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Since the old times, the camels are considered as an influential animal used in different purposes, like transportation and the production of a wool, milk, and meat. They can live and settle in different desert conditions all around the world. Blood parasitic infection of one-humped camels Camelus dromedarius, like Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Theileriosis, Trypanosomiasis and Mycoplasmosis, is more common as an infectious diseases transmitted mostly via arthropod ticks and some other ectoparasites. Increase body temperature, progressive haemolytic anaemia, digestive disorders, generalized weakness, and emaciation which might terminate by death are the main characteristics of those diseases, However, An epidemiological studies must always conducted to investigate the occurrence, incidence and the prevalence of those diseases around the world. It could be concluded that, The common blood parasitic infection of camels, could associated with loss of productivity among the affected individuals and might be a zoonotic risk for camel breeders, Clearly, it is of utmost importance to undergo periodical studies to track its prevalence in camels and contact people, The role of veterinary services is also important to advise farmers about the importance of those diseases and to maintain their animals free from ectoparasites by keeping the animals under hygienic conditions. Moreover, Further future programmed control measures will the best and final choice to eliminate these pathologies.
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- Abd-Elmaleck, B. S., Abed, G. H., & Mandour, A. M. (2014). Some protozoan parasites infecting blood of camels (Camelus dromedarius) at Assiut locality, Upper Egypt. Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology, 5, 2-7.
- Abdel-Rady, A. (2008). Epidemiological studies (parasitological, serological and molecular techniques) of Trypanosoma evansi infection in camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Egypt. Veterinary World, 1, 325-328.
- Ajayi, S. A., Onyali, I. O., Oluigbo, F. O., & Ajayi, S. T. (1984). Serological evidence of exposure to Anaplasma marginale in Nigerian one-humped camels. Veterinary Record, 114, 478.
- Al-Ani, F. K. (2004). Camel Management and Disease, 1st edition, Al-Sharq Printing Press. Dar-Ammar Book Publisher, Amman, Jordan.77pp.
- Almy, F. S., Ladd, S. M., Sponenberg, D. P., Crisman, M. V., & Messick, J. B. (2006). Mycoplasma haemolamae infection in a 4-day-old cria: support for in utero transmission by use of a polymerase chain reaction assay. Canadian Veterinary Journal 47, 229-233. PMCID: PMC1371050
- Al-Obaidi, Q. T., Mohd Mokhtar, A., Al- Sultan, I., Azlinda, A. B., & Mohd Azam. K. G. K. (2016). Equine piroplasmosis in Kelantan, Malaysia: Clinicohemato-biochemical alterations in subclinically and clinically infected equids. Tropical Biomedicine, 33, 619–631.
- Alsaad, K. M. (2009). Clinical, hematological and biochemical studies of anaplasmosis in Arabian one-humped camels (Camelus dromedaries). Journal of Animal And Veterinary Advances, 8, 2106-2121. URL:
- Alsaad, K. M., Al-Amery, M. A., Al- Hamed T. A., & Muhsen R. K. (2015). Babesiosis caballi in one humped dromedaries of Basrah province. Basrah Journal of Veterinary Research, 14, 207-214.
- Al-saad, K. M., Al-Obaidi, Q. T., Al-Obaidi, W. A. (2006). Clinical, hematoloical And biochemical study of Theileriosis In Arabian one humped Camles (Camelus dromedarius). .Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Science, 20, 211-218.
- Constable, P. D., Hinchcliff, K. W., Done, S. H., & Grünberg, W. (2017). Veterinary Medicine: A Textbook of the Diseases of Cattle, horses, Sheep, Pigs and Goats, 11th edition, Elsevier Health Sciences. 2278pp.
- Desquesnes, M., Holzmuller, P., Lai, D., Dargantes, A., Lun, Z., & Jittaplapong, S. (2013). Trypanosoma evansi and Surra: A review and perspectives on origin, history, distribution, taxonomy, morphology, hosts, and pathogenic effects. BioMed Research International, 2013, 194176.
