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A total of 128 fish samples including 70 Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758, 10 Leuciscus vorax (Heckel, 1843), 40 Oreochromis aureus (Steindachner, 1864) and eight Planiliza abu (Heckel, 1843) were collected during the period from November 2016 to May 2017. Seven different localities (floating cages, earthen ponds and natural water) in Basrah were investigated. Among some detected fish diseases, whirling disease symptoms was reported for the first time in Iraq in April 2017, from two C. carpio cultured in earthen fish ponds of Marine Science Centre, University of Basrah. The infested fish were dwarfed, with abnormal big head and small body. Grossly signs of the diseases represent fins and tail deformities in addition to open ulcers and losing of scales, and necrosis of skin and muscles. Internally, fish suffered of muscles ecchymosis and vertebral deformities. Histological sections revealed that the spinal cord had healthy structure.
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- Al-Shemmari, N.A.H. (2017). Isolation and diagnosis of bacteria associated with some disease infections in some fishes in Basrah governorate, Iraq. M. Sc. Thesis, College Agric., Univ. Basrah: 122 pp. (In Arabic).
- Al-Taee, A.M.R.; Khamees, N.R. & Al- Shammari, N.A.H. (2017). Vibrio species isolated from farmed fish in Basra city in Iraq. J. Aquac. Res. Develop., 8: 472. doi: 10.4172/2155-9546.1000472.
- AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species) (2017). Whirling disease. Available at: df. (Accessed on 18.12.2017).Bondad-Reantaso, M.G.; McGladdery, S.E.; East, I. & Subasinghee, R.P. (2001). Asia diagnostic guide to aquatic. animal diseases. FAO fish. tech. paper No. 402/2: 230pp.
- Durand, J.-D. (2016). Implications of molecular phylogeny for the taxonomy of Mugilidae. In: Crosetti, D. and blabber, S.J.M. (Eds.). Biology, ecology and culture of grey mullet (Mugilidae). Taylor and Francis group, Boca Raton: 22-41.
- Faisal, M. (2017). What is whirling disease?. Available at: 2.pdf. (Accessed on 18.12.2017).
- Freyhof, J.; Ekmekçi, F.G.; Ali, A.; Khamees, N.R.; Özulu?, M.; Hamidan, N.; Küçük, F. & Smith, K.G. (2014). Freshwater fishes. Pp: 19-42 In: Smith, K.G.; Barrios, V.;Darwall, W.R.T. and Numa, C. (Eds.). The status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in the eastern Mediterranean. IUCN publ., Cambridge, Malaga and gland: 129pp.
- Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (eds.) (2017). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. (Ver. O2/ 2017) Humason, G.L. (1972). Animal tissue techniques. 3rd edit., W.H. Freeman publ., San Francisco: 641pp.
- Jawad, L.A.; Al-Faisal, A.J. & Al-Mukhtar, M. (2015). A case of vertebral coalescence in Luciobarbus xanthopterus (Heckel, 1843) (Pisces: Cyprinidae) obtained from the lower reaches of Mesopotamia. Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa” 57: 127-132.
- Khamees, N.R. & Ali, A.H. (2013). Spring viraemia of carp (SVC), a lethal disease in wild and cultured fishes in Basrah province, Iraq. The 5th Int. Conf. Microbiol. Biotechnol., Coll. Sci., Univ. Basrah, 2-3 April 2013. (Abstract)
- Khamees, N.R.; Ali, A.H.; Abed, J.M. & Adday, T.K. (2013). First record of striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878) (Pisces: Pangasiidae) from inland waters of Iraq. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 26 (Spec. Issue 1): 184-197.
- Lom, J. & Dykova, I. (2006). Myxozoan genera: definition and notes on taxonomy, life-cycle terminology and pathogenic species. Fol. Parasitol., 53: 1-36.
- Longshaw, M. (2004). Studies on myxozoan parasites of freshwater fish and invertebrate hosts. Ph. D. Thesis. Univ. Plymouth: 350pp.
- Longshaw, M.; Frear, P. & Feist, S.W. (2003), Myxobolus buckei sp. 1t (Myxozoa), a new pathogenic parasite from the spinal column of three cyprinid fishes from the United Kingdom Fol. Parasitol., 50: 251-262.
- MacConnell, E., & Bartholomew, J.L. (2012). Whirling disease of Salmonids. available at: Whirling Disease 2012 pdf. (accessed on 19.12.2017).
- Mhaisen, F.; Ali, A., & Khamees, N. (2016). Checklists of protozoans and myxozoans of freshwater and marine fishes of Basrah Province, Iraq. Mesopot. J. Mar. Sci., 1: 29-52.
- Noga, E.J. (2010). Fish disease, diagnosis and treatment, 2nd ed., Iowa St. Univ. Press, Iowa: 497pp.
