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Nutrient application and light intensity are two important abiotic factors that affect the plant growth and development. This study was carried out to determine the effect of different NPK fertilizer amount, viz. 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 g.pot-1, light regimes, viz. 50% full sunlight (inside the lath house) and 100% full sunlight (the open area) and their interactions on the growth, chlorophyll contents and biomass of potted Brachychiton populneus seedlings. At the end of the experiment, (after six months) growth parameter including plant height (cm), stem diameter (mm) and leaf numbers, chlorophyll contents and biomass allocation were measured. The results indicate that the greatest stem height increment, stem diameter increment, leaf number increment, stem dry weight and leaf dry weight were obtained from the seedlings grown in the open area. However, the highest chlorophyll content and root dry weight were observed from the seedlings grown inside the lath house. In addition, the seedlings fertilized with 3 and/or 4 g NPK every two months recorded higher growth traits, chlorophyll content and biomass allocation than other amounts of the fertilizer. Thus, the present study suggests that in order to obtain optimum growth of B. populneus potted seedlings, it should be grown in the open area and fertilized with 3 or 4 g NPK every two months.
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- AbdelKader, H., El-Boraie, E., Hamza, A., & Badawya, M. (2016). Effect of mineral fertilization with some growth regulators on growth of Magnolia grandiflora L. seedling. I. Effect on vegetative growth. Journal of Plant Production, 7, 401–407.
- Amrhein, N., Apel, K., Baginsky, S., Buchmann, N., Geisler, M., Keller, F., Körner, C., Martinoia, E., Merbold, L., Müller, C., Paschke, M., & Schmid, B. (2012). Plant Response to Stress. Zurich- Basel Plant Science Center, 156pp.
- Anderson, E. (2016). Plants of Central Queensland: Identification and Uses of Native and Introduced Species. CSIRO Publishing, 576pp.
- Bhatla, S. C., & Lal, M. A. (2018). Plant physiology, development and metabolism. Singapore. Springer. 1237 pp.
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- Dang, T. T. (2003). Effects of some nursery practices on the growth of Endospermum chinese benth seedlings. Unpublished, M. Sc. (Forestry) Thesis. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang. 112pp.
- Elliot, W. R. (2003). Australian plants for Mediterranean climate gardens. Rosenberg. 142 pp.
- Elliott, K. J., & White, A. S. (1994). Effects of light, nitrogen, and phosphorus on red pine seedling growth and nutrient use efficiency. Forest Science, 40, 47–58.
- Fetcher, N., Haines, B. L., Cordero, R. a, Lodge, D. J., Walker, L. R., Fernandez, D. S., & Lawrence, W. T. (1996). Responses of tropical plants to nutrients and light on a landslide in Puerto Rico. The Journal of Ecology, 84, 331-341.
- Fu, Y., Oliet, J. A., Li, G., & Wang, J. (2017). Effect of controlled release fertilizer type and rate on mineral nutrients, non-structural carbohydrates, and field performance of Chinese pine container-grown seedlings. Silva Fennica, 51, 1–13.
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- Han, S. H., An, J. Y., Hwang, J., Kim, S. Bin, & Park, B. B. (2016). The effects of organic manure and chemical fertilizer on the growth and nutrient concentrations of yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera Lin.) in a nursery system. Forest Science and Technology, 12, 137–143.
- Hokmalipour, S., & Darbandi, M. H. (2011). Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on chlorophyll content and other leaf indicate in three cultivars of Maize (Zea mays L.). World Applied Sciences Journal, 15, 1780–1785.
- Karim, S. A., Qadir, S. A., & Sabr, H. A. (2020). Study some of morphological and physiological traits of Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus (Schott & Endl.) seedlings planted under water stress conditions. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 33, 213–220.
- Kenzo, T., Yoneda, R., Matsumoto, Y., Azani, A. M., & Majid, M. N. (2011). Growth and photosynthetic response of four Malaysian indigenous tree species under different light conditions. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 23, 271–281.
- Kozlowski, T. T., & Pallardy, S. G. (1997). Physiology of Woody Plants (Second Edition). Elsevier, 411pp.
- Lambers, H., Chapin, F. S., & Pons, T. L. (2008). Plant Physiological Ecology (Second Edition). Springer. Verlag, New York. 605pp.
- Lawrence, D. (2001). Nitrogen and phosphorus enhance growth and luxury consumption of four secondary forest tree species in Borneo. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 17(6), 859–869.
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- Minotta, G., & Pinzauti, S. (1996). Effects of light and soil fertility on growth, leaf chlorophyll content and nutrient use efficiency of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings. Forest Ecology and Management, 86, 61–71.
- Mitamura, M., Yamamura, Y., & Nakano, T. (2008). Large-scale canopy opening causes decreased photosynthesis in the saplings of shade-tolerant conifer, Abies veitchii. Tree Physiology, 29, 137–145.
- Nussbaum, R., Anderson, J., & Spencer, T. (1995). Factors limiting the growth of indigenous tree seedlings planted on degraded rainforest soils in Sabah, Malaysia. Forest Ecology and Management,74, 149–159.
