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The experiment was performed using locally manufactured subsoiler plow provided with wings on the outside of shallow tines feet to study the impact of adding the wings and depth of tillage on the disturbance area of soil, soil pulverization index (mean weight diameter, MWD) and the equivalent energy of soil pulverization (Eq EP) in clay soil. This experiment was done in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), with three replications having a factorial experiment. Three tillage depths (40, 50, and 60cm) with and without wings on the feet of shallow tines were used. The results showed that the impact of adding wings and tillage depths had a significant effect on the disturbance area, soil pulverization index and the equivalent energy of soil pulverization (p < 0.05). The treatment of adding wings on shallow tines (S+shw) has pre-eminence in studied factors. The disturbed area increased by 11.11, 14.29 and 9.80%, the MWD decreased by 27.33, 32.31 and 19.38% and the Eq EP increased by 43.19, 53.03 and 25.13% when the depth of tillage increased from 40, 50 and 60cm respectively.
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- Aday, S. H., Abdulnabi, M. A., & Ndawi, D. R. (2011a). The effect of the lateral distance of the shallow tines on the disturbed area and the specific resistance of the subsoiler. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24, 23-41.
- Aday, S H., Al-dosary, S. H., & Hassan G. C. (2011b). The effect of the tractor passes on the soil bulk density in silty clay soil. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24, 11- 27.
- Aday, S. H., Hameed, K. A., & Salman R. F. (2001). The energy requirement and energy utilization efficiency of two plows type for pulverization of heavy soil. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6 , 136 -146.
- Almaliki, S. (2018). Simulation of draft force for three types of plow using response surface method under various field conditions. Iraqi Journal Agriculture Science, 49, 1123-1131.
- Almaliki, S., Himoud, M., & Muhsin, S. J. (2019). A stepwise regression algorithm for prognostication draft requirements of disk plough. Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 14, 10335-10340.
- Askari, M, Shahgholi, G., & Abbaspour-Gilandeh, Y., (2019). New wings on the interaction between conventional subsoiler and paraplow tines with the soil: effects on the draft and the properties of soil, Archives of agronomy and Soil Science, 65, 88- 100.
- Balesdenta, J., Chenub, C., & Balabane, M. (2000). Relationship of soil organic matter dynamics to physical protection and tillage. Journal Soil and Tillage Research, 53, 215-230.
- Barr, J B., Ucgul, M., Desbiolles, J., M.A., Fielke J., M. (2018). Simulating the effect of rake angle on narrow opener performance with the discrete element method. Bioystems Engineering, 171, 1-15.
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- Botta, G. F., Jorajuria, D. R., Balbuena, Ressia M., Ferrero, C., Rosatto, H., & Tourn, M., (2006). Deep tillage and traffic effects on subsoil compaction and sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) yields. Soil & Tillage Research, 91, 164-172.
- Desale, A., K., Melesse, T., L., & Abdu Abdelkadir, M., (2012). Effect of winged subsoiler and traditional tillage integrated with Fanya Juu on selected soil physico-chemical and soil water properties in the Northwestern highlands of Ethiopia. East African Journal of Sciences, 6, 105-116.
- Desbiolles, J. M. A., & Saunders, C. (2006). Soil throw characteristics of no-till furrow openers: A pilot study. In Paper presented at the 17th triennial conference of the international soil and tillage research organization, Kiel, Germany.
- Dogra R., Ahuja, S., S., Dogra, B. & Virk, M., S., (2014). Effect of Blade Width and Spading Frequency of Spading Machine on Specific Soil Resistance and Pulverisation. Agricultural mechanization in asia, africa, and latin America, 45, 12-17.
- Gill, W. R. (1969). Soil deformation by simple tools. Transactions of the ASAE, 12, 234-239. doi: 10.13031/2013.38807
- Gill, W. R., & McCreery, W. F. (1960). Relation of size cut tillage tool efficiency. Agriculture Engineering, 41, 372-381.
- Gill, W. R., & Vanden Berg, G. E. (1968). Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction, Handbook316, Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Washington D. C, 511pp.
- Godwin, R. J., & Spoor, G. (1977). Soil failure with narrow tines. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 22, 213-228.
- Godwin R. J., Spoor, G., & Leeds-Harrison, P. (1981). An experimental investigation into the force mechanics and resulting soil disturbance of mole ploughs. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 26, 477-497.
- Hasimu, A., & Chen, Y. (2014). Soil disturbance and draft force of selected seed openers. Soil & Tillage Research, 140, 48e54.
