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A field experiment was carried out in silty loam soil at Agricultural research station, College of Agriculture during the corn growing season of 2015. The aim of study was to determine the effect of manure (cattle residues) levels (0, 20 and 40 ton ha-1), the depth of manure application (10, 20 and 30 cm), and the method ofmanure application (mixing with soil and subsoil laying) on soil bulk density and soil water content. The manure was added at certain treatments by using a ditch opener and manure laying machine which was designed and manufactured in the Agriculture Machines and Equipment Department, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah in 2015. The field was plowed perpendicularly, and the treatments were arranged in RCBD with split-split plot design with three replicated using drip irrigation system. Corn (Zea mays L.) seeds were planted on the manure rows. All plots received NPK fertilization with the same levels. At the end of growing season, soil samples (0-30 cm) were collected to examine soil bulk density and soil water content. The results showed that, lower bulk density and higher water content were obtained at level of 40 ton ha-1compared with the levels of 0 and 20 ton ha-1. The soil bulk density decreased from1.23 to 1.20 Mg m-3 and the soil water content increased from 26.33 to 30.23 % whenthe depth of application increased from 10 to 30 cm. Mixing manure with soil resulted in lower value of bulk density and higher value of water content compared with subsoil laying method. Mixing manure with soil down to the depth of 30 cm amount of 40 ton ha-1 improved the soil bulk density which reached lower value of 1.14 Mg m-3 and soilwater content increased to 36.19% among all other treatments.
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- Zhang, J.; Yang, J.; Yao, R.; Yu, S.; Li, F. and Hou, X. (2014). The effects of farmyard manure and mulch on soil physical properties in a reclaimed coastal tidal flat salt-affected soil. J. Integr. Agric., 13(8): 1782-1790.
Al-Delfi, H.F. (2013). Role of organic residues in reduce the effect of irriga-tion water salinity on soil properties and corn (Zea mays L.) growth. M. Sc. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah, Iraq. 214pp. (in Arabic).
Al-Fadlly, J.T.M. (2011). Effect of organic and mineral fertilization on growth and yield of potato crop. M. Sc. Thesis. Coll.Agric. Univ. Baghdad, Iraq. 175pp. (in Arabic).
Al-Hadithi, J.I. and Abdul-Hamza, J.S. (2010). Effect of sources and levels of organic matter on some soil physical properties and corn yield (Zea mays L.). J. Al-Qadisiyah, Pure Sci., 15(13): 1-9. (in Arabic).
Al-Hasan, H.H. (2008). The effect of organic fertilization on soil fertility and potato yield in Al-Qusair Region-Homs Governorate. M. Sc. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Al-Baath, Syria. 128pp. (in Arabic).
Al-Mohammedi, O.H.M. (2009). Use of manure and Whey as a way of organic agriculture and their impact in growth and production of potatoes. Ph. D. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Baghdad. Iraq. 182pp. (in Arabic).
Al-Rawi, K.M. and Khalaf-Allah A.M. (1980). Design and analysis of agricu- ltural experiments. Al-Mosul Univ. Press. Iraq. 488pp. (in Arabic).
Al-Shamy, Y.A.A. (2013). Effect of soil conditioners and moisture level on clay soil physical properties and water use efficiency of maize plant (Zea mays L.) under drip and surface irriga-tion. M. Sc. Thesis. Coll. Agric. Univ. Basrah. Iraq. 172pp. (in Arabic).
Avnimelech, Y. and Kochva, M. (1997). On the agronomic use of municipal solid waste compost: Principles and applications. Pp: 383-393. In: Rosen, D.; Tel-Or, E.; Hadar,Y. and Chen, Y. (Eds.). Modern Agriculture and the Environment. Kluwer Pub. 646pp.
Black, C.A. (1965). Methods of soil analysis. Part 1. Physical Properties. Amer. Soc.Agron, Inc. Pub., Madison, Wisconsin,U.S.A. 770pp.
Bladia, R. (2014). Improve some of the physical properties of the soil using some organic materials. Damascus Univ. J. Agric. Sci., 30(4): 27-39.
Brye, K.R.; Slaton, N.A.; Norman R.J. and Savin, M.C. (2004). Short-term effects of poultry litter form and rate on soil bulk density and water content. communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 35: 2311-2325.
Dridi, B. and Toumi, C. (1999). Effect of several organic amendments on physical properties of a cultivar soil. Etude et gestation, Des. Sols., 6: 7-14.
Guo, L.; Wu, G.; Li, Y.; Liu, W.; Meng, J.;Liu, H.; Yu, X. and Jiang, G. (2016). Effect of cattle manure compost combined with chemical fertilizer on topsoil organic matter, bulk density and earthworm activity in a wheat-maze rotation system in Eastern China. Soil Till. Res., 156: 140- 147.
Haynes, R. and Naidu, R. (1998). Influence of time, fertilizer and man-ure application on soil organic matter content and soil physical conditions: a review. Nutrient Cyc. Agroeco., 51: 123-137.
Jasim, A.A.; Ali, M.M. and Atee, A.S. (2008). The effect of some tillage system and fertilizers on some soil physical properties and growth and yield cotton crop. The 15th. Ann. Conf. Misrt. Soc. Agric. Eng. 12-13 March. 2008. Pp: 286-308. (in Arabic).
Koenig, R. and Johnson, M. (1999). Selecting and using organic fertilizers. Utah State Univ. Cooperative Extension. HG-510. 6pp.
Mosaddeghi, M.R.; Mahboubi, A.A. and Safadoust, A. (2009). Short-term effects of tillage and manure on some soil physical properties and maize root growth in a sandy loam soil in western Iran. Soil Till. Res., 104: 173-179.
Page, A.L.; Miller, R.H. and Keeney, D.R. (1982). Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. 2nd ed. ASA Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, 1143pp.
Richards, L.A. (1954). Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils.U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook No 60., Washington. 154 pp.
Shirani, H.; Hajabbasi, M.A.; Afyuni, M. and Hemmat, A. (2002). Effects of farmyard manure and tillage systems on soil physical properties and corn yield in central Iran. Soil Till. Res., 68: 101-108.
Zhang, B.; Horn, R. and Hallett, P.D. (2005). Mechanical resilience of degraded soil amendment with organic matter. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 69: 864-871.
Zhang, J.; Yang, J.; Yao, R.; Yu, S.; Li, F. and Hou, X. (2014). The effects of farmyard manure and mulch on soil physical properties in a reclaimed coastal tidal flat salt-affected soil. J. Integr. Agric., 13(8): 1782-1790.