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The response of black poplar (Populus nigra L.) seedlings to the combination of both drought and sewage water irrigation have been investigated from 18-5-2019 to 18-8-2019. Two drought stress levels; D0; 90% or full water holding capacity (WHC) and D1; 30% WHC interacted with three sewage irrigation treatments; S0; 100 % of tap water as a control, S1; 50% of tap water and sewage water and S2; 100% of sewage water. The irrigation water quality index (IWQI) of S1 was 59.31 located under moderate restrictions class for irrigation purposes. Despite to its low pollution load index (PLI); 0.47. Fully irrigation to soil holding capacity with S1 (S1D0) led to a significant increase in seedling height, stem base diameter, fresh and dry biomass and moisture content in shoot system. In addition, the highest tolerance index (TI %) about 92.07 % of the seedlings recorded despite to the soil toxicity with Ni and Pb ions. Lowest accumulation and metal toxicity of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Mn in the soil and leaves have been determined. Thus, diluting sewage water; 1:1 can be used to irrigate black poplar trees with high water demand and moderate to high tolerance to salts for reforestation and urban vegetation.
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- Abbaas, M. M., (2002). Effect of some heavy metals in the irrigation water on growth and chemical constituents of some timber trees. Ph. D. Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural. Faculty of Agricultural, Cairo University.
- Abdullah, M. Z., Saat, A., & Hamzah, Z. (2011). Optimization of energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometerto analyze heavy metals in moss samples. Science Publications, 4, 355-362.
- Ali, H. M., El-Mahrouk, E. M., Hassan, F. A., & Khamis, M. H., (2010). Growth, chemical compositions and soil properties of Tipuana speciosa irrigated with sewage effluent. In The 25th Meeting of Saudi Biological Society, Nanotechnology in Life Sciences, Alasa City at King Faisal University.
- Ali, H. M., El-Mahrouk, E. S. M., Hassan, F. A., & El-Tarawy, M. A., (2011). Usage of sewage effluent in irrigation of some woody tree seedlings. Part 3: Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 18, 201-207.
- American public Health Association (A.P.H.A). (1989). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewateȑ. 17th. Ed. A.P.H.A., 1015 Eighteenth Street NW. Washington, D.C., 2036pp.
- Ayers, R. S., & Westcot, D. W. (1999). The water quality in agriculture. 2nd. Campina Grande: UFPB. (Studies FAO Irrigation and drainage, 29).
- Bauder, T. A., Waskom, R. M., Sutherland, P. L., & Davis, J. G. (2011). Irrigation Water Quality Criteria. Colorado State University. Agriculture Publication No. 0.506.
- Bedbabis, S., Palese, A. M., Rouina, B. B., Rhouma, A. L. I., Gargouri, K., & Boukhris, M., (2009). The effect of irrigation with treated wastewater on “chemlali” olive oil quality. Journal of Food Quality, 32, 141-157.
- Bernardo, S. (1995). Manual of Irrigation. 4th edition, Vicosa: UFV, 488pp.
- de Rigo, D., Enescu, C. M., Houston Durrant, T., & Caudullo, G., (2016). Populus nigra in Europe: Distribution, habitat, usage and threats. European Atlas of Forest Tree Species.
- Di Baccio, D., Tognetti, R., Sebastiani, L., & Vitagliano, C., (2003). Responses of Populus deltoides× Populus nigra (Populus× euramericana) clone I‐214 to high zinc concentrations. New Phytologist, 159, 443-452.
- Dickmann, D. I., Isebrands, J. G., Blake, T. J., Kosola, K., & Kort, J., (2001). Chapter 3: Physiological ecology of poplars. Pp: 77-118. In Dickmann, D. I., Isebrands, J. G., Eckenwalder, J. E., & Richardson, J. (Editors). Poplar Culture in North America, (Part A). NRC Research Press. Ottawa.