- Taher, M.M. (2014). Effects of stocking densities and feeding ratios on growth of common carp Cyprinus carpio cultivated in floating cages, Basrah-South Iraq. Ph.D. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah: 112 pp. (In Arabic).
- The fish site (2017). Available at: guicle/whirling-disease. (Accessed on 18.12.2017).
- Wikipedia (2017). Myxobolus cerebralis. Available at: cerebra;is. (Accessed on 18.12.2017).
Al-Shemmari, N.A.H. (2017). Isolation and diagnosis of bacteria associated with some disease infections in some fishes in Basrah governorate, Iraq. M. Sc. Thesis, College Agric., Univ. Basrah: 122 pp. (In Arabic).
Al-Taee, A.M.R.; Khamees, N.R. & Al- Shammari, N.A.H. (2017). Vibrio species isolated from farmed fish in Basra city in Iraq. J. Aquac. Res. Develop., 8: 472. doi: 10.4172/2155-9546.1000472.
AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species) (2017). Whirling disease. Available at: df. (Accessed on 18.12.2017).Bondad-Reantaso, M.G.; McGladdery, S.E.; East, I. & Subasinghee, R.P. (2001). Asia diagnostic guide to aquatic. animal diseases. FAO fish. tech. paper No. 402/2: 230pp.
Durand, J.-D. (2016). Implications of molecular phylogeny for the taxonomy of Mugilidae. In: Crosetti, D. and blabber, S.J.M. (Eds.). Biology, ecology and culture of grey mullet (Mugilidae). Taylor and Francis group, Boca Raton: 22-41.
Faisal, M. (2017). What is whirling disease?. Available at: 2.pdf. (Accessed on 18.12.2017).
Freyhof, J.; Ekmekçi, F.G.; Ali, A.; Khamees, N.R.; Özulu?, M.; Hamidan, N.; Küçük, F. & Smith, K.G. (2014). Freshwater fishes. Pp: 19-42 In: Smith, K.G.; Barrios, V.;Darwall, W.R.T. and Numa, C. (Eds.). The status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in the eastern Mediterranean. IUCN publ., Cambridge, Malaga and gland: 129pp.
Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (eds.) (2017). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. (Ver. O2/ 2017) Humason, G.L. (1972). Animal tissue techniques. 3rd edit., W.H. Freeman publ., San Francisco: 641pp.
Jawad, L.A.; Al-Faisal, A.J. & Al-Mukhtar, M. (2015). A case of vertebral coalescence in Luciobarbus xanthopterus (Heckel, 1843) (Pisces: Cyprinidae) obtained from the lower reaches of Mesopotamia. Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa” 57: 127-132.
Khamees, N.R. & Ali, A.H. (2013). Spring viraemia of carp (SVC), a lethal disease in wild and cultured fishes in Basrah province, Iraq. The 5th Int. Conf. Microbiol. Biotechnol., Coll. Sci., Univ. Basrah, 2-3 April 2013. (Abstract)
Khamees, N.R.; Ali, A.H.; Abed, J.M. & Adday, T.K. (2013). First record of striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878) (Pisces: Pangasiidae) from inland waters of Iraq. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 26 (Spec. Issue 1): 184-197.
Lom, J. & Dykova, I. (2006). Myxozoan genera: definition and notes on taxonomy, life-cycle terminology and pathogenic species. Fol. Parasitol., 53: 1-36.
Longshaw, M. (2004). Studies on myxozoan parasites of freshwater fish and invertebrate hosts. Ph. D. Thesis. Univ. Plymouth: 350pp.
Longshaw, M.; Frear, P. & Feist, S.W. (2003), Myxobolus buckei sp. 1t (Myxozoa), a new pathogenic parasite from the spinal column of three cyprinid fishes from the United Kingdom Fol. Parasitol., 50: 251-262.
MacConnell, E., & Bartholomew, J.L. (2012). Whirling disease of Salmonids. available at: Whirling Disease 2012 pdf. (accessed on 19.12.2017).
Mhaisen, F.; Ali, A., & Khamees, N. (2016). Checklists of protozoans and myxozoans of freshwater and marine fishes of Basrah Province, Iraq. Mesopot. J. Mar. Sci., 1: 29-52.
Noga, E.J. (2010). Fish disease, diagnosis and treatment, 2nd ed., Iowa St. Univ. Press, Iowa: 497pp.
Taher, M.M. (2014). Effects of stocking densities and feeding ratios on growth of common carp Cyprinus carpio cultivated in floating cages, Basrah-South Iraq. Ph.D. Thesis, Coll. Agric., Univ. Basrah: 112 pp. (In Arabic).
The fish site (2017). Available at: guicle/whirling-disease. (Accessed on 18.12.2017).
Wikipedia (2017). Myxobolus cerebralis. Available at: cerebra;is. (Accessed on 18.12.2017).