- Egbe-Nwiyi, T. N. (1994). Haematological and pathological studies of camel babesiosis in Nigeria. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production,.42, 287–290.
- El-Fayoumy, M. M., Abou Elnga, T. R., Abd El-Baky, S. M. M., & Abdou, T. A. (2005). Prevalence of camel theileriosis and its vector tick in North Coast of Egypt. Journal of Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association, 65, 291-302 .
- Fard, R. M. N., Vahedi, S. M., & Mohammadkhan, F. (2014). Haemotropic mycoplasmas (haemoplasmas): Areview. International Journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research, 2, 1484-1503. t
- Ibrahim, A. M., . Kadle, A. A. H., & Nyingilili, H. S. (2017). Microscopic and molecular detection of camel piroplasmosis in Gadarif State, Sudan. Veterinary Medicine International 1, 1-5.
- Ismael, A. B., Swelum, A. A., Khalaf, A. F., & Abouheif, M. A. (2014). Clinical, haematological and biochemical alterations associated with an outbreak of Theileriosis in Dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius) in Saudi Arabia. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 34, 209-213. Corpus ID: 3417445
- Jarad, A., & Alsaad, K. M. (2016). Clinical, hematological and diagnostic studies of Mycoplasma wenyonii infection in cattle of Basrah Governorate. Basrah Journal Of Veterinary Research, 15, 37-53.
- Jasim, H. J., Azzal, G. Y., & Othman, R. M. (2015). Conventional & molecular detection of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi parasites in infected camels in south of Iraq. Basrah Journal Of Veterinary Research, 14, 110-121.
- Kamani, J., Usman, T. A., Onyeamaechi, E. G., Usman, M. A., &. Hussaini, H. A. (2008). Hemoparasites of camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Animal Research International, 5, 838-839.
- Khamesipour, F., Doosti, A., Kooh, A., Chehelgerdi, M. I., Mokhtari-Farsani, A., & Chengula, A. A. (2015). Determination of the presence of Babesia DNA in blood samples of cattle, camel and sheep in Iran by PCR. Archives of Biological Sciences. 67, 83–90.
- Kouam, M. K., Kantzoura, V., Gajadhar, A. A., Theis, J. H., Papadopoulos, E., & Theodoropoulos, G. (2010). Seroprevalence of equine piroplasms and host-related factors associated with infection in Greece. Veterinary Parasitology, 169, 273-278.
- Maharan, O. M. (2004). Some studies on blood parasites in camels (Camelus dromedarius) at Shalatin city, Red Sea Governorate. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal,. 50, 172-183. Corpus ID: 92658230
- Mazyad, S. A., & Khalaf, S. A (2002). Studies on Theileria and Babesia infecting live and slaughtered animals in Al Arish and El Hasanah, North Sinai Governorate, Egypt. Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, 32, 601-610. PMID: 12214937
- Qablan, M. A., Sloboda, M., Jirku, M., Oborník, M., Dwairi, S., Amr, Z. S., Horín, P., Julius, L., & Modry, D. (2012). Quest for the piroplasms in camels: Identification of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in Jordanian dromedaries by PCR. Veterinary Parasitology, 86, 456-460.
- Qamar, M. F., Ayaz, M. M., & Nazir, M. M. (2018). Isolation and identification of ectoparasites in single humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) of Cholistan area, Pakistan. Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 32, 291-297.
- Salimabadi, Y., Telmadarraiy, Z., Vatandoost, H., Chinikar, S., Oshaghi, M. A., Moradi, M., Mirabzadeh-Ardakan, E., Hekmati, S., & Nasiri, A. (2010). Hard ticks on domestic ruminants and their seasonal population dynamics in Yazd province, Iran. Iranian Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases, 4, 66-71. PMCID: PMC3385546
- Solusby, E. J. L. (1982). Helminth, arthropods and protozoa of domesticated animals. 7th edition, Philadelphia, Bailliere Tindall, London, 809pp
- Swelum, A., Ismael, A. B., Khalaf, A. F., & Abouheif, M. A. (2014). Clinical and laboratory findings associated with naturally occurring babesiosis in dromedary camels. Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy, 58, 299-233. DOI:
- Urquhart, G. M., Armour, J., Duncan, J. L., Dunn, A. M., Jennings, F. W. (Editor).(1995) Veterinary Parasitology. Blackwell, Oxford.