- Elnazer, A. A., Salman, S. A., Seleem, E. M., & Abu El Ella, E. M., (2015). Assessment of some heavy metals pollution and bioavailability in roadside soil of Alexandria-Marsa Matruh highway, Egypt. International Journal of Ecology, 2015, Article ID 689420.
- El-Sayed, N. A. A., (2005). The impact of irrigation with treated wastewater effluent on soil bio-physicochemical properties and on growth and heavy metals content of some fodder trees grown on calcareous soil. Ph. D. Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural, Tanta University, Egypt
- Faizan, S., Kausar, S. & Akhtar, N., (2014). Influence of wastewater application and fertilizer use on growth, photosynthesis, nutrient homeostatis, yield & heavy metal accumulation in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 17, .630-640.
- Gupta, D. K., Huang, H. G., Nicoloso, F. T., Schetinger, M. R., Farias, J. G., Li, T. Q., Razafindrabe, B. H. N., Aryal, N., & Inouhe, M., (2013). Effect of Hg, As and Pb on biomass production, photosynthetic rate, nutrients uptake and phytochelatin induction in Pfaffia glomerata. Ecotoxicology, 22, 1403-1412.
- Guo, Z., Dirmeyer, P. A., Hu, Z. Z., Gao, X., & Zhao, M., (2006). Evaluation of the second global soil wetness project soil moisture simulations: 2. Sensitivity to external meteorological forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 111(D22).
- Hajar, E. W. I., Sulaiman, A. Z. B., & Sakinah, A. M., (2014). Assessment of heavy metals tolerance in leaves, stems and flowers of Stevia rebaudiana plant. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 20, 386-393.
- Hasan, S. A., Fariduddin, Q., Ali, B., Hayat, S., & Ahmad, A., (2009). Cadmium: toxicity and tolerance in plants. Journal of Environmental Biology, 30, 165-174.
- Hermle, S., Günthardt-Goerg, M. S., & Schulin, R., (2006). Effects of metal-contaminated soil on the performance of young trees growing in model ecosystems under field conditions. Environmental Pollution, 144, 703-714.
- Hinckley, T. M., Brooks, J. R., Čermák, J., Ceulemans, R., Kučera, J., Meinzer, F. C., & Roberts, D. A., (1994). Water flux in a hybrid poplar stand. Tree Physiology, 14, 1005-1018.
- Holanda, J. S., & Amorim, J. A. (1997). Management and control salinity and irrigated agriculture water" In: Brazilian Congress of Engineering setting, 26, Campina Grande, 137-169.
- Houda, Z., Bejaoui, Z., Albouchi, A., Gupta, D. K., & Corpas, F. J., (2016). Comparative study of plant growth of two poplar tree species irrigated with treated wastewater, with particular reference to accumulation of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As, and Ni). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188, 1-10.
- Justin, M. Z., Pajk, N., Zupanc, V., & Zupančič, M., (2010). Phytoremediation of landfill leachate and compost wastewater by irrigation of Populus and Salix: biomass and growth response. Waste Management, 30, 1032-1042.
- Karim, S. A., Qadir, S. A., & Sabr, H. A. (2020). Study some of morphological and physiological traits of Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus (Schott & Endl.) seedlings planted under water stress conditions. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 33, 213-220.
- Kramer P. J., (1983). Water used in plants. Academic Press, San Diego, C.A., 489pp.
- Lambs, L., Loubiat, M., Girel, J., Tissier, J., Peltier, J. P., & Marigo, G., (2006). Survival and acclimation of Populus nigra to drier conditions after damming of an alpine river, southeast France. Annals of Forest Science, 63, 377-385.
- Maleva, M. G., Nekrasova, G. F., Borisova, G. G., Chukina, N. V., & Ushakova, O. S., (2012). Effect of heavy metals on photosynthetic apparatus and antioxidant status of Elodea. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 59, 190-197.
