Published: February 4, 2021

The Application of the CART and CHIAD Algorithms in Sugar Beet Yield Prediction


Energy Prediction of Wheat Production Using Data Mining Technique in Iran


An assessment of Energy Consumption for Canola Production System in Iran (A Case Study: Amirkabir Agro-Industry)

28-37 Nasim Monjezi, Esmaeil Hosseinzadeh

Effect of Adding Different Levels of Portulaca oleracea L. Seeds and Leaves Powder to The Diet on Productive and Physiological Performance of Broiler Chickens (Ross 308)

38-48 Ahmed J. Shirshaab, Jaffar M. Jassim

Mathematical Model for Evaluating Slippage of Tractor Under Various Field Conditions

49-59 Salim A. Almaliki, Majed S. Himoud, Sadiq J. Muhsin

Effect of Different Levels of Local Concentrated Protein Manufactured from Slaughterhouse Wastes on some Carcasses Traits of Broiler

60-66 Zaman K.F. Al-Mhsenawi, Majid H.A. Alasadi, Qutiba J.G. Al khfaji

Production of Functional Soft Cheese and Studying its Chemical and Sensory Evaluation Properties

67-82 Mariam M. Ghazal, Nawfal A.-A. H. Al-Hilfy, Haider I. Ali

In Vitro Antioxidant Properties of Gum Extract From The Carob (Ceratonia silique L.) Plant

83 -92 Marwah T. G. Al-Ameri, Amera K. Nasser

Morphology and Molecular Studies of Contracaecum Larvae (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in Some Fish species from Sulaimani Province, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

93-110 Younis S. Abdullah, Shamall M. A. Abdullah, Ridha H. Hussein

The Determination of the Genetic Distance of Various Snake Melon Cucumis melo var. flexuosus Cultivars Using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat Technique (ISSR)

111-123 Haidar A. K. Al Khazraji, Abdulkareem M. Abd , Abdulla A. Abdulla

Responses of Local Wheat Varieties to Greenbug Schizaphus graminum and Bird-Cherry Oat Aphid Rhopalosiphum padi Infestation

124-138 Haider D. Al-Hussine, Aqeel A. Alyousuf

Effect of Some Strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Their Mixture on the Level of Fats and Cholesterol in Albino Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Male with Hypothyroidism Induced Using Carbimazole

139-146 Elham K. Nasser, Kithar R. Majeed , Hayder I. Ali

Localization, Distribution and Structure of Muscle Fibres Using Specific Antibody Markers in the zebrafish, Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822)

147-155 Hussein A. Saud, Ilham J.J. Alshami, Ruth Cooper

Effect of the Root Zone Temperature and Salt Stress on Plant Growth, Main Branches and some other Chemical Characteristics of Tomato Fruit Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. memory

156-170 Dhulfiqar J. Hmiz , Ihsan J. Ithbayyib

The Effect of Alcoholic Extract of Rhizomes of Greater Galangal (Alpinia galanga L.) on the Serum Antioxidant Enzymes for Japanese Quail During Oxidative Stress Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide

171-179 Asrar M. S. Al-Mosawy , Khalid C. K. Al-Salhie

Polymorphism of LEP and TNF-α Genes in the Dairy Cattle Populations of Ukrainian Selection

180-191 Roman Kulibaba, Yuriy Liashenko, Polina Yurko, Mykola Sakhatskyi, Yulia Osadcha, Hamza Alshamaileh

Comparison of Growth for Cultivated Common carp, Cyprinus carpio Larvae between Earthen Ponds and Recirculation Aquaculture System

192-205 Ahmed M. Mojer, Majid M. Taher, Riyadh A. Al-Tameemi

Tree Physiology, Fruit Growth and Nutrient Elements of Wax Apple (Syzygium Samarangense) as Affected by Branch Bending Angle

206-221 Mohammad M. Khandaker, Nurul H. Ismail, Umar A. Abdullahi, Md. A. Alam, Noor A. Badaluddin, Khamsah S. Mohd