Main Article Content
The aim of this review was to summarize the histological, physical, chemical and microbial aspects and ways to stop the fluctuation in meat quality in addition to enhance its sensory quality using electrical stimulation. The low-voltage electrical stimulation and high-voltage electrical stimulation were employed. Electrical stimulation improves quality of poultry meat by reducing shear, increasing Sarcomere length, and reducing the diameter of muscle fibers. Low-voltage electrical stimulation affects voltages (120 volts directly in the nervous system, while high voltages were more than enough) to remove the polarization of the cover and produce a dense physio-chemical response in the muscles that had a direct effect. Electrical stimulation and injection with salts of sodium chloride and calcium chloride in the carcasses of female goats improved the tenderness of the meat. It was found that electrical stimulation accelerated the development of rigor mortis. Although electrical stimulation reduces breast meat shear, there was limited information about the effects of electrical stimulation on the other quality attributes of poultry meat and the results vary with quality attribute and differ from experimental conditions High voltage (higher than 120 volts) electrical stimulation improved meat quality and decreased the pH. Low voltages (below 120 volts) are used to ensure the safety of workers and give the desired results when used in commercial applications.
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Al-Hmedawy, N.K.; Al-Asadi, M.H. & Al-Hilphy, A.R. (2019). Effect of electric stimulation on histological traits and color of carcasses in old duck and chicken. In IOP Conference Series: Earth Env. Sci. 388(1) 012024. IOP Publishing.
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Al-Hmedawy, N.K.; Al-Asadi, M.H. & Al-Hilphy, A.R. (2018). Destruction of bacteria using electric stimulation of old Duck and Chicken carcasses. Basrah J. Agric. Sci., 31(2): 31-35. .
Al-Rubaiya, A.M.S.; Al-Kaisey, M.T. & Al-Jalili, Z.F. (2006). Improvement of meat quality characteristics of aged female goats by electrical stimulation and salt solutions. Iraqi J. Biotech., 5(1): 20-37. (In Arabic).
Al-Rubaiya, A.M. S.; Al-Kaisey, M.T. & Al-Jaili, Z.F. (2010). Effect of electrical stimulation and salt infusion proteins and free fatty acids content of carcasses aged female goats. Int. J. Sci. Tech., 143(595): 1-26. ?(In Arabic).
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Barba, F.J.; Ahrne, L.; Xanthakis, E. Landerslev, M.G. & Orlien, V. (2018). Innovative Technologies for Food Preservation. 25-51. In: Barba, F.J.; Sant’Ana, A. de S.; Orlien, V. & Koubaa, M. (Eds.). Innovative Technologies for Food Preservation-Inactivation of Spoilage and Pathogenic Microorganisms. Academic Press, Elsevier Inc.: 326pp.
Bekhit, A.E.D.A.; Carne, A.; van de Ven, R. & Hopkins, D.L. (2016). Effect of repeated pulsed electric field treatment on the quality of hot-boned beef loins and topsides. Meat Sci., 111: 139-146.
Bendall, J.R. (1980). The Electrical Stimulation of Carcass Meat Animals. 37-57 In Lawrie, R.A. (Ed.). Development in Meat Science. Vol2. Applied Science Publ.: 299pp.
Bhat, Z.F.; Morton, J.D.; Mason, S.L. & Bekhit, A.E.D.A. (2018). Applied and emerging methods for meat tenderization: A comparative perspective. Comp. Rev. Food Sci. F., 17(4): 841-859.
Bhat, Z.F.; Morton, J.D.; Mason, S.L. & Bekhit, A.E.D.A. (2019). Current and future prospects for the use of pulsed electric field in the meat industry. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 59(10): 1660-1674.
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