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A field experiment was conducted in two different locations at Agricultural Research Station of Garmat Ali in Basrah-Iraq. The aim of this investigation is to evaluate the effective field capacity, field efficiency, draft force, pulverization index (PI), soil bulk density and soil porosity for moldboard plow (primary tillage), mounted disk harrow and offset disk harrow (secondary tillage) under different operating speed (2.54 (S1), 3.84 (S2) and 5.77 (S3) km hr-1) in two different soil textures (silty loam soil and clay soil). The design of the experiment was complete randomized blocks design in factorial experiment. The results showed that the moldboard plow had high values of draft force, pulverization index (PI) and soil porosity and lower soil bulk density, effective field capacity and field efficiency than that of mounted disk harrow and offset disk harrow in both soils. The operating speed and the interaction between operating speed and implements tillage type had significantly affect (p < 0.05) on all the studied parameters. The silty loam soil achieved higher effective field capacity, field efficiency, soil porosity (low bulk density) and considerable pulverization of soil clods than that of clay soil. The results also showed that the optimal operation conditions of implements tillage were associated with high operating speed of 5.77 km hr-1 in silty loam soil especially with using the disks harrow.
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Abbaspour, Y.; Alimardani, R.A.; Khalilian, K.A. & Sadati, S.H. (2006). Energy requirement of site-specific and conventional tillage as affected by operating speed and soil parameters. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 8(4): 499-603.
Abrougui, K.; Boukhalfa, H.H; Elaoud, A.; Louvet, J.N.; Destain, M.F. & Chehaibi, S. (2014). Effects of three tillage systems on physical properties of a sandy loam soil. Inter. J. Curr. Eng. Tech., 4(6): 3555-3561.
Abualgasim, M.R. & Dahab, M.H. (2013). The study of suitable effective use of machinery in farming research station (Elrawakeeb) west of Khartoum-Sudan. Res. J. Agric. Env. Manag., 2(7): 164-168.
Aday, S.H. & Al-Edan, A.A. (2004). Comparison between the field performance of moldboard plow and conventional moldboard plow in wet and friable silty clay soils. The specific resistance and equivalent energy efficiency. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 17(1): 87-101.
Aday, S.H.; Hamid, K.A. & Salman, R.F. (2001). The energy requirement and energy utilization efficiency of two plows type for pulverization of heavy soil. Iraqi J. Agric., 6(1): 137-146 .
Alnahas, S.M. (2007). Tillage implements performance and their effects on two types of soil in Khartoum area. M. Sc. Thesis, Coll. Agric. Eng. Univ. Khartoum. 78pp.
Al-Suhaibani, S.A.; Al-Janobi A.A. & Al-Majhadi Y.N. (2010). Development and evaluation of tractor and tillage implements instrumentation system. American J. Eng. Appl. Sci., 3(2): 363-371.
Al-Suhaibani, S.A. & Ghaly, A.E. (2013). Comparative study of the kinetic parameters of three chisel plows operating at different depths and forward speed in a sandy soil. Int. J. Eng. Sci., 2(7): 42-59.
Askari, M. & Khalifahamzehghasem, S. (2013). Draft force inputs for primary and secondary tillage implements in a clay loam soil. World Appl. Sci. J., 21(12): 1789-1794.
Ati, A.S.; Dawood, S.S. & Abduljabbar, I. (2014). Effect of pulverization tools and deficit irrigation treatments on machinery group, some soil physical properties, growth and yield of barley. J. Agric. Veter. Sci., 7(1): 8-11.
Bashir, M.A.; Dawelbeit, M.I.; Eltom, M.O. & Tanakamaru, H. (2015). Performance of different tillage implements and their effects on sorghum and maize grown in Gezira Vertisols, Sudan. Int. J. Sci. Tech. Res., 4(4): 237-242.
Black, C.A.; Evans, D.D.; White, J.L.; Ensminger, L.E. & Clarck, F.E. (1965). Methods of soil analysis. Part 1. Physical properties. Am. Soc. Agron. Inc. Pub., Madison, Wisconsin, 770pp.
Boydas, M.G & Turgut, N. (2007). Effect of tillage implements and operating speeds on soil physical properties and wheat emergence. Turkish J. Agric. Forestry, 31: 399-412.
Celik, I. (2011). Effects of tillage methods on penetration resistance, bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity in a clayey soil conditions. J. Agric. Sci., 17: 143-156.
El-Shazly, M.A.; Morad, M.M.; Ali, M.M. & Wasfy, K.I. (2008). Optimization of disk plow performance under Egyptian condition. Misr J. Agric. Eng., 25(1): 15-37.