- Weiss, D. J., & Wardrop, K. J. (2010). Schalm’s Veterinary Hematology, 6th edition, Wiley Blackwell, 1228pp
- Wernery, U., & Kaaden, O. R. (2002). Infectious Diseases in Camelids. Blackwell, Vienna, 403pp.
Abd-Elmaleck, B. S., Abed, G. H., & Mandour, A. M. (2014). Some protozoan parasites infecting blood of camels (Camelus dromedarius) at Assiut locality, Upper Egypt. Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology, 5, 2-7.
Abdel-Rady, A. (2008). Epidemiological studies (parasitological, serological and molecular techniques) of Trypanosoma evansi infection in camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Egypt. Veterinary World, 1, 325-328.
Ajayi, S. A., Onyali, I. O., Oluigbo, F. O., & Ajayi, S. T. (1984). Serological evidence of exposure to Anaplasma marginale in Nigerian one-humped camels. Veterinary Record, 114, 478.
Al-Ani, F. K. (2004). Camel Management and Disease, 1st edition, Al-Sharq Printing Press. Dar-Ammar Book Publisher, Amman, Jordan.77pp.
Almy, F. S., Ladd, S. M., Sponenberg, D. P., Crisman, M. V., & Messick, J. B. (2006). Mycoplasma haemolamae infection in a 4-day-old cria: support for in utero transmission by use of a polymerase chain reaction assay. Canadian Veterinary Journal 47, 229-233. PMCID: PMC1371050
Al-Obaidi, Q. T., Mohd Mokhtar, A., Al- Sultan, I., Azlinda, A. B., & Mohd Azam. K. G. K. (2016). Equine piroplasmosis in Kelantan, Malaysia: Clinicohemato-biochemical alterations in subclinically and clinically infected equids. Tropical Biomedicine, 33, 619–631.
Alsaad, K. M. (2009). Clinical, hematological and biochemical studies of anaplasmosis in Arabian one-humped camels (Camelus dromedaries). Journal of Animal And Veterinary Advances, 8, 2106-2121. URL:
Alsaad, K. M., Al-Amery, M. A., Al- Hamed T. A., & Muhsen R. K. (2015). Babesiosis caballi in one humped dromedaries of Basrah province. Basrah Journal of Veterinary Research, 14, 207-214.
Al-saad, K. M., Al-Obaidi, Q. T., Al-Obaidi, W. A. (2006). Clinical, hematoloical And biochemical study of Theileriosis In Arabian one humped Camles (Camelus dromedarius). .Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Science, 20, 211-218.
Constable, P. D., Hinchcliff, K. W., Done, S. H., & Grünberg, W. (2017). Veterinary Medicine: A Textbook of the Diseases of Cattle, horses, Sheep, Pigs and Goats, 11th edition, Elsevier Health Sciences. 2278pp.
Desquesnes, M., Holzmuller, P., Lai, D., Dargantes, A., Lun, Z., & Jittaplapong, S. (2013). Trypanosoma evansi and Surra: A review and perspectives on origin, history, distribution, taxonomy, morphology, hosts, and pathogenic effects. BioMed Research International, 2013, 194176.
Egbe-Nwiyi, T. N. (1994). Haematological and pathological studies of camel babesiosis in Nigeria. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production,.42, 287–290.
El-Fayoumy, M. M., Abou Elnga, T. R., Abd El-Baky, S. M. M., & Abdou, T. A. (2005). Prevalence of camel theileriosis and its vector tick in North Coast of Egypt. Journal of Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association, 65, 291-302 .