- Jabro, J. D., Stevens, W. B., Iversen, W. M., & Evans, R. G. (2010). Tillage depth effects on soil physical properties, sugarbeet yield and sugarbeet quality. Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis, 41, 908-916.
- Kadhim, N. S., & Subr, A., K. (2012). Effect of tillage with chisel plow on soil mean weight diameter and porosity. The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 43, 33-41.
- Kasisira, L. L., & du Plassis, H. L. M. (2006). Energy optimization for subsoilers in tandem in a sandy clay loam soil. Soil & tillage Research, 68, 185-198.
- Khadr, Kh. A. A., (2008). Effect of some primary tillage implement on soil pulverization and specific energy Misr Journal Agriculture Engineering, 25, 731-745.
- Lal, R. (1997). Long-term tillage and maize monoculture effects on a tropical Alfisol in Western Nigeria. Crop yield and soil physical properties. Soil & Tillage Research 42, 145-160.
- Liu, J., & Kushwaha, R.L., (2006). Modeling of soil profile produced by a single sweep tool. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal, Manuscript PM 06 008, 8,
- Melesse, T., Hoogmoed, W. B., Savenije, H. H. G. & Rockstrom, J., (2009). Conservation tillage implements and systems for smallholder farmers in semi-arid Ethiopia. Soil & Tillage Research 104, 185-191.
- McKyes, E., (1985). Soil Cutting and Tillage. Elsevier Science Publishing Company Inc., New York, NY10017, 226pp.
- Muhsin, S. J. (2017). Determination of energy requirements, plowed soil volume rate and soil pulverization ratio of chisel plow under various operating conditions. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30, 73-84.
- Panwar, I. S., & Siemens, J. (1972). Shear strength and energy of soil failure related to density and moisture. Transactions of the ASAE, 15, 423-427.
- Raper, R. L., & Sharma, A. K. (2002). Energy Requirement and soil disruption of subsoiling. Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Atlanta GA- January, 8-12. 3pp.
- Ros, V., Smith, R. J., Marley S. J., & Erbach, D. C., (1995). Mathematical modeling and computer aided design of the passive tillage tools, Transactions of the ASAE, 38, 675-683.
- Sharifat, K. (1999). Soil translocation with tillage tools. Ph. D. Thesis. College of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Saskatchewan, 159pp.
- Solhjou, A., Fielke, J. M., & Desbiolles, J. M. A. (2012). Soil translocation by narrow openers with various rake angles. Biosystems Engineering, 112, 65-73.
- Tisdall, J. M., & Oades, J. M. (1982). Organic matter and water stable aggregates. Journal Soil Science, 33, 141-163.
Aday, S. H., Abdulnabi, M. A., & Ndawi, D. R. (2011a). The effect of the lateral distance of the shallow tines on the disturbed area and the specific resistance of the subsoiler. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24, 23-41.
Aday, S H., Al-dosary, S. H., & Hassan G. C. (2011b). The effect of the tractor passes on the soil bulk density in silty clay soil. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 24, 11- 27.
Aday, S. H., Hameed, K. A., & Salman R. F. (2001). The energy requirement and energy utilization efficiency of two plows type for pulverization of heavy soil. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 6 , 136 -146.
Almaliki, S. (2018). Simulation of draft force for three types of plow using response surface method under various field conditions. Iraqi Journal Agriculture Science, 49, 1123-1131.
Almaliki, S., Himoud, M., & Muhsin, S. J. (2019). A stepwise regression algorithm for prognostication draft requirements of disk plough. Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 14, 10335-10340.
Askari, M, Shahgholi, G., & Abbaspour-Gilandeh, Y., (2019). New wings on the interaction between conventional subsoiler and paraplow tines with the soil: effects on the draft and the properties of soil, Archives of agronomy and Soil Science, 65, 88- 100.
Balesdenta, J., Chenub, C., & Balabane, M. (2000). Relationship of soil organic matter dynamics to physical protection and tillage. Journal Soil and Tillage Research, 53, 215-230.
Barr, J B., Ucgul, M., Desbiolles, J., M.A., Fielke J., M. (2018). Simulating the effect of rake angle on narrow opener performance with the discrete element method. Bioystems Engineering, 171, 1-15.
Black, C. A., Evans, D. D., Whit, J. L., Ensminger L. E., & Clark, F. E. (1965). Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1, No. 9. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, Wisconsin, 770pp.