Gbadamosi, J. (2013). Impact of different tillage practices on soil moisture content, soil bulk density and soil penetration resistance in Oyo metropolis, Oyo state, Nigeria. Tran. J. Sci. Tech., 3(9): 50-57.
Gill, W.R. & Vandenberg, G.E. (1968). Soil dynamic in tillage and traction agricultural. Agric. Res. Servi., Handbook 316, Washington, U.S. government Printing Press, 511pp.
Hammel, J.F. (1989). Long term tillage and crop rotation effect on bulk density and soil impendence in northern Idaho. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 53(5): 1515-1519.
Javadi, A. & Hajiahamad, A. (2006). Effect of a new combined implement for reducing secondary tillage operation. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 8(6): 724-727.
Kepner, R.A.; Bainer, R. & Barger, E.L. (1982). Principles of farm machinery. 3rd ed., Avi. Pub. Co. Westport, 527pp.
Keshavarzpour, F. & Rashidi, M. (2008). Effect of different tillage methods on soil physical properties and crop yield of watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris). World Appl. Sci. J., 3(3): 359-364.
Muhsin, S.J. (2010). Studying the power losses of two and four wheel drive tractors (2WD and 4WD) of massy ferguson (2680). J. Basrah Res., 36(6): 59-66.
Muhsin, S.J. (2017). Determination of energy requirements, plowed soil volume rate and soil pulverization ratio of chisel plow under various operating conditions. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 30(1): 73-84.
Moeenifar, A.; Mousavi, S.R. & Kalantri, D. (2014). Influence of tillage depth, penetration angle and forward speed on the soil/thin-blade interaction force. Agric. Eng. Int. J., 16(1): 69-74.
Nassir, A. (2017). The effect of tillage methods on energy pulverization requirements under various operating conditions in silty loamy soil. Thi-Qar J. Agric. Res., (in press).
Nassir, A.; Mashal, A.A. & Abd, T.J. (2016). Effect of tillage and smoothing passages on pulverization index and draft force requirement and down to less pulverization index when different front speed and depths. J. Modern Sci. Heritage, 4(3):513-523. (in Arabic).
Nkakini, S.O. (2015). Draught force requirements of a disc plough at various tractor forward speeds in loamy sand soil, during ploughing. Int. J. Adv. Res. Eng. Tech., 6(7): 52-68.
Nkakini, S.O. & Fubara-Manuel, I. (2012). The effects of tillage methods on soil penetration resistance, porosity and okra yield. Res. J. Appl. Sci., Eng. Tech. 4(5): 387-392.
Oduma, O.; Igwe, J.E. & Ntunde, D.I. (2015). Performance evaluation of field efficiencies of some tractor drawn implements in Ebonyi State. Int. J. Eng. Tech., 5(4): 199-204.
Olatunji, O.M. & Davies R.M. (2009). Effect of weight and draught on the performance of disc plough on sandy loam soil. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Tech., 1(1): 22-26.
Omofunmi, O.E.; Tanimola, O.A & Oyekunle, O.O. (2016). To assess the impact of disc plough weight and draught on physical properties of sandy loamy soil. J. Agric. Veterinary Sci., 9 (2): 44-50.
Osunbitan, J.A.; Oyedele, D.J. & Adekalu, K.O. (2005). Tillage effects on bulk density, hydraulic conductivity and strength of a loamy sand soil in south western Nigeria. Soil Till. Res., 82(1): 57-64.
Rashidi, M.; Lehmali, H.F.; Beni, M.S.; Malekshahi, M. & Namin, S.T. (2013). Prediction of disc harrow draft force based on soil moisture content: Tillage depth and forward speed. Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 15(2): 260-265.
Roozbeh, M.; Almasi, M.; Hemmat, A.; Hedayatizadeh, M.; Attashi, M.; Karimi, M. & Varnamkhasti, M.G. (2010). Soil penetration resistance and time required for corn seedbed preparation under four tillage systems. J. Agric. Tech., 6(2): 211-218.
Sale, N.A.; Gwarzo, M.A; Felix, O.G. & Idris, S.I. (2013). Performance evaluation of some selected tillage implements. Proceeding of Nigeria Institution of Agricultural Engineers, (NIAE)., 34: 71-77.
Serrano, J.M. & Peca, J.O. (2008). The forward speed effect on draught force required to pull trailed disc harrows. Spanish J. Agric. Res., 6(2): 182-188.
Strudley, M.W.; Green, T.R. & Ascough, J.C. (2008). Tillage effects on soil hydraulic properties in space and time. Soil Till. Res., 99(1): 4-48.