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Seven peas (Pisum sativum L.) varieties different originated, i.e, X07P54, X06PWY, NDPO80138-B-2, CA1P, L020140, Wt6803 and Mir were studied. Biochemical assessment of fresh aboveground biomass and seeds of peas varieties were done. At the beginning of flowering stage the NDPO80138-B-2 and X07P54 were reported high levels for crude protein (22.33% and 21.87%), crude fibre (25.94% and 25.76%) and crude ash (10.39% and 9.47%). In technical maturity with high crude protein and crude fibre contents NDPO80138-B-2 (21.59% and 21.38%), X06PWY (19.95% and 21.36%), X07P54 (19.78% and 20.57%) and CA1P (19.60% and 22.53%) were distinguished; by calcium CA1P (2.09%), and by phosphorus Wt6803 (0.54%). More significant variability in phosphorus content (21.27%) and Ca:P ratio (25.65%) in fresh biomass was observed. The lowest coefficient of variation was found for crude fibre (5.43%), crude ash (7.81%) and crude protein content (9.00%). The variability of parameters in technical maturity was found low and ranges from 2.34% for crude protein to 9.27 for phosphorus. The green mass yield is positively correlated with the calcium content (r = 0.581), phosphorus (r = 0.316) and crude ash (r = 0.077) and the seed yield positive correlated with calcium content (r = 0.79). The relationships found between qualitative indicators could be used in the breeding programs of peas.
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Angelova, S., & Sabeva, M. (2013). Chemical characterization of pea in Bulgarian collection. Rastenievadni nauki, 50, 37-40. (In Bulgarian).
Angelova, S., & Stoilova, Tz. (2009). Maintenance, enrichment and preservation of grain legume collections in Bulgaria. Proceeding of the Fourth Balkan Symposium on Vegetable and Potatoes vol 2, ISHS, Acta Horticulture 830, 695-701.
AOAC (1990). Offical methods of analysis. Association of the official analytical chemists. 15th edition, Arlington, 771.
Červenski, J., Danojević, D., & Savić, A. (2017). Chemical composition of selected winter green pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 82, 1237-1246.
Chekalin N. M. (2003). Genetic basis for the selection of legumes for resistance to pathogens. Poltava: Intergrafsha, 186pp.
Dimova, D., & Marinkov, E. (1999). Experimental work and biometrics. HAI-Plovdiv, 263pp. (In Bulgarian).
Ghanbari-Bjnjar, A., & Lee, H. C. (2002). Intercropped field beans (Vicia faba) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) for whole crop forage: effect of nitrogen on forage yield and quality. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 138, 311-315.
Kadermas, I. G. (2014). Formation of photosynthetic and symbiotic apparatuses of plants and their contribution to the increase in the productivity of pea sowing agrocenoses (Pisum sativum L.). Ph. D. Thesis, Agrarian University of Omsk, Omsk, 147 pp.
Maksimenia, E. V. (2016). Correlations between economically valuable signs of vegetable pea. Bulletin of the Belarussian State Agricultural Academy, 1, 32-35.
Mikić, A., Mihailović, V., Duc, G., Ćupina, B., Étévé, G., Lejeune-Hénaut, I., & Mikić, V. (2007). Evaluation of winter protein pea cultivars in the conditions of Serbia. Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo 44, 107. (In Serbian)
Okuwasola A. J., & Ayobore A. V. (2004). Chemical characterization and protein quality evaluation of leaf protein concentrates from Glyricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 39, 253-261.
Shpakov, A. S. (2001). The main directions of increasing the production of feed protein in Russia. Fodder Production, 3, 6-9.
Suchkova, T. N. (2009). Physiological-biochemical peculiarities of carbohydrates and proteins accumulation in seeds of varieties and pea lines (Pisum sativum L.). Ph. D. Thesis, University of Voronezh, Voronezh. (English Abstract).
Zolotaryova, S. V. (2012). Evaluation and creation of the initial material for the selection of vegetable pea in the central region of the nonchernozem zone of Russia. Ph. D. Thesis, University Russia, Moscow, 27pp. (English Abstract).