- Meireles, A., Andrade, E. M., Chaves L., Frischkorn, H., & Crisostomo, L. A. (2010). A new proposal of the classification of irrigation water. Revista Ciência Agronômica, 41, 349-357.
- Ostos, J. C., Lopez-Garrido, R., Murillo, J. M. & Lopez, R. (2008). Substitution of peat for municipal solid waste-and sewage sludge-based composts in nursery growing media: Effects on growth and nutrition of the native shrub Pistacia lentiscus L. Journal of Bioresource Technology, 99, 1793-1800.
- Othman, B. A., Younis, A. M., & Sabr, H. A., (2016). Effect of Sewage Water Irrigation on Growth Performance and Biomass for Pine Trees, Pinus brutia Ten. under Nursery Condition. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences, 16, 19-25.
- Patterson, T. B., Guy, R. D., & Dang, Q. L., (1997). Whole-plant nitrogen-and water-relations traits, and their associated trade-offs, in adjacent muskeg and upland boreal spruce species. Journal of Oecologia, 110, 160-168.
- Peek, M. S., & Forseth, I. N., (2003). Microhabitat dependent responses to resource pulses in the arid land perennial, Cryptantha flava. Journal of Ecology, 91, 457-466.
- Prada, A., & González Martínez, S. C., (2009). Technical guide for genetic conservation and use of European black pine (Pinus nigra) in Spain. Forests in Spain.
- Qadir, S. A., Khursheed, M. Q., Rashid, T. S., & Awla, H. K., (2019). Abscisic acid accumulation and physiological indices in responses to drought stress in wheat genotypes. The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science, 50, 705-712.
- Ra, K., Kim, E. S., Kim, K. T., Kim, J. K., Lee, J. M., & Choi, J. Y., (2013). Assessment of heavy metal contamination and its ecological risk in the surface sediments along the coast of Korea. Journal of Coastal Research, 65, 105-110.
- Rigueiro-Rodríguez, A., Mosquera-Losada, M. R., & Gatica-Trabanini, E., (2000). Pasture production and tree growth in a young pine plantation fertilized with inorganic fertilizers and milk sewage in northwestern Spain. Agroforestry Systems, 48, 245-256.
- Sabr, H., & Yunis, A. (2017). Impact of sewage water on growth of Eucalyptus camadulensis Dehnh. and Melia azedarach L. Seedlings. Polytechnic Journal, 7, 1-10.
- Salman, S. A., Zeid, S. A., Seleem, E. M. M., & Abdel-Hafiz, M. A., (2019). Soil characterization and heavy metal pollution assessment in Orabi farms, El Obour, Egypt. Bulletin of the National Research Centre, 43, 1-13.
- Shi, G., & Cai, Q., (2009). Cadmium tolerance and accumulation in eight potential energy crops. Biotechnology Advances, 27, 555-561.
- Singh, G., & Bhati, M., (2005). Growth of Dalbergia sissoo in desert regions of western India using municipal effluent and the subsequent changes in soil and plant chemistry. Bioresource Technology, 96, 1019-1028.
- Smith, S. D., Wellington, A. B., Nachlinger, J. L., & Fox, C. A., (1991). Functional responses of riparian vegetation to stream flow diversion in the eastern Sierra Nevada. Ecological Applications, 1, 89-97.
- Tomlinson, D. L., Wilson, J. G., Harris, C. R., & Jeffrey, D. W., (1980). Problems in the assessment of heavy-metal levels in estuaries and the formation of a pollution index. Helgolander Meeresunters, 33, 566-575.
- Toze, S., (2006). Reuse of effluent water-benefits and risks. Agricultural Water Management, 80, 147-159.
- Turner, A. P., & Dickinson, N. M., (1993). Survival of Acer pseudoplatanus L. (sycamore) seedlings on metalliferous soils. New Phytologist, 123, 509-521.
