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The field performance of movable boards ditch opener (MB) and conventional ditch opener (CD) was contrasted by using a specific resistance to determine  the  optimum  performance  of  either   one   of   them.   The   comparison was conducted using three operating  depths  (30,  40  and  50cm),  three  angles  between  the  boards  of  MB  (45,  60  and  750),  one  angle  for  CD  (650)  because  its boards were fixed, three wings width  of  the  foot  of  MB  whereas,  for  CD,  one  share width  (35cm)  and  two  soil  types  (cultivated  and  uncultivated).  CD  could  not penetrate the  uncultivated  soil  more  than  25cm  so  that  there  was  one  operating  depth.  The  results  of  the  experiments  showed  that  SR  for  MB  decreased as the operating depth,  the  angle  between  the  boards  and  the  width  of the wings of the foot  in  both  soil  types  were  increased.  Specific  resistance  (SR)  for  CD  also  decreased  as  the  operating  depth  increased  in  the  cultivated  soil,    but  in  the  uncultivated  soil,  CD  could  not  penetrate  the  soil  more  than  25cm.  SR for MB was  lower  than  that  for  CD  for  all  operating  depths,  the  angle  between the boards,  the width of the wings of the foot in both soil types. SR for         MB and CD  in  the  cultivated  soil  was  low  compared  to  uncultivated  soil.  The  soil  type  decreased  SR  for  MB  more  than  the  operating  depth,  the  angle   between its boards and the width of  its  wings.  On  the  other  hand,  the  angle  between its boards reduced  SR  more  than  the  width  of  the  wings  and  the  operating depth. MB surpassed CD in giving lower SR and that means the field performance of MB was higher than that for CD.


Conventional ditch opener Movable boards ditch opener Specific resistance Operating depth Angle between movable boards

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How to Cite
Aday, S. H. ., & Al-muthafar, Y. . (2019). Comparison Study between the Field Performance of a Movable Boards and Conventional Ditch Openers in Cultivated and Uncultivated Soils, Part 3: The Specific Resistance. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32(1), 15–24.


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