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This study design to produce of functional cheese by these parameters: (A) control using raw bovine milk (without any additive), (B) Al-mudhish skim milk powder, (C) Landoz skim milk powder, (D) Regiliat skim milk powder, (E) Spray skimmed milk and 2% inulin and 2% modified starch were added to skim milk powder. The evaluation of chemical tests were performed including estimating moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates, ash, total acidity percentage and pH, and sensory evaluation properties during refrigerated storage at the periods (1, 7, 14, 21 and 28) days. The results showed that the functional soft cheese from Landoz milk powder with (2% inulin and 2% modified starch) was have a higher percent of moisture and carbohydrates during the last period of storage (28) days compared to the control. The production of soft cheese by using Landoz milk powder with a mixture of prebiotic and probiotic has got the highest sensory features
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- Olivera, M. E. G. D., GarciaII, E. F., QueirogaI, R. D. C. R., & De Souza, E. L. (2012). Technological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of a Brazilian semi-hard goat cheese (coalho) with added probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Sciences Agriculture, 69, 370-379.
- Sabbagh, N., Gheisari, H. R., & Aminlari, M. (2010). Monitoring the chemical and microbiological changes during ripening of Iranian probiotic low-fat white cheese. American Journal Animal Veterinarian Sciences, 5, 249-257.
- Sabikhi, L., Kumar M. H. S., & Mathur, B. N. (2014). Bifidobacterium bifidum in probiotic Edam cheese: influence on cheese ripening. Journal of Food Science Technology, 51, 3902-3909.
- Visser, J. (1991). Factors Affecting the Rheological and Fracture Properties of Hard and Semi-hard Cheese. 49-61 In Walstra, P. (Ed.). Rheological and Fracture Properties of Cheese. International Dairy Federation, Brussels, Belgium, 67pp.
- Xin, J. H., Ya, S. M., & Yu. G. G. (2015). Influence of Lactobacillus casei LC2W on the proteolysis and aroma compounds of Cheddar cheese during the ripening period. CyTA-Journal Food, 13, 464-471.
- Yahyavi, F., & Kalajahi, S. E. M. (2014). A study of the possibility of low- fat feta cheese production using dietary fiber. Advance Environmental Biology, 8, 1245- 1249.
Abd El- Salam, B. A. (2015). Effect of milk fat replacement with vegetable oil and/or whey protein concentrate on microstructure, texture, and sensory characteristics of fresh soft cheese. International Journal of Dairy Sciences, 10, 117-125.
Abd El-Gawad, M.A.M. & Ahmed, V.S. (2011). Cheese yield as affected by some parameters review. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria, 10, 131-153.
Abdulahdei, I. M., Omar, R. H., & Doosh, K. S. (2017). The study of the effect of using inulin as fat replacer in the physico-chemical and sensory properties of low energy cheddar cheese. Al-Anbar Journal Veterinary Sciences, 10, 167-176.
Al-Dahan, A. (1983). Manufacturing of Types Cheese in the World. Dar Alhekma Printing. Mosul, 589pp. (In Arabic).
Ali, M.; Shaban, A. KH. & Saleh, M. H. (2013). The production of semi Oshari cheese by using therapeutic bacteria and compared with some species of local some areas in the northern Iraq. Tikrit Journal Agriculture Sciences, 13, 20-24. (In Arabic).
Alnemr, T. M., Abd El- Razek, A. M., Hasan, H. M. A., & Massoud, M. I. (2013). Improving of karish cheese by using enhanced technological texturizing inulin. Alexandria Journal Agricultural Research, 58, 173-181.,58,2/2013.58.2.173-181.pdf
Al-samahi, S. K. S., Shatta, A.A.-B., & Yousif, K. M. (2011). Foods Technology. Dar-al masera, Amman. 848pp.
Al-sarayi, H. M. A. (2017). Study of chemical and microbial changes of probiotic Monterey cheese. M. Sc. Thesis, University of Baghdad, 97pp. (In Arabic).
Al-sharaji, S. H., Abboud, S. J., & Shaker, K. A. (2009). Using of Calotropics procerca in acceleration ripening of Monterey cheese. Jordanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5, 556-578. (In Arabic).