- Vollenweider, P., Menard, T., & Günthardt-Goerg, M. S., (2011). Compartmentation of metals in foliage of Populus tremula grown on soils with mixed contamination. I. From the tree crown to leaf cell level. Environmental Pollution, 159, 324-336.
- Wiszniewska, A., Hanus-Fajerska, E., Muszyńska, E., & Smoleń, S., (2017). Comparative assessment of response to cadmium in heavy metal-tolerant shrubs cultured in vitro. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 228, 304.
- Zhou, W., & Qiu, B., (2005). Effects of cadmium hyperaccumulation on physiological characteristics of Sedum alfredii Hance (Crassulaceae). Journal of Plant Science, 169, 737-745.
Abbaas, M. M., (2002). Effect of some heavy metals in the irrigation water on growth and chemical constituents of some timber trees. Ph. D. Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural. Faculty of Agricultural, Cairo University.
Abdullah, M. Z., Saat, A., & Hamzah, Z. (2011). Optimization of energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometerto analyze heavy metals in moss samples. Science Publications, 4, 355-362.
Ali, H. M., El-Mahrouk, E. M., Hassan, F. A., & Khamis, M. H., (2010). Growth, chemical compositions and soil properties of Tipuana speciosa irrigated with sewage effluent. In The 25th Meeting of Saudi Biological Society, Nanotechnology in Life Sciences, Alasa City at King Faisal University.
Ali, H. M., El-Mahrouk, E. S. M., Hassan, F. A., & El-Tarawy, M. A., (2011). Usage of sewage effluent in irrigation of some woody tree seedlings. Part 3: Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 18, 201-207.
American public Health Association (A.P.H.A). (1989). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewateȑ. 17th. Ed. A.P.H.A., 1015 Eighteenth Street NW. Washington, D.C., 2036pp.
Ayers, R. S., & Westcot, D. W. (1999). The water quality in agriculture. 2nd. Campina Grande: UFPB. (Studies FAO Irrigation and drainage, 29).
Bauder, T. A., Waskom, R. M., Sutherland, P. L., & Davis, J. G. (2011). Irrigation Water Quality Criteria. Colorado State University. Agriculture Publication No. 0.506.
Bedbabis, S., Palese, A. M., Rouina, B. B., Rhouma, A. L. I., Gargouri, K., & Boukhris, M., (2009). The effect of irrigation with treated wastewater on “chemlali” olive oil quality. Journal of Food Quality, 32, 141-157.
Bernardo, S. (1995). Manual of Irrigation. 4th edition, Vicosa: UFV, 488pp.
de Rigo, D., Enescu, C. M., Houston Durrant, T., & Caudullo, G., (2016). Populus nigra in Europe: Distribution, habitat, usage and threats. European Atlas of Forest Tree Species.
Di Baccio, D., Tognetti, R., Sebastiani, L., & Vitagliano, C., (2003). Responses of Populus deltoides× Populus nigra (Populus× euramericana) clone I‐214 to high zinc concentrations. New Phytologist, 159, 443-452.
Dickmann, D. I., Isebrands, J. G., Blake, T. J., Kosola, K., & Kort, J., (2001). Chapter 3: Physiological ecology of poplars. Pp: 77-118. In Dickmann, D. I., Isebrands, J. G., Eckenwalder, J. E., & Richardson, J. (Editors). Poplar Culture in North America, (Part A). NRC Research Press. Ottawa.
Elnazer, A. A., Salman, S. A., Seleem, E. M., & Abu El Ella, E. M., (2015). Assessment of some heavy metals pollution and bioavailability in roadside soil of Alexandria-Marsa Matruh highway, Egypt. International Journal of Ecology, 2015, Article ID 689420.
El-Sayed, N. A. A., (2005). The impact of irrigation with treated wastewater effluent on soil bio-physicochemical properties and on growth and heavy metals content of some fodder trees grown on calcareous soil. Ph. D. Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural, Tanta University, Egypt
Faizan, S., Kausar, S. & Akhtar, N., (2014). Influence of wastewater application and fertilizer use on growth, photosynthesis, nutrient homeostatis, yield & heavy metal accumulation in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 17, .630-640.
