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Chicken meat is a low-fat, high-protein food that is increasingly growing in popularity around the world. Therefore, various food ingredients have been added to improve the characteristics of the chicken sausage. Among them, Basil seed gum (BSG) was extracted, and the effect of adding it in percentages of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 % was studied as- a partial replacement- for animal fat in processed sausages and its effect on the proximate composition, sensory and quality characteristics of chicken sausages. The yield of gum extract was 17.5% on a dry-weight basis. Moreover, the results of analyzing the proximate composition of prepared sausage showed an increase in the moisture, protein, and ash percentage. However, the percentage of fat, carbohydrates, and caloric value in them decreased. The results also showed increased water holding capacity, emulsion stability, and cooking yield in the prepared sausages. In contrast, the percentage of cooking loss and loss of thaw loss decreased. It was also noted that the peroxide value, free fatty acids, and cholesterol decreased by increasing the concentration of gum added, up to 2%. Besides that, the addition of gum concentrations resulted in a clear improvement in the sensory characteristics and acceptability of the assessor, especially colour, tenderness, juiciness, and overall acceptability. It can be concluded from this research that the possibility of using BSG as a fat replacer to manufacture low-fat chicken sausages, which contributes to reducing the cost of sausage mixtures and giving a healthy, low-calorie product.
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- Abd El-Aziz, M., Haggag, H. F., Kaluoubi, M. M., Hassan, L. K., El-Sayed, M. M. & Sayed, A. F. (2016). Characterization of ethanol precipitated cress seed and flaxseed mucilages compared with commercial guar gum. American Journal of Food Technology, 11(3), 84-91.
- Al-Ameri, M. T. G., & Nasser, A. K. (2021). In vitro antioxidant properties of gum extract from the carob (Ceratonia silique L.) plant. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34(1), 83-92.
- Alghooneh, A., Razavi, S. M. A., & Kasapis, S. (2019). Classification of hydrocolloids based on small amplitude oscillatory shear, large amplitude oscillatory shear, and textural properties. Journal of Texture Studies, 50(6), 520-538.
- Al-Husseiny, K. S. J., & Khrebish, M. T. (2019). Determination of chemical content and some physical properties and meat pigments (myoglobin, meta myoglobin and oxymyoglobin) in different parts of slaughtered animals. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32(Spec. Issue 2), 302-319.
- Al-Zaidi, R. M. K., & Ahmed, M. M. (2020). The effect of adding some essential oils to the physicochemical properties of frozen beef sausage with different storage periods. Plant Archives, 20, 2605-2609.
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- Jung, S., Bae, Y. S., Yong, H. I., Lee, H. J., Seo, D. W., Park, H. B., Lee, J. H., & Jo, C. (2015). Proximate composition, and l-carnitine and betaine contents in meat from Korean indigenous chicken. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science, 28(12), 1760-1766.
- Kim, H. S., & Chin, K. B. (2016). Evaluation of different drying temperatures on physico‐chemical and antioxidant properties of water‐soluble tomato powders and on their use in pork patties. Journal of Science Food Agriculture, 96(3), 742-50.
- Lee, C. H., & Chin, K. B. (2017). Development of low-fat sausage using basil seed gum (Ocimum basilicum L.). International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52, 733-740.
- Mirhosseini, H., & Amid, B. T. (2012). A review study on chemical composition and molecular structure of newly plant gum exudates and seed gums. Food Research International, 46, 387-398.
- Modi, V. K., Sachindra, N. M., Sathisha, A. D., Mahendrakar, N. S., & Narasimha Rao, D. (2005). Changes in quality of chicken curry during frozen storage. Journal of Muscle Foods, 17(2), 141-154.
- Mousavi, L., Razali, N. N. B., & Ishak, W. R. W. (2019). Nutritional composition and physicochemical properties of sausages developed with non-meat ingredients (tofu). Journal of Chemical Health Risks, 9(4), 275-282.
- Naji-Tabasi, S., & Razavi, S. M. A. (2017a). New studies on basil (Ocimum bacilicum L.) seed gum: Part III–Steady and dynamic shear rheology. Food Hydrocolloids, 67, 243-250.
