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Three species of fish Tigris asp (Leuciscus vorax) locally named " Shilluk "and Abu mullet (Planiliza abu) locally named "Khushani" and Blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) were collected from the Southern part of the Al-Chibayish marsh to study the composition of its natural food during the period from February 2014 to January 2015. Each species was divided into two-length group (1 and 2). Fishes consisted high percentage of Tigris asp food for both length groups, which reached 50% and 68% respectively. In contrast, sand and mud were of great importance in the food of Abu mullet that comprise 41% and 40% for the two length groups, respectively. The aquatic plant were most important in the food of blue tilapia at percentage of 56% and 50% for the two length groups, respectively. The highest feeding intensity (point/fish) reached by Tigris asp (11.30 and 13.50) during spring, for Abu mullet (10.52 and 8.08) during summer and autumn, whereas for Blue tilapia blue reached (14.82 and 12.66) in the spring and winter for the two length groups, respectively. However, feeding activity values differed according to month. The three species of fish showed a different specialization in the selection of their food components. The small individuals of the Tigris asp were narrowly specialized in food (0.27) while the large individuals were highly specialized (0.25), whereas Abu mullet and Blue tilapia showed narrow specialization (0.42 and 0.37) and (0.32 and 0.32) for the two length groups respectively.
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- Abdel-Aziz, N.E. & Gharib, S.M. (2007). Food and feeding habits of round Sardinella (Sardinella aurita) in El- Mex Bay, Alexandria, Egypt. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., 33: 202-221.
- Al-Mukhtar, M.A. (1982).Biological studies on two fresh water species Barbus luteus (Heckel) and Aspius vorax (Heckel) in Al-Hammar marsh, Basrah. MSc. thesis, Science Collage, Basrah University, Iraq, 203 pp.
- Ahmad, T.A. & Hussian N.A. (1982). Observation on the food of young Liza abu (Heckel) from Salihyia River. Basrah Iraq. J. Mar. Sci., 1: 79-88.
- Al-Malaika, I.S.; Sarsam, V.H. & Ibrahim, A. (1977). The feeding biology of three phytoplankton feeding fish. 4th Sci. Conf. Iraqi Biol. Soc. Baghdad, 20th-22th Sept. 1977.
- Al-Shamma’a, A.A.; Al-Azawi, B.M. & Shawardi, A.A. (2012). Food composition of Liza abu (Heckel, 1843) in Tigris River. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 25(2): 254-264.
- Al-Shawi S.A.S. & Wahab N.K. (2008). Some biological aspects of Liza abu (Heckel) fish in Tuz-Chi tributary, north Iraq. Samara J., 15: 214-228.
- Bagenal, T.B. & Tesch, F.W. (1978). Age and growth. Pp: 101-103. In: Bagenal, T.B. (Ed.). Methods for assessment of fish production in fresh water. 3rd ed. Blackwell Sci. Publ. Oxford: 300pp.
- Barak, N.A. (1978). Food habits of three Iraqi fishes, Aphanius dispar (Ruppll), Liza abu (Heckel) and Alburnus mossulensis (Heckel) in Al-Sakliwah irrigation drainage system. M. Sc. Thesis, Univ. Baghdad: 147pp.
- Bhuiyan, A.S.; Afroz, S. & Zaman, T. (2006). Food and feeding habit of the juvenile and adult Snakehead, Channa punctatus (Bloch). J. Life Earth Sci., 1(2): 53-54.
- Birecikligil, S.; Secer, B.; Kellecl, M.; Aras, E. & Cicek, E. (2017). Determination of some population dynamical parameters of Planiliza abu (Heckel, 1843), from Ceyhan River basin. Acta Aquatica Turcica, 13(1): 58-65.
- Coad, B.W. (2017). Review of the Freshwater Mullets of Iran (Family Mugilidae). Iran. J. Ichthyol., 4(2): 75-130.
- Duman, E & Gül, M.R. (2013). Age, growth, fecundity and mortality of Aspius vorax (Heckel, 1843) in Karakaya Reservoir (in Euphrates River), Turkey. Ege. J. Fish. Aqua. Sci., 30(4): 155-159.
- Epler, P.; Bartel, R.; Chyp, J. & Szczerbowski, J.A. (2001). Diet to selected fish species from the Iraqi Lakes Tharthar, Habbaniya and Razzazah. Arch. Pol. Fish., 9: 211-223.
