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5G technology is vital for the development of Internet of Things (IoT) application in Malaysia to enhance the development of the agriculture and plantation industry. The nation is marching towards big data and artificial intelligence. Consequently, having 5G networks merging with IoT technology as a platform would contribute to the country’s gross domestic income up to RM 12.7 billion ringgit. There are tangible and intangible benefits to the oil palm industry if the technologies of 5G/IOT are implemented. In the oil palm industry, the technology of 5G network can uplift the current technology in the field to enhance the labour productivity. On the other hand, the dependency on foreign workers can also be reduced. Apart from that, the use of 5G/IoT will improve crop productivity and land use efficiency to improve palm oil yield. However, IoT platforms relying on 5G technology will be challenging in rural oil palm areas where there is low signal for communication. In relation to that, preliminary research shows that LoRA technology that is similar to 5G technology is able to work in remote areas. 5G/ IoT related technology implementation is vital in the oil palm plantation at the upstream level.
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- Abd Rahim, Sh., Khalid M. R., & Deraman M. S. (2011). Innovation and technologies for oil palm mechanization. Further Advances in Oil Reserach (2000-2010), Chp 17, 570-597.
- Abdullah, R., Ismail, A., Khomeini, A., & Rahman, A. (2011). Labour requirements in the malaysian oil palm industry in 2010. Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal, 11, 1-12.
- Adiono, T., Dawani, F., Rifai, A., Fauda, S., & Puwanda, I. G. (2018). Functionality test of communication systems based on LoRa technology in oil palm plantations area. Proceeding-2018. International Conference on ICT for Rural Development: Rural Development through ICT: Concept, Design, and Implication, IC-ICTRuDEv, 18-22.
- Ahmad, S. M., Azman, I., Nordin, A. Z. A., Salleh, K. M., & Balu, N. (2017). Labour Productivity of harvesters by country of origin: A case study in peninsular Malaysia. Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal, 17, 1-7.
- Aini, I. N., Aimrun, W., Amin, M. S. M., Ezrin, M. H., & Shafri, H. Z. (2014). Auto guided oil palm planter by using multi-gnss. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 20, 012013.
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- Bohlsen, M. (2018). A look at the 5g opportunity. (September 6, 2018).
- Chyan, T. J. (2018). Design of an audio-based machine learning algorithm to detect oil palm fresh fruit bunches harvesting. M. Sc. Thesis. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 40pp.
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- Ismail, A. (2013). The effect of labour shortage in the supply and demand of palm oil in Malaysia. Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal, 13, 15-26.
- Jelani, A. R., Hitam, A., Jamak, J., Noor, M., Gono, Y., & Ariffin, O. (2008a) Cantas - A tool for the efficient harvesting of oil palm fresh fruit bunches. Journal of Oil Palm Research, 20, 548-558.
- Jelani, A. R., Hitam, A., Jamak, J., Mohamed, A., Gono, Y., Ismail, F. &, Nor. M. M. (2008b). Motorized Chisel (Ckat) for Short Palm Harvesting. MPOB Information Series (TOT-434) (MPOB TT No.409), 2-4.
- Jelani, A. R.; Shuib, A. R. (2014). Motorized cutting tool. International Patent No. WO201477672A1, 1-20.
- Jelani, A. R., Azaman, M. I. H. & Ahmad, M. R. (2019). “The effect of vibration isolator on the magnitude of Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) of the oil palm motorised cutter (CANTAS). Journal of Oil Palm Research 31, 86-94.
- Kalantar, B., M., Idrees, M. O., Mansoor, S., & Abdul Halin, A. (2017). Smart counting, oil palm tree inventory with UAV. Coordinates by Spring Productions. XIII. 17-20.
- Kattenborn, T., Sperlich, M., Bataua, K., & Koch, B. (2014). Automatic single palm tree detection in plantations using uav-based photogrammetric point clouds. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives 40, 139-144.
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- MIMOS BERHARD (2015). Intelligent Plantation Management. 8pp.
