1787.
- Kannan, M., Elavarasan, G., Balamurugan, A., Dhanusiya, B., Freedon, D. (2022). Hydroponic farming – A state of art for the future agriculture. Materials Today: Proceedings, 68(6): 2163-2166.
- Kadhim, Z. K. ., & Abdulhussein, M. A. A. . (2021). Minimal media strength for in vitro conservation of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) cultures. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34(2): 1–9.
- Karwowska, M., Kononiuk, A. (2020). Nitrates/Nitrites in food-fisk for nitrosative Stress and Benefits. Antioxidants (Basel), 9(3): 241.
- Le, T.T., Nguyen, T.M., Nguyen , P.T. & Pham, T.V. (2021). Effects of different nutrient solutions on growth and flower quality of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) grown in hydroponic close system. Hue University Journal of Science: Natural Science. 130(1D): 47-54.
- Liu, L., Ji, M.-L., Chen, M., Sun, M.-y., Fu, X.-l., Li, L., Gao, D.-S., & Zhu, C.-Y. (2016). The flavor and nutritional characteristic of four strawberry varieties cultured in soilless system. Food Science and Nutrition, 4: 858-868.
- Medeiros, R.F., Pereira, W., Rodrigues, R., Nascimento, R., Suassuna, J., & Dantas, T. (2015). Growth and yield of strawberry plants fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 19: 865-870.
- Mohammad, A.F.F., Husna, H., Dewi, A., & Jumeri (2016). Quality evaluation of fresh strawberry (Fragaria sp. cv. Earlybrite) during storage in a tropical environment. AIP Conference Proceeding, 1755: 130003-1–130003-6.
- Newerli-Guz, J., Śmiechowska, M., Drzewiecka, A., & Tylingo, R. (2023). Bioactive ingredients with health-promoting properties of strawberry fruit (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne). Molecules, 28(6): 2711.
- Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong, Dao Thu Ha, & Tran Thi Yen (2020). Determining the content of nitrate in some vegetables by the spectrophotometric method using salisylic acid reagent. Journal of Science and Technology – Hanoi university of industry, 56(3): 128-131.
- Nguyen Thuy Quy Tu, Nguyen Thuy Huong, & Pham S (2016). Effects of waterholding Biopolyter-Azotobacter and fertilizer ongrowth and development of strawberries incoco mulch substrate in Dalat. Journal of Vietnam Agricultural Science and Technology, 5(66): 16-21 (in Vietnamese).
- Nishizawa, T. (2021). Current status and future prospect of strawberry production in East Asia and Southeast Asia. Acta Horticulturae, 1309: 395-402.
- Paparozzi, E., Meyer, G., Schlegel, V., Blankenship, E., Adams, S., Conley, M., Loseke, B., & Read, P. (2018). Strawberry cultivars vary in productivity, sugars and phytonutrient content when grown in a greenhouse during the winter. Scientia Horticulturae, 227: 1-9.
- Park, Y., Williams, Kimberly A. (2024). Organic hydroponics: A review. Scientia Horticulturae, 324: 112604.
- Sabolová, M., & Kouřimská, L. (2020). Vitamin C and nitrates contents in fruit and vegetables from farmers' markets and supermarkets. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 14: 1124-1130.
- Santin, A., Villa, F., Paulus, D., Santin, J., Piva, A., Mezzalira, E., & Ritter, G. (2020). Plastic soil covers in vegetative development, production and quality of strawberries. Revista Ceres, 67: 272-28.
- Thuy, T. Le, Trong, V. Le, Hang, T.K. Doan, Khanh, N. Nguyen (2021). Physiological and biochemical changes during the growth of custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) fruit cultivated in Vietnam. Journal of Horticultural Research, 29(2): 75–84.
- Tikasz, P., MacPherson, S., Adamchuk, V., & Lefsrud, M. (2019). Aerated chicken, cow, and turkey manure extracts differentially affect lettuce and kale yield in hydroponics. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 8(3): 241-252.
- Treftz C., & Omaye S.T. (2015). Comparision between hydroponic and soil systems for growing strawberries in a greenhouse. International Journal of Argricultural Extension, 03(03): 195-200.
- Upendri, H.F.L., Karunarathna, B. (2021). Organic nutrient solution for hydroponic system. Academia Letters, Article 1893.
Ahmed, Z.F.R.; Alnuaimi, A.K.H.; Askri, A. & Tzortzakis, N. (2021). Evaluation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) production under hydroponic system: Nutrient solution derived from fish waste vs. inorganic nutrient solution. Horticulturae, 7 (9): 292.
Antunes, L. E. C., Ristow, N. C., Krolo w, A. C. R., Carpenedo, S., & Reisser Júnior, C. (2010). Yield and quality of strawberry cultivars. Horticultura Brasileira, 28(2): 222-226.
Arancon, N. Q., Owens, J. D., & Converse, C. (2019). The effects of vermicompost tea on the growth and yield of lettuce and tomato in a non-circulating hydroponics system. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 42(19): 2447–2458.
Bidabadi, S.S., Afazel, M. & Poodeh, S.D. (2016). The effect of vermicompost leachate on morphological, physiological and biochemical indices of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni in a soilless culture system. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 5(3): 251-262.