- Gordan, J.D. (1977). The fish population in the store water of west coast Satl and the food and feeding of whiting Merlangui merlangiu. J. Fish Boil., 11(6): 512-529.
- Gysels, E.; Bisthoven, L.J.; Vos, L. & Ollevier, F. (1997). Food and habitat of four Xenotilapia species (Teleostei, Cichlidae) in a sandy bay of northern Lake Tanganyika (Burundi). J. Fish Biol., 50(2): 254- 266.
- Gu, B.H.; Schelske, C. & Hoyer, M.V. (1997). Intrapopulation feeding diversity in blue tilapia: Evidence from stable-isotope analyses. Ecology, 78(7): 2263-2266.
- Hurlbert, S.H. (1978). The measurement of niche overlap and some relatives. Ecology, 59: 67-77.
- Hurst, T.P. & Conover, D.O. (2001). Diet and consumption rates of overwintering YOY striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in the Hudson River. Fish. Bull., 99(4): 545-553.
- Hansson, S. (1998). Methods of studying fish feeding: A commet. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 55: 2706-2707.
- Hussain, N.A. & Ali, T.S. (2006). Trophic nature and feeding relationships among Al-Hammer Marsh fishes, Southern Iraq. J. Marsh Bull., 1(1): 9-18.
- Hussain, N.A.; Saoud, H.A. & Al-Shami, E.J. (2009). Specialization, competition and diet overlap of fish assemblages in the recently restored Southern Iraqi. J. Marsh Bull., 4(1): 21-35.
- Hussein, S.A. & Al-Kanaani, S.M. (1993). Feeding ecology of the shilig Aspius vorax Heckel from Al-Hammar marsh, southern Iraq III. Seasonal pattern of feeding. Mar. Mesopot., 8(1): 91-103.
- Hussein, S.A.; Al-Daham, N.K. & Al-Kanaani, S.M. (1991). Selection of benthic mollusca and macrocrustacean and their importance in the diet of three sympatric fish species in Garma marshes, Iraq. Mar. Mesopt., 6: 263-280.
- Hussein, S.A.; Al-Daham, N.K. & Al-Dubaikel, A.Y. (2003). Satiation time, appetite and food intake in fingerlings of three freshwater fishes (i.e. Barbus sharpeyi; B. xanthopterus and Cyprinus carpio L.) under artificial conditions. J. Basrah Res., 29: 41-47.
- Hussain, N.A. & Ali, T.S. (2006). Trophic nature and feeding relationships among Al Hammer marsh fishes, Southern Iraq. Marsh Bull., 1(1): 9-18.
- Hyslop, E.J. (1980). Stomach contents analysis -a review of method and their application. J. Fish Biol., 17: 413-422.
- Islam, A.K.M.S. & Khalaf, A.N. (1982). Diel patterns of feeding of Khishni Liza abu (Heckel) in Rashdiyah Reservoir in Baghdad, Iraq. Indian J. Fish., New Delhi. 29(1 & 2): 223-228.
- Jutagate, T.; Krudpan, C.; Ngamsnae, P.; Lamkom, T. & Payooha K. (2005). Changes in the ?sh catches during a trial opening of sluice gates on a run-of-the river reservoir in Thailand. Fish. Manag. Ecol., 12: 57- 62.
- Khalifa, S.Z. (2017). Ecological and biological of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and blue tilapia Oreochromis aureus from Tigris River Southern Baghdad. M. Sc. Thesis. Univ. Diyala: 138pp.
- Krebs, C.J. (1999). Ecological Methodology. Harper and Row, New York: 620pp.
- Lazem L.F. (2009). Ecological evaluation of the Shatt Al-Arab river by applying geographical information system (GIS). Ph. D. Thesis, Univ. Basrah: 134pp..
- Liem, K. (1984). Functional versatility, speciation and niche-overlap: are ?shes different? In Trophic Interactions within aquatic ecosystems, Pp: 269-305 In Meyers, D.G. & Strickler, J.R. (Eds.). AAAS Selected Symposium, 85. Boulder, Colorado. Westview Press: 472pp.
- Mallin, M.A. (1985). The feeding ecology of the blue tilapia (Tilapia aurea ) in North Carolina reservoir. Proc. Conf. Int. Symp. Appl. Lake Watershed Manage., 5: 323- 326.