Botta, G. F., Jorajuria, D. R., Balbuena, Ressia M., Ferrero, C., Rosatto, H., & Tourn, M., (2006). Deep tillage and traffic effects on subsoil compaction and sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) yields. Soil & Tillage Research, 91, 164-172.
Desale, A., K., Melesse, T., L., & Abdu Abdelkadir, M., (2012). Effect of winged subsoiler and traditional tillage integrated with Fanya Juu on selected soil physico-chemical and soil water properties in the Northwestern highlands of Ethiopia. East African Journal of Sciences, 6, 105-116.
Desbiolles, J. M. A., & Saunders, C. (2006). Soil throw characteristics of no-till furrow openers: A pilot study. In Paper presented at the 17th triennial conference of the international soil and tillage research organization, Kiel, Germany.
Dogra R., Ahuja, S., S., Dogra, B. & Virk, M., S., (2014). Effect of Blade Width and Spading Frequency of Spading Machine on Specific Soil Resistance and Pulverisation. Agricultural mechanization in asia, africa, and latin America, 45, 12-17.
Gill, W. R. (1969). Soil deformation by simple tools. Transactions of the ASAE, 12, 234-239. doi: 10.13031/2013.38807
Gill, W. R., & McCreery, W. F. (1960). Relation of size cut tillage tool efficiency. Agriculture Engineering, 41, 372-381.
Gill, W. R., & Vanden Berg, G. E. (1968). Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction, Handbook316, Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Washington D. C, 511pp.
Godwin, R. J., & Spoor, G. (1977). Soil failure with narrow tines. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 22, 213-228.
Godwin R. J., Spoor, G., & Leeds-Harrison, P. (1981). An experimental investigation into the force mechanics and resulting soil disturbance of mole ploughs. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 26, 477-497.
Hasimu, A., & Chen, Y. (2014). Soil disturbance and draft force of selected seed openers. Soil & Tillage Research, 140, 48e54.
Jabro, J. D., Stevens, W. B., Iversen, W. M., & Evans, R. G. (2010). Tillage depth effects on soil physical properties, sugarbeet yield and sugarbeet quality. Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis, 41, 908-916.
Kadhim, N. S., & Subr, A., K. (2012). Effect of tillage with chisel plow on soil mean weight diameter and porosity. The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 43, 33-41.
Kasisira, L. L., & du Plassis, H. L. M. (2006). Energy optimization for subsoilers in tandem in a sandy clay loam soil. Soil & tillage Research, 68, 185-198.
Khadr, Kh. A. A., (2008). Effect of some primary tillage implement on soil pulverization and specific energy Misr Journal Agriculture Engineering, 25, 731-745.
Lal, R. (1997). Long-term tillage and maize monoculture effects on a tropical Alfisol in Western Nigeria. Crop yield and soil physical properties. Soil & Tillage Research 42, 145-160.
Liu, J., & Kushwaha, R.L., (2006). Modeling of soil profile produced by a single sweep tool. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal, Manuscript PM 06 008, 8,
Melesse, T., Hoogmoed, W. B., Savenije, H. H. G. & Rockstrom, J., (2009). Conservation tillage implements and systems for smallholder farmers in semi-arid Ethiopia. Soil & Tillage Research 104, 185-191.
McKyes, E., (1985). Soil Cutting and Tillage. Elsevier Science Publishing Company Inc., New York, NY10017, 226pp.
Muhsin, S. J. (2017). Determination of energy requirements, plowed soil volume rate and soil pulverization ratio of chisel plow under various operating conditions. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30, 73-84.
Panwar, I. S., & Siemens, J. (1972). Shear strength and energy of soil failure related to density and moisture. Transactions of the ASAE, 15, 423-427.
Raper, R. L., & Sharma, A. K. (2002). Energy Requirement and soil disruption of subsoiling. Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Atlanta GA- January, 8-12. 3pp.
Ros, V., Smith, R. J., Marley S. J., & Erbach, D. C., (1995). Mathematical modeling and computer aided design of the passive tillage tools, Transactions of the ASAE, 38, 675-683.
Sharifat, K. (1999). Soil translocation with tillage tools. Ph. D. Thesis. College of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Saskatchewan, 159pp.
Solhjou, A., Fielke, J. M., & Desbiolles, J. M. A. (2012). Soil translocation by narrow openers with various rake angles. Biosystems Engineering, 112, 65-73.
Tisdall, J. M., & Oades, J. M. (1982). Organic matter and water stable aggregates. Journal Soil Science, 33, 141-163.