Gupta, D. K., Huang, H. G., Nicoloso, F. T., Schetinger, M. R., Farias, J. G., Li, T. Q., Razafindrabe, B. H. N., Aryal, N., & Inouhe, M., (2013). Effect of Hg, As and Pb on biomass production, photosynthetic rate, nutrients uptake and phytochelatin induction in Pfaffia glomerata. Ecotoxicology, 22, 1403-1412.
Guo, Z., Dirmeyer, P. A., Hu, Z. Z., Gao, X., & Zhao, M., (2006). Evaluation of the second global soil wetness project soil moisture simulations: 2. Sensitivity to external meteorological forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 111(D22).
Hajar, E. W. I., Sulaiman, A. Z. B., & Sakinah, A. M., (2014). Assessment of heavy metals tolerance in leaves, stems and flowers of Stevia rebaudiana plant. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 20, 386-393.
Hasan, S. A., Fariduddin, Q., Ali, B., Hayat, S., & Ahmad, A., (2009). Cadmium: toxicity and tolerance in plants. Journal of Environmental Biology, 30, 165-174.
Hermle, S., Günthardt-Goerg, M. S., & Schulin, R., (2006). Effects of metal-contaminated soil on the performance of young trees growing in model ecosystems under field conditions. Environmental Pollution, 144, 703-714.
Hinckley, T. M., Brooks, J. R., Čermák, J., Ceulemans, R., Kučera, J., Meinzer, F. C., & Roberts, D. A., (1994). Water flux in a hybrid poplar stand. Tree Physiology, 14, 1005-1018.
Holanda, J. S., & Amorim, J. A. (1997). Management and control salinity and irrigated agriculture water" In: Brazilian Congress of Engineering setting, 26, Campina Grande, 137-169.
Houda, Z., Bejaoui, Z., Albouchi, A., Gupta, D. K., & Corpas, F. J., (2016). Comparative study of plant growth of two poplar tree species irrigated with treated wastewater, with particular reference to accumulation of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As, and Ni). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188, 1-10.
Justin, M. Z., Pajk, N., Zupanc, V., & Zupančič, M., (2010). Phytoremediation of landfill leachate and compost wastewater by irrigation of Populus and Salix: biomass and growth response. Waste Management, 30, 1032-1042.
Karim, S. A., Qadir, S. A., & Sabr, H. A. (2020). Study some of morphological and physiological traits of Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus (Schott & Endl.) seedlings planted under water stress conditions. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 33, 213-220.
Kramer P. J., (1983). Water used in plants. Academic Press, San Diego, C.A., 489pp.
Lambs, L., Loubiat, M., Girel, J., Tissier, J., Peltier, J. P., & Marigo, G., (2006). Survival and acclimation of Populus nigra to drier conditions after damming of an alpine river, southeast France. Annals of Forest Science, 63, 377-385.
Maleva, M. G., Nekrasova, G. F., Borisova, G. G., Chukina, N. V., & Ushakova, O. S., (2012). Effect of heavy metals on photosynthetic apparatus and antioxidant status of Elodea. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 59, 190-197.
Meireles, A., Andrade, E. M., Chaves L., Frischkorn, H., & Crisostomo, L. A. (2010). A new proposal of the classification of irrigation water. Revista Ciência Agronômica, 41, 349-357.
Ostos, J. C., Lopez-Garrido, R., Murillo, J. M. & Lopez, R. (2008). Substitution of peat for municipal solid waste-and sewage sludge-based composts in nursery growing media: Effects on growth and nutrition of the native shrub Pistacia lentiscus L. Journal of Bioresource Technology, 99, 1793-1800.
