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The uses of clay pipes in irrigation water management are becoming popular, especially in arid and semi-arid soils. The study examined clay and zeolite materials for irrigation pipes, and this paper reported characteristic properties of these materials. Hydrometer, pychnometer and core sampler methods were for soil physical properties determination. Consistency tests using (Atterberg method) and analytical techniques (Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, EDS) for samples analyses. The results indicate the soil to contain 11 % sand, 34 % silt and 55 % clay fractions and texturally classified as clay with a particle density of 1.58 g/cm3 and bulk density 2.43 g/cm3 respectively. Addition of zeolite at 3:1 clay/zeolite mix ratio shows liquid limit (LL) and plastic (PL) values to decreases from 50.7% to 43.7% and 27.6% to 27.3% while plasticity index, (PI) change from 23.2 to 16.7 respectively. The shrinkage rate decreases from 11.67% for raw clay to 8.92 % for the treated sample. The EDS analysis shows both clay and zeolite samples to contain carbon, silica (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3) as the major constituents with ferric oxide (Fe2O3), potassium oxide (K2O) and cobalt (Co) as the minor constituents. The major constituents contribute 89.26 and 94.4% while minor contribute 10.74 and 5.59 % in clay and zeolite samples. Modifying clay improved its workability, reduces cracking potential and absorption capacity and performance of porous clay pipes.
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Adelabu, O. S. (2012). Documentation, Application and Utilisation of Clay Minerals in Kaduna State (Nigeria). (M. Valaskova & G. S. Martynková, Eds.), Clay Minerals in Nature – Their Characterisation, Modification and Application. Janeza Trdine, 9, 51000, Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.
Akhtar, M., Ahmed, M., Hayat, R., & Stöckle, C. O. (2016). Is rainwater harvesting an option for designing sustainable cropping patterns for rainfed Agriculture ? Land Degradation and Development, 27, 630–640.
Andrade, F. A., Al-qureshi, H. A., & Hotza, D. (2011). Applied clay science measuring the plasticity of clays : A review, 51, 1–7.
ASTM D4318-10, Standard Test methods for liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index of soils, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 16pp.
Batchelor, C., Lovell, C., & Murata, M. (1996). Simple microirrigation techniques for improving irrigation efficiency on vegetable gardens. Agricultural Water Management.
Bruch, I., Fritsche, J., Bänninger, D., Alewell, U., Sendelov, M., Hürlimann, H., & Alewell, C. (2011). Bioresource Technology Improving the treatment efficiency of constructed wetlands with zeolite-containing filter sands. Bioresource Technology, 102, 937–941.
Colella, C., & Wise, W. S. (2014). The IZA Handbook of Natural Zeolites: A tool of knowledge on the most important family of porous minerals. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 189, 4–10.
Das, A., Mukand, G. Æ., & Babel, S. (2009). Effect of soil texture on the emission characteristics of porous clay pipe for subsurface irrigation. Irrigation Science, 27, 201–208.
Ghazavi, R. (2015). The application effects of natural zeolite on soil runoff, soil drainage and some chemical soil properties in arid land area. International 13, 172–177.
Igbadun, H. E., & Barnabas, J. (2013). Hydraulic Characteristics of Porous Clay Pipes for Subsurface Irrigation. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 14, 40–47.
Kandelous, M. M., & Šimůnek, J. (2010). Numerical simulations of water movement in a subsurface drip irrigation system under field and laboratory conditions using HYDRUS-2D. Agricultural Water Management, 97, 1070–1076.
Mahesh, M., Thomas, J., Kumar, K. A., & Bhople, B. S. (2018). Zeolite farming : a sustainable agricultural prospective. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 7, 2912–2924.,%20et%20al.pdf
Mishra, A. K., Dhawan, S., & Rao, S. M. (2008). Analysis of Swelling and Shrinkage Behavior of Compacted Clays. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 26, 289–298.
Nakhli, S., A. A., & Delkash, M., Bakhshayesh, B. E., & Kazemian, H. (2017). Application of zeolites for sustainable agriculture: A review on water and nutrient retention. Water, Air, Soil Pollution, 228, 1–34. DOI: 10.1007/s11270-017-3649-1
Ozbahce, A., Tari, A. F., Gönülal, E., Simsekli, N., & Padem, H. (2015). The effect of zeolite applications on yield components and nutrient uptake of common bean under water stress. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 61, 615–626.
Paul, B., Dynes, J. J., & Chang, W. (2017). Modified zeolite adsorbents for the remediation of potash brine-impacted groundwater: Built-in dual functions for desalination and pH neutralisation. Desalination, 419, 141–151.
Rasheed, Z. K. & Abid, M. B. (2017). Numerical Modeling of Water Movement from Buried Vertical Ceramic Pipes through Coarse Soils. Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, 13, 164–173.
Siyal, A. A., & Skaggs, T. H. (2009). Measured and simulated soil wetting patterns under porous clay pipe sub-surface irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 96, 893–904.
Siyal, A. A., Siyal, A. G., & Hasini, M. Y. (2011). Crop production and water use efficiency under subsurface porous clay pipe irrigation. Pakistan Journal of Agriculture Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Sciences, 27, 39–50.
Siyal, A. A., Van Genuchten, M. T., & Skaggs, T. H. (2013). Solute transport in a loamy soil under subsurface porous clay pipe irrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 121, 73–80.
Soltani, A., Deng, A., Taheri, A., & Sridharan, A. (2019). Consistency limits and compaction characteristics of clay soils containing rubber waste. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering, 172, 174–188.