Fard, R. M. N., Vahedi, S. M., & Mohammadkhan, F. (2014). Haemotropic mycoplasmas (haemoplasmas): Areview. International Journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research, 2, 1484-1503. t
Ibrahim, A. M., . Kadle, A. A. H., & Nyingilili, H. S. (2017). Microscopic and molecular detection of camel piroplasmosis in Gadarif State, Sudan. Veterinary Medicine International 1, 1-5.
Ismael, A. B., Swelum, A. A., Khalaf, A. F., & Abouheif, M. A. (2014). Clinical, haematological and biochemical alterations associated with an outbreak of Theileriosis in Dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius) in Saudi Arabia. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 34, 209-213. Corpus ID: 3417445
Jarad, A., & Alsaad, K. M. (2016). Clinical, hematological and diagnostic studies of Mycoplasma wenyonii infection in cattle of Basrah Governorate. Basrah Journal Of Veterinary Research, 15, 37-53.
Jasim, H. J., Azzal, G. Y., & Othman, R. M. (2015). Conventional & molecular detection of Babesia caballi and Theileria equi parasites in infected camels in south of Iraq. Basrah Journal Of Veterinary Research, 14, 110-121.
Kamani, J., Usman, T. A., Onyeamaechi, E. G., Usman, M. A., &. Hussaini, H. A. (2008). Hemoparasites of camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Animal Research International, 5, 838-839.
Khamesipour, F., Doosti, A., Kooh, A., Chehelgerdi, M. I., Mokhtari-Farsani, A., & Chengula, A. A. (2015). Determination of the presence of Babesia DNA in blood samples of cattle, camel and sheep in Iran by PCR. Archives of Biological Sciences. 67, 83–90.
Kouam, M. K., Kantzoura, V., Gajadhar, A. A., Theis, J. H., Papadopoulos, E., & Theodoropoulos, G. (2010). Seroprevalence of equine piroplasms and host-related factors associated with infection in Greece. Veterinary Parasitology, 169, 273-278.
Maharan, O. M. (2004). Some studies on blood parasites in camels (Camelus dromedarius) at Shalatin city, Red Sea Governorate. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal,. 50, 172-183. Corpus ID: 92658230
Mazyad, S. A., & Khalaf, S. A (2002). Studies on Theileria and Babesia infecting live and slaughtered animals in Al Arish and El Hasanah, North Sinai Governorate, Egypt. Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, 32, 601-610. PMID: 12214937
Qablan, M. A., Sloboda, M., Jirku, M., Oborník, M., Dwairi, S., Amr, Z. S., Horín, P., Julius, L., & Modry, D. (2012). Quest for the piroplasms in camels: Identification of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in Jordanian dromedaries by PCR. Veterinary Parasitology, 86, 456-460.
Qamar, M. F., Ayaz, M. M., & Nazir, M. M. (2018). Isolation and identification of ectoparasites in single humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) of Cholistan area, Pakistan. Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 32, 291-297.
Salimabadi, Y., Telmadarraiy, Z., Vatandoost, H., Chinikar, S., Oshaghi, M. A., Moradi, M., Mirabzadeh-Ardakan, E., Hekmati, S., & Nasiri, A. (2010). Hard ticks on domestic ruminants and their seasonal population dynamics in Yazd province, Iran. Iranian Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases, 4, 66-71. PMCID: PMC3385546
Solusby, E. J. L. (1982). Helminth, arthropods and protozoa of domesticated animals. 7th edition, Philadelphia, Bailliere Tindall, London, 809pp
Swelum, A., Ismael, A. B., Khalaf, A. F., & Abouheif, M. A. (2014). Clinical and laboratory findings associated with naturally occurring babesiosis in dromedary camels. Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy, 58, 299-233. DOI:
Urquhart, G. M., Armour, J., Duncan, J. L., Dunn, A. M., Jennings, F. W. (Editor).(1995) Veterinary Parasitology. Blackwell, Oxford.
Weiss, D. J., & Wardrop, K. J. (2010). Schalm’s Veterinary Hematology, 6th edition, Wiley Blackwell, 1228pp
Wernery, U., & Kaaden, O. R. (2002). Infectious Diseases in Camelids. Blackwell, Vienna, 403pp.