- Pallardy, S. G. ( 2008). Physiology of Woody Plants. (Third Edition). Academic Press. 464 pp.
- Paz, H. (2003). Root/Shoot allocation and root architecture in seedlings: Variation among forest sites, microhabitats, and ecological groups1. Biotropica, 35, 318–332.
- Perrin, P. M., & Mitchell, F. J. G. (2013). Effects of shade on growth, biomass allocation and leaf morphology in European yew (Taxus baccata L.). European Journal of Forest Research, 132, 211–218.
- Portsmuth, A., & Niinemets, Ü. (2007). Structural and physiological plasticity in response to light and nutrients in five temperate deciduous woody species of contrasting shade tolerance. Functional Ecology, 21, 61–77.
- Razaq, M., Zhang, P., & Shen H.-L., Salahuddin (2017). Influence of nitrogen and phosphorous on the growth and root morphology of Acer mono. PLOS ONE, 12, e0171321.
- Sherzad, O. H., Mohd Zaki, H., Hazandy, A. H., & Mohamad Azani, A. (2017). Effect of different shade periods on Neobalanocarpus heimii seedlings biomass and leaf morphology. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 29, 457–464.
- Sherzad, O. H., Mohd Zaki, H., Hazandy, A. H., Mohamad Azani, A., & Noordin, W. D. (2015). Growth and physiological responses of Shorea materialis Ridl. seedlings to various light regimes and fertilizer levels under nursery condition. The Malaysian Forester, 78, 133–150.
- Sumanta, N., Haque, C. I., Nishika, J., & Suprakash, R. (2014). Spectrophotometric analysis of chlorophylls and carotenoids from commonly grown fern species by using various extracting solvents. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 4, 2231–2606.
- Tripathi, S. N., & Raghubanshi, A. S. (2014). Seedling growth of five tropical dry forest tree species in relation to light and nitrogen gradients. Journal of Plant Ecology, 7, 250–263.
- Tripathi, D. K., Singh, V. P., Chauhan, D. K., Prasad, S. M., & Dubey, N. K. (2014). Role of Macronutrients in Plant Growth and Acclimation: Recent Advances and Future Prospective. 197-216. In Ahmad, P., Wani, M. R., Azooz, M. M., & Tran, L. S. P. (Eds.). Improvement of Crops in the Era of Climatic Changes (Vol. 2). Springer, New York. 368pp.
- Uchida, R. S. (2000). Essential Nutrients for Plant Growth: Nutrient Functions and Deficiency Symptoms. 31-55. In Silva, J. A. & Uchida, R. S. (Eds.), Plant Nutrient Management in Hawaii’s Soils, Approaches for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture. University of Hawaii, Manoa, 158pp.
- Upadhyaya, K., & Marak, R. T. (2014). Effect of fertilizer (NPK) on growth behavior and biomass production of Parkia timoriania D.C. Merr. and Tamarindus indica L. seedlings. Indian Forester, 140, 1137–1141.
AbdelKader, H., El-Boraie, E., Hamza, A., & Badawya, M. (2016). Effect of mineral fertilization with some growth regulators on growth of Magnolia grandiflora L. seedling. I. Effect on vegetative growth. Journal of Plant Production, 7, 401–407.
Amrhein, N., Apel, K., Baginsky, S., Buchmann, N., Geisler, M., Keller, F., Körner, C., Martinoia, E., Merbold, L., Müller, C., Paschke, M., & Schmid, B. (2012). Plant Response to Stress. Zurich- Basel Plant Science Center, 156pp.
Anderson, E. (2016). Plants of Central Queensland: Identification and Uses of Native and Introduced Species. CSIRO Publishing, 576pp.
Bhatla, S. C., & Lal, M. A. (2018). Plant physiology, development and metabolism. Singapore. Springer. 1237 pp.
Brown, N., Press, M., & Bebber, D. (1999). Growth and survivorship of dipterocarp seedlings: differences in shade persistence create a special case of dispersal limitation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 354, 1847–1855.
Dang, T. T. (2003). Effects of some nursery practices on the growth of Endospermum chinese benth seedlings. Unpublished, M. Sc. (Forestry) Thesis. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang. 112pp.
Elliot, W. R. (2003). Australian plants for Mediterranean climate gardens. Rosenberg. 142 pp.
Elliott, K. J., & White, A. S. (1994). Effects of light, nitrogen, and phosphorus on red pine seedling growth and nutrient use efficiency. Forest Science, 40, 47–58.
Fetcher, N., Haines, B. L., Cordero, R. a, Lodge, D. J., Walker, L. R., Fernandez, D. S., & Lawrence, W. T. (1996). Responses of tropical plants to nutrients and light on a landslide in Puerto Rico. The Journal of Ecology, 84, 331-341.
Fu, Y., Oliet, J. A., Li, G., & Wang, J. (2017). Effect of controlled release fertilizer type and rate on mineral nutrients, non-structural carbohydrates, and field performance of Chinese pine container-grown seedlings. Silva Fennica, 51, 1–13.
Giertych, M. J., Karolewski, P., & Oleksyn, J. (2015). Carbon allocation in seedlings of deciduous tree species depends on their shade tolerance. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 37, 216.