- Naji-Tabasi, S., & Razavi, S. M. A. (2017b). Functional properties and application of basil seed gum: An overview. Food Hydrocolloids, 73, 313.
- O'Brien, R. D. (2008). Fats and Oils: Formulating and Processing for Applications. Third Edition. CRC Press, N. Y, 680pp.
- OECD/FAO. (2017). OECD-FAO Agricultural outlook 2017-2026. OECD, Paris.
- Osano, J. P., Hosseini-Parvar, S. H., Matia-Merino, L., & Golding, M. (2014). Emulsifying properties of a novel polysaccharide extracted from basil seed (Ocimum bacilicum L.): Effect of polysaccharide and protein content. Food Hydrocolloids, 37, 40-48.
- Park, K., Choi, Y., Kim, H., Kim, H., Song, D., Hwang, K., Choi, S., & Kim, C. (2012). Quality characteristics of chicken emulsion sausages with different levels of Makgeolli lees fiber. Korean Journal. Food Science and Resources, 32(1), 54-61.
- Pateiro, M., Rois, D., Lorenzo, J. M., Vazquez, J. A. & Franco, D. (2018). Effect of breed and finishing diet on growth performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics of Mos young hens. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 16(1), 402.
- SAS. (2012). Statistical Analysis System, User's Guide. Statistical. Version 9.1th ed. SAS. Inst. Inc. Cary. N. C.
- Saengphol, E., & Pirak, T. (2018). Hoary basil seed mucilage as fat replacer and its effect on quality characteristics on chicken meat model. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 52, 382-387.
- Saengphol, E., & Pirak, T. (2019). Effect of Thai hoary basil (Ocimum basilicum Sims) seed mucilage on fat reduction and quality characteristics of chicken salt soluble protein gel and low fat meat products. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 53, 487-499.
- Shabeeb, A. J., & Nassir, A. K. (2019). Using of extracted carnosine camel meat to improving some quality traits of cold-preserved meat patties. Basrah Journal Agricultural Sciences, 32(Special Issue 2), 183-192.
- Thakur, G., Mitra, A., Pal, K., & Rousseau, D. (2009). Effect of flaxseed gum on reduction of blood glucose & cholesterol in Type 2 diabetic patients. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 60(6), 126-136.
- Ul-Ridha Al Mahdawi, A. A., & Al-Aubadi, I. M. (2019). Detection of antimicrobial activity of gum (Lepidium sativum L.) seeds. Biochemical and Cellular Archives, 20(1), 349-353.
- Ulu, H. (2006). Effects of carrageenan and guar gum on the cooking and textural properties of low fat meatballs. Food Chemistry, 95, 600-605.
- Wang, Z. F., Xu, T., Wang, C. Y., & Deng, N. (2018). Effect of combination of three texture- improving ingredients on textural properties of emulsified sausage- containing salted egg white. Food Science and Nutrition, 6, 1387-1393.
- Yousefi, N., Zeynali, F., & Alizadeh, M. (2018). Optimization of low-fat meat hamburger formulation containing quince seed gum using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(2), 598-604.
- Zeynali, M., Naji-Tabasi, S., & Farahmandfar, R. (2019). Investigation of basil (Ocimum bacilicum L.) seed gum properties as cryoprotectant for frozen foods. Food Hydrocolloids, 90, 305-312.
Abd El-Aziz, M., Haggag, H. F., Kaluoubi, M. M., Hassan, L. K., El-Sayed, M. M. & Sayed, A. F. (2016). Characterization of ethanol precipitated cress seed and flaxseed mucilages compared with commercial guar gum. American Journal of Food Technology, 11(3), 84-91.
Al-Ameri, M. T. G., & Nasser, A. K. (2021). In vitro antioxidant properties of gum extract from the carob (Ceratonia silique L.) plant. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34(1), 83-92.
Alghooneh, A., Razavi, S. M. A., & Kasapis, S. (2019). Classification of hydrocolloids based on small amplitude oscillatory shear, large amplitude oscillatory shear, and textural properties. Journal of Texture Studies, 50(6), 520-538.
