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The study aims to measure the comparative and competitive advantage of red meat production in the Kokjali region of Nineveh through some measures derived from the policy analysis matrix. The study relied on the primary data collected through the questionnaire form for a random sample of (100) fields included (5610) imported calves in the Kokjali district of Nineveh Governorate for the production year 2018. The sample was distributed into three categories according to the number of calves. The sample was divided into three categories, according to the number of calves, the first category of fields contains 25-49 calves and their number reached 35 fields, and the second category represents fields that contain 50-74 Calf has reached 48 fields, and the third category represents the fields that contain 75 calves or more and reached 17 fields. The results of the study indicated that the measures of protection and indicators of comparative advantage showed that there is no government support to protect red meat production in the domestic market for the year 2018 and this is clear from the nominal protection coefficient of the outputs 0.263. The same is the case with the nominal protection coefficient of inputs 1.212, as the results of the study showed that there is no government support. In addition, the measure of the special costs ratio indicated that the red meat product system has international competitiveness 0.004. Finally, the value of the local resource cost factor 0.131 indicated that the Kokceli area has a comparative and competitive advantage for the production of red meat, as the coefficient appeared to be less than the correct one.


Price matrix Comparative advantage Red meat Efficiency criteria

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How to Cite
Abdullah, A. M. ., Farhan, G. G. ., & Abdullah, R. M. . (2021). Economic Study of the Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness of Small Holdings for Fattening Cows Calves in Nineveh Governorate for the Year 2018. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34(2), 220–239.


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