AOAC: Association of Official Analytical Chemist's (2016). Official Method Analysis. 20th edition., Washington, 2, 3172pp.
Balthazar, C. F., Pimentel, T. C., Ferrão, L. L., Almada, C. N., Santillo, A., Albenzio, M., Mollakhalili, N., Mortazavian, A. M., Nascimento, J. S., & Silva, M. C. (2017). Sheep milk: Physicochemical characteristics and relevance for functional food development. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science Food Safety, 16, 247-262.
Bergamini, C. V., Hynes, E. R., & Zalazar, C. A. (2006). Influence of probiotic bacteria on theproteolysis profile of semi-hard cheese. International Dairy Journal, 16, 856-866.
Charalapoulos, D., Wang, R., Pandiella, S. S., & Webb, C. (2002). Application of cereals and cereal components in functional foods: A review. International Journal Food Microbiology, 79, 131-141.
Dantas, A. B., Jesus, V. F., Silva, R., Almada, C. N., Esmerino, E. A., Cappato, L. P., Silva, M. C., Raices, R. S. L., Cavalcanti, R. N., Carvalho, C. C., Sant’Ana, A. S., Bolini, H. M. A., Freitas, M. Q., & Cruz, A. G. (2016). Manufacture of probiotic minas frescal cheese with Lactobacillus casei Zhang. Journal Dairy Science, 99, 18-30.
Dziuba, B., & Dziuba, M. (2014). Milk proteins- derived bioactive peptides in dairy molecular, biological ,and methodological aspects. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria, 13, 5.
El-Baz, A. (2013). The use of inulin as a dietary fiber in the production of synbiotic UF-soft cheese. Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences, 4, 663-677.
Ganesan, B., Stuart, M. R., & Weimer, B. C. (2007). Carbohydrate starvation causes a metabolically active but nonculturable state in Lactococcus lactis. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 73, 2498-2512.
Hana, S. S., Ayied, A. Y. & Abdullradah, A. J. (2007). Effect of some environmental factors on milk acetone level and their relationship with milk yield and some contents. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 20, 65-75. (In Arabic).
Hussien, N. A., Alrikabi, A. K. & Khalaf, A. A. (2016). Increasing of conjugated linoleic acid concentration in Monterey cheese by using co-culture. Thi Qar University Journal for Agricultural Research, 5, 1-28. (In Arabic).
Ibrahim, D. & Doosh, K. S. (2016). Effect of using whey protein concentrates on physicochemical, rheological and sensory properties of low-fat Iraqi soft cheese. Al Furat Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8, 216-229. (In Arabic).
Muehlhoff, E., Bennett, A ., & Mcmahon, D. (2013). Milk Dairy Products in Human Nutrition. FAO, Rome, 376pp.
Olivera, M. E. G. D., GarciaII, E. F., QueirogaI, R. D. C. R., & De Souza, E. L. (2012). Technological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of a Brazilian semi-hard goat cheese (coalho) with added probiotic lactic acid bacteria. Sciences Agriculture, 69, 370-379.
Sabbagh, N., Gheisari, H. R., & Aminlari, M. (2010). Monitoring the chemical and microbiological changes during ripening of Iranian probiotic low-fat white cheese. American Journal Animal Veterinarian Sciences, 5, 249-257.
Sabikhi, L., Kumar M. H. S., & Mathur, B. N. (2014). Bifidobacterium bifidum in probiotic Edam cheese: influence on cheese ripening. Journal of Food Science Technology, 51, 3902-3909.
Visser, J. (1991). Factors Affecting the Rheological and Fracture Properties of Hard and Semi-hard Cheese. 49-61 In Walstra, P. (Ed.). Rheological and Fracture Properties of Cheese. International Dairy Federation, Brussels, Belgium, 67pp.
Xin, J. H., Ya, S. M., & Yu. G. G. (2015). Influence of Lactobacillus casei LC2W on the proteolysis and aroma compounds of Cheddar cheese during the ripening period. CyTA-Journal Food, 13, 464-471.
Yahyavi, F., & Kalajahi, S. E. M. (2014). A study of the possibility of low- fat feta cheese production using dietary fiber. Advance Environmental Biology, 8, 1245- 1249.