Al-Husseiny, K. S. J., & Khrebish, M. T. (2019). Determination of chemical content and some physical properties and meat pigments (myoglobin, meta myoglobin and oxymyoglobin) in different parts of slaughtered animals. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32(Spec. Issue 2), 302-319.
Al-Zaidi, R. M. K., & Ahmed, M. M. (2020). The effect of adding some essential oils to the physicochemical properties of frozen beef sausage with different storage periods. Plant Archives, 20, 2605-2609.
Ali, M. S., Kim, G. D., Seo, H. W., Jung, E. Y., Kim, B. W., Yang, H. S., & Joo, S. T. (2011). Possibility of making low-fat sausages from duck meat with addition of rice flour. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 24(3), 421-428.
AOAC: Association of Official Analytical Chemist's. (2016). Official Method Analysis, 20th edition. Washington DC. 2, 3172pp.
Ara´ujo, I. B. S., Lima, D. A. S., Pereira, S. F., & Madruga, M. S. (2018). Quality of low-fat chicken sausages with added chicken feet collagen. Poultry Science, 98(2), 1064-1074.
Capita, R., Díaz-Rodríguez, N., Prieto, M., & Alonso-Calleja, C. (2006). Effects of temperature, oxygen exclusion, and storage on the microbial loads and pH of packed ostrich steaks. Journal of Meat Science, 73, 498-502.
Carballo, J. (2021). Sausages: Nutrition, safety, processing and quality improvement. Foods, 10, 890.
Choe, J. (2018). Overview of muscle metabolism, muscle fiber characteristics, and meat quality. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science, 45, 50-57.
Darwish, O. M. I., El-Geddawy, M. A. H., Khalifa, R. M. B., & Mohamed. R. A. A. (2012). Physico-chemical changes of frozen chicken burger formulated with some spices and herbs. Frontiers in Science, 2(6), 192-199.
Fekri, N., Khayami M., Heidari, R., & Jamee, R. (2008). Chemical analysis of flaxseed, sweet basil, dragon head and quince seed mucilage. Research Journal of Biological Science, 3(2), 166-170.
Ghafouri-Oskuei, H., Javadi, A., Asl, M. R. S., Azadmard-Damirchi, S., & Armin, M. (2019). Quality properties of sausage incorporated with flaxseed and tomato powders. Meat Science, 161,
Han, M., & Bertram, H. C. (2017). Designing healthier comminuted meat products: Effect of dairy fibers on water distribution and texture of a fat-reduced meat model system. Meat Science, 133, 159-165.
Hosseini-Parvar, S. H., Matia-Merino, L., Goh, K. K. T., Razavi, S. M. A., & Mortazavi, S. A. (2010). Steady shear flow behavior of gum extracted from Ocimum basilicum L. seed: Effect of concentration and temperature. Journal of Food Engineering, 101(3), 236-243.
Huang, X., Kakuda, Y., & Cui, W. (2001). Hydrocolloids in emulsions: particle size distribution and interfacial activity. Food Hydrocolloids, 15(4–6), 533-542.
Jo, K., Lee, J., & Jung, S. (2018). Quality characteristics of low-salt chicken sausage supplemented with a winter mushroom powder. Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources, 38(4), 768-779.
Jung, S., Bae, Y. S., Yong, H. I., Lee, H. J., Seo, D. W., Park, H. B., Lee, J. H., & Jo, C. (2015). Proximate composition, and l-carnitine and betaine contents in meat from Korean indigenous chicken. Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science, 28(12), 1760-1766.
Kim, H. S., & Chin, K. B. (2016). Evaluation of different drying temperatures on physico‐chemical and antioxidant properties of water‐soluble tomato powders and on their use in pork patties. Journal of Science Food Agriculture, 96(3), 742-50.
Lee, C. H., & Chin, K. B. (2017). Development of low-fat sausage using basil seed gum (Ocimum basilicum L.). International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52, 733-740.
Mirhosseini, H., & Amid, B. T. (2012). A review study on chemical composition and molecular structure of newly plant gum exudates and seed gums. Food Research International, 46, 387-398.