- Miller, B.A. (2009). Effects of physicochemical properties and macrohabitat on the foraging ecology and condition of the centrarchid assemblage of the Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana. M. Sc. Thesis . Univ. Louisiana: 113pp.
- Mohamed, A.R.M. & Abood, A.N. (2019). Food and trophic relationships of four mullet fish (Mugilidae) in the Shatt Al-Arab River, Iraq. Asian J. Appl. Sci., 7(1): 19-26.
- Mohamed, A.R.M.; Hussain, N.A.; Al-Noor, S.S.; Coad, B.W.; Mutlak, F.M.; Al-Sudani, I.M.; Mojer, A.M. & Toman, A.J. (2008). Species composition, ecological indices and trophic pyramid of fish assemblage of the restored Al-Hawizeh Marsh, Southern Iraq. Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol., 8(2- 4): 375-384.
- Mutlak, F.M. (2012). Stock assessment of some fish species in east Hammar marsh. Ph.D. Thesis Basrah Univ.: 193pp.
- Mutlak, F.M. & Al-Faisal, A.J. (2009). A new record of two exotic cichlids fish Oreochromis aureus (Steindacher, 1864) and Tilapia zilli (sic) (Gervais, 1848) from south of the main outfall drain in Basrah city. Mesopot. J. Mar. Sci., 24(2): 160-170.
- Naama, A.K. & Muhsen, K.A. (1986). Feeding periodicities (sic) of the mugilid Liza abu (Heckel) and cyprinid Carasobarbus luteus (Heckel) from Al-Hammar Marsh, southern Iraq. Indian J. Fish., 33: 347-350.
- Noble, R.L. (1989). Biological control for aquatic weeds using fish. Water Resources Research Institute. Proc. workshop on management of aquatic weeds and mosquitoes in impoundment Charlotte, N.C., 247: 83-87.
- Novakowski, G.C.; Hahn, N.S. & Fugi, R. (2008). Diet seasonality and food overlap of the fish assemblage in a Pantanal pond. Neotr. Ichth., 6(4):567-576.
- Shawardi, A.A. (2006). Ecology and biology of Carassius carassius (L.1758) and Liza abu (Heckel, 1843) in Tharthar Lake and Tigris River. Ph. D Thesis: Univ. Al-Mustansiria: 142pp.
- Stergiou, K.I. (1988). Feeding habits of the lessepsian migrant Siganus luridus? in the Eastern Mediterranean, its new environment. J. Fish Biol., 33: 531-543.
- Taher, M.M. (2010). Specialization, trophic breadth and diet overlap of thirteen small marine fish species from Shatt Al-Basrah Canal, Southern Iraq. Marsh Bull., 5(2):118-130.
- Wahab, N.K. (1986). Ecology and biology of three species of mugilid fishes in Shatt Al-Basrah Canal. M. Sc. Thesis. Univ. Basrah: 155pp.
Abdel-Aziz, N.E. & Gharib, S.M. (2007). Food and feeding habits of round Sardinella (Sardinella aurita) in El- Mex Bay, Alexandria, Egypt. Egypt. J. Aquat. Res., 33: 202-221.
Al-Mukhtar, M.A. (1982).Biological studies on two fresh water species Barbus luteus (Heckel) and Aspius vorax (Heckel) in Al-Hammar marsh, Basrah. MSc. thesis, Science Collage, Basrah University, Iraq, 203 pp.
Ahmad, T.A. & Hussian N.A. (1982). Observation on the food of young Liza abu (Heckel) from Salihyia River. Basrah Iraq. J. Mar. Sci., 1: 79-88.
Al-Malaika, I.S.; Sarsam, V.H. & Ibrahim, A. (1977). The feeding biology of three phytoplankton feeding fish. 4th Sci. Conf. Iraqi Biol. Soc. Baghdad, 20th-22th Sept. 1977.
Al-Shamma’a, A.A.; Al-Azawi, B.M. & Shawardi, A.A. (2012). Food composition of Liza abu (Heckel, 1843) in Tigris River. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 25(2): 254-264.
Al-Shawi S.A.S. & Wahab N.K. (2008). Some biological aspects of Liza abu (Heckel) fish in Tuz-Chi tributary, north Iraq. Samara J., 15: 214-228.