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- My Convergence. (2009). Bridging Communities. Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, 3(2), 68pp.
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- New Straits Times (2018). Innovation: Drones Home in on Plantations. (March 26, 2018).
- Shamshiri, R. R., Hameed, I. A., Balasundram, S. K., Ahmad, D., Weltzien, C., & Yamin, M. (2019). Fundamental research on unmanned aerial vehicles to support precision agriculture in oil palm plantations. In Zhou, J., & Zhang, B. (Editors). Agricultural Robots- Fundamentals and Applications. IntechOpen.
- Realini, E., Yoshida, D., Reguzzoni, M., & Raghavan, V. (2012). Enhanced satellite positioning as a web service with gogps open source software. Applied Geomatics, 4, 135-142.
- Realini, E., Caldera, S., Pertusini, L., & Sampietro, D. (2017). Precise GNSS positioning using smart devices. Sensors, 17(10), 2434.
- Rudiyanto, R., Minasny, B., Setiawan, B. I., Saptoma, S. K., & Mc-Bratney, A. B. (2018). Open digital mapping as a cost-effective method for mapping peat thickness and assessing the carbon stock of tropical peatlands. Geoderma, 313, 25-40.
- Shuib, A. R., Jelani, A. R., Jahis, S., Deraman, M. S., Khalid, M. R., Hitam, A., Basiron, Y., & Wahid, M. B., (2004). Development of A machine for harvesting tall palms. MPOB TT No. 217. 1-2.
- Shuib, A. R. Kamaruddin, N., Harun, M. H., Omar, W., Abu Seman, I., Ali, S. R. A., Mohamed, M. T., & Mohamed, A. (2008). Otowey: An infield FFB transporter with electronic weighing system. Transfer of Technology (TOT). MPOB Information Series (TOT-433).
- The Edge Markets (2018). Mysay: Business as usual not an option anymore for oil palm industry.
Abd Rahim, Sh., Khalid M. R., & Deraman M. S. (2011). Innovation and technologies for oil palm mechanization. Further Advances in Oil Reserach (2000-2010), Chp 17, 570-597.
Abdullah, R., Ismail, A., Khomeini, A., & Rahman, A. (2011). Labour requirements in the malaysian oil palm industry in 2010. Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal, 11, 1-12.
Adiono, T., Dawani, F., Rifai, A., Fauda, S., & Puwanda, I. G. (2018). Functionality test of communication systems based on LoRa technology in oil palm plantations area. Proceeding-2018. International Conference on ICT for Rural Development: Rural Development through ICT: Concept, Design, and Implication, IC-ICTRuDEv, 18-22.
Ahmad, S. M., Azman, I., Nordin, A. Z. A., Salleh, K. M., & Balu, N. (2017). Labour Productivity of harvesters by country of origin: A case study in peninsular Malaysia. Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal, 17, 1-7.
Aini, I. N., Aimrun, W., Amin, M. S. M., Ezrin, M. H., & Shafri, H. Z. (2014). Auto guided oil palm planter by using multi-gnss. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 20, 012013.
Antonio, M, H., Hendy, F., Suhandri, E., Realini, M., Reguzzoni, M., & De Lacy, C. (2016). GoGPS: OpenSourceMATLABSoftware. (August 26, 2020).
Bohlsen, M. (2018). A look at the 5g opportunity. (September 6, 2018).
Chyan, T. J. (2018). Design of an audio-based machine learning algorithm to detect oil palm fresh fruit bunches harvesting. M. Sc. Thesis. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 40pp.
Edge M. (2020). Malaysia to Champion 5G in SoutheastAsia,MCMC (January 20, 2020).
ELE Times Bureau (2019). 5G vs LoRA: How Narrowband Technologies Are the Right Alternative to 5G (February 12, 2019).
Ismail, A. (2013). The effect of labour shortage in the supply and demand of palm oil in Malaysia. Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal, 13, 15-26.