Modi, V. K., Sachindra, N. M., Sathisha, A. D., Mahendrakar, N. S., & Narasimha Rao, D. (2005). Changes in quality of chicken curry during frozen storage. Journal of Muscle Foods, 17(2), 141-154.
Mousavi, L., Razali, N. N. B., & Ishak, W. R. W. (2019). Nutritional composition and physicochemical properties of sausages developed with non-meat ingredients (tofu). Journal of Chemical Health Risks, 9(4), 275-282.
Naji-Tabasi, S., & Razavi, S. M. A. (2017a). New studies on basil (Ocimum bacilicum L.) seed gum: Part III–Steady and dynamic shear rheology. Food Hydrocolloids, 67, 243-250.
Naji-Tabasi, S., & Razavi, S. M. A. (2017b). Functional properties and application of basil seed gum: An overview. Food Hydrocolloids, 73, 313.
O'Brien, R. D. (2008). Fats and Oils: Formulating and Processing for Applications. Third Edition. CRC Press, N. Y, 680pp.
OECD/FAO. (2017). OECD-FAO Agricultural outlook 2017-2026. OECD, Paris.
Osano, J. P., Hosseini-Parvar, S. H., Matia-Merino, L., & Golding, M. (2014). Emulsifying properties of a novel polysaccharide extracted from basil seed (Ocimum bacilicum L.): Effect of polysaccharide and protein content. Food Hydrocolloids, 37, 40-48.
Park, K., Choi, Y., Kim, H., Kim, H., Song, D., Hwang, K., Choi, S., & Kim, C. (2012). Quality characteristics of chicken emulsion sausages with different levels of Makgeolli lees fiber. Korean Journal. Food Science and Resources, 32(1), 54-61.
Pateiro, M., Rois, D., Lorenzo, J. M., Vazquez, J. A. & Franco, D. (2018). Effect of breed and finishing diet on growth performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics of Mos young hens. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 16(1), 402.
SAS. (2012). Statistical Analysis System, User's Guide. Statistical. Version 9.1th ed. SAS. Inst. Inc. Cary. N. C.
Saengphol, E., & Pirak, T. (2018). Hoary basil seed mucilage as fat replacer and its effect on quality characteristics on chicken meat model. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 52, 382-387.
Saengphol, E., & Pirak, T. (2019). Effect of Thai hoary basil (Ocimum basilicum Sims) seed mucilage on fat reduction and quality characteristics of chicken salt soluble protein gel and low fat meat products. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 53, 487-499.
Shabeeb, A. J., & Nassir, A. K. (2019). Using of extracted carnosine camel meat to improving some quality traits of cold-preserved meat patties. Basrah Journal Agricultural Sciences, 32(Special Issue 2), 183-192.
Thakur, G., Mitra, A., Pal, K., & Rousseau, D. (2009). Effect of flaxseed gum on reduction of blood glucose & cholesterol in Type 2 diabetic patients. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 60(6), 126-136.
Ul-Ridha Al Mahdawi, A. A., & Al-Aubadi, I. M. (2019). Detection of antimicrobial activity of gum (Lepidium sativum L.) seeds. Biochemical and Cellular Archives, 20(1), 349-353.
Ulu, H. (2006). Effects of carrageenan and guar gum on the cooking and textural properties of low fat meatballs. Food Chemistry, 95, 600-605.
Wang, Z. F., Xu, T., Wang, C. Y., & Deng, N. (2018). Effect of combination of three texture- improving ingredients on textural properties of emulsified sausage- containing salted egg white. Food Science and Nutrition, 6, 1387-1393.
Yousefi, N., Zeynali, F., & Alizadeh, M. (2018). Optimization of low-fat meat hamburger formulation containing quince seed gum using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(2), 598-604.
Zeynali, M., Naji-Tabasi, S., & Farahmandfar, R. (2019). Investigation of basil (Ocimum bacilicum L.) seed gum properties as cryoprotectant for frozen foods. Food Hydrocolloids, 90, 305-312.