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?-glucan was extracted from Baker's Yeast of and barley bran using the conventional classical method and the hot water method respectively. The yield of ?- glucan of Baker's Yeast and barley bran were (5.95 and 5.18) % respectively. with significant differences at the probability at the level of 0.05. ?-glucan which extracted from two sources added were to fish patties at different levels (0.0 ,0.1, 0.3 ,0.5, and 1) g / 25g, and the patties were stored at 4±2 ? C up to for 14 days. The results showed that the values of pH and water holding capacity of patties treated with ?-glucan of yeast were lowest than those of patties treated with ?-glucan of barley bran. In contrast, the values of peroxide, acidity values, and the percentage of free fatty acids of the patties treated with ?-glucan of yeast were found to be higher than those in the patties treated with ?-glucan extracted from barley bran.
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Al-Rawii, K.M. & Khalafallah, A.A.M. (2000). Design and analysis of agricultural experiments. 2nd ed. Dar Al-Kitab for Printing and Pub., Univ. Mosul: 37pp.
Al-Shawki, R.M.M. (2018). Extract and diagnosis of beta-glucan yeast baking cells and improve the specific qualities of beef berker disasters. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah: 116pp.
Al-Taii, M.A.J. (1987). Meat and Fish Technology. Dar Al Kutb Press, Univ. Basrah: 421pp.
Al-Taii, M.A.J. & Al-Mossawi, A.E.H.J. (1992). Technology of meat and fish practical. Coll. Agri., Univ. Basrah, 142pp.
Ahmad, A.; Anjum, F.M.; Zahoor, T.; Nawaz,H. & Din, A. (2009). Physicochemical and functional properties of barley ?-glucan as affected by different extraction procedures. International J. Food Sci. Technol., 44(1): 181-187.
Alves da Cunha, M.A.; Albornoz, S.L.; Queiroz Santos, A.V.; Sánchez, W.N.; Barbosa-Dekker, A.M. & Dekker, R.F.H. (2017). Structure and biological functions of D-glucans and their applications. Pp: 309-337. In Rahman, A.A.U.R. (Ed.).Studies in Natural Products Chemistry. 1st ed., Vol. 35. Waltham, M.A., Elsevier: 440pp.
Asare, S.O. (2015). Optimized acid/base extraction and structural characterization of ?-glucan from S. cerevisiae. M. Sc. Thesis. Tennessee State Univ.: 75pp.
Bangari, S. (2011). Effects of oat beta glucan on the stability and textural properties of beta glucan fortified milk beverage. M. Sc. Thesis. Food Nut. Sci. Univ. Wisconsin- Stout: 51pp.
Deli, J.F. (1980). Investigation of the changes in the amino acids content of shrimps and the suitability such changes method for the routine assessment of their quality. M. Sc. Thesis, Philosophy of the Loughborough Univ. Technol: 135pp.
Du, B.; Zhu, F. & Xu, B. (2014). ?-glucan extraction from bran of hull-less barley by accelerated solvent extraction combined with response surface methodology. J. Cereal Sci., 59(1): 95-100.
Egan, H.; Kirk, R.S. & Sawyer, R. (1981). Pearson's chemical analysis of food. 8th ed. Longman Sci. Tech., UK. 591pp.
Huff-Lonergan, E. & Lonergan, S.M. (2005). Mechanisms of water-holding capacity of meat: the role of postmortem biochemical and structure changes. Meat Sci., 71(1): 194-204.
Jaehrig, S.C.; Kroh, L.W.; Fleischer, L.G. & Kurz, T. (2007). In vitro potential antioxidant activity of (1-3) (1-6) ?-d- glucan and protein fractions from Saccharomyces cerevieses cell walls. J. Agri. Food Chem., 55(12): 4710-4716.
Kayali, H.; Ozdag, M.F.; Kahraman, S.; Aydin, A.; Gonul, E.; Sayal, A. & Timurkaynak, E. (2005). The antioxidant effect of ?-glucan on oxidative stress in experimental spinal cord injury in rats. Neurosurg. Rev., 28(4): 298-302.
Kristinsson, H.G. & Hultin, H.O. (2003). Changes in conformation and subunit assembly of cod myosin at low and high pH and after subsequent Refolding. J. Agric. Food Chem., 51(24): 7187-7196.
Maheshwari, G.; Sowrirajan, S. & Joseph, B. (2017). Extraction and isolation of ?- glucan from grain sources-a review. J. Food Sci., 82(7): 1535-1545.
Ozcan, O. & Ertan, F. (2018). Beta-glucan content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of some edible mushroom species. Food Sci. Technol., 6(2): 47-55.
Sofi, S.; Singh, J. & Rafiq, S. (2017). ?- glucan and functionality: A review. EC. Nut., 10(2): 67-74.
Zhu, F.; Du, B. & Xu, B. (2016). A critical review on production and industrial applications of ?-glucans. Food Hydrocoll., 52: 275-288.
Zhang, H.; Xiong, Y.; Bakry, A.M.; Xiong, S.; Yin, T.; Zhang, B.; Huang, J.; Liu, Z. & Huang, Z. (2019). Effect of yeast ?-glucan on gel properties, spatial structure and sensory characteristics of silver carp surimi. Food Hydrocoll., 88: 256-264.