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This study has been conducted to determine and identify the metal elements of dates syrup extracted from Khstawy, Zehdy and Shukary using Scanning electron microscope-Energy dispersive Spectrometer (SEM-EDS) technique. The results showed that dates syrup was rich in both metal and non- metals elements. The obtained results showed some different trends in the date syrup content of mineral elements. The results showed the availability of Carbon (C) element in dates syrup extracted via hydraulic pressure from Khstawy (80.73%), Zehdy (65.28 %) and Shukary (68.49%) varieties while in dates syrup produced thermally (80.59%) and dates syrup produced without thermal (72.16%). Oxygen (O) ratio in Khstawy, Zehdy, Shukary, dates syrup produced thermally, and dates syrup produced without thermal were 18.92, 35.27, 15.26, 19.09 and 27.46 respectively. Moreover, the results showed the availability of sodium (Na) (0.17 %), sulphur (S) (0.11 %), potassium (K) (0.05%), silicon (Si) (0.03%) in the dates syrup extracted from Khstawy, while in Zehdy variety there was Aluminum (Al) (0.33%), potassium (K) (0.08%), chloride (Cl) (0.03%), magnesium (Mg) (0.01%). In Shukary variety, Al (5.24%), K (0.05%), nitrogen (N) (10.73%), (S) (0.06%), copper (Cu) (0.18%). Additionally, the results showed that the quantity of metal elements available in dates syrup produced thermally were found as follow as follows: Na (0.22%), S (0.1%) as well as O and C. Yet, the number of the metal elements in the dates syrup produced by hydraulic pressure was more that the dates syrup produced thermally are as follows: Na (0.1%), Al (0.1%), K (0.1%), S (0.02%), Si (0.03%) and phosphor (P) (0.02%).


Chemical elements Date syrup SEM-EDS GC/M

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How to Cite
Al Hilfi, M. K. ., Al-Fekaiki, D. F., & Al-Hilphy, A. R. . (2019). Identification and Determination of Metal Elements of Dates Syrup Extracted from Various Varieties Using SEM-EDS Technique. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 32(2), 126–134.


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