Han, S. H., An, J. Y., Hwang, J., Kim, S. Bin, & Park, B. B. (2016). The effects of organic manure and chemical fertilizer on the growth and nutrient concentrations of yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera Lin.) in a nursery system. Forest Science and Technology, 12, 137–143.
Hokmalipour, S., & Darbandi, M. H. (2011). Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on chlorophyll content and other leaf indicate in three cultivars of Maize (Zea mays L.). World Applied Sciences Journal, 15, 1780–1785.
Karim, S. A., Qadir, S. A., & Sabr, H. A. (2020). Study some of morphological and physiological traits of Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus (Schott & Endl.) seedlings planted under water stress conditions. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 33, 213–220.
Kenzo, T., Yoneda, R., Matsumoto, Y., Azani, A. M., & Majid, M. N. (2011). Growth and photosynthetic response of four Malaysian indigenous tree species under different light conditions. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 23, 271–281.
Kozlowski, T. T., & Pallardy, S. G. (1997). Physiology of Woody Plants (Second Edition). Elsevier, 411pp.
Lambers, H., Chapin, F. S., & Pons, T. L. (2008). Plant Physiological Ecology (Second Edition). Springer. Verlag, New York. 605pp.
Lawrence, D. (2001). Nitrogen and phosphorus enhance growth and luxury consumption of four secondary forest tree species in Borneo. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 17(6), 859–869.
Llamas, K. A. (2003). Tropical Flowering Plants: A Guide to Identification and Cultivation (illustrate). Timber Press, 423pp.
Minotta, G., & Pinzauti, S. (1996). Effects of light and soil fertility on growth, leaf chlorophyll content and nutrient use efficiency of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings. Forest Ecology and Management, 86, 61–71.
Mitamura, M., Yamamura, Y., & Nakano, T. (2008). Large-scale canopy opening causes decreased photosynthesis in the saplings of shade-tolerant conifer, Abies veitchii. Tree Physiology, 29, 137–145.
Nussbaum, R., Anderson, J., & Spencer, T. (1995). Factors limiting the growth of indigenous tree seedlings planted on degraded rainforest soils in Sabah, Malaysia. Forest Ecology and Management,74, 149–159.
Pallardy, S. G. ( 2008). Physiology of Woody Plants. (Third Edition). Academic Press. 464 pp.
Paz, H. (2003). Root/Shoot allocation and root architecture in seedlings: Variation among forest sites, microhabitats, and ecological groups1. Biotropica, 35, 318–332.
Perrin, P. M., & Mitchell, F. J. G. (2013). Effects of shade on growth, biomass allocation and leaf morphology in European yew (Taxus baccata L.). European Journal of Forest Research, 132, 211–218.
Portsmuth, A., & Niinemets, Ü. (2007). Structural and physiological plasticity in response to light and nutrients in five temperate deciduous woody species of contrasting shade tolerance. Functional Ecology, 21, 61–77.
Razaq, M., Zhang, P., & Shen H.-L., Salahuddin (2017). Influence of nitrogen and phosphorous on the growth and root morphology of Acer mono. PLOS ONE, 12, e0171321.
Sherzad, O. H., Mohd Zaki, H., Hazandy, A. H., & Mohamad Azani, A. (2017). Effect of different shade periods on Neobalanocarpus heimii seedlings biomass and leaf morphology. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 29, 457–464.
Sherzad, O. H., Mohd Zaki, H., Hazandy, A. H., Mohamad Azani, A., & Noordin, W. D. (2015). Growth and physiological responses of Shorea materialis Ridl. seedlings to various light regimes and fertilizer levels under nursery condition. The Malaysian Forester, 78, 133–150.
Sumanta, N., Haque, C. I., Nishika, J., & Suprakash, R. (2014). Spectrophotometric analysis of chlorophylls and carotenoids from commonly grown fern species by using various extracting solvents. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, 4, 2231–2606.
Tripathi, S. N., & Raghubanshi, A. S. (2014). Seedling growth of five tropical dry forest tree species in relation to light and nitrogen gradients. Journal of Plant Ecology, 7, 250–263.
Tripathi, D. K., Singh, V. P., Chauhan, D. K., Prasad, S. M., & Dubey, N. K. (2014). Role of Macronutrients in Plant Growth and Acclimation: Recent Advances and Future Prospective. 197-216. In Ahmad, P., Wani, M. R., Azooz, M. M., & Tran, L. S. P. (Eds.). Improvement of Crops in the Era of Climatic Changes (Vol. 2). Springer, New York. 368pp.
Uchida, R. S. (2000). Essential Nutrients for Plant Growth: Nutrient Functions and Deficiency Symptoms. 31-55. In Silva, J. A. & Uchida, R. S. (Eds.), Plant Nutrient Management in Hawaii’s Soils, Approaches for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture. University of Hawaii, Manoa, 158pp.
Upadhyaya, K., & Marak, R. T. (2014). Effect of fertilizer (NPK) on growth behavior and biomass production of Parkia timoriania D.C. Merr. and Tamarindus indica L. seedlings. Indian Forester, 140, 1137–1141.