Othman, B. A., Younis, A. M., & Sabr, H. A., (2016). Effect of Sewage Water Irrigation on Growth Performance and Biomass for Pine Trees, Pinus brutia Ten. under Nursery Condition. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences, 16, 19-25.
Patterson, T. B., Guy, R. D., & Dang, Q. L., (1997). Whole-plant nitrogen-and water-relations traits, and their associated trade-offs, in adjacent muskeg and upland boreal spruce species. Journal of Oecologia, 110, 160-168.
Peek, M. S., & Forseth, I. N., (2003). Microhabitat dependent responses to resource pulses in the arid land perennial, Cryptantha flava. Journal of Ecology, 91, 457-466.
Prada, A., & González Martínez, S. C., (2009). Technical guide for genetic conservation and use of European black pine (Pinus nigra) in Spain. Forests in Spain.
Qadir, S. A., Khursheed, M. Q., Rashid, T. S., & Awla, H. K., (2019). Abscisic acid accumulation and physiological indices in responses to drought stress in wheat genotypes. The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science, 50, 705-712.
Ra, K., Kim, E. S., Kim, K. T., Kim, J. K., Lee, J. M., & Choi, J. Y., (2013). Assessment of heavy metal contamination and its ecological risk in the surface sediments along the coast of Korea. Journal of Coastal Research, 65, 105-110.
Rigueiro-Rodríguez, A., Mosquera-Losada, M. R., & Gatica-Trabanini, E., (2000). Pasture production and tree growth in a young pine plantation fertilized with inorganic fertilizers and milk sewage in northwestern Spain. Agroforestry Systems, 48, 245-256.
Sabr, H., & Yunis, A. (2017). Impact of sewage water on growth of Eucalyptus camadulensis Dehnh. and Melia azedarach L. Seedlings. Polytechnic Journal, 7, 1-10.
Salman, S. A., Zeid, S. A., Seleem, E. M. M., & Abdel-Hafiz, M. A., (2019). Soil characterization and heavy metal pollution assessment in Orabi farms, El Obour, Egypt. Bulletin of the National Research Centre, 43, 1-13.
Shi, G., & Cai, Q., (2009). Cadmium tolerance and accumulation in eight potential energy crops. Biotechnology Advances, 27, 555-561.
Singh, G., & Bhati, M., (2005). Growth of Dalbergia sissoo in desert regions of western India using municipal effluent and the subsequent changes in soil and plant chemistry. Bioresource Technology, 96, 1019-1028.
Smith, S. D., Wellington, A. B., Nachlinger, J. L., & Fox, C. A., (1991). Functional responses of riparian vegetation to stream flow diversion in the eastern Sierra Nevada. Ecological Applications, 1, 89-97.
Tomlinson, D. L., Wilson, J. G., Harris, C. R., & Jeffrey, D. W., (1980). Problems in the assessment of heavy-metal levels in estuaries and the formation of a pollution index. Helgolander Meeresunters, 33, 566-575.
Toze, S., (2006). Reuse of effluent water-benefits and risks. Agricultural Water Management, 80, 147-159.
Turner, A. P., & Dickinson, N. M., (1993). Survival of Acer pseudoplatanus L. (sycamore) seedlings on metalliferous soils. New Phytologist, 123, 509-521.
Vollenweider, P., Menard, T., & Günthardt-Goerg, M. S., (2011). Compartmentation of metals in foliage of Populus tremula grown on soils with mixed contamination. I. From the tree crown to leaf cell level. Environmental Pollution, 159, 324-336.
Wiszniewska, A., Hanus-Fajerska, E., Muszyńska, E., & Smoleń, S., (2017). Comparative assessment of response to cadmium in heavy metal-tolerant shrubs cultured in vitro. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 228, 304.
Zhou, W., & Qiu, B., (2005). Effects of cadmium hyperaccumulation on physiological characteristics of Sedum alfredii Hance (Crassulaceae). Journal of Plant Science, 169, 737-745.