Jelani, A. R., Hitam, A., Jamak, J., Noor, M., Gono, Y., & Ariffin, O. (2008a) Cantas - A tool for the efficient harvesting of oil palm fresh fruit bunches. Journal of Oil Palm Research, 20, 548-558.
Jelani, A. R., Hitam, A., Jamak, J., Mohamed, A., Gono, Y., Ismail, F. &, Nor. M. M. (2008b). Motorized Chisel (Ckat) for Short Palm Harvesting. MPOB Information Series (TOT-434) (MPOB TT No.409), 2-4.
Jelani, A. R.; Shuib, A. R. (2014). Motorized cutting tool. International Patent No. WO201477672A1, 1-20.
Jelani, A. R., Azaman, M. I. H. & Ahmad, M. R. (2019). “The effect of vibration isolator on the magnitude of Hand-Arm Vibration (HAV) of the oil palm motorised cutter (CANTAS). Journal of Oil Palm Research 31, 86-94.
Kalantar, B., M., Idrees, M. O., Mansoor, S., & Abdul Halin, A. (2017). Smart counting, oil palm tree inventory with UAV. Coordinates by Spring Productions. XIII. 17-20.
Kattenborn, T., Sperlich, M., Bataua, K., & Koch, B. (2014). Automatic single palm tree detection in plantations using uav-based photogrammetric point clouds. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives 40, 139-144.
King, I., & Moritz, S. (2019). Why 5g phones are new focus of freakouts about huawei: Quick take. February 14, 2019
Malay, M. (2020). MCMC explains why 5g is important for Malaysia’s economy.
Malaysian Bussiness Online (2017). A better hope for malaysia’s palm oil industry. Malaysian Business Online (August 25, 2020).
Malaysian, Communications and Multimedia Commission (2019). Final Report on Allocation of Spectrum Bands for Mobile Broadband Service in Malaysia. (January 29, 2020).
MIMOS BERHARD (2015). Intelligent Plantation Management. 8pp.
Morgan, H. (2019). How 5G Plays Important Role in Internet of Things?. Geospatial world
My Convergence. (2009). Bridging Communities. Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, 3(2), 68pp.
National Economic Advisory Council (2010). New Economic Model. For Malysia (March 30, 2010).
New Straits Times (2018). Innovation: Drones Home in on Plantations. (March 26, 2018).
Shamshiri, R. R., Hameed, I. A., Balasundram, S. K., Ahmad, D., Weltzien, C., & Yamin, M. (2019). Fundamental research on unmanned aerial vehicles to support precision agriculture in oil palm plantations. In Zhou, J., & Zhang, B. (Editors). Agricultural Robots- Fundamentals and Applications. IntechOpen.
Realini, E., Yoshida, D., Reguzzoni, M., & Raghavan, V. (2012). Enhanced satellite positioning as a web service with gogps open source software. Applied Geomatics, 4, 135-142.
Realini, E., Caldera, S., Pertusini, L., & Sampietro, D. (2017). Precise GNSS positioning using smart devices. Sensors, 17(10), 2434.
Rudiyanto, R., Minasny, B., Setiawan, B. I., Saptoma, S. K., & Mc-Bratney, A. B. (2018). Open digital mapping as a cost-effective method for mapping peat thickness and assessing the carbon stock of tropical peatlands. Geoderma, 313, 25-40.
Shuib, A. R., Jelani, A. R., Jahis, S., Deraman, M. S., Khalid, M. R., Hitam, A., Basiron, Y., & Wahid, M. B., (2004). Development of A machine for harvesting tall palms. MPOB TT No. 217. 1-2.
Shuib, A. R. Kamaruddin, N., Harun, M. H., Omar, W., Abu Seman, I., Ali, S. R. A., Mohamed, M. T., & Mohamed, A. (2008). Otowey: An infield FFB transporter with electronic weighing system. Transfer of Technology (TOT). MPOB Information Series (TOT-433).
The Edge Markets (2018). Mysay: Business as usual not an option anymore for oil palm industry.