Boonyakiat, D., Chuamuangphan, C., Maniwara, P., & Seehanam, P. (2016). Comparison of physico-chemical quality of different strawberry cultivars at three maturity stages. International Food Research Journal, 23(6): 2405–2412.
Ezziddine, M., Liltved, H., & Seljåsen, R. (2021). Hydroponic lettuce cultivation using organic nutrient solution from aerobic digested aquacultural sludge. Agronomy, 11: 1484.
Fernandez-Cabanas, V., Delgado, A., Lobillo-Eguíbar, J., & Perez U., L.. (2022). Early production of strawberry in aquaponic systems using commercial hydroponic bands. Aquacultural Engineering, 97: 102242.
Giampieri, F., Tulipani, S., Alvarez-Suarez, J.M., Quiles, J.L., Mezzetti, B., & Battino, M. (2012). The strawberry: composition, nutritional quality, and impact on human health. Nutrition, 28(1): 9-19.
Jan, S., Rashid, Z., Ahngar, T.A., Iqbal, S., Naikoo, M.A., Majeed, S., Bhat, T.A., Gul, R. & Nazir, I., (2020). Hydroponics – A Review. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 9(8): 1779-1787.
Kannan, M., Elavarasan, G., Balamurugan, A., Dhanusiya, B., Freedon, D. (2022). Hydroponic farming – A state of art for the future agriculture. Materials Today: Proceedings, 68(6): 2163-2166.
Kadhim, Z. K. ., & Abdulhussein, M. A. A. . (2021). Minimal media strength for in vitro conservation of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) cultures. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34(2): 1–9.
Karwowska, M., Kononiuk, A. (2020). Nitrates/Nitrites in food-fisk for nitrosative Stress and Benefits. Antioxidants (Basel), 9(3): 241.
Le, T.T., Nguyen, T.M., Nguyen , P.T. & Pham, T.V. (2021). Effects of different nutrient solutions on growth and flower quality of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) grown in hydroponic close system. Hue University Journal of Science: Natural Science. 130(1D): 47-54.
Liu, L., Ji, M.-L., Chen, M., Sun, M.-y., Fu, X.-l., Li, L., Gao, D.-S., & Zhu, C.-Y. (2016). The flavor and nutritional characteristic of four strawberry varieties cultured in soilless system. Food Science and Nutrition, 4: 858-868.
Medeiros, R.F., Pereira, W., Rodrigues, R., Nascimento, R., Suassuna, J., & Dantas, T. (2015). Growth and yield of strawberry plants fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 19: 865-870.
Mohammad, A.F.F., Husna, H., Dewi, A., & Jumeri (2016). Quality evaluation of fresh strawberry (Fragaria sp. cv. Earlybrite) during storage in a tropical environment. AIP Conference Proceeding, 1755: 130003-1–130003-6.
Newerli-Guz, J., Śmiechowska, M., Drzewiecka, A., & Tylingo, R. (2023). Bioactive ingredients with health-promoting properties of strawberry fruit (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne). Molecules, 28(6): 2711.
Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong, Dao Thu Ha, & Tran Thi Yen (2020). Determining the content of nitrate in some vegetables by the spectrophotometric method using salisylic acid reagent. Journal of Science and Technology – Hanoi university of industry, 56(3): 128-131.
Nguyen Thuy Quy Tu, Nguyen Thuy Huong, & Pham S (2016). Effects of waterholding Biopolyter-Azotobacter and fertilizer ongrowth and development of strawberries incoco mulch substrate in Dalat. Journal of Vietnam Agricultural Science and Technology, 5(66): 16-21 (in Vietnamese).
Nishizawa, T. (2021). Current status and future prospect of strawberry production in East Asia and Southeast Asia. Acta Horticulturae, 1309: 395-402.
Paparozzi, E., Meyer, G., Schlegel, V., Blankenship, E., Adams, S., Conley, M., Loseke, B., & Read, P. (2018). Strawberry cultivars vary in productivity, sugars and phytonutrient content when grown in a greenhouse during the winter. Scientia Horticulturae, 227: 1-9.
Park, Y., Williams, Kimberly A. (2024). Organic hydroponics: A review. Scientia Horticulturae, 324: 112604.
Sabolová, M., & Kouřimská, L. (2020). Vitamin C and nitrates contents in fruit and vegetables from farmers' markets and supermarkets. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 14: 1124-1130.
Santin, A., Villa, F., Paulus, D., Santin, J., Piva, A., Mezzalira, E., & Ritter, G. (2020). Plastic soil covers in vegetative development, production and quality of strawberries. Revista Ceres, 67: 272-28.
Thuy, T. Le, Trong, V. Le, Hang, T.K. Doan, Khanh, N. Nguyen (2021). Physiological and biochemical changes during the growth of custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) fruit cultivated in Vietnam. Journal of Horticultural Research, 29(2): 75–84.
Tikasz, P., MacPherson, S., Adamchuk, V., & Lefsrud, M. (2019). Aerated chicken, cow, and turkey manure extracts differentially affect lettuce and kale yield in hydroponics. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 8(3): 241-252.
Treftz C., & Omaye S.T. (2015). Comparision between hydroponic and soil systems for growing strawberries in a greenhouse. International Journal of Argricultural Extension, 03(03): 195-200.
Upendri, H.F.L., Karunarathna, B. (2021). Organic nutrient solution for hydroponic system. Academia Letters, Article 1893.