Bagenal, T.B. & Tesch, F.W. (1978). Age and growth. Pp: 101-103. In: Bagenal, T.B. (Ed.). Methods for assessment of fish production in fresh water. 3rd ed. Blackwell Sci. Publ. Oxford: 300pp.
Barak, N.A. (1978). Food habits of three Iraqi fishes, Aphanius dispar (Ruppll), Liza abu (Heckel) and Alburnus mossulensis (Heckel) in Al-Sakliwah irrigation drainage system. M. Sc. Thesis, Univ. Baghdad: 147pp.
Bhuiyan, A.S.; Afroz, S. & Zaman, T. (2006). Food and feeding habit of the juvenile and adult Snakehead, Channa punctatus (Bloch). J. Life Earth Sci., 1(2): 53-54.
Birecikligil, S.; Secer, B.; Kellecl, M.; Aras, E. & Cicek, E. (2017). Determination of some population dynamical parameters of Planiliza abu (Heckel, 1843), from Ceyhan River basin. Acta Aquatica Turcica, 13(1): 58-65.
Coad, B.W. (2017). Review of the Freshwater Mullets of Iran (Family Mugilidae). Iran. J. Ichthyol., 4(2): 75-130.
Duman, E & Gül, M.R. (2013). Age, growth, fecundity and mortality of Aspius vorax (Heckel, 1843) in Karakaya Reservoir (in Euphrates River), Turkey. Ege. J. Fish. Aqua. Sci., 30(4): 155-159.
Epler, P.; Bartel, R.; Chyp, J. & Szczerbowski, J.A. (2001). Diet to selected fish species from the Iraqi Lakes Tharthar, Habbaniya and Razzazah. Arch. Pol. Fish., 9: 211-223.
Gordan, J.D. (1977). The fish population in the store water of west coast Satl and the food and feeding of whiting Merlangui merlangiu. J. Fish Boil., 11(6): 512-529.
Gysels, E.; Bisthoven, L.J.; Vos, L. & Ollevier, F. (1997). Food and habitat of four Xenotilapia species (Teleostei, Cichlidae) in a sandy bay of northern Lake Tanganyika (Burundi). J. Fish Biol., 50(2): 254- 266.
Gu, B.H.; Schelske, C. & Hoyer, M.V. (1997). Intrapopulation feeding diversity in blue tilapia: Evidence from stable-isotope analyses. Ecology, 78(7): 2263-2266.
Hurlbert, S.H. (1978). The measurement of niche overlap and some relatives. Ecology, 59: 67-77.
Hurst, T.P. & Conover, D.O. (2001). Diet and consumption rates of overwintering YOY striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in the Hudson River. Fish. Bull., 99(4): 545-553.
Hansson, S. (1998). Methods of studying fish feeding: A commet. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 55: 2706-2707.
Hussain, N.A. & Ali, T.S. (2006). Trophic nature and feeding relationships among Al-Hammer Marsh fishes, Southern Iraq. J. Marsh Bull., 1(1): 9-18.
Hussain, N.A.; Saoud, H.A. & Al-Shami, E.J. (2009). Specialization, competition and diet overlap of fish assemblages in the recently restored Southern Iraqi. J. Marsh Bull., 4(1): 21-35.
Hussein, S.A. & Al-Kanaani, S.M. (1993). Feeding ecology of the shilig Aspius vorax Heckel from Al-Hammar marsh, southern Iraq III. Seasonal pattern of feeding. Mar. Mesopot., 8(1): 91-103.
Hussein, S.A.; Al-Daham, N.K. & Al-Kanaani, S.M. (1991). Selection of benthic mollusca and macrocrustacean and their importance in the diet of three sympatric fish species in Garma marshes, Iraq. Mar. Mesopt., 6: 263-280.
Hussein, S.A.; Al-Daham, N.K. & Al-Dubaikel, A.Y. (2003). Satiation time, appetite and food intake in fingerlings of three freshwater fishes (i.e. Barbus sharpeyi; B. xanthopterus and Cyprinus carpio L.) under artificial conditions. J. Basrah Res., 29: 41-47.
Hussain, N.A. & Ali, T.S. (2006). Trophic nature and feeding relationships among Al Hammer marsh fishes, Southern Iraq. Marsh Bull., 1(1): 9-18.
Hyslop, E.J. (1980). Stomach contents analysis -a review of method and their application. J. Fish Biol., 17: 413-422.
