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In this study, Brachychiton populneus seedlings were subjected to drought stress for 90 Days and physiological and morphological characters analyzed to determine their response to water deficit. The growth characters including, height and diameter of shoots, the dry weight of shoots and roots as well as photosynthetic pigment and the leaves content of relative water content were measured to evaluate the effects of drought in the physiological growth of plant. The lowest means; 59 cm and 8 mm of shoot height and diameter respectively were recorded at 30% of water holding capacity of soil (WHC). Drought treated seedlings at both 60% and 30% WHC had lower dry weight of shoots; 9.54 and 8.24 g plant-1 respectively compared to the control. Consequently, the increase of drought conditions led to enhancement the growth of roots and roots to shoots ratio. The highest increase in the dry weight of roots and roots to shoots ratio were25.96 g plant-1 and 3.19 recorded under severe drought stress condition. Lowest amount of chlorophyll a; 2.94 mg g-1 F W recorded under 30% SWHC. It is found also the total content of chlorophyll in the leaves decreased significantly; 5.86 and 7.88 mg g-1 F W under both levels. While the highest ratio of chlorophyll a: b was 1.59 recorded at 60% SWHC. However, the lowest leave relative water content LRWC%; 86% was recorded under 30% SWHC. These findings may explain the characters of the early growth and physiological responses of, Brachychiton populneus to dehydration and facilitate the selection of drought-resistant tree families.
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- Rötzer, T.; Biber, P.; Moser, A.; Schäfer, C. & Pretzsch, H. (2017). Stem and root diameter growth of European beech and Norway spruce under extreme drought. For. Ecol. Manag., 406: 184-195.
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- Sumanta, N.; Haque, C.I.; Nishika, J. & Suprakash, R. (2014). Spectrophotometric analysis of chlorophylls and carotenoids from commonly grown fern species by using various extracting solvents. Res. J. Chem. Sci., 4(9): 63-69.
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Alexieva, V.; Sergiev, I.; Mapelli, S & Karanov, E. (2001). The effect of drought and ultraviolet radiation on growth and stress markers in pea and wheat. Plant Cell Environ., 24(12): 1337-1344.
Blackman, S.A.; Obendorf, R.L. & Leopold, A.C. (1995). Desiccation tolerance in developing soybean seeds: the role of stress proteins. Physiol. Plant, 93(4): 630-638.
Blokhina, O.; Virolainen, E. & Fagerstedt, K.V. (2003). Antioxidants, oxidative damage and oxygen deprivation stress: A review Ann. Bot., 91(2): 179-194.
Buist, M.; Yates, C.J. & Ladd, P.G. (2000). Ecological characteristics of Brachychiton populenus (Sterculiaceae) (Kurrajong) in relation to the invasion of urban bushland in south western Australia. Austral Ecol., 25(5): 487-496.
Choat, B.; Jansen, S.; Brodribb, T.J.; Cochard, H; Delzon, S; Bhaskar, R. & Jacobsen, A.L. (2012). Global convergence in the vulnerability of forests to drought. Nature, 491: 752-755.
de Lima, R.S.N.; de Assis, F.A.M.M.; Martins, A.O.; de Deus, B.C.D.S.; Ferraz, T.M.; de Assis Gomes, M.D.M. & Campostrini, E. (2015). Partial root zone drying (PRD) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) effects on stomatal conductance, growth, photosynthetic capacity, and water-use efficiency of papaya. Sci. Hortic., 183: 13-22.
Frosi, G.; Harand, W.; Oliveira, M.T.D.; Pereira, S.; Cabral, S.P.; Montenegro, A.A.D.A. & Santos, M.G. (2017). Different physiological responses under drought stress result in different recovery abilities of two tropical woody evergreen species. Acta Bot. Bras., 31(2): 153-160.
Guerfel, M.; Baccouri, O.; Boujnah, D.; Chaïbi, W. & Zarrouk, M. (2009). Impacts of water stress on gas exchange, water relations, chlorophyll content and leaf structure in the two main Tunisian olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars. Sci. Hortic., 119(3): 257-263.
Guymer, G.P. (1988). A taxonomic revision of Brachychiton (Sterculiaceae). Aust. Syst. Bot., 1(3): 199-323.
Leuschner, C.; Backes, K.; Hertel, D.; Schipka, F.; Schmitt, U.; Terborg, O.; & Runge, M. (2001). Drought responses at leaf stem and fine root levels of competitive Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. trees in dry and wet years. For. Ecol. Manag., 149(1-3): 33-46.
Lecoeur, J.; Wery, J.; Turc, O. & Tardieu, F. (1995). Expansion of pea leaves subjected to short water deficit: cell number and cell size are sensitive to stress at different periods of leaf development. J. Exp. Bot., 46: 1093-1101.
Lim, H.; Kang, J.W.; Lee, S.; Lee, H. & Lee, W.Y. (2017). Growth and physiological responses of Quercus acutissima seedling under drought stress. Plant Breed. Biol., 5(4): 363-370.
Marron, N.; Delay, D.; Petit, J. M.; Dreyer, E.; Kahlem, G.; Delmotte, F.M. & Brignolas, F. (2002). Physiological traits of two Populus × euramericana clones, Luisa Avanzo and Dorskamp, during a water stress and re-watering cycle. Tree Physiol., 22(12): 849-858.
Noguchi, K.; Konôpka, B.; Satomura, T.; Kaneko, S. & Takahashi, M. (2007). Biomass and production of fine roots in Japanese forests. J. For. Res., 12(2): 83-95.
Paliwal, K.; Karunaichamy, K.S.T.K. & Ananthavalli, M. (1998). Effect of sewage water irrigation on growth performance, biomass and nutrient accumulation in Hardwickia binata under nursery conditions. Bioresour. Technol., 66(2): 105-111.
Qadir, S.A.; Khursheed, M.Q. & Huyop, F.Z. (2016). Effect of drought stress on morphology, growth and yield of six bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. ZANCO J. Pure Appl. Sci., 28(3): 37-48.
Ritchie, G.A. (1984). Assessing seedling quality. 243-259. In Duryea, M.L. (Ed.). Forestry Nursery Manual: Production of Bareroot Seedlings. Springer, Dordrecht: 365pp.
Rötzer, T.; Biber, P.; Moser, A.; Schäfer, C. & Pretzsch, H. (2017). Stem and root diameter growth of European beech and Norway spruce under extreme drought. For. Ecol. Manag., 406: 184-195.
Souza, B.D., Meiado, M.V., Rodrigues, B.M. & Santos, M.G. (2010). Water relations and chlorophyll fluorescence responses of two leguminous trees from the Caatinga to different watering regimes. Acta Physiol Plant., 32(2): 235-244.
Sumanta, N.; Haque, C.I.; Nishika, J. & Suprakash, R. (2014). Spectrophotometric analysis of chlorophylls and carotenoids from commonly grown fern species by using various extracting solvents. Res. J. Chem. Sci., 4(9): 63-69.
Tabatabaei, S.A.; Jalilvand, H. & Ahani, H. (2014). Drought stress response in caucasian hackberry: Growth and morphology. JBES, 5(3): 158-169.