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Conventional agriculture created ecological and sociological problems worldwide. Practicing organic agriculture need profitable crop such as lucerne, no tillage to destroy the soil structure, usage of natural symbiotic N2 fixation to support nutrition and reduce damages from climatic changes such as droughts and also to supply animals for food. The efficiency of manure fertilization for the production of forage, seeds and root mass after four years of lucerne cultivation was examined in the field experiment,in addition their effect on the following crop such as oat. The trial was performed in the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven, Bulgaria on leached chernozem soil subtype without irrigation. The well matured cattle manure in the following doses was used: dose 1 - 20.7 t.ha-1 corresponding to 70 kg N. ha-1 (active substance); dose 2 - 41.5 t. ha-1 corresponding to 140 kg N. ha-1 and dose 3 - 62.1 t.ha-1 corresponding to 210 kg N ha-1. It was found that, the highest organic fertilizer use efficiency (153.16) was found in lucerne for forage at a dose of 20.7 t. ha-1. The largest differences in fertilization efficiency depending on the dose were reported in lucerne for forage (1.9 and 2.8 times). The highest efficiency of manure fertilization for root mass accumulation was reported at a dose of 20.7 t. ha-1. The results showed that lower doses of manure can contribute to obtain a high yield of forage, straw, roots and seeds from lucerne. This has a positive effect on grain and straw and also to the following crop such as oat. Organic farming clearly indicated the advantages for both yields and environmentally friendly agriculture and reduction of environmental stresses.
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Al-Freeh, L. M., Alabdulla, S. A., & Huthily, K. H. (2019). Effect of mineral- biofertilizer on physiological parameters and yield of three varieties of Oat (Avena sativa L.). Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32, 8-25.
Bowen, G. D., & Zapata, F. (1991). Efficiency in uptake and use of N by plants. In: Proceeding series stable isotopes in plant nutrition, soil fertility and environmental studies. IAEASM 313/130, Vienna, Austria: 349-362.
Goss, M. J., Tubelleh, A., & Goorahoo, D. (2013). A review of the use of organic amendments and the risk to human health. Advances in Agronomy, 120, 275-379.
Kertikova, D. (2008). The newest achievements in lucerne breeding in Bulgaria. ln: Proceeding Breeding 08, 24-27 Nov. 2008, Novi Sad, Serbia, 509-512.
Kosev, V. & Kertikova, D. (2019). [Environmental stability of alfalfa accessions in basic quantitative traits]. Rastenievadni nauki (Bulgarian Journal Crop Sciences), 56, 9-19. (In Bulgarian, Eng. Abs.).
Kostov, O. & Iordanov, J. (2019). Combined resource utilization with integrated practices for creation land shaft town infrastructures to reduce reasons of climate changes. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry Ecology, 53, 3-4.
Kostov, O. & Van Cleemput, O. (2019). Some aspects of bio environmental problems and further of science and scientific policy in European countries. Bulgarian Journal Soil Sciences, 4, 99-115.
Lodeiro, A.R., Gonzales, P., Hernandes, A., Balaque, L., & Favelukes, G. (2000). Comparison of drought tolerance in nitrogen fixing and inorganic nitrogen-grown common beans. Plant Sciences, 154, 31-41.
Mader, P., Fliebach, A., Dubois, D., Gunst, L., Fried, P. & Niggli, U. (2002). Soil fertility and biodiversity in organic farming. Science, 296, 1694-1697.
Magdoff, F. (2001). Concept, components, and strategies of soil health in agro ecosystems. Journal of Nematology, 33, 169-172.
Magdoff, F. (2004). Ecological agriculture: Principles, practices, and constraints. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 22, 109-117.
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (2019). Agriculture and Climatic Change: Policy Imperatives and Opportunities to Help Producers Meet the Challenge. Washington, D. C., 71pp.
Raviv, M., Shlomit, M., Krasnovsky, A., & Ziadna, H. (2004). Organic matter and nitrogen conservation in manure compost for organic agriculture. Compost Science and Utilization, 12, 6-10.
Vasileva, V., & Kostov, O. (2010). Effect of mineral nitrogen fertilizing on some characteristics of alfalfa in conditions of water deficiency stress. Ecology and Future, 9, 23-27.
Vasileva, V. & Kostov, O. (2015). Effect of mineral and organic fertilization on alfalfa forage and soil fertility. Emirates Journal Food Agriculture, 27, 1-10.
Vasileva, V., & Kostov, O. (2018). Performance of oats in response to preceding alfalfa on mineral fertilization versus organic manuring on Chernozem soil. Indian Journal Agriculture Sciences, 88, 416-419.
Vasileva, V., Kostov, O., Vasilev, E., & Athar, M. (2011). Effect of mineral nitrogen fertilization on growth characteristics of lucerne under induced water deficiency stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 43, 2925-2928.
Yadav, A., Kumar, A., Prasad, R., Saxena, A., & Dhalival, H. (2018). Microbiome in Crops: Diversity, Distribution and Potential role in Crops Improvements. In Prasad, R., Gill, S., & Tuneja, N. (Eds.). Crop Improvement Through Microbial Biotechnology, Elsevier: 305-332.
Yensen, E. S., Peoples, M. B., Boddey, R. M., Gresshoff, P. M., Hauggaard-Nielsen, H., Alves, B. J. R., & Morrison, M. J. (2012). Legumes for mitigation of climatic change and the provision of feedstock for biofuel and biorefineries. A review. Agronomy Sustain. Development, 32, 329-364.