Islam, A.K.M.S. & Khalaf, A.N. (1982). Diel patterns of feeding of Khishni Liza abu (Heckel) in Rashdiyah Reservoir in Baghdad, Iraq. Indian J. Fish., New Delhi. 29(1 & 2): 223-228.
Jutagate, T.; Krudpan, C.; Ngamsnae, P.; Lamkom, T. & Payooha K. (2005). Changes in the ?sh catches during a trial opening of sluice gates on a run-of-the river reservoir in Thailand. Fish. Manag. Ecol., 12: 57- 62.
Khalifa, S.Z. (2017). Ecological and biological of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and blue tilapia Oreochromis aureus from Tigris River Southern Baghdad. M. Sc. Thesis. Univ. Diyala: 138pp.
Krebs, C.J. (1999). Ecological Methodology. Harper and Row, New York: 620pp.
Lazem L.F. (2009). Ecological evaluation of the Shatt Al-Arab river by applying geographical information system (GIS). Ph. D. Thesis, Univ. Basrah: 134pp..
Liem, K. (1984). Functional versatility, speciation and niche-overlap: are ?shes different? In Trophic Interactions within aquatic ecosystems, Pp: 269-305 In Meyers, D.G. & Strickler, J.R. (Eds.). AAAS Selected Symposium, 85. Boulder, Colorado. Westview Press: 472pp.
Mallin, M.A. (1985). The feeding ecology of the blue tilapia (Tilapia aurea ) in North Carolina reservoir. Proc. Conf. Int. Symp. Appl. Lake Watershed Manage., 5: 323- 326.
Miller, B.A. (2009). Effects of physicochemical properties and macrohabitat on the foraging ecology and condition of the centrarchid assemblage of the Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana. M. Sc. Thesis . Univ. Louisiana: 113pp.
Mohamed, A.R.M. & Abood, A.N. (2019). Food and trophic relationships of four mullet fish (Mugilidae) in the Shatt Al-Arab River, Iraq. Asian J. Appl. Sci., 7(1): 19-26.
Mohamed, A.R.M.; Hussain, N.A.; Al-Noor, S.S.; Coad, B.W.; Mutlak, F.M.; Al-Sudani, I.M.; Mojer, A.M. & Toman, A.J. (2008). Species composition, ecological indices and trophic pyramid of fish assemblage of the restored Al-Hawizeh Marsh, Southern Iraq. Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol., 8(2- 4): 375-384.
Mutlak, F.M. (2012). Stock assessment of some fish species in east Hammar marsh. Ph.D. Thesis Basrah Univ.: 193pp.
Mutlak, F.M. & Al-Faisal, A.J. (2009). A new record of two exotic cichlids fish Oreochromis aureus (Steindacher, 1864) and Tilapia zilli (sic) (Gervais, 1848) from south of the main outfall drain in Basrah city. Mesopot. J. Mar. Sci., 24(2): 160-170.
Naama, A.K. & Muhsen, K.A. (1986). Feeding periodicities (sic) of the mugilid Liza abu (Heckel) and cyprinid Carasobarbus luteus (Heckel) from Al-Hammar Marsh, southern Iraq. Indian J. Fish., 33: 347-350.
Noble, R.L. (1989). Biological control for aquatic weeds using fish. Water Resources Research Institute. Proc. workshop on management of aquatic weeds and mosquitoes in impoundment Charlotte, N.C., 247: 83-87.
Novakowski, G.C.; Hahn, N.S. & Fugi, R. (2008). Diet seasonality and food overlap of the fish assemblage in a Pantanal pond. Neotr. Ichth., 6(4):567-576.
Shawardi, A.A. (2006). Ecology and biology of Carassius carassius (L.1758) and Liza abu (Heckel, 1843) in Tharthar Lake and Tigris River. Ph. D Thesis: Univ. Al-Mustansiria: 142pp.
Stergiou, K.I. (1988). Feeding habits of the lessepsian migrant Siganus luridus? in the Eastern Mediterranean, its new environment. J. Fish Biol., 33: 531-543.
Taher, M.M. (2010). Specialization, trophic breadth and diet overlap of thirteen small marine fish species from Shatt Al-Basrah Canal, Southern Iraq. Marsh Bull., 5(2):118-130.
Wahab, N.K. (1986). Ecology and biology of three species of mugilid fishes in Shatt Al-Basrah Canal. M. Sc. Thesis. Univ. Basrah: 155pp.