Main Article Content
Biscuits are a popular ready-to-eat food due to their affordable cost and long shelf life. Herein, we review the quality parameters of the biscuits, with a special focus on the changes caused by thermal processing. Particularly, the presence of possible contaminants, including the production of hydroxymethylfurfural is reviewed. In addition, the various microbiological sources of concern during the biscuit-making process, and their effect on the shelf-life and quality of the biscuits are presented. Based on the current state of literature, modern challenges in biscuit-making and a future outlook of the biscuit industry is provided. This review will be useful in understanding the current state of the literature regarding the quality parameters of biscuits and the important critical control points in order to maintain the safety and high quality of biscuits produced.
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- aAbdel-Aal, E. S. (2008). Effects of baking on protein digestibility of organic spelt products determined by two in vitro digestion methods. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 41(7), 1282-1288.
- Adeloa, A. A., Ayansina, S. O., Kayode, G. I., & Aderounmu, A. R. (2020). Effect of storage on physical, chemical, microbial and sensory properties of a formulated biscuit prepared from sweetpotato-pigeonpea-banana flour blend. Alexandria Journal of Food Science and Technology, 17(2), 1-10.
- Agu, H. O., & Okoli, N. A. (2001). Physico-chemical, sensory, and microbiological assessments of wheat‐based biscuit improved with beniseed and unripe plantain. Food Science and Nutrition, 2(5), 464-469.
- Ahmad, S. S., Morgan, M. T., & Okos, M. R. (2001). Effects of microwave on the drying, checking and mechanical strength of baked biscuits. Journal of Food Engineering, 50(2), 63-75.
- Al-Husnian, L. A., & Alkahtani, M. D. (2015). Microbiological study on children biscuits in Saudi Arabia. Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, G. Microbiology, 7(1), 93-100.
- Alkanan, Z. T., Altemimi, A. B., Al-Hilphy, A. R. S., Cacciola, F., & Ibrahim, S. I. (2021). Application and effects of ohmic-vacuum combination heating on the quality factors of tomato paste. Foods, 10, 12, 1-19.
- Al-Nasiry, B. S. A. (2020). Detection of bacterial contamination in filled and dried biscuit products of young children. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Health, 23(16), 231-602.
- Al-Nasser, M., Fayssal, I., & Moukalled, F. (2021). Numerical simulation of bread baking in a convection oven. Applied Thermal Engineering, 184, 116252.
- Alobo, A. P. (2001). Effect of sesame seed flour on millet biscuit characteristics. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 56(2), 195-202.
- Altemimi, A. B., Al-Hilphy, A. R. S., Abedelmaksoud, T. G., Aboud, S. A., Badwaik, L. S., Lakshmanan, G. , Noore, S., & Pratap-Singh, A. (2021). Infrared radiation favorably influences the quality characteristics of key lime juice. Applied Sciences, 11(6), 2842.
- Al-Timimi, S. S., Habib, K. A., & Khathier, E. J. (2010). Microbial contamination in some commercial biscuits in Baghdad City. Baghdad Science Journal, 7(2), 867-875.
- Aly, A. A. (2019). Chemical, rheological, sensorial and microbial evaluation of supplemented wheat flour biscuit with guava seeds powder. Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences, 10(5), 147-152.
- Aly, A. A., El-Deeb, F. E., Abdelazeem, A. A., Hameed, A. M., Alfi, A. A., Alessa, H., & Alrefaei, A. F. (2021). Addition of whole barley flour as a partial substitute of wheat flour to enhance the nutritional value of biscuits. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 14(5), 103112.
- Arepally, D., Reddy, R. S., Goswami, T. K., & Datta, A. K. (2020). Biscuit baking: A review. LWT Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie, 131 (2), 109726.
- Arimi, J. M., Duggan, E., O’sullivan, M., Lyng, J. G., & O’riordan, E. D. (2010). Effect of water activity on the crispiness of a biscuit (Crackerbread): Mechanical and acoustic evaluation. Food Research International, 43(6), 1650-1655.
- Awobusuyi, T. D., Pillay, K., & Siwela, M. (2020). Consumer acceptance of biscuits supplemented with a sorghum–insect meal. Nutrients, 12(4), 895.
- Capuano, E, & Fogliano, V. (2011). Acrylamide and 5 hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF): A review on metabolism, toxicity, occurrence in food and mitigation strategies. LWT -Food Science and Technology, 44(4), 793-810.
- Codex Alimentarius Commission (2015). Joint FAO/WHO standards programme Codex committee on contaminants in foods, fifth session. Working document for information and use in discussions related to contaminants and toxins in the GSCTFF Codex Alimentary Comission, Vialedelle Terme di Caracalla Rome, 90pp.
- Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2158 of 20 November (2017). Establishing mitigation measures and benchmark levels for the reduction of the presence of acrylamide in food (Text with EEA relevance.) (OJ L 304 20.11.2017, p. 24, CELEX:
- Cronin, K., & Preis, C. A. (2000). Statistical analysis of biscuit physical properties as affected by baking. Journal of Food Engineering, 46(4), 217-225.
- Dada, E. O., Ojo, O. N., Njoku, K. L., & Akinola, M. O. (2017). Assessing the levels of Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu in biscuits and home-made snacks obtained from vendors in two tertiary institutions in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, 21(3), 521-524.
- Das, K. K., Sarkar, A., & Hossain, A. (2020). Isolation of pathogenic microorganisms and determination of their antibiotic resistance patterns collected from different bakery products of Dhaka city. Food Research, 4(4), 1312-1316.
- Dayakar, B. R., & Bhargavi, G. (2017). Technology involved in quality of biscuits: influence of factors and impact on processing—a critical review. International Journal of Pure and Applied Bioscience, 5(4), 532-542.
- Delgado-Andrade, C., Rufian-Henares, J. A., & Morales, F. J. (2009). Hydroxymethylfurfural in commercial biscuits marketed in Spain. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 48(1), 14-19.
- Dessev, T., Lalanne, V., Keramat, J., Jury, V., Prost, C., & Le-Bail, A. (2020). Influence of baking conditions on bread characteristics and acrylamide concentration. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Research, 3(4), 291-310.
- Dewettinck, K., Van Bockstaele, F., Kühne, B., Van de Walle, D., Courtens, T. M., & Gellynck, X. (2008). Nutritional value of bread: Influence of processing, food interaction and consumer perception. Journal of Cereal Science, 48(2), 243-257.
- Dietrich, R., Jessberger, N., Ehling-Schulz, M., Märtlbauer, E., & Granum, P. E. (2021). The food poisoning toxins of Bacillus cereus. Toxins, 13(2), 98.
- EFSA (European Food Safety Agency). (2015). Scientific opinion on acrylamide in food, EFSA Journal, 13(6), 4104.
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- Forsythe, S. & Hays, P. (Ed.) (2012). Food hygiene, microbiology and HACCP. 3rd ed.; Springer Science and Business Media, Berlin/Heidelberg, 449pp.
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- Iwegbue, C. M., Onyonyewoma, U. A., Bassey, F. I., Nwajei, G. E., & Martincigh, B. S. (2015). Concentrations and health risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in some brands of biscuits in the Nigerian market. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 21(2), 338-357.
- Keskin, S. O., Oztürk, S., Sahin, S., Koksel, H., & Sumnu, G. (2005). Halogen lamp–microwave combination baking of cookies. European Food Research and Technology, 220(5), 546-551.
- Kim, S. A., Oh, S. W., Lee, Y. M., Imm, J. Y., Hwang, I. G., Kang, D. H., & Rhee, M. S. (2011). Microbial contamination of food products consumed by infants and babies in Korea. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 53(5), 532-538.
- KorayPalazoğlu, T., Coşkun, Y., Kocadağlı, T., & Gökmen, V. (2012). Effect of radio frequency postdrying of partially baked cookies on acrylamide content, texture, and colour of the final product. Journal of Food Science, 77(5), E113-E117.
- Kowalski, S., Lukasiewicz, M., Duda-Chodak, A., & Zięć, G. (2013a). 5-Hydroxymethyl- 2-furfural (HMF)-heat-induced formation, occurrence in food and biotransformation - A review. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Science, 63(4), 207-225.
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Al-Husnian, L. A., & Alkahtani, M. D. (2015). Microbiological study on children biscuits in Saudi Arabia. Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, G. Microbiology, 7(1), 93-100.
Alkanan, Z. T., Altemimi, A. B., Al-Hilphy, A. R. S., Cacciola, F., & Ibrahim, S. I. (2021). Application and effects of ohmic-vacuum combination heating on the quality factors of tomato paste. Foods, 10, 12, 1-19.
Al-Nasiry, B. S. A. (2020). Detection of bacterial contamination in filled and dried biscuit products of young children. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Health, 23(16), 231-602.
Al-Nasser, M., Fayssal, I., & Moukalled, F. (2021). Numerical simulation of bread baking in a convection oven. Applied Thermal Engineering, 184, 116252.
Alobo, A. P. (2001). Effect of sesame seed flour on millet biscuit characteristics. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 56(2), 195-202.
Altemimi, A. B., Al-Hilphy, A. R. S., Abedelmaksoud, T. G., Aboud, S. A., Badwaik, L. S., Lakshmanan, G. , Noore, S., & Pratap-Singh, A. (2021). Infrared radiation favorably influences the quality characteristics of key lime juice. Applied Sciences, 11(6), 2842.
Al-Timimi, S. S., Habib, K. A., & Khathier, E. J. (2010). Microbial contamination in some commercial biscuits in Baghdad City. Baghdad Science Journal, 7(2), 867-875.
Aly, A. A. (2019). Chemical, rheological, sensorial and microbial evaluation of supplemented wheat flour biscuit with guava seeds powder. Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences, 10(5), 147-152.
Aly, A. A., El-Deeb, F. E., Abdelazeem, A. A., Hameed, A. M., Alfi, A. A., Alessa, H., & Alrefaei, A. F. (2021). Addition of whole barley flour as a partial substitute of wheat flour to enhance the nutritional value of biscuits. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 14(5), 103112.
Arepally, D., Reddy, R. S., Goswami, T. K., & Datta, A. K. (2020). Biscuit baking: A review. LWT Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie, 131 (2), 109726.
Arimi, J. M., Duggan, E., O’sullivan, M., Lyng, J. G., & O’riordan, E. D. (2010). Effect of water activity on the crispiness of a biscuit (Crackerbread): Mechanical and acoustic evaluation. Food Research International, 43(6), 1650-1655.
Awobusuyi, T. D., Pillay, K., & Siwela, M. (2020). Consumer acceptance of biscuits supplemented with a sorghum–insect meal. Nutrients, 12(4), 895.
Capuano, E, & Fogliano, V. (2011). Acrylamide and 5 hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF): A review on metabolism, toxicity, occurrence in food and mitigation strategies. LWT -Food Science and Technology, 44(4), 793-810.
Codex Alimentarius Commission (2015). Joint FAO/WHO standards programme Codex committee on contaminants in foods, fifth session. Working document for information and use in discussions related to contaminants and toxins in the GSCTFF Codex Alimentary Comission, Vialedelle Terme di Caracalla Rome, 90pp.
Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2158 of 20 November (2017). Establishing mitigation measures and benchmark levels for the reduction of the presence of acrylamide in food (Text with EEA relevance.) (OJ L 304 20.11.2017, p. 24, CELEX:
Cronin, K., & Preis, C. A. (2000). Statistical analysis of biscuit physical properties as affected by baking. Journal of Food Engineering, 46(4), 217-225.
Dada, E. O., Ojo, O. N., Njoku, K. L., & Akinola, M. O. (2017). Assessing the levels of Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu in biscuits and home-made snacks obtained from vendors in two tertiary institutions in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, 21(3), 521-524.
Das, K. K., Sarkar, A., & Hossain, A. (2020). Isolation of pathogenic microorganisms and determination of their antibiotic resistance patterns collected from different bakery products of Dhaka city. Food Research, 4(4), 1312-1316.
Dayakar, B. R., & Bhargavi, G. (2017). Technology involved in quality of biscuits: influence of factors and impact on processing—a critical review. International Journal of Pure and Applied Bioscience, 5(4), 532-542.
Delgado-Andrade, C., Rufian-Henares, J. A., & Morales, F. J. (2009). Hydroxymethylfurfural in commercial biscuits marketed in Spain. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 48(1), 14-19.
Dessev, T., Lalanne, V., Keramat, J., Jury, V., Prost, C., & Le-Bail, A. (2020). Influence of baking conditions on bread characteristics and acrylamide concentration. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Research, 3(4), 291-310.
Dewettinck, K., Van Bockstaele, F., Kühne, B., Van de Walle, D., Courtens, T. M., & Gellynck, X. (2008). Nutritional value of bread: Influence of processing, food interaction and consumer perception. Journal of Cereal Science, 48(2), 243-257.
Dietrich, R., Jessberger, N., Ehling-Schulz, M., Märtlbauer, E., & Granum, P. E. (2021). The food poisoning toxins of Bacillus cereus. Toxins, 13(2), 98.
EFSA (European Food Safety Agency). (2015). Scientific opinion on acrylamide in food, EFSA Journal, 13(6), 4104.
Elham-Elshewey, Hamouda, A. F., & Radwan, M. (2015). Assessment of some heavy metals in some fast foods in Kalubia Governorate. International Journal for Research in Health Sciences & Nursing, 1(2), 71-93.
Ferdian, E., Ariestanti, C. A., & Budiarso, T. Y. (2020). Detection and identification of microbial contaminant in bakery products in Yogyakarta city, Indonesia. Sciscitatio, 1(1), 44-50.
Forsythe, S. & Hays, P. (Ed.) (2012). Food hygiene, microbiology and HACCP. 3rd ed.; Springer Science and Business Media, Berlin/Heidelberg, 449pp.
Gökmen, V., Açar, Ö. Ç., Arribas-Lorenzo, G., & Morales, F. J. (2008). Investigating the correlation between acrylamide content and browning ratio of model cookies. Journal of Food Engineering, 87(3), 380-385.
Iwegbue, C. M., Onyonyewoma, U. A., Bassey, F. I., Nwajei, G. E., & Martincigh, B. S. (2015). Concentrations and health risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in some brands of biscuits in the Nigerian market. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 21(2), 338-357.
Keskin, S. O., Oztürk, S., Sahin, S., Koksel, H., & Sumnu, G. (2005). Halogen lamp–microwave combination baking of cookies. European Food Research and Technology, 220(5), 546-551.
Kim, S. A., Oh, S. W., Lee, Y. M., Imm, J. Y., Hwang, I. G., Kang, D. H., & Rhee, M. S. (2011). Microbial contamination of food products consumed by infants and babies in Korea. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 53(5), 532-538.
KorayPalazoğlu, T., Coşkun, Y., Kocadağlı, T., & Gökmen, V. (2012). Effect of radio frequency postdrying of partially baked cookies on acrylamide content, texture, and colour of the final product. Journal of Food Science, 77(5), E113-E117.
Kowalski, S., Lukasiewicz, M., Duda-Chodak, A., & Zięć, G. (2013a). 5-Hydroxymethyl- 2-furfural (HMF)-heat-induced formation, occurrence in food and biotransformation - A review. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Science, 63(4), 207-225.
Kowalski, S., Lukasiewicz, M., Juszczak, L., & Kutyła-Kupidura, E. M. (2013b). Dynamics of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural formation in shortbreads during thermal processing. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 31(1), 33-42.
Kuhn, D., Ziem, R., Scheibel, T., Buhl, B., Vettorello, G., Pacheco, L. A., & Hoehne, L. Heidrich, D., Kauffmann, C., de Freitas, E.D., Ethur, E. M., Hoehne, E. (2019). Antibiofilm activity of the essential oil of Campomanesia aurea O. Berg against microorganisms causing food borne diseases. LWT, 108, 247-252.
Logan, N. A. (2012). Bacillus and relatives in foodborne illness. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 112(3), 417-429.
Mencin, M., Abramovič, H., Vidrih, R., & Schreiner, M. (2020). Acrylamide levels in food products on the Slovenian market. Food Control, 114, 107267.
Mesías, M., Morales, F. J., & Delgado-Andrade, C. (2019). Acrylamide in biscuits commercialised in Spain: A view of the Spanish market from 2007 to 2019. Food and Function, 10(10), 6624-6632.
Mohammadi, M. J., Yari, A. R., Saghazadeh, M., Sobhanardakani, S., Geravandi, S., Afkar, A., & OmidiKhaniabadi, Y. A. (2018). Health risk assessment of heavy metals in people consuming Sohan in Qom, Iran. Toxin Reviews, 37(4), 278-286.
Morais, M. P. D., Caliari, M., Nabeshima, E. H., Batista, J. E. R., Campos, M. R. H., & Soares Junior, M. S. (2018). Storage stability of sweet biscuit elaborated with recovered potato starch from effluent of fries industry. Food Science and Technology, 38(2), 216-222.
Mottram, D. S., Wedzicha, B. L., & Dodson, A. T. (2002). Acrylamide is formed in the Maillard reaction. Nature, 419, 448-449.
Mousa, R. M. A. (2019). Simultaneous mitigation of 4(5)-methylimidazole, acrylamide, and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in ammonia biscuit by supplementing with food hydrocolloids, food science-nutrition. Food Science & Nutrition, 